Inserting dynamic panel jquery mobile - jquery-mobile

In my app I would like to re-use the panel so I call this function when opening index.html:
var add_panel=function() {
//add button
$.get('panel.html').success(function(data) {
//open panel
$('body').on('click', '.ui-icon-bars', function() {
This works great on the first page and when returning to this page from another page.
I had hoped to call the same function inside "pagecontainertransition" to add the panel to other pages as well, but this doesn't seem to work:
//handle page transitions
$('body').on('pagecontainertransition', function(event, ui) {
Can this be done?


JQuery-ui Tabs - reload page with completely new content not working

I'm loading in a report and displaying it with jquery-ui in tab format. The report is returned by an ajax call in json, and a function is formatting it into HTML. Example code below:
<div id="reportdiv">
function displayreport(objectid)
$( "#reportdiv" ).hide();
$( "#reportdiv" ).html("");
type: "GET",
headers: { 'authtoken': getToken() },
success: function(data){
if(data == null)
alert("That report does not exist.");
var retHTML = dataToTabHTML(data.config);
$(function() {
tabs = $( "#reportdiv" ).tabs();
tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ).sortable({
axis: "x",
stop: function() {
tabs.tabs( "refresh" );
This works fine the first time displayreport is called. However, if the user enters another value and runs displayreport again, the "tabs" format is completely lost (the tabs are displayed as links above my sections, and clicking on a link takes you to that section further down the page).
I figured completely re-setting the reportdiv html at the beginning of the function would bring me back to original state and allow it to work normally every time. Any suggestions?
After more testing, found that destroy was the way to go. If I've set up tabs already, run the destroy, otherwise, skip the destroy ( :
if(tabs!=undefined)$( "#reportdiv" ).tabs("destroy");

Jquerymobile: registering events within pageinit?

I'm writing a simple mobile web site using JQuery Mobile.
I wrote this code to handle clicks on anchors pointing to bookmarks within the page.
I put the code within a function and call the function from within the section in the . Here is the code:
function initPage() {
// Anchor links handling.
$(document).on('vclick', 'a[href^=#][href!=#]', function() {
location.hash = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
Here is my HTML fragment calling the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
My code works fine, but I have a doubt, so here comes my question: should I wrap my code with $(document).on('pageinit')? Like this:
function initPage() {
$(document).on('pageinit', function(){
// Anchor links handling.
$(document).on('vclick', 'a[href^=#][href!=#]', function() {
location.hash = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
I am not sure whether do I need to do that for stuff that register an event, like vclick on specific elements.
Thanks for support.

JQuery UI Dialog - loading external page prevents dialog from reopening

If I load a JQuery UI Dialog without loading external content, the dialog can be closed with the "Close" button and the dialog can be re-opened multiple times. If I load content in, neither of these two capabilities works. Code below. Any hints?? Thanks in advance!!
$(document).ready(function() {
buttons: {
Close: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
var openDonationsDialog = function(){
/* Including the next line causes failure.
Removing it results in success (except, of course, that my page content isn't loaded!! */
/* And then there's the rest... */
return false;

Jquery UI Accordion - Cancel Change

I have been wrestling with this one for a while now.
I want to have a confirm() before someone changes the accordion.
I have tried:
$(document).ready(function() {
var edited = false;
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true,
changestart: function(event, ui) {
if (edited) {
if (!confirm("You have unsaved changes. Do you want to navigate away?") {
return false;
With little joy! I have also tried something like this
$(".accordion-me h3").each(function() {
$(this).click(function(e) {
if (confirm("You have unsaved changes! Do you want to navigate away?")) {
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true,
changestart: function(event, ui) {
if (edited) {
if (!confirm("You have unsaved changes. Do you want to navigate away?") {
return false;
But again with no joy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Use an empty event when creating the accordion, which will allow you to manage the click event of the accordion using a jQuery .click function.
You can then process the confirm box and allow the accordion click event to be executed only if confirmed.
var edited = false,
accordion_me = $('.accordion-me');
// activate the accordion, but with an empty event
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true,
event: ''
// here's the new accordion event
$('.accordion-me h3').click(function()
// find the index of the event being called
var i = $('.accordion-me h3').index(this);
// if we have unsaved changes and do not confirm, stop accordion execution
if (edited && !confirm('You have unsaved changes. Do you want to navigate away?'))
return false;
// continue with the accordion execution. Activate the requested event index.
accordion_me.accordion('activate', i);
return false;
If your accordion is collapsible (as mine is) your accordion will still work as it did before.
Also, if you only have 1 accordion, I would recommend using an id to call it instead of the .accordion-me class, which will save some overhead.
If you still need to use a class to call it, put an html tag before it, i.e. div.accordion-me.
You have to bind it to the click event on the anchor tag. For example, if your header links are:
header 1
code would be (also in the document.ready function)
if (!confirm("You have unsaved changes. Do you want to navigate away?")) {
return false;

Prevent default on a click within a JQuery tabs in Google Chrome

I would like to prevent the default behaviour of a click on a link. I tried the return false; also javascript:void(0); in the href attribute but it doesn’t seem to work. It works fine in Firefox, but not in Chrome and IE.
I have a single tab that loads via AJAX the content which is a simple link.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
ajaxOptions: {
error: function(xhr, status, index, anchor) {
$(anchor.hash).html("Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible. If this wouldn't be a demo.");
success: function() {
$('#lk').click(function(event) {
alert('Click Me');
return false;
load: function(event, ui) {
$('a', ui.panel).click(function(event) {
return false;
<div id="tabs">
The content of linkChild.htm is
Click Me
So basically when the tab content is loaded with success, a click event is attached to the link “lk”. When I click on the link, the alert is displayed but then link disappears. I check the HTML and the element is actually removed from the DOM.
$('#selector').click(function(event) {
The event object is passed to your click handler by default - you have to have something there to receive it. Once you have the event, you can use jQuery's .preventDefault() method to cancel the link's behavior.
Here's the fragment of your code, corrected:
$('a', ui.panel).click(function(event) {
return false;
Notice the addition of the word 'event' when creating the anon function (or you could use just e, or anything else - the name is unimportant, the fact there's a var there is.
