Renewing provision profile - ios

My distribution certificate and provision profile are shown expired in my developer account.
I have regenerated my distribution certificate.
Now if I edit provision profile which uses new distribution certificate will it require to resubmitting app to app store?

No, Not need to resubmit an app to App Store.
Once you regenerated the certificates, apple will automatically updates the associated apps which are already uploaded. So, you don't worry about that. But, be updated to upload the next version or new app.


Apple certifcates and provisioning profiles - when do they expire?

I have an Apple Enterprise membership and develop apps for In-House distribution.
I don't understand in which cases I need to rebuild my apps because of expired certificates and/or provisioning profiles.
Do I need to rebuild the App when the distribution certificate expires?
Do I need to rebuild the App when the provisioning profile expires?
Does the provisioning profile expire/become invalid when the included certificate expires?
Whether you need to rebuild when the provisioning profile expires depends on how you are distributing your apps.
If you are following best practice and using an MDM to distribute your apps then you can distribute a new provisioning profile when the old one expires.
If you are using some other distribution method (such as a plain web server) then you will need to rebuild your apps when the provisioning profile expires.
Regardless of the distribution method you need to build a new version and update the installed apps when the distribution certificate expires.
If the distribution certificate expires then the app will stop working, even if the provisioning profile is still valid.
You need to update the app with a new version, signed with the new distribution certificate before the old one expires.
This WWDC session has a good explanation of the process.

Apps in the enterprise appstore after provisioning profile expires

I have an app in enterprise appstore and the provisioning profile with which I created iPa is due to expire next month. If I go to developer account and renew the provisioning profile, what happens to the app in appstore which was created with old provisioning profile? Should I create a new iPa with new renewed provisioning profile and submit it? Is it enough to just renew the expiring provisioning profile or should we renew, create iPa with new one and upload it to appstore again?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You will need to provide a new provisioning profile, that has a new expiration date, to the devices with your app or existing installations of the app will stop working.
You can do this by packaging a new version of your app that includes the new provisioning profile and then having your users install the update.
Alternatively, if your devices are managed by an MDM (which is best practice) then you can have the MDM server push the updated provisioning profile to the devices. The advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t require any user action.
The process of certificate and provisioning profile expiration is explained quite well in this WWDC video
As an example, here are the instructions for Microsoft InTune

About iOS distribution certificate expire

My app is already in Apple Store. Now my distribution certificate is expired. I know my app in Apple Store will continue running, but my questions are:
If now I have a bug fix in my app, does it mean I am not able to submit the updated app to Apple Store since my distribution certificate expired?
If I renew the distribution certificate, my understanding is that it is identical as revoke the distribution certificate and create a new distribution certificate, am I right?
If the answer to my 2nd question is "Yes", does it mean in future when I see my distribution certificate is expiring soon, I just revoke it and create a new one for existing app in Apple Store, am I right?
When you upload your app to iTunesConnect, Apple resigns your binary with their own certificate. This means that your distribution certificate is not used in the App Store. That said...
You can submit a bug fix, just recreate your certificate in the developer portal
I am unsure about this. Renew could simply be revoke+create in a single step.
You can do that, but it really doesn't matter. You only need your distribution cert to submit to the App Store. This means your distribution cert could be expired for a long time during development of bug fixes and you can just recreate one to submit to the App Store.

Renew Provisioning Profiles (Distribution) and keep current Appstore Apps working

I have an app on app store, which is using an iOS Provisioning Profile (Distribution) which is invalid. This Profile contains Push Certificate.
so I want a regenerate Provisinig Profiles.
Q. when I update Appstore app with renew Provising Profile, pushservice of current Appstore app version is working fine?
(I just renew Provising Profile and same Certificate, same AppID)
Thanks for your help on this :)
As you mentioned in your question that Provisioning profile is Invalid. So i guess certificate is expired & you are going to renew it.
If so than yes current app store version will work fine. If you update provisioning profile by new certificate it will not affect current App store version at all.
I hope this information will help you.

How can I upload an App UPDATE with a difference Developer Certificate

I've developed and published an App on the App store successfully last month. However, since then, my Mac crashed and (stupidly!) I didn't have a backup of my Keychain Certificates. I've had to generate a new Certificate and ultimately create a new Developer Certificate in the Apple Provisioning Portal.
As a result - despite being able to sign and deploy the updated App to my iPhone and iPad, I cannot upload it to the App store because the signing is different.
Is there any way around this? Do I have to re-write the App and submit it a new with the new signing keys?
I've seen the question:
Can I upload a new version of my iOS app with a different certificate/profile than the previous one?
but this doesn't answer my question/problem.
your application bundle identifier & provisioning needs to be same which is irrespective with which distribution certificate you have compiled the build provided that you are generating build (ipa) for appstore submission from the same developer account.
Fixed! I logged into the Apple Provisioning Portal, revoked all my certificates and deleted all my distribution an provisioning certificates. Then I deleted everything from XCode and everything from my KeyChain. I re-generated a new CSR from the KeyChain, generates a new certificate in the Provisioning Portal with this and then did the rest through xCode. It found and downloaded my development and provisioning certificates, one against my team, the other as "unknown". I clicked on TEAMS in xCode and did a refresh then returning to the profiles say everything set as valid. I signed the App with the new certificates and uploaded them. The App is not awaiting review :)
