SKPhysicsWorld bodyWithTexture not working well with complex shapes - ios

Am I the only one whose having issues with the new bodyWithTexture function of SKPhysicsBody?
I'm new to iOS development and maybe it's me, but I'm trying to create a game where I need to detect if a ball is inside a path.
I'm loading both from images dynamically (as the level proceeds the paths are more and more complex), and I'm setting a physics body to both the ball (bodyWithCircle) and from the dynamic path which is a PNG file of a path and all the rest is transparent background. I'm using the new bodyWithTexture function (yes I know it's supported only under iOS 8), and after assigning bit masks I've defined a contact between the ball and path and am informed with begin/end contact.
SKSpriteNode *lvlPath = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:currentLevel.imagePath];
lvlPath.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width/2, self.frame.size.height/2);
lvlPath.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithTexture:lvlPath.texture size:lvlPath.frame.size];
now for simple paths like straight line, it works great. once it comes to complicated paths - the mechanism is going crazy, at least in my simluator (running iOS 8).
i've created another simple app just to check this issue, and saw that it's going crazy when the path is a complex shape. when the ball enters the path in one direction it seems to be working (begin/end contact), but going the reverse direction suddenly acts weird when still inside the path it reports to have ended contact, and then like randomly flips begin/end contact.
help... since the levels are loaded dynamically, this is a really cool feature for me, saving me the definitions of all levels as CGPathRef and creating a polygon for each level (and perhaps device).
thanks all,
example screenshot:
in this example the ball with the arrow is inited using bodyWithCircle, and the C shaped object is inited using bodyWithTexture. I'm debug printing "didBeginContact" and "didEndContact" and it freaks out in the top line there, you can see it's with "didEndContact" while the two object are definitely at contact. If I jiggle it (I'm moving it with the cursor) it suddenly flips to "didBeginContact".
With Simpler objects (like horizontal/vertical lines with round corners) it works perfectly.


Select AR placed objects with a dot in the middle of the screen in Unity

I have seen numerous AR application behaving like this: there is a dot in the middle of the screen and we can position that dot on some objects and some content is displayed (I attacked an image if i was not clear enough). My question is how is this kind of behaviour obtained in Unity, my guess is that from that point you cast a ray, but I don't think that AR placed objects, from an ADF for example, can be found with the hit from that ray. The dot selecting objects placed on AR
I have made it work, with the aid of the Google Tango's Area Learning demo scene. I've placed some objects in the area and I have started to send a Raycast from the middle of the camera with "ViewportPointToRay" method. When that Ray would collide with a GameObject you can implement whatever functionality you need.

Create a level terrain similar to Tiny Wings using SpriteKit

I would like to create a textured terrain in SpriteKit similar to the one in the game Tiny Wings. Using cocos2d, I was able to follow Ray W's tutorial and get the look I wanted...
Is plotting points to make triangles to fill with a repeating texture (or something similar) possible using SpriteKit?
Thanks in advance.
yeah you can create a game like tiny wing with sprite kit
step create serval CGMutablePath using tool its a online SKPhysicsBody Path Generator and save them in a NSMutableArray array suppose you have only one level in your game for multiple level create multiple NSMutableArray array with multiple random saved CGMutablePath items
be sure all CGMutablePath have static physics body don't make it dynamic now
inside your init function add all paths one by one in a order that first path ends start of second path and so on make by this you can make a huge loop of serval path which are connecting with each other.
don't make more paths because too many physics body makes your game slow
now inside update function move all item of your array from right to left be sure
when you reach last item of your NSMutableArray array add it again at the begging of your looping algo.
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
make a tiny bird and give it a dynamic physics body
set collision and contact category of tiny bird as well as your loop paths
now inside didBeginContact function you can get contact between your tiny bird and path .now you can apply a little Impulse or you can get contact.collisionImpulse between your bird and path apply apply that value to the bird acc to your game
-(void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact
CGPoint contactPoint=CGPointMake(0, 0);
So it seems what I need to use (or at least I had in mind) are vertex shaders, but those are not currently supported in Spritekit. Right now, only fragment shaders are allowed from what I could find.
I did however see that you can create an SKShapeNode and set its texture property. The only problem with this is there is no option to "tile" that image throughout the SKShapeNode.
I did find this which seems to solve that issue (although I have not tried it out).
Seems like quite a work around!
In the end, I decided to use Cocos2d for this project as it supports both vertex and fragment shaders. With a bit of trial and error, I got it to work wonderfully.

Sprite kit skview.showPhysics bug?

Here is the code for setting the characters physics body.
character.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:character.size];
It works fine, I mean it stays where I want it to but as you can see it displays the character's physics body in the bottom left of the screenshot (which is the grey box).
Is this a bug or can this be fixed?
I had a similar problem which may or may not solve yours.
It looks like you are using some sort of viewport system. Perhaps with a node called world and one called camera? If this is the case then you must be moving your world node every frame in order to center the content correctly? When drawing physics, you need to move the world node at -didEvaluateActions instead of -didSimulatePhysics

Moving around the planet in sprite kit

I'm currently making a game where driving a moon lander across the terrain of alien planets. The lander is free moving so you can turn any direction you like.
I've got a camera centred on the player's vehicle and navigation is working well, however...
As the player approaches the horisontal sides (x) of the map I'd like the map to display continuously.
I've used a couple of different approaches so far; I've added an identical sprite as the map to the left of the map and created a method that moves the extended map to the right side if you approach that side instead, and I've also tested with two different extended maps, one for left and one for right. I've then setup physics for the extended maps and changed the landers position from one side of the map to the other as it collides with the extended maps.
My issue is that I'd like to have my enemies spawning and walking around the main map and as you approach the side you will of course not see the enemies on the other side of the map - you'd only see the extended map with no contents.
My preference would be for the world to "bend" so that as you approach the left edge you'd automatically see the right edge and vice versa. I have no idea whether this is even feasible so any suggestions are much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure I understand your question. Maybe this will further discussion, anyhow.
If you are looking for a scrolling behavior then I would have two backgrounds (or more if you want a wider scrolling field) and your method for swapping the tiles around to make the background feel continuous, use the "camera" tracking technique and shown in Apple's sprite kit demo to follow your player (which it sounds like you are doing). Then when aliens move offscreen in either direction relocate them in the same way that you would swap out your background tile(s) with something like position.x += widthOfBackgroundTile.

Drawing lines in cocos2d

I'm trying to draw lines in Cocos2d using touches.
I had a system where it would just add a small sprite where you touched, but it's working terribly. So I've been trying to find a way to draw actual lines using a method like ccDrawLine, but every tutorial I find seems to leave out something, and I just can't figure it out.
I've found this tutorial, Drawing line on touches moved in COCOS2D but I don't understand a few things about that.
It seems to reference the same variable from two different files, so I don't understand how it's doing that. (The naughtyTouchArray variable)
I can't find a complete guide on drawing lines, so sorry for the codeless question, but I'm getting frustrated.
The answer you've linked in your question provides good solution to your problem. There is no "two different files". Just two different methods of one layer. One method (ccTouchesMoved:withEvent:) handles touches and fill the array of points to be connected to each other one-by-one with lines. From cocos2d documentation, all drawing must be placed in the draw method of the node. So, another (draw) method just draws lines according to the given array. Cocos2d is based on OpenGL and it fully redraws scene every tick, so you cannot just draw new line. You had to draw all of them.
Or any other node can draw your array in it's draw method, so you can simply pass stored array of points from the layer, that detects touches, to this node.
