Dynamicly handle not defined functions in a dll in dlephi - delphi

I have a dll which defines a simple functions to show a message:
library testdll;
uses SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs;
{$R *res}
procedure ShowDll;stdcall;
ShowMessage('ShowDLL testdll.dll');
exports ShowDLL;
And my main file call this dll dynamicly using this procedure:
i defined a new type:
testdll = procedure;stdcall;
Then on my button click event:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender:TObject);
dllHandle: THandle; //Don't use Cardinal; it's limited to 32-bits
test : testdll;
dllHandle := LoadLibrary('testdll.dll');
if dllHandle <> 0 then
#test := GetProcAddress(dllHandle,'ShowDLL');
if Assigned(test) then
ShowMessage('Func not found');
ShowMessage('dll not found');
This works. But I don't know if it's possible to handle not defined functions with my dll. My purpose here is to call a function without knowing if it will be defined in my dll. So i would like the dll to tell me if the functions exists or not.
For example here i only have a ShowDLL procedure. If i call another method which does not exists it will show 'Func not found' from my main application. But i would my dll to tell me this. Is this possible? If yes, how could i achieve this pls?
EDIT: I can't modify the main function this is only a test. In my final version there will be only the dll. So exporting all functions into my main application is not possible here. That's why i want to know id the dll alone can handle it rather than doing this in my main application which i can't do.
I don't have acces to the main application to modify any code in it. I only know what are functions that will be used in this application that i will later export in my dll using exports statement. So what i try to achieve is to catch a not defined function with the dll if it's possible.

Your code already demonstrates how to detect the presence of an export. Namely to call GetProcAddress and compare the result with nil.
You can reduce the amount of boiler plate code by using delay loading. This essentially lets the compiler generate the code the performs the checks. This relies on the delayed keyword.
procedure testdll; stdcall;
external 'testdll.dll` delayed;
When you call this function, if it cannot be found, an exception is raised. Indeed this behaviour can be customised, as described in the documentation: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Libraries_and_Packages#Delayed_Loading
In a comment to this answer you state that the executable cannot be changed. In which case, the message that you wish to avoid will be shown if the function is missing. You ask if the missing export can be handled by the DLL but that is not possible. When you call GetProcAddress, no code inside the DLL is executed. All the processing is done external to the DLL by reading its PE metadata.
The obvious conclusion is that the DLL must export the function. If the true DLL does not, put another DLL in its place. Use an interposer DLL that exports the function. Implement the function by delegating to the true DLL, if the true DLL exports the function. Otherwise do something else, whatever you please.


What is the correct way to export an object in Delphi? [duplicate]

Is it possible to put some classes into a DLL?
I have several custom classes in a project I am working on and would like to have them put in a DLL and then accessed in the main application when needed, plus if they are in a DLL I can reuse these classes in other projects if I need to.
I found this link: http://www.delphipages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84394 which discusses accessing classes in a DLL and it mentions delegating to a class-type property but I could not find any further information on this in the Delphi help or online.
Is there any reason I should not put classes in a DLL, and if it is ok is there a better way of doing it then in the example from the link above?
It is not possible to get a Class/Instance from a DLL.
Instead of the class you can hand over an interface to the class.
Below you find a simple example
// The Interface-Deklaration for Main and DLL
unit StringFunctions_IntfU;
IStringFunctions = interface
function CopyStr( const AStr : WideString; Index, Count : Integer ) : WideString;
The simple DLL
library StringFunctions;
StringFunctions_IntfU; // use Interface-Deklaration
{$R *.res}
TStringFunctions = class( TInterfacedObject, IStringFunctions )
function CopyStr( const AStr : WideString; Index : Integer; Count : Integer ) : WideString;
{ TStringFunctions }
function TStringFunctions.CopyStr( const AStr : WideString; Index, Count : Integer ) : WideString;
Result := Copy( AStr, Index, Count );
function GetStringFunctions : IStringFunctions; stdcall; export;
Result := TStringFunctions.Create;
And now the simple Main Program
StringFunctions_IntfU; // use Interface-Deklaration
// Static link to external function
function GetStringFunctions : IStringFunctions; stdcall; external 'StringFunctions.dll' name 'GetStringFunctions';
procedure TMainView.Button1Click( Sender : TObject );
Label1.Caption := GetStringFunctions.CopyStr( Edit1.Text, 1, 5 );
Use runtime packages for this purpose; it's exactly what they're designed for in the first place. They get loaded automatically (or can be loaded manually), and automatically set up the sharing of the same memory manager so you can freely use classes and types between them.
You're much better off using packages (which is exactly what the IDE does for much of its functionality for that very reason).
Delphi does not support either importing or exporting classes from DLLs. To import a class from another module, you need to use packages.
While the official answer is "you can't", anything is possible of course. Frameworks like Remobjects SDK and Remobjects Hydra has been doing this for a long time. The problem is that it requires you to create an infrastructure around such a system, which is not something Delphi deals with out of the box.
The first step is memory management. A DLL is injected into the process loading it, but it does not share memory management. It has to be this way since a DLL can be created in a myriad of languages, each with their own internal mechanisms. This poses a problem with safety (i.e program writing into DLL memory and visa versa).
Secondly, interface (read: content description). How will your application know what classes it can create, class members, parameter types and so on. This is why COM requires type-libraries, which describe the content of a DLL.
Third, life-time management. If memory management for the objects created from a DLL is handled by the DLL, the DLL must also release said objects.
The above steps already exists and it's called COM. You are of course free to create as many COM DLL files as you please, just remember that these have to be registered with Windows before you use them. Either "on the fly" by your application (if you have the security rights to do so) or by your installer.
This is why COM, while representing the ultimate plugin system, is rarely used by Delphi programmers, because the technical cost of using it as a plugin system outweighs the benefits.
The alternative way
If you can assure that your DLL's are only to be used by Delphi programs, then you have a second way to explore. You have to create methods to share the memory manager of your main program with the DLL (Remobjects does this). This allows you to share objects, strings and more between the DLL and the main application.
You can then use RTTI to "map" classes stored in the DLL (the DLL must do this and generate both class and method tables) which can be invoked through a proxy class you device yourself.
All in all, unless you have plenty of free time to waste, I would either buy a system like Remobjects Hydra - or stick with packages. But can it be done another way? Of course it can. But at the cost of time and hard work.

Putting classes in a DLL?

Is it possible to put some classes into a DLL?
I have several custom classes in a project I am working on and would like to have them put in a DLL and then accessed in the main application when needed, plus if they are in a DLL I can reuse these classes in other projects if I need to.
I found this link: http://www.delphipages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84394 which discusses accessing classes in a DLL and it mentions delegating to a class-type property but I could not find any further information on this in the Delphi help or online.
Is there any reason I should not put classes in a DLL, and if it is ok is there a better way of doing it then in the example from the link above?
It is not possible to get a Class/Instance from a DLL.
Instead of the class you can hand over an interface to the class.
Below you find a simple example
// The Interface-Deklaration for Main and DLL
unit StringFunctions_IntfU;
IStringFunctions = interface
function CopyStr( const AStr : WideString; Index, Count : Integer ) : WideString;
The simple DLL
library StringFunctions;
StringFunctions_IntfU; // use Interface-Deklaration
{$R *.res}
TStringFunctions = class( TInterfacedObject, IStringFunctions )
function CopyStr( const AStr : WideString; Index : Integer; Count : Integer ) : WideString;
{ TStringFunctions }
function TStringFunctions.CopyStr( const AStr : WideString; Index, Count : Integer ) : WideString;
Result := Copy( AStr, Index, Count );
function GetStringFunctions : IStringFunctions; stdcall; export;
Result := TStringFunctions.Create;
And now the simple Main Program
StringFunctions_IntfU; // use Interface-Deklaration
// Static link to external function
function GetStringFunctions : IStringFunctions; stdcall; external 'StringFunctions.dll' name 'GetStringFunctions';
procedure TMainView.Button1Click( Sender : TObject );
Label1.Caption := GetStringFunctions.CopyStr( Edit1.Text, 1, 5 );
Use runtime packages for this purpose; it's exactly what they're designed for in the first place. They get loaded automatically (or can be loaded manually), and automatically set up the sharing of the same memory manager so you can freely use classes and types between them.
You're much better off using packages (which is exactly what the IDE does for much of its functionality for that very reason).
Delphi does not support either importing or exporting classes from DLLs. To import a class from another module, you need to use packages.
While the official answer is "you can't", anything is possible of course. Frameworks like Remobjects SDK and Remobjects Hydra has been doing this for a long time. The problem is that it requires you to create an infrastructure around such a system, which is not something Delphi deals with out of the box.
The first step is memory management. A DLL is injected into the process loading it, but it does not share memory management. It has to be this way since a DLL can be created in a myriad of languages, each with their own internal mechanisms. This poses a problem with safety (i.e program writing into DLL memory and visa versa).
Secondly, interface (read: content description). How will your application know what classes it can create, class members, parameter types and so on. This is why COM requires type-libraries, which describe the content of a DLL.
Third, life-time management. If memory management for the objects created from a DLL is handled by the DLL, the DLL must also release said objects.
The above steps already exists and it's called COM. You are of course free to create as many COM DLL files as you please, just remember that these have to be registered with Windows before you use them. Either "on the fly" by your application (if you have the security rights to do so) or by your installer.
This is why COM, while representing the ultimate plugin system, is rarely used by Delphi programmers, because the technical cost of using it as a plugin system outweighs the benefits.
The alternative way
If you can assure that your DLL's are only to be used by Delphi programs, then you have a second way to explore. You have to create methods to share the memory manager of your main program with the DLL (Remobjects does this). This allows you to share objects, strings and more between the DLL and the main application.
You can then use RTTI to "map" classes stored in the DLL (the DLL must do this and generate both class and method tables) which can be invoked through a proxy class you device yourself.
All in all, unless you have plenty of free time to waste, I would either buy a system like Remobjects Hydra - or stick with packages. But can it be done another way? Of course it can. But at the cost of time and hard work.

Work around with Delphi DLL

I have two applications in Delphi for which I don't have any code source:
I use an interface from application A to call an DLL file from application B. Example, I usually pass a service number, 200011, from interface A to call DLL file B for a value return. But, recently the application A have changed the variable. I have to add P00200011 to call DLL file B.
I have tried to create an DLL C#, but the DLL in B is created with the fastcall convention and I cannot change this DLL file.
What are others ways I can do it? I'm out of ideas.
You need to write a wrapper DLL. You build your DLL with the functions you want to intercept, and in your code you simply load and call the original DLL. Then you place your wrapper in the same directory of your application. All calls from the application will go to your wrapper DLL and from there to the original DLL.
Here is a simple example
supose you have this library (B.DLL)
library B;
function B_FUNCTION(value:integer): integer; export;
exports B_FUNCTION;
And this program that uses it
program A;
{$apptype console}
function B_FUNCTION(value:integer): integer; external 'b.dll';
var i:integer;
Compile both programs and run them. The result printed is 2011.
Now, code your wrapper DLL
library w;
uses windows;
function B_FUNCTION(value:integer): integer; export;
adll: Thandle;
afunc: function(v:integer):integer;
afunc:= GetProcAddress(adll,'B_FUNCTION');
exports B_FUNCTION;
Build it, you'll have A.EXE, B.DLL and W.DLL. Replace them
Execute A, now it will spit 2012.
It's not entirely obvious to me which parts are yours and what calls what, but you should be able to create your own intermediate DLL in Delphi with an interface that uses fastcall and which forwards the call to the real DLL using another calling convention.

Delphi DLL / Form communication

I have embedded a form in a DLL and can call the DLL and show the form and return various functions from the DLL back to the main app, however I cannot figure out how to get the DLL to trigger events in the main applications form.
For example in the main app I have a dataset and I want to have a button on the form in the DLL to goto a certain record in the dataset but cannot see how this is done.
Can anybody could point me to an example or give me some pointers on how to to this?
If a DLL needs to invoke behavior in the host application, then the host should provide a callback function to the DLL that the DLL stores and calls when appropriate.
Your DLL exports a function that tells it to display the form, right? Add a couple of parameters to that function for the EXE to provide a pointer to a callback function. The callback function should accept at least one parameter, which should be of type Pointer. The caller (the EXE) will use that parameter as a context parameter, some way for it to be reminded why the DLL is calling the EXE's function. Your DLL will store the function pointer and the context pointer, and when it's time for the DLL to tell the EXE something, it will call that function and pass the context value back. The DLL won't do anything with the context value; it's just something to store and pass back to the EXE verbatim.
The DLL's interface will look like this:
TDllCallback = function(Context: Pointer): DWord; stdcall;
function DisplayForm(Parent: HWnd; Callback: TDllCallback; Context: Pointer): DWord; stdcall; external Dll;
The EXE will define a callback function like this:
function CallbackFunction(Context: Pointer): DWord; stdcall;
Result := 0;
It will call the DLL function like this:
procedure TMainForm.DoDllTaskClick(Sender: TObject);
DisplayForm(Handle, CallbackFunction, Pointer(Self));
Notice how the signature of CallbackFunction matches the TDllcallback type defined earlier. Tey both use the stdcall calling convention, and they're both standalone functions, not methods. Avoid methods since method pointers are particular to Delphi, and you shouldn't require your DLL to be used only by Delphi hosts, if possible.
Because DLL's code being executed in the same address space of main application there are a plenty ways of doing communications.
Define a callback function in the main app and give its address to the DLL.
Define a message handler in the main app and send a message from DLL in response to some event.

Conversion of a delphi win32 application to a library and FreeLibrary freeze

I have an application which Should be converted to a library. I' ve only copied the project dpr and changed the source file:
library aLibrary;
Mainfrm in 'Mainfrm.pas' {Mainform};
{$R *.res}
Procedure DllMain(Reason: Integer);
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
ExitCode := 0;
DllProc := #DllMain;
As you can see, I've simply removed the usually auto-generated code lines related to the app initialization and put them in the DllMain procedure, changed the 'program' keyword to 'library'.
The dll loads well, the embedded program runs well too, but I can't manage to free it (FreeLibrary) in the host process. The dll freezes, whatever the DLL_PROCESS_DETACH code is (even when nothing is put for this case).
What would be the proper way to free all the application stuffs ?
You're doing way too much in your DLL procedure.
While loading a DLL, the OS acquires the loader lock. That prevents any other libraries from being loaded at the same time. If you call a function that's in a library that hasn't already been loaded, then that will trigger an attempt to load that library. Since you're still inside the loader lock, that other library blocks while attempting to acquire the lock itself, and you get deadlock. Similar rules apply for unloading.
You should do the absolute minimum in the DllMain function to get your library loaded or unloaded. Leave everything else to a separate function that the DLL host can call after loading is complete or just before unloading begins. In your case, the minimum is probably nothing at all.
Ok, I've well understood your summary about dll locks and I've put the embedded application constructor/destructor in some standard exported dll routines, so there 's no more DllMain. However calling freelibrary still reveals a deadlock. My dll is instantiated by another dll, which is itself instantiated in an executable. Maybe the lock is introduced at a lower level in the processes hierarchy.
