Missing definition for <polymer-element> core-overlay - dart

I noticed this when I run my dart app both with 1.7.0-dev4.3 and dev-4.1
Missing definition for <polymer-element>, please add the following HTML import at the top of this file: <link rel="import" href="../../../../packages/polymer/polymer.html">. (more details)
-element name="core-overlay-layer">
I have not used any core-overlay-layer in my app so far and this seems to be one of the polymer-core components.
I have just done a clean install of the latest Dart dev SDK with the same result.


How to include .less files in angular2 dart components

I want to use less preprocessor in my dart angular 2 app. What I exactly do :
include dependency into pabspec.yaml file
- less_dart:
entry_point: web/main.less
build_mode: dart
include <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"/> into index.html file
In web folder I added main.less file as well
In this point my app works correct, but when I try to include other .less files in other components in leads to exaption, for instance:
I created file app.less, inside I writed some less code
In file app_component.dart I included it like: styleUrls: const ['app.less'],
As result I had such exaption as:
GET http://localhost:8080/packages/SmartPeopleUI/app.less.dart
An error occurred loading file: package:Project/app.less.dart

Angular Dart Components: cssUrl not working in Internet Explorer

I have come across this strange problem and it is driving me nuts.
It looks like a bug, but I don't know if maybe I am doing someting wrong.
The CSS attached to a component via cssUrl doesn't work on Internet Explorer.
If I add some content to the html template and I use classes from the CSS, those classes are not applied in IE. However, the same code works fine in Dartium, Chrome and Firefox.
I have created a sample project in github showing the error:
The project has the following dependencies:
browser: 0.10.0+2
angular: 0.11.0
shadow_dom: 0.10.0
(I have tried to avoid "any" but those are the latest versions of such packages)
I have a very simple component:
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
#Component(selector: 'internet-explorer-bug',
useShadowDom: true,
publishAs: 'cmp')
class InternetExplorerBug {
This is the css file (internet-explorer-bug.css):
.red-div {
background-color: red;
And this is the template (internet-explorer-bug.html)
<div id="main-div">
<div class="red-div">Red background?</div>
The component works properly in Dartium, Chrome and Firefox. It doesn't show the red background in Internet Explorer, though.
I have tested it in Internet Explorer 10 and 11. These are the results:
The red background is not displayed
The browser downloads the css file (I can see that in IE dev tools)
If I inspect the DOM, I see a strange css attribute assigned to the div with the name "background-color:red" and no value:
.red-div {
background-color:red: ;
I have posted the same question in the mailing list (here). If I somebody helps me there I will post the solution here too.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I guess this line causes the problem
<script src="packages/shadow_dom/shadow_dom.min.js"></script>
This is deprecated. You should use
<script src="packages/web_components/platform.js"></script>
You need to change your pubspec.yaml too (shadow_dom to web_components)

Absolute paths not allowed on Dart WebComponent

My little Dart/Polymer sample works nice so far.
Here is the yaml file I use:
name: PolymerHelloWorld
sdk: any
browser: any
polymer: any
shadow_dom: any
mdv: any
- polymer:
- web/index.html
- web/hello-world/hello-world.html
- web/stopwatch/stopwatch.html
"pub build" produces: (Live again under GH)
From my understanding now I have 2 webcomponents: hello-world and stopwatch
I made a second project, completely independent form PolymerHelloWorld.
Here is the index.html:
I get this error message
pub build
Building PolymerSecondWorld...
[Error from polymer (Linter) on PolymerSecondWorld|web/index.html]:
web/index.html:4:5: absolute paths not allowed: "https://rawgithub.com/MikeMitterer/DART-Sample-PolymerHelloWorld/master/build/hello-world/hello-world.html"
Isn't this the idea of webcomponents? Do I miss something?
I added DART-Sample-PolymerElementConsumer to my GH-Repo. It includes the whole polymer stuff... This sample is not a Dart-Sample. It uses polymer to import the component. At least - it tries to...
Here is the HTML it try to run:
The HTML-Page shows no error message - nothing. Just the headline but nothing from the webcomponent.
If you want to import Polymer elements they have to be in a Dart package (e.g pub.dartlang.org).
You add the package to you pubspec.yaml to import the package into your project and
then you can import the elements/components from the packages directory.
Polymer is also very delicate about the import paths within a Dart project
and something like you tried definitively won't work
(this could work in JavaScript though)
but this would require to execute code (included within the loaded component) loaded at runtime
which Dart doesn't support yet. All code has to be available at compile time.
Some discussions about this topic:
trouble importing components using href="package:..."
should HTML Imports support package: scheme?
How can I import a custom element in both HTML and Dart? (workaround included)
improve canonicalization issues with html-imports involving packages
I looked at your code and tried to understand your comment and extended my answer accordingly.
To be able to import components from a package the components have to be in the lib directory of the package you want to import.
The web page using (importing) elements has to be a Dart project (package) which imports the component package in 'pubspec.yaml'. For the web application (index.html, ...) web is the correct directory within the package.

How to deploy dart polymer with no index.html entry point

I have a dart web application using polymer. I can successfully run it with Dartium using boot.js. However, my index.html file is actually a Django template in another git repo for the project. Its uses template inheritance, among other things, so its not just a normal HTML file.
My goal is to have a Makefile compile the project on request. Currently, pub deploy will compile all the code, and it will run in non-dart browsers. However, my custom polymer elements do not end up being registered. They all show up as blank. Is this kind of setup even possible, that is, to not have an index.html entry point and build custom polymer elements? I could create a dummy buid.html to satisfy the entry-point requirement, but this seems like a sub-optimal solution.
My current buid.dart looks like:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:polymer/component_build.dart';
import 'package:polymer/deploy.dart' as deploy;
main() {
build(new Options().arguments, [])
.then((_) => deploy.main());
and the output:
'package:polymer/component_build.dart': Error: line 68 pos 29: \
ambiguous reference: 'JSON' is defined in library 'dart:convert' \
and also in 'dart:io'
var message = JSON.encode([jsonMessage]);
The only way is to provide some HTML file as entry point. It doesn't matter when you use another HTML file in production if it contains the necessary script tags.

Dynamically add a WebComponent in Dart?

I was attempting to follow the code found here:
However, when I get the dependencies and run the code in dartium, I get the following error. This error occurs when calling the create() method of ComponentItem (in the .dart code):
Breaking on exception: Class 'SayHello' has no instance method 'created_autogenerated'.
I rewrote them ever so slightly below (code is identical except main has been moved to be dart code rather than inlined):
<!-- component_created_in_code_test.html -->
<!doctype html>
Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<script src="packages/web_ui/testing/testing.js"></script>
<element name="say-hello">
<template>Hello {{name}}!</template>
<script type='application/dart' src="component_created_in_code.dart">
<say-hello name="component create in html"></say-hello>
and the following dart code,
library component_created_in_code;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:web_ui/web_ui.dart';
class SayHello extends WebComponent {
String name;
void main() {
Timer.run(() {
var hello = new SayHello()
..host = new DivElement()
..name = 'component created in code';
// "hello" is the DOM node.
// "hello.xtag" is your SayHello object.
// We are working on making these be the same object.
// If the component uses data-binding, we need to make sure the
// "lifecycle" methods get called. We are working to make this be
// automatic too.
var lifecycleCaller = new ComponentItem(hello)..create();
window.postMessage('done', '*');
It would appear that this dart-lang example has a problem. Am I missing something or is the code just borked?
After getting this question answered, I packaged up the working solution to the problem.
Simply pull from git, and then import into dartEditor. Then 'pub install' and 'reanalyze source' (never hurts) from the editor, then right click "Run in Dartium" on "web/component_created_in_code.html".
It sounds like you need to run the Web UI compiler first. Either run packages/web_ui/dwc.dart on your HTML file, or write a build.dart along these lines:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:web_ui/component_build.dart';
void main() {
build(new Options().arguments, ['web/component_created_in_code_test.html']);
I tested the same with build 0.5.13_r23552 editor & SDK and run into the same problem when running in Dartium. If I do the dart2js (Run as Javascript/Generate javascript) however, it works.
However, be aware of the following (based on my experience):
Try to change to the SDK version that it has been tested and verified with.
It seems the tests are updated to run with 0.5.15; while the SDK delivered with the editor on the dartlang site is only 0.5.13. Maybe clone the bleeding edge version to make it work?
Dart is constantly evolved. Always do pub update on your project after updating to the newest editor, if you are using dependencies and not a specific library version.
Add the build.dart to your project to make sure that code is generated on changes (See bottom of this page: Build.dart setup)
