Any way to add music to iPod library in iOS? - ios

I want to write an app to be able to transfer music between two iOS devices and put them into iOS music library. I understand that this is a violation of app store rules, but I don't want to publish it, I want to use it for my own devices.
Is there any way to do this on a non-jailbroken device? Like a private API or modifying a file manually? (like the private API for changing brightness I found)

About the closest you're going to be able to get is to share the files so you can access them via iTunes and drag them to the library (in iTunes). Consider simply creating your own music library and player for sharing music.


How to manage multiple Airplay receivers on iOS?

I want to create an app that can play music from my iOS device to multiple Airplay speakers. I know that MPVolumeView natively lets you do this on 1 Airplay receiver, so that is not the solution I need. There is an iOS app in the store that does this: Whaale.
How do they do it? I am happy to use private APIs, as I do not plan to release this as a public app right now.
While I cannot answer specifically, I can point you to a few things I've discovered:
- There are a few apps that do this for IOS.
- All of them have the limitation that they can only stream music that is not through itunes and that exist on the device as music files.
- no streaming is available (Pandora, Spotify, etc.)
Good Luck!

How can i capture what's being played on an iOS device output audio stream and store it in an object?

Is there a way to programmatically capture what's being played on an iOS device audio output? I want to capture an audio snippet and do some data processing on it.
There is an entire library devoted to this sort of thing that Apple built in for you called AVFoundation.
It's extensive and sprawling, so be prepared to do some work, but you'll be able to sample and manipulate the bit-streams directly with all types of audio.
If you are trying to have your app run in the background and strip audio from another app (like iTunes) or from the phone itself, put on your black hat, hack into the private API's of iOS, and release your stuff over in the jailbroken app-store, because that sort of thing is explicitly designed to not be possible with legal and legitimate apps.

Create playlist using iPod Library Access API?

Is it possible to create a playlist on iOS using the iPod Library Access API? By playlist I mean one that persists globally and can be accessed in the Music app.
No, there is no way for applications to write any information at all to the iPod library, as least in iOS7.1 and earlier.

IOS audio session feasibility

I want to make an app which will have some settings option for volume control. When any app will start playing any sound even phone call then the sound volume will be according to volume of my app.
I want to make it in native iOS platform. Does it possible? If possible then any idea or resources How?
The iOS security sandbox will prevent your app from changing the audio settings (including volume) used by any other app.

Can I add a track to an iPhone's music player from another application?

I know the answer to this is probably no, but is there any way to add an AAC file to an iPhone's music library from another application? Apple's iPod library APIs allow for an application to use tracks from the library but I can't find anything to suggest it is possible to add them as well.
Unfortunately it is a one way process. Have a look at the About iPod Library Access.
iPod library access is the iOS interface for retrieving and playing
items from the device iPod library. The iPod library is the set of
media items on a device that a user has synced from iTunes on the
Short of jailbreaking the device I dont think this is possible.
