How to convert DateTime into different timezones?
The DateTime class has two methods .toLocal() and .toUtc().
But if I want to display time in another time zone. How can I do it?
Here is my solution for EST time zone but you can change it to any other
import 'package:timezone/data/latest.dart' as tz;
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
extension DateTimeExtension on DateTime {
static int _estToUtcDifference;
int _getESTtoUTCDifference() {
if (_estToUtcDifference == null) {
final locationNY = tz.getLocation('America/New_York');
tz.TZDateTime nowNY =;
_estToUtcDifference = nowNY.timeZoneOffset.inHours;
return _estToUtcDifference;
DateTime toESTzone() {
DateTime result = this.toUtc(); // local time to UTC
result = result.add(Duration(hours: _getESTtoUTCDifference())); // convert UTC to EST
return result;
DateTime fromESTzone() {
DateTime result = this.subtract(Duration(hours: _getESTtoUTCDifference())); // convert EST to UTC
String dateTimeAsIso8601String = result.toIso8601String();
dateTimeAsIso8601String += dateTimeAsIso8601String.characters.last.equalsIgnoreCase('Z') ? '' : 'Z';
result = DateTime.parse(dateTimeAsIso8601String); // make isUtc to be true
result = result.toLocal(); // convert UTC to local time
return result;
DateTime doesn't contain timezone information therefore you can't create a DateTime in a specific timezone only the timezone of your system and UTC are available.
You can wrap the DateTime in a custom class and add timezone information to the wrapper. You also need a table of offsets for each timezone and then add/substract the offset from the UTC date.
I wrote a package for this. It's called Instant, and it can convert a DateTime in any given timezone worldwide. Take a detailed look at
The basic usage for converting a DateTime to a timezone is very simple:
//Assumes Instant is in your pubspec
import 'package:instant/instant.dart';
//Super Simple!
DateTime myDT =; //Current DateTime
DateTime EastCoast = dateTimeToZone(zone: "EST", datetime: myDT); //DateTime in EST zone
return EastCoast;
This works with one line of code and minimal hassle.
You can use an external package, like: timezone.
See docs here:
Here's a sample code to get the time in Los Angeles (PST/PDT).
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
import 'package:timezone/data/latest.dart' as tz;
DateTime _getPSTTime() {
final DateTime now =;
final pacificTimeZone = tz.getLocation('America/Los_Angeles');
return tz.TZDateTime.from(now, pacificTimeZone);
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart'
String locationLocal = await FlutterNativeTimezone.getLocalTimezone();
//Esta Função recebe uma data/hora e converte para data/hora local.
TZDateTime convertFireBaseToLocal(TZDateTime tzDateTime, String locationLocal) {
TZDateTime nowLocal = new;
int difference = nowLocal.timeZoneOffset.inHours;
TZDateTime newTzDateTime;
newTzDateTime = tzDateTime.add(Duration(hours: difference));
return newTzDateTime;
I modified Boris answer to pretend as user is in EST, otherwise time is adjusted to UTC:
import 'package:timezone/data/latest.dart' as tz;
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
extension DateTimeExtension on DateTime {
static int? _estToUtcDifference;
int _getESTtoUTCDifference() {
if (_estToUtcDifference == null) {
final locationNY = tz.getLocation('America/New_York');
tz.TZDateTime nowNY =;
_estToUtcDifference = nowNY.timeZoneOffset.inHours;
return _estToUtcDifference!;
DateTime toESTzone() {
DateTime result = toUtc(); // local time to UTC
result = result.add(Duration(hours: _getESTtoUTCDifference()));
// convert UTC to EST and remove ZULU as it is not UTC anymore.
String dateTimeAsIso8601String =
result.toIso8601String().replaceAll('Z', '');
result = DateTime.parse(dateTimeAsIso8601String);
return result;
DateTime fromESTzone() {
DateTime result = subtract(
Duration(hours: _getESTtoUTCDifference())); // convert EST to UTC
String dateTimeAsIso8601String = result.toIso8601String();
dateTimeAsIso8601String += dateTimeAsIso8601String.endsWith('Z') ? '' : 'Z';
result = DateTime.parse(dateTimeAsIso8601String); // make isUtc to be true
result = result.toLocal(); // convert UTC to local time
return result;
Convert To IST for example, if not interested to use any non-verified lib in production. Duration(hours: 5, minutes: 30));
use simple EPOC time istead of other stuff
var now =;
You can use TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime() to change timezone. Try like this
DateTime hwTime = new DateTime(2007, 02, 01, 08, 00, 00);
try {
TimeZoneInfo hwZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Hawaiian Standard Time");
TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(hwTime, hwZone, TimeZoneInfo.Local));
catch (TimeZoneNotFoundException) {
Console.WriteLine("Timezone not found");
catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) {
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Timezone");
This will convert from Hawaiian Standard Time to Local.
It is just an example. Use it to convert as per your need.
I have written a code that subtracts 2 DateTime properties and gives AHT for that task. AHT shows as follows 00:00:00:567, but how can display this as hh:mm:ss format.
Kindly help with this, help is very much appreciated
Below is my Action created.
using(Db db = new Db())
Chat newDTO = db.Chats.Where(x => x.ChatId == id).FirstOrDefault();
DateTime startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(newDTO.FeedbackDateTime);
DateTime endtime = Convert.ToDateTime(newDTO.FeedbackSharedDateTime);
TimeSpan duration = endtime.Subtract(startTime);
string stringAHT = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}",
24 * duration.Days + duration.Hours,
newDTO.AuditorAHT = stringAHT;
Thank you in advance.
Finally made it work
Created AuditorAht field as string data type
In Controller:
string aht = string.Format("0:hh\\:mm\\:ss", dto.datetime1 - dto.datetime2);
dto.AuditorAht = aht;
Now Average Time is storing as hh:mm:ss format as I wanted it to.
I am relative new to Flutter. While I was experimenting, I came across with an issue. My REST Api takes a timezone parameter (Zone ID format such as Europe/London).
I saw both and, but neither of those serve my needs.
My goal is, when the user connect to the internet (without giving any location access to the app, if it is possible), get the timezone in ZoneId format and feed my back end in order to make the necessary date and time adjustments. Something similar to this
>>> var timezone = jstz.determine();
Presented in
Any insights will be really helpful.
Thanks in advance
I've been also looking for this and here's what I found:
It a bit hacky under the hood, but it seems to work properly on both iOS and Android. Hope this will help someone in need.
final String currentTimeZone = await FlutterNativeTimezone.getLocalTimezone();
print(currentTimeZone); // Europe/Moscow
Came up with a simple solution:
//server time(UTC)
String date_to_parse = "2019-06-23 12:59:43.444896+00:00";
DateTime server_datetime = DateTime.parse(date_to_parse);
//get current system local time
DateTime local_datetime =;
//get time diff
var timezoneOffset = local_datetime.timeZoneOffset;
var time_diff = new Duration(hours: timezoneOffset.inHours, minutes: timezoneOffset.inMinutes % 60);
//adjust the time diff
var new_local_time = server_datetime.add(time_diff);
After doing some digging, I found a (temporary) workaround to my issue.
var now = new;
var timezoneOffset = now.timeZoneOffset;
I got the timezoneOffset in UTC format in flutter. Then send it to my back end as string (i.e. "-04") and drift my ZoneId properly.
Integer tzOffsetHour = Integer.valueOf(covertToTimezone);
ZoneOffset offset = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(tzOffsetHour, 0);
ZoneId zoneTZ = ZoneId.ofOffset("UTC", offset);
LocalDateTime localDateTimeClient = new Date().toInstant().atZone(zoneTZ).toLocalDateTime();
As a result I take the local time and date as stated in user's device, without using any location services, which was my goal from the beginning.
Until now, I have not faced any issues... we will see...
You can simply add .toLocal() to your DateTime object.
myDate = otherDate.toLocal();
myDate = DateTime.parse(json['server_date']).toLocal();
If you are just after the Time Zone offset. All you need is one line of code
int tzOffset =;
The best way is to use timezone. as below
import 'package:timezone/data/latest.dart' as tz;
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
String getNameLocalTimeZone() {
var locations = tz.timeZoneDatabase.locations;
String name = "";
locations.forEach((key, value) {
for (var element in value.zones) {
if (element.offset == milliseconds) {
name =;
return name;
} // +5:30:00.000000 is expected format
I couldn't find a solution to this, I'm grabbing data from firebase and one of the fields is a timestamp which looks like this -> 1522129071. How to convert it to a date?
Swift example (works) :
func readTimestamp(timestamp: Int) {
let now = Date()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(timestamp))
let components = Set<Calendar.Component>([.second, .minute, .hour, .day, .weekOfMonth])
let diff = Calendar.current.dateComponents(components, from: date, to: now)
var timeText = ""
dateFormatter.locale = .current
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm a"
if diff.second! <= 0 || diff.second! > 0 && diff.minute! == 0 || diff.minute! > 0 && diff.hour! == 0 || diff.hour! > 0 &&! == 0 {
timeText = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
if! > 0 && diff.weekOfMonth! == 0 {
timeText = ( == 1) ? "\(!) DAY AGO" : "\(!) DAYS AGO"
if diff.weekOfMonth! > 0 {
timeText = (diff.weekOfMonth == 1) ? "\(diff.weekOfMonth!) WEEK AGO" : "\(diff.weekOfMonth!) WEEKS AGO"
return timeText
My attempt at Dart:
String readTimestamp(int timestamp) {
var now = new;
var format = new DateFormat('HH:mm a');
var date = new DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp);
var diff = date.difference(now);
var time = '';
if (diff.inSeconds <= 0 || diff.inSeconds > 0 && diff.inMinutes == 0 || diff.inMinutes > 0 && diff.inHours == 0 || diff.inHours > 0 && diff.inDays == 0) {
time = format.format(date); // Doesn't get called when it should be
} else {
time = diff.inDays.toString() + 'DAYS AGO'; // Gets call and it's wrong date
return time;
And it returns dates/times that are waaaaaaay off.
String readTimestamp(int timestamp) {
var now = new;
var format = new DateFormat('HH:mm a');
var date = new DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000);
var diff = date.difference(now);
var time = '';
if (diff.inSeconds <= 0 || diff.inSeconds > 0 && diff.inMinutes == 0 || diff.inMinutes > 0 && diff.inHours == 0 || diff.inHours > 0 && diff.inDays == 0) {
time = format.format(date);
} else {
if (diff.inDays == 1) {
time = diff.inDays.toString() + 'DAY AGO';
} else {
time = diff.inDays.toString() + 'DAYS AGO';
return time;
Your timestamp format is in fact in Seconds (Unix timestamp) as opposed to microseconds. If so the answer is as follows:
var date = new DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp);
var date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000);
From milliseconds:
var millis = 978296400000;
var dt = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millis);
// 12 Hour format:
var d12 = DateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy, hh:mm a').format(dt); // 12/31/2000, 10:00 PM
// 24 Hour format:
var d24 = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm').format(dt); // 31/12/2000, 22:00
From Firestore:
Map<String, dynamic> map =!;
DateTime dt = (map['timestamp'] as Timestamp).toDate();
Converting one format to other:
12 Hour to 24 Hour:
var input = DateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy, hh:mm a').parse('12/31/2000, 10:00 PM');
var output = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm').format(input); // 31/12/2000, 22:00
24 Hour to 12 Hour:
var input = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm').parse('31/12/2000, 22:00');
var output = DateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy, hh:mm a').format(input); // 12/31/2000, 10:00 PM
Use intl package (for formatting)
Full code for anyone who needs it:
String readTimestamp(int timestamp) {
var now =;
var format = DateFormat('HH:mm a');
var date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000);
var diff = now.difference(date);
var time = '';
if (diff.inSeconds <= 0 || diff.inSeconds > 0 && diff.inMinutes == 0 || diff.inMinutes > 0 && diff.inHours == 0 || diff.inHours > 0 && diff.inDays == 0) {
time = format.format(date);
} else if (diff.inDays > 0 && diff.inDays < 7) {
if (diff.inDays == 1) {
time = diff.inDays.toString() + ' DAY AGO';
} else {
time = diff.inDays.toString() + ' DAYS AGO';
} else {
if (diff.inDays == 7) {
time = (diff.inDays / 7).floor().toString() + ' WEEK AGO';
} else {
time = (diff.inDays / 7).floor().toString() + ' WEEKS AGO';
return time;
Thank you Alex Haslam for the help!
if anyone come here to convert firebase Timestamp here this will help
Timestamp time;
If you are using firestore (and not just storing the timestamp as a string) a date field in a document will return a Timestamp. The Timestamp object contains a toDate() method.
Using timeago you can create a relative time quite simply:
_ago(Timestamp t) {
return timeago.format(t.toDate(), 'en_short');
build() {
return Text(_ago(document['mytimestamp'])));
Make sure to set _firestore.settings(timestampsInSnapshotsEnabled: true); to return a Timestamp instead of a Date object.
To convert Firestore Timestamp to DateTime object just use .toDate() method.
Timestamp now =;
DateTime dateNow = now.toDate();
As you can see in docs
Just make sure to multiply by the right factor:
Micro: multiply by 1000000 (which is 10 power 6)
Milli: multiply by 1000 (which is 10 power 3)
This is what it should look like in Dart:
var date = new DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000000);
var date = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000);
meh, just use library; it does all the heavy-lifting for you.
From your question, it seems you wanted relative time conversions, and the timeago library enables you to do this in 1 line of code. Converting Dates isn't something I'd choose to implement myself, as there are a lot of edge cases & it gets fugly quickly, especially if you need to support different locales in the future. More code you write = more you have to test.
import 'package:timeago/timeago.dart' as timeago;
final fifteenAgo = Duration(minutes: 15));
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo)); // 15 minutes ago
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'en_short')); // 15m
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'es'));
// Add a new locale messages
timeago.setLocaleMessages('fr', timeago.FrMessages());
// Override a locale message
timeago.setLocaleMessages('en', CustomMessages());
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo)); // 15 min ago
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'fr')); // environ 15 minutes
to convert epochMS to DateTime, just use...
final DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(1546553448639);
How to implement:
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
getCustomFormattedDateTime(String givenDateTime, String dateFormat) {
// dateFormat = 'MM/dd/yy';
final DateTime docDateTime = DateTime.parse(givenDateTime);
return DateFormat(dateFormat).format(docDateTime);
How to call:
getCustomFormattedDateTime('2021-02-15T18:42:49.608466Z', 'MM/dd/yy');
Above code solved my problem. I hope, this will also help you. Thanks for asking this question.
I don't know if this will help anyone. The previous messages have helped me so I'm here to suggest a few things:
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
DateTime convertTimeStampToDateTime(int timeStamp) {
var dateToTimeStamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timeStamp * 1000);
return dateToTimeStamp;
String convertTimeStampToHumanDate(int timeStamp) {
var dateToTimeStamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timeStamp * 1000);
return DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy').format(dateToTimeStamp);
String convertTimeStampToHumanHour(int timeStamp) {
var dateToTimeStamp = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timeStamp * 1000);
return DateFormat('HH:mm').format(dateToTimeStamp);
int constructDateAndHourRdvToTimeStamp(DateTime dateTime, TimeOfDay time ) {
final constructDateTimeRdv = dateTimeToTimeStamp(DateTime(dateTime.year, dateTime.month,, time.hour, time.minute)) ;
return constructDateTimeRdv;
Assuming the field in timestamp firestore is called timestamp, in dart you could call the toDate() method on the returned map.
// Map from firestore
// Using flutterfire package hence the returned data()
Map<String, dynamic> data =;
DateTime _timestamp = data['timestamp'].toDate();
Simply call this method to return your desired DateTime value in String.
String parseTimeStamp(int value) {
var date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(value * 1000);
var d12 = DateFormat('MM-dd-yyyy, hh:mm a').format(date);
return d12;
Example: if you pass the TimeStamp value 1636786003, you will get the result as
11-12-2021, 10:46PM
If you are here to just convert Timestamp into DateTime,
Timestamp timestamp = widget.firebaseDocument[timeStampfield];
DateTime date = Timestamp.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
I tested this one and it works
// Map from firestore
// Using flutterfire package hence the returned data()
Map<String, dynamic> data =;
DateTime _timestamp = data['timestamp'].toDate();
Test details can be found here:
Print DateTime, TimeStamp as string from Firebase Firestore:
Timestamp t;
String s;
DateTime d;
//Declaring Variables[index]['createdAt'] is Timestamp
? t =[index]['createdAt']
: s =[index]['createdAt'].toString();
//check createdAt field Timestamp or DateTime[index]['createdAt'] is Timestamp
? d = t.toDate()
: s =[index]['createdAt'].toString();
print(s.toString()); //Print Date and Time if DateTime
print(d.toString()); //Print Date and Time if TimeStamp
Recently I've faced the same issue. so I'm using simple logic.
Very simple to Convert TimeStamp to DateTime. We can use this get TimeStamp to DateTime format.
In this example, I'm using Firebase.
import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; /// Import this line
TimeStamp timestamp =["date"] /// Firebase firestore date field value.
//Example Outputs:- Timestamp(seconds=1657706107, nanoseconds=261000000)
DateTime dateTime = timestamp.toDate(); /// It will be return Date and Time Both.
//Example Outputs:- 2022-07-13 15:25:07.261
String dateOnly = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy').format(dateTime); /// It will be only return date DD/MM/YYYY format
//Example Outputs:- 13/07/2022
In a single-line code
import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; /// Import this line
String dateOnly = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy').format(["date"].toDate()); /// It will be only return date DD/MM/YYYY format
//Example Outputs:- 13/07/2022
Thanks for visiting and pushing my reputation 😍
Happy Coding Journey...🤗
Actually the Flutter team updated the Timestamp object.
Now if you want to convert from Timestamp to DateTime you can just use this code:
/*you Timestamp instance*/.toDate()
Viceversa if you want to convert from DateTime to Timestamp you can do:
Timestamp.fromDate(/*your DateTime instance*/)
eg. Timestamp.fromDate(
Hope you'll find this helpfull.
All of that above can work but for a quick and easy fix you can use the time_formatter package.
Using this package you can convert the epoch to human-readable time.
String convertTimeStamp(timeStamp){
//Pass the epoch server time and the it will format it for you
String formatted = formatTime(timeStamp).toString();
return formatted;
//Then you can display it
Text(convertTimeStamp['createdTimeStamp'])//< 1 second : "Just now" up to < 730 days : "1 year"
Here you can check the format of the output that is going to be displayed: Formats
Timestamp has [toDate] method then you can use it directly as an DateTime.
// return DateTime object
Also there is an stupid way if you want really convert it:
Long num format date into Calender format from:
var responseDate = 1637996744;
var date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(responseDate);
//to format date into different types to display;
// sample format: MM/dd/yyyy : 11/27/2021
var dateFormatted = DateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy').format(date);
// sample format: dd/MM/yyy : 27/11/2021
var dateFormatted = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy').format(date);
// sample format: dd/MMM/yyyy : 27/Nov/2021
var dateFormatted = DateFormat('dd/MMM/yyyy').format(date);
// sample format: dd/MMMM/yyyy : 27/November/2021
var dateFormatted = DateFormat('dd/MMMM/yyyy').format(date);
print("Date After Format = $dateFormatted");
Assuming you have a class
class Dtime {
int dt;
String formatYMED() {
var date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(this.dt);
var formattedDate = DateFormat.yMMMMEEEEd().format(date);
return formattedDate;
String formatHMA() {
var time = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(this.dt * 1000);
final timeFormat = DateFormat('h:mm a', 'en_US').format(time);
return timeFormat;
I am a beginner though, I hope that works.
There are different ways this can be achieved based on different scenario, see which of the following code fits your scenario.
Conversion of Firebase timestamp to DateTime:
(document["timeStamp"] as Timestamp).toDate()
If timeStamp is in microseconds use:
DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000000);
If timeStamp is in milliseconds use:
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp * 1000);
Add the following function in your dart file.
String formatTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) {
var format = new DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'); // <- use skeleton here
return format.format(timestamp.toDate());
call it as formatTimestamp(document['timestamp'])
I have a time picker that returns the TimeOfDay object. But I have to save that value in a database as an integer of milliseconds which obtained from DateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch. How can I achieve that?
This is not possible.
TimeOfDay holds only the hour and minute. While a DateTime also has day/month/year
If you want to convert it, you will need more information. Such as the current DateTime. And then merge the two into one final datetime.
TimeOfDay t;
final now = new;
return new DateTime(now.year, now.month,, t.hour, t.minute);
You can use DateTime extension
extension DateTimeExtension on DateTime {
DateTime applied(TimeOfDay time) {
return DateTime(year, month, day, time.hour, time.minute);
then you can use it like this:
final dateTime = yourDate.applied(yourTimeOfDayValue);
and change your sdk version in pubspec.yaml to
sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"
You can use entension like this and also can add some more extension methods in separate file like dateTime_extensions.dart to make your work easy for future projects as well
file: dateTime_extensions.dart;
extension DateTimeExtension on DateTime {
DateTime setTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay time) {
return DateTime(this.year, this.month,, time.hour, time.minute);
DateTime setTime(
{int hours = 0,
int minutes = 0,
int seconds = 0,
int milliSeconds = 0,
int microSeconds = 0}) {
return DateTime(this.year, this.month,, hours, minutes, seconds,
milliSeconds, microSeconds);
DateTime clearTime() {
return DateTime(this.year, this.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
///..... add more methods/properties for your convenience
use it like this
import 'package:your_app/dateTime_extensions.dart';
date.clearTime(); //to clear timeSpan
date.setTime(); //also be used to clear time if you don't provide any parameters
date.setTime(hours: 16,minutes: 23,seconds: 24); // will set time to existing date eg. existing_date 16:23:24
date.setTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay(hour: 16, minute: 59));
Here's just a tiny method to join a DateTime and a HourOfDay:
DateTime join(DateTime date, TimeOfDay time) {
return new DateTime(date.year, date.month,, time.hour, time.minute);
You can set an extension on the TimeOfDay class:
extension TOD on TimeOfDay {
DateTime toDateTime() {
return DateTime(1, 1, 1, hour, minute);
then use it like this:
TimeOfDay timeOfDay =;
DateTime dateTimeOfDay = timeOfDay.toDateTime();
if you define the extenson in another file and you have not imported it yet, if you are using vsc you can just type timeOfDay.toDateTime(); then ctrl + . and vsc will suggest importing that file. if you're not using vsc, then I guess you have to import the file of the extension manually.
i m doing json parsing and i getting response for data like
so i can convert this response into date format like "DD/MM/YYYY"?.
Does any body have idea please send me.
Thanx in advance.
Create a SimpleDateFormat
SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/YYYY");
parse your date string to long:
long time=Long.parseLong(timeStamp);
Date dt=new Date(time);
String dtInFormat=sdf.format(dt);
Resultant string dtInFormat would be in desired format.
i have solve this issue using this code.
private String getDate(long dat)
SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy");
Date dt=new Date(dat*1000);
String dtInFormat=sdf.format(dt);
return dtInFormat;
This is one line code:
public String getDate(long value)//1330387200
return new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy").formatLocal(value);
Test this one;
Date d = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, MMM d, yyyy");
for (int i = 0; i < vTitle.size(); i++)
String dt = date.elementAt(i).toString().substring(0, 10);
Date formatter = new Date(HttpDateParser.parse(dt));
String strCustomDateTime = dateFormat.format(formatter);
Try this way:-
var myObj = $.parseJSON('{"date":"1330387200"}'),
myDate = new Date(1000*;