How to set the environment variable of zerobrane studio - lua

I install all torch package into my local file torch-distro(Followed by this tutorial). I want to use Zerobrane to debug my code. Zerobrane can't find my local path of torch. How Can I set my local path to the Zerobrane environment variable.
I tried to add path.lua = "${prefix}/torch-distro/install/bin/luajit" into the user.lua. But it can't work

Following method works on linux platform:
Configuring the luajit interpreter by adding following code into the user.lua
path.lua = "your_path/luajit"
Configuring the envrioment variable by adding following code into the /opt/zbsstudio/lualibs/mobdebug/mobdebug.lua
package.path = package.path .. ';my_path/?/init.lua'
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';my_path/?.so'

(These instructions are for the Windows version of Torch, but the steps should work for Linux/OSX versions assuming the paths are modified).
Let's say the Torch is installed in C:\Program Files\Torch, then to get it running as the external interpreter from ZeroBrane Studio (ZBS), you need to add path.lua=[[C:\Program Files\Torch\bin\torch-lua]] to <ZBS>\cfg\user.lua configuration file.
Now, when you execute a Lua script from ZBS (Project | Run or F6), it will run inside the Torch environment:
local torch = require 'torch'
local data = torch.Tensor{
{68, 24, 20},
{74, 26, 21},
{80, 32, 24}
However, there are few more steps required to get the debugging to work on Windows (these steps are likely not be needed on other systems, but I haven't tested debugging there). ZBS is using luasocket, which is compiled against lua51.dll, but Torch is using libtorch-lua.dll, so loading luasocket into your (Torch) process is likely to crash it. To make it work, you need to build a proxy DLL and put it into your Torch/bin folder.
To build the proxy DLL, you will need Visual Studio C++ or mingw/gcc compiled and can follow these steps:
Get mkforwardlib.lua (VS) or mkforwardlib-gcc.lua (mingw/gcc) script from Lua Proxy DLL3 page.
Run lua mkforwardlib.lua libtorch-lua lua51 X86; if everything goes well, this will produce lua51.dll file in the current folder.
Copy lua51.dll file to Torch\bin folder.
Now you should be able to debug Torch scripts by using Project | Start Debugging.


Warning: Could not find Lua 5.3 in PATH - When Trying to Install Gumbo library with Luarocks

When writing luarocks install gumbo
In the location/directory of my luarocks file in cmd, I am getting the following error
Warning: Could not find Lua 5.3 in PATH.
Modules may not install with the correct configurations. You may want to specify the path prefix to your build of Lua 5.3 using --lua-dir
Error: Failed finding Lua library. You may need to configure LUA_LIBDIR.
I've added lua53.exe to the same directory, and added the file both to my user variables and system variables in control panel.
Not sure if worth mentioning, but when running lua53.exe and trying to use luarocks install gumbo from there,
the lua53 cmd-like window responds with stdin:1: syntax error near 'install'
I was hoping to do some web scraping with lua, and later on building a World of Warcraft addon that utilizes gumbo to show certain helpful information within the WoW client, but I can't seem to even get the most basic stuff to work...
Setting up LuaRocks on Windows is annoying and I'm not familiar with it myself. If you added both the LuaRocks and Lua 5.3 Windows binaries (Executables and Includes) to your Path system variable:
luarocks path prints the commands for setting up the LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH system variables.
The config.lua file tells you what your variables.LUA_LIBDIR value is. You can check it with luarocks config. For me that file would be in:
otherwise you can create an empty file there and put in this line to point it to wherever your Lua folder is:
variables.LUA_LIBDIR = "C:/lua-5.3.5_Win32_bin"
variables.LUA_INCDIR = "C:/lua-5.3.5_Win32_bin/include"
As for using gumbo to show information within WoW, the addon environment is sandboxed. Unless you meant you just want to get the data to hardcode into your addon.

App running on Windows 10 machine can't find file

I had an app using chromedriver on a Linux machine, and I switched the app over to a Windows 10 machine. Now suddenly it's telling me that it can't find the chromedriver file.
Here's error:
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError in Static#home
Showing C:/Users/User/Documents/test_app/app/views/static/home.html.erb where line #4 raised:
Unable to find chromedriver. Please download the server from and place it somewhere on your PATH. More info at
I placed the chromedriver file in the same place it was on my Linux machine, right in the main folder of the app. In this case the path is C:\Users\User\Document\test_app. Does Windows interpret paths differently than Linux?
The chromedriver is the latest release. It's titled "". The "win" means Windows. Could the "32" mean it's for a 32-bit system? My machine is 64-bit.
If you put the chromedriver.exe in the folder which is in the same folder as your script, you can set the driver_path to that file. See code below:
require "selenium-webdriver"
Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome.driver_path = File.join(File.absolute_path('./', ""))
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
driver.get ""
I don't have any knowledge on ruby or ruby-on-rails. please find the equivalent in java or python in Windows OS.
Two ways:
you can keep Chrome driver in a place where it is added to PATH variable (environment variables in Windows 10)
Programmatically set the path to the executable chromedriver.exe
For Java:
System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");
For Python : (we keep chromedriver.exe in C:\Python27\Scripts location. this location is already added to PATH variable when python (Activestate) is installed. in case, chromedriver.exe is not in one of the PATH locations, you can specify as follows)
driver = webdriver.Chrome('/path/to/chromedriver') # Optional argument, if not specified will search path.
For Ruby:
Add the ruby installation path to Windows PATH environment variable and keep chromedriver.exe in that location. (Windows searches for binaries in the locations specified in PATH variable.)
For more info on setting ruby installation location to PATH
I would put this in as a comment, but, since I'm relatively new, I am forced to put it in as an answer, which it might well be...
Pardon me if I'm asking the obvious, but, did you try "unzipping" the file and putting the ".exe" file into that directory? The file you mentioned (you said.. titled "") is not an executable file in Windows. The file you should be looking for is chromedriver.exe.

How to install Lua libraries on separate folder

Hello i would like to change folder that luasocket is installing to how can i do that ? My plan is at the end i want to export my lua file as exe and use it to run my server. I want to put luasocket inside Project file so other windows computer wont have problems (I am using Windows computer too). Thanks for helping.
my code
lpackage.path = package.path..';./libs/lua/?.lua'
package.cpath = package.cpath..';./libs/socket/?.dll;'
This is my Project tree
Assuming you keep the name of the luasocket DLL the same (which is usually, core.dll), you need to use ./libs/?.dll instead of ./libs/socket/?.dll, as the question mark will be replaced with socket/core when socket.core module is required from socket.lua. You'll need to put core.dll in libs/socket folder.
You will also need to have lua.dll present (as the core.dll is usually compiled against it) or use a proxy dll if your executable statically compiles lua interpreter.

Lua version in ZeroBraneStudio vs Torch

I am using ZeroBrane Studio as IDE to code deep learning. I have realized that the models I save when programming in the IDE (using Lua 5.1 as interpreter) do not load well when executing the same loading from Torch7. The same happens when learning from torch (./th code.lua) and then trying to load them inside the IDE. I get something like:
/opt/zbstudio/bin/linux/x64/lua: /home/dg/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/File.lua:294: unknown object
Does anybody know how to check the lua version that torch is using? Any idea on how to workaround this?
update: It seems that I am indeed using the same Lua version (5.1) in both Torch and ZeroBrane. I still get different behaviour (one successful and the other crashing) when passing through torch.load().
To check the version of Lua that anything is running, you would usually print _VERSION. It's a global variable that stores the version of Lua (unless you overwrite it, of course).
If this isn't available for some reason, they might state their version on their site (?)
Most command line tools on Linux understand the -v command line switch (for "version"). So do Lua and LuaJIT.
To figure out which interpreter is running a particular script, you can scan the arg table for the smallest (usually negative) index:
local exe, i = arg[ 0 ], -1
while arg[ i ] do
exe, i = arg[ i ], i-1
print( exe )
Or (on Linux) you can look into the /proc file system while your script is running:
ls -l /proc/4425/exe
(substitute 4425 with real process ID).
Judging from the error message the interpreter used in ZeroBrane Studio seems to be /opt/zbstudio/bin/linux/x64/lua in your case.
#siffiejoe: thanks for posing your question regarding versions, it gave me the correct directions to explore.
/opt/zbstudio/bin/linux/x64/lua version is LuaJIT 2.0.2
"lua" command alone points to /usr/bin/lua, and it is Lua 5.1.5
~/torch/install/share/lua/5.1 seemed to contain Lua 5.1
~/torch/install/bin/luajit is 2.1.0-alpha
So after realizing that terminal "th" is using LuaJit 2.1.0 all I had to do is create a user.lua in ZeroBrane and add the line "path.lua = "~/torch/install/bin/luajit". Now ZB is using the same luajit interpreter as th.
Thanks all for your suggestions.

Installing a driver in NSIS script

I'm trying to create an NSIS installer that installs an inf file. The inf file is extracted from the installer to the correct place, and then I use:
nsExec::ExecToLog '"$SYSDIR\PnPutil.exe" /a "$INSTDIR\driver\xser.inf"'
However, the command does not seem to get executed at all - the install log doesn't print anything - not success nor failure. I've checked thoroughly the command line and it points to the right PnPutil path. I've also checked that it's being run with administrator privileges and it also looks correct. Replacing PnPutil.exe with a different executable in the System32 directory also seem to work without any problem. What am I missing here?
If this only happens on 64bit systems you can try to disable FS redirection around the call to nsExec::ExecToLog by using the macros in x64.nsh:
!include x64.nsh
nsExec::ExecToLog '"$SYSDIR\PnPutil.exe" /a "$INSTDIR\driver\xser.inf"'
