xcode Interface Builder background color preference - ios

It seems odd, so i am likely just missing it in preferences, but how does one change the actual background color of IB in Xcode? Not any of the elements, but the actual blinding white of the standard IB? Too much contrast and when you zoom out, the view controllers almost disappear..
Thanks for any tips..

I've gone ahead and created an Xcode plugin that changes the background color of the storyboard editor. You can find the source at rpendleton/xcode-canvas-color. I've hardcoded it to a light gray color, as shown in the screenshot below, but this can be changed easily.
(Also, I don't think you're missing a setting for it. When I decompiled Xcode, the drawRect method for the background view explicitly called [[NSColor whiteColor] set].)

One doesn’t. Submitting a feature request to Apple is your only hope.

Unfortunately, with recent changes to Xcode, Ryan Pendleton's plugin is no longer a viable option. (unless you are willing to break Xcode's code signing, which can be quite problematic.) However, the good news is that there is now an official solution -- so long as you are willing to upgrade to OS X 10.14 Mojave: Upgrade to OS X 10.14 Mojave and turn on Dark mode. When Dark Mode is enabled, the background in Interface Builder darkens to a nice, eye-pleasing dark gray color. Navigating around a large storyboard is now MUCH easier (and less eye-scorching :) )


Avalonia : Hiding titlebar window on Linux does not work

I'm using avalonia (version 0.10.3 - but the same happened with 0.10.0 - on Net5.0 project) as the UI for a project and when I create for instance a splash or an about screen, the title bar must be invisible.
On windows this works just fine with these parameters in the window section :
Unfortunately, on Linux (mint - latest version with latest updates), the title bar remains visible (also if I set ExtendClientAreaTitleBarHeightHint="-1").
Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong ?
I do not have a mac, but is that also the case for mac ?
X11 uses so-called "server decorations". Window frame is drawn by a window manager in a separate process, so it's not really possible to extend into that area.
You can still disable the frame completely and draw your own, but in general it's not really recommended since you will break advanced window interactions in basically every non-GNOME based Linux distro (GNOME doesn't care because it doesn't have any advanced window interactions).
In some future version Avalonia would use a custom-drawn frame for GNOME with a configuration option to ignore your user's preferences in favor of a fancy looking window border for other desktop environments as well, but it's not implemented yet.
I had a similar problem but I "solve it" by defining the window property as:
WindowState = WindowState.FullScreen;
Comparing with Normal or Maximized, with title bar in fullscreen remains hidden.

Swift - Strange text rendering at runtime

I am working on an iOS app right now. I usually use the Interface Builder and recently it has been producing an issue. When the storyboard is seen in Xcode the labels on everything look fine, but some UI elements don't render properly at runtime. This has also happened for some of the images in this project. The only font used is the system font.
I have tried readjusting the font and using attributed text, but this hasn't worked for the specific label shown. Just to mention, this app is a shared project through Git so it may be an issue with it pulling incorrectly or something, but that seems odd for it to affect the text after it has been changed and adjusted.
View post on imgur.com
The results should be crystal clear text on iOS, but it results in "fuzzy" text you would expect if you were running the Windows XP on a 480p screen. What could be causing this issue?
It seems like the layer of a superview of the UILabel in the provided image is set to pre-render. This is good for performance reasons but may not always look as good, as is seen here.
If you're setting a custom layer on a superview of the UILabel, try setting the layer's shouldRasterize to false.
Ex: exampleLayer.shouldRasterize = false

Is there a colors.xml equivalent for IOS storyboards?

Right now I am setting all my colors by hand when editing in the storyboard. This is rather unfortunate as any future changes to hex codes will mean that I need to manually change each colored element.
I was wondering if there was a way to abstract all color configurations into a colors.xml android-esque file for IOS
It's only available in iOS 11 and later, but you can make a color set in your .xcassets file and reference that color in your storyboards and your code, as described in this blog post

Image does not update in Launch Storyboard

I have noticed that if I change an image in the xcassets, the launch storyboard does not update.
For instance, let's say you have a UIImage view in your launch storyboard with an image called "logo" that is blue. If you open up the in the Finder and change the color of the image to red, next time you run on the device the logo will still be blue.
The preview of the storyboard in xCode will show the correct (red) logo image.
Before running, I have tried:
Cleaning the Project
Deleting Derived Data
Deleting the App
Renaming the Image
Nothing seems to fix the problem. Is there another option that I am missing?
Appears to be a problem with caching on the device. Delete your app, restart the device, and pray. Image does not update when changed if that image is used on LaunchScreen.storyboard
Exiting out should normally solve the job... Sometimes, especially in the playground I have heard and experienced, it will not automatically refresh and you can either:
Wait a tiny bit(in most cases) but it seems you would not be asking if it were a few seconds of delay so maybe try
Deleting everything associated with that image(the outlet reference, image on storyboard, and any time you use that image in you code(leave those spaces blank)), then create a new UIImageView and assign it to your desired image.
In your Images.xcassetts file you may have only changed the info on one of the sizes; make sure those are all set.
Then again, especially after the most recent WWDC, there have been some bugs in Xcode that will need to be patched in the future. At the least, I hope this helps you and people who view this in the future.
I tried deleting the app from device while also deleting the derived data and cleaning, but it seems that you have to restart the device. That is the only thing that worked for me.

Xib taking long time (>1s) to load. UIFont cache seems to blame

I have a UIVC loading from a Storyboard which, in turn, loads a Xib. This inner load is causing the VC to take more than a second to load. There is some fancy footwork going on in the inner xib (it loads another xib which has dynamic drawing) but this doesn't appear to be the bottleneck.
According to Instruments, UIFont -initWithCoder is the culprit. (If you drill down further TBaseFont::CopyLocalizedName() is the deepest entry that accounts for the majority of the 1s time)
I'm a bit stumped as the custom font I use occurs all throughout the app with no problems. Any ideas?
Ok the problem was that the custom font was no longer embedded in the app. I had switched to another similar one which looked the same. Weird though as I'd have expected those offending labels to revert back the System font on the device but they did not. Is it possible they were being pulled from the Macbook?
Similar issue here — Hari and gbk hinted me on the right direction.
I found we were using Lucida Grande in one little hidden place (thank you grep), but Lucida Grande is NOT embedded in iOS. I just replaced Lucida Grande with Helvetica Neue, and I gained 3+ seconds at launch time. Impressive.
Had the similar problem - in my case another dev in team just use one more type of font so after merge system cant figure out font and change it for default one - it's take from 1200ms to 2300ms.
Solution - re-setup all fonts on ViewController that cause some freeze.
