ios share extension - files from dropbox not loading correctly - ios

When I try to load a shared item, the data that comes back is dropbox's login page - as if I weren't authenticated.
Here is the current method I am using to get the file data:
[itemProvider loadItemForTypeIdentifier:docType options:nil completionHandler:^(NSURL *url, NSError *error) {
//my code
doctype is an appropriate kUTType like kUTTypeImage or kUTTypeText, for example. The mimeType that we write the file with is correct to, per other files. It's the actual content loaded from dropbox (just a login page every time).
I have used other variations of the method (UIImage *, and NSData *) but get the same result for dropbox files.
Our shared extension works fine with files that are downloaded in apps like goodreader or Files. The problem arises when I try to share a file from the dropbox app. It gives me a url that I can put into any browser and it will take me to the file, so the url is not the problem.
Has anyone else faced this?
Here is an example link to a document that does this:

Thank you for your help on this Greg. I found that this worked instead by just changing the url and setting dl=1 like so


Dropbox API v2 for uploading media files in iOS

I am trying to transition from Dropbox API v1 to v2. My objective is to upload video files to Dropbox in the app folder that Dropbox creates for the apps that do not require access to root folder. I checked this tutorial but have the following confusions:
NSData *fileData = [#"file data example" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion:NO];
// For overriding on upload
DBFILESWriteMode *mode = [[DBFILESWriteMode alloc] initWithOverwrite];
[[[client.filesRoutes uploadData:#"/test/path/in/Dropbox/account/my_output.txt"
setResponseBlock:^(DBFILESFileMetadata *result, DBFILESUploadError *routeError, DBRequestError *networkError) {
if (result) {
NSLog(#"%#\n", result);
} else {
NSLog(#"%#\n%#\n", routeError, networkError);
}] setProgressBlock:^(int64_t bytesUploaded, int64_t totalBytesUploaded, int64_t totalBytesExpectedToUploaded) {
NSLog(#"\n%lld\n%lld\n%lld\n", bytesUploaded, totalBytesUploaded, totalBytesExpectedToUploaded);
What should be "/test/path/in/Dropbox/account/my_output.txt" in my case, as I do not access the root folder?
Whether the same code is supposed to work for binary files such as mp4 files (it uses UTF8 encoding in the sample code when preparing NSData)?
The "/test/path/in/Dropbox/account/my_output.txt" in the sample is just an example. You should supply the path for the desired location of the uploaded file in the Dropbox account. If you're using an app folder app, the root you supply will automatically be translated into the app folder itself. For example, if you have an app folder at "/Apps/MyAppName", and you want to upload a file named "video.mp4" into a folder called "Videos" in your app folder, you should supply a path value of "/Videos/video.mp4". That will automatically become /Apps/MyAppName/Videos/video.mp4 in the account.
The sample makes an NSData by encoding a string, but you can use the same uploadData to upload a file from any NSData.
Basically this path is /test/path/in/Dropbox/account/my_output.txt.
In dropbox account it will create folders like this test>path>in>Dropbox>account-- then your file will be in account folder. You can replace it with

Dropbox SDK Chooser download file

I would like to download a file from dropbox into my app i already implemented the Dropbox Drop-in API chooser so i get directed to the dropbox app and can choose a file but i don't know how to download the selected file
- (void)didPressChoose{
[[DBChooser defaultChooser] openChooserForLinkType:DBChooserLinkTypePreview
fromViewController:self completion:^(NSArray *results)
if ([results count]) {
fileurl = [[results[0] link] absoluteString];
NSLog(#"got results %#", results);
NSLog(#"link 0 = %#", [[results[0] link] absoluteString]);
} else {
// User canceled the action
I tried this but i only get a link like " ..." but for this
[self.restClient loadFile:fileurl intoPath:localDir];
I need something like "/test.txt"
First, the documentation for the Dropbox iOS Chooser lists two different link types. If you want to download the file directly, you should use DBChooserLinkTypeDirect instead of DBChooserLinkTypePreview as you have in your code.
Second, once you have the direct link, you can use a normal HTTP request on the link to download the file content, e.g., using NSURLRequest. The loadFile method you have in your code is for the Dropbox iOS Core SDK which you don't need to use if you're just using the Chooser. That method won't work with the link returned by the Chooser anyway. That method is designed to take a relative path in a user's Dropbox account, but the Chooser is a simpler integration that just gives you a link instead.
I'm not sure but I have this before calling loadFile on restClient
NSString* filePath = [path stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"dropbox://" withString:#""];
[restClient loadFile:filePath intoPath:destinationPath];

How to set file name to NSData before uploading to server

I am currently making an app which converts an NSDictionary into a JSON file, in the intention of uploading it to a server. My issue is, is that I have no idea (let alone control) over what the name of the uploaded file is, how do I change/modify it?
Seb OH
This is something that should be handled by whatever FTP client library you are using.
For instance, FTPManager on GitHub ( has the following method:
- (BOOL) uploadData:(NSData*)data withFileName:(NSString *)fileName toServer:(FMServer*)server;
That looks like it will fit your need just fine.

Saving an iCloud Drive security scoped URL on iOS (UIDocumentPickerViewController)

I'm trying to save the security scoped URL returned from iCloud document picker (UIDocumentPickerViewController)
The documentation states:
If the URL is not a ubiquitous URL, save a bookmark to the file using
method and passing in the NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope
option. Calling this method creates a bookmark containing a
security-scoped URL that you can use to open the file without further
user intervention.
However, the compiler says that NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope is not supported on iOS.
Anyone know what's going on here....?
After further digging, it turns out option NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope is NOT needed at all when creating bookmark data in IOS. It's an option for OS X. You can just pass nil for the option field. I think Apple's document is confusing at the best.
However, you do need to call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource before creating the bookmark and make sure the call returns 1 (success) before proceed. Otherwise, bookmark creation will fail. Here is the sample code:
if ([url startAccessingSecurityScopedResource]==1) {
NSError *error;
NSData *bookmark = [url bookmarkDataWithOptions:nil
if (error) {
//handle error condition
} else {
// save your bookmark
[url stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
Again Apple's document is confusion at the best! It took me a lot of time to find out this. Hope this helps.
I ran into the same issue today, and indeed the compiler says NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope is not available on iOS.
But to my surprise, if I use the raw constant instead (NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope maps to ( 1 << 11 ), the method seems to work. It returns a valid bookmark data object, and when I call [[NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:stale], a valid security-scoped NSURL is returned and I can access the files and directories. Also, I tested these with iCloud Drive. And the documentation only says this should work for third-party document providers.
I am not sure how reliable this approach is, because it seems that Apple engineers didn't have time to finish up this feature, so disabled it in the last minute. Or it could be simply a bug in the header file. If anyone finds out more about this, please comment.

CocoaHTTPServer on iOS: set up server so user can download NSData as file

I want to make the following webpage using CocoaHTTPServer: there should be a link to download a file, but the source file must be NSData object in memory.
As far as I see in samples, there is an easy way to link some file on iPhone to the hyperlink. Is it possible to "link" NSData?
Would be very thankful for examples.
All you need to do is to return HTTPDataResponse in your HTTPConnection subclass.
If you want an example have a look at the CocoaHTTPServer sample called DynamicServer and replace - httpResponseForMethod: URI: in MyHTTPConnection with something similar to the following:
- (NSObject<HTTPResponse> *)httpResponseForMethod:(NSString *)method URI:(NSString *)path
// Before returning you can analyze the passed path argument and select the correct data object to return...
return [[HTTPDataResponse alloc] initWithData:placeYourDataInstanceHere];
