MonkeyTalk with AntRunner - ant

Can somebody please give me the detailed steps involved in configuring Ant for Android project with MonkeyTalk. I have an Android project, MonkeyTalk agent and AntRunner.
I need to automate the Android build generation using Ant also, MonkeyTalk should be integrated in the build.
Is this possible using AntRunner?

For Dynamic instrumentation, you can try below sample Ant script:
<target name="instru">
verbose="true" />
Save the above script as build.xml , and you can run it from the commandline like this:
ant -lib /path/to/monkeytalkpro-ant-2.0.2.beta.jar instru
MonkeyTalk Professional offers app control of Android apps (see Pro Application Control). The MonkeyTalk Professional Ant library includes an App task to allow you to control the app under test. The App task includes the ability to install, uninstall, launch, start, stop, and restart an application. Currently, only Android is supported.
Here is a sample Ant script that exercises all the app control actions:
<property name="sdk.dir" value="/path/to/android-sdk" />
<property name="packageName" value="com.example.myapp" />
<property name="activityName" value="RootActivity" />
<target name="install">
<mt:app action="install"
verbose="true" />
<target name="uninstall">
<mt:app action="uninstall"
verbose="true" />
<target name="launch">
<mt:app action="launch"
verbose="true" />
<target name="restart">
<mt:app action="relaunch"
verbose="true" />
<target name="stop">
<mt:app action="stop"
verbose="true" />
<target name="isInstalled">
<mt:app action="isInstalled"
verbose="true" />
<echoproperties prefix="monkeytalk" />
<target name="isRunning">
<mt:app action="isRunning"
verbose="true" />
<echoproperties prefix="monkeytalk" />
Running in CI
When running tests on a continuous integration (CI) server, like Jenkins, you would typically combine all the above Ant tasks, plus the regular MonkeyTalk Run task for testing (see Ant Runner), into a single Ant script.
Here is a sample Ant script used in CI:
<property name="sdk.dir" value="/path/to/android-sdk" />
<property name="instrumentedApp" value="/path/to/MyApp-Instrumented.apk" />
<property name="packageName" value="com.example.myapp" />
<property name="activityName" value="RootActivity" />
<target name="instru">
androidSdk="${sdk.dir}" />
<target name="uninstall">
<mt:app action="uninstall"
verbose="true" />
<target name="install">
<mt:app action="install"
verbose="true" />
<target name="launch">
<mt:app action="launch"
verbose="true" />
<target name="test">
verbose="true" />
<target name="all">
<antcall target="instru" />
<antcall target="uninstall" />
<antcall target="install" />
<antcall target="launch" />
<antcall target="test" />
<antcall target="uninstall" />
The all target in the above script does all the work. First is instruments the app. Then it uninstalls to be sure the target device is clean. Then it installs and launches the instrumented app. Next it runs the MonkeyTalk test suite. And finally, it again uninstalls to clean up after itself. NOTE: this is Android-only (since the Dynamic Instrumentation and App Control are currently only available for Android).
You can run it from the commandline like this:
ant -lib /path/to/monkeytalkpro-ant-2.0.2.beta.jar all


How to deploy configuration files,jars and ear files in remote weblogic server using ant script

I want to deploy the jar files,configuration files and generated ear file on remote weblogic server using ant script.
I have created ant script that stop the weblogic server,delete old files(jar,config xml files,ear) copy the given source to destination,this script is work when source and destination both are having on same machine.
<project name="Svn" default="startserver">
<property name="bea.home" value="C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home" />
<property name="weblogic.home" value="${bea.home}/wlserver" />
<property name="domain.home" value="${bea.home}/user_projects/domains" />
<property name="" value="NAPF_domain" />
<property name="host" value="" />
<property name="port" value="7001" />
<property name="username" value="weblogic" />
<property name="password" value="weblogic" />
<property name="" value="AdminServer" />
<property name="libdeploy.dir" value="${domain.home}/${}/lib/" />
<property name="configdeploy.dir" value="${domain.home}/${}/pf-appl/config/" />
<property name="eardeploy.dir" value="${domain.home}/${}/servers/AdminServer/upload/" />
<property name="libsource.dir" value="napf-main/napf-build/release/target/Release/lib/" />
<property name="configsource.dir" value="napf-main/napf-build/release/target/Release/config/" />
<property name="earsource.dir" value="napf-main/napf-build/release/target/Release/dist/" />
<property name="napfscutitysource.dir" value="napf-main/napf-security-lib" />
<property name="sourceMonitorHome" location="NAPF_SERVER_SOURCE/SourceMonitor"/>
<path id="wls.classpath">
<fileset dir="${weblogic.home}/server/lib">
<include name="web*.jar" />
<taskdef name="wlserver" classname="" classpathref="wls.classpath" />
<target name="start-server">
<wlserver dir="${domain.home}/${}" host="${host}" port="${port}" domainname="${}" servername="${}" action="start" username="${username}" password="${password}" beahome="${bea.home}" weblogichome="${weblogic.home}" verbose="true" noexit="true" protocol="t3" classpath="${weblogic.home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar">
<jvmarg value="-server" />
<jvmarg value="-Xms256m" />
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m" />
<jvmarg value="-XX:PermSize=128m" />
<jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" />
<sleep seconds="2" />
<target name="stop-server">
<wlserver dir="${domain.home}/${}" host="${host}" port="${port}" servername="${}" username="${username}" password="${password}" action="shutdown" beahome="${bea.home}" weblogichome="${weblogic.home}" forceshutdown="true" />
<target name="purge-deploy" description="Delete old deploy files.">
<echo message="Deleting old deploy files..." />
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
<!-- Delete all jar files -->
<fileset dir="${libdeploy.dir}" includes="**/*" />
<!-- Delete all config files -->
<fileset dir="${configdeploy.dir}" includes="**/*" />
<target name="copyToSecurityLib" description="Copy files to napf security folder.">
<copy todir="${libdeploy.dir}">
<fileset dir="${napfscutitysource.dir}">
<include name="**" />
<!-- ignore files/folders starting with svn -->
<exclude name="**/.svn" />
<target name="copyToDeploy" description="Copy files to deploy folder.">
<copy todir="${libdeploy.dir}">
<fileset dir="${libsource.dir}">
<include name="**" />
<!-- ignore files/folders starting with svn -->
<exclude name="**/.svn" />
<copy todir="${configdeploy.dir}">
<fileset dir="${configsource.dir}">
<include name="**" />
<!-- ignore files/folders starting with svn -->
<exclude name="**/.svn" />
<copy todir="${eardeploy.dir}">
<fileset dir="${earsource.dir}">
<include name="**" />
<!-- ignore files/folders starting with svn -->
<exclude name="**/.svn" />
<target name="purgeReport" description="Delete old report files.">
<echo message="Deleting old report files..." />
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="${sourceMonitorHome}" includes="**/*.csv,*.jpeg,*.smp" />
<target name="startSourceMonitor">
<exec dir="${sourceMonitorHome}" executable="cmd" failonerror="true" spawn="false">
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="sourcemonitor.bat"/>
<target name="copyReportFiles" description="Copy files to napf source directory to slave workspace directory.">
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="${sourceMonitorWorkSpace}"/>
<mkdir dir="${sourceMonitorWorkSpace}"/>
<sleep seconds="1" />
<copy todir="${sourceMonitorWorkSpace}">
<fileset dir="${sourceMonitorHome}">
<include name="**/*.csv" />
<include name="**/*.jpeg" />
<exclude name="**/.svn" />
Please suggest.
You can try wldeploy Ant task.
First, add task definition.
<taskdef name="wldeploy" classname="">
<pathelement location="${weblogic.home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
Next, configure each action of wldeploy task, such as deploy, redeploy, or undeploy specifically.
<!-- The deployment name for the deployed application.
If you do not specify this attribute, WebLogic Server assigns a deployment name to the application, based on its archive file or exploded directory. -->
<property name="" value="MyApp"/>
<!-- The archive file or exploded directory to deploy. -->
<property name="deploy.source" value="MyApp.ear"/>
<!-- The list of target servers to which the application is deployed.
The value of this attribute is a comma-separated list of the target servers, clusters, or virtual hosts.
If you do not specify a target list when deploying an application, the target defaults to the Administration Server instance. -->
<property name="deploy.targets" value="MyCluster"/>
<!-- Deploying Applications -->
<target name="deploy">
<wldeploy action="deploy"
<!-- Redeploying Applications -->
<target name="redeploy">
<wldeploy action="redeploy"
<!-- Undeploying Applications -->
<target name="undeploy">
<wldeploy action="undeploy"
Please note that if we want to deploy the JAR or EAR to remote WebLogic server, we must explicitly set the remote attribute in wldeploy tag to true, since the default value is false.
More complete reference regarding the task can be found on
The above task would work if you are just specifying the remote server file path. Essentially you would need two parameters one is remote and other being upload.
The same would work but i see an parameter is missing for the task if you are deploying from a remote server
<target name="deploy1">
<wldeploy action="deploy"
adminurl="t3://${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}" targets="${}" />

TestNg/Selenium call by ant always return Cannot find class in the classpath

I'm pretty new with this setup. And having issue to call my project with TestNG by ant.
I can run the testng.xml without any problem in Eclipse but I alway receive Cannot find class in classpath by ant.
<project basedir="." default="runTest" name="Ant file for TestNG">
<property name="src" location="src" />
<property name="bin" location="bin" />
<property name="telus" location="C:\ESP_Testware\ESP_Projects\Selenium\telus-pharma-integration-tests\src\test\resources\suite\local" />
<property name="libs" location="lib" />
<path id="class.path">
<pathelement location="${libs}/testng-6.4.jar" />
<pathelement location="${libs}/selenium-java-client-driver.jar" />
<pathelement location="${libs}/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar" />
<pathelement location="${bin}"/>
<pathelement location="${telus}"/>
<taskdef name="testng" classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask">
<pathelement location="${libs}/testng-6.4.jar"/>
<target name="runTest">
<echo message="mkdir"/>
<mkdir dir="testng_output"/><!-- Create the output directory. -->
<echo message= "TestNg Start"/>
<testng outputdir="testng_output" classpathref="class.path">
<xmlfileset dir="${telus}" includes="testng.xml"/>
<!-- <xmlfileset dir="." includes="TestNG2.xml"/> -->
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Bolt harness QA" verbose="1">
<parameter name="test.env" value="qa" />
<parameter name="selenium.url" value="" />
<!-- Valid values for browser: FF, IE, Chrome -->
<parameter name="selenium.browser" value="Chrome" />
<listener class-name="com.gdo.test.integration.listener.SoftAssertTestListener" />
<test name="Test_MS_Website" preserve-order="true">
<class name="com.gdo.telus.SC006">
<include name="Web_InvalidPassword" />
<exclude name="Web_LockedAccount" />
My Class are at this path :
Thanks for your help.
Try my build.xml file, I did add the ReportNG plugin into this build.xml file to generate better looking reports instead of the default TestNG reports. You can just download the jar file for ReportNG and place it into your lib folder and it should still work fine:
<project name="Some Bullshit Goes Here" default="clean" basedir=".">
<!-- Initilization properties -->
<!-- <property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib"/> -->
<!-- using the ${basedir} allows you to use relative paths. It will use the working directory and add folders that you specify -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/build"/>
<property name="lib.dir" value="hardcoded value can go here"/>
<property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src"/>
<property name="bin.dir" value="${basedir}/bin"/>
<property name="output.dir" value="${basedir}/output"/>
<!-- I chose to hardcode the location where my jar library files will be, it will be used for compilation. Again you can set relative path if you wish.-->
<path id="assloadoflibs">
<fileset dir="/automated/tests/library">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${basedir}/bin"/>
<!-- setting libraries -->
<target name="setClassPath">
<path id="classpath_jars">
<pathelement path="${basedir}/"/>
<fileset dir="/automated/tests/library" includes="*.jar"/>
<!-- Convert jar collection from a given reference into one list, storing the result into a given property, separated by colon -->
<pathconvert pathsep=":" property="test.classpath" refid="classpath_jars"/>
<target name="loadTestNG" depends="setClassPath">
<!-- Creating task definition for TestNG task -->
<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpath="${test.classpath}"/>
<target name="init">
<!-- Creating build directory structure used by compile -->
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
<target name="clean">
<echo message="deleting existing build directory"/>
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
<!-- In compile target dependency is given over clean target followed by init,
this order makes sure that build directory gets created before compile takes place
This is how a clean complile is achieved.
<target name="compile" depends="clean,init,setClassPath,loadTestNG">
<echo message="classpath:${test.classpath}"/>
<echo message="compiling..."/>
<javac destdir="${build.dir}" srcdir="${src.dir}" classpath="${test.classpath}"/>
<target name="run" depends="compile">
<!-- testng classpath has been provided reference of jar files and compiled classes
this will generate report NG report.
<testng classpath="${test.classpath}:${build.dir}" outputdir="${basedir}/output" haltonfailure="false" useDefaultListeners="true" listeners="org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter,org.uncommons.reportng.JUnitXMLReporter" classpathref="reportnglibs">
<xmlfileset dir="${basedir}" includes="testng.xml"/>
<!-- This value here will show the title of the report -->
<sysproperty key="org.uncommons.reportng.title" value="Example Test Report"/>
Here is my TestNG.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Example Test Suite">
<test name ="Example TestCase Name">
<class name="packageName.JavaFilename"></class>
I've found my answer on this site. I need to use maven to call my solution.
but thanx anyway for your help

TestNG test-output folder getting generated on Desktop when expected to be in project folder

I have a setup of Selenium WebDriver + TestNG + Ant framework in my automation project. Running webdriver + TestNG tests from Ant using build.xml was working absolutely fine a few months ago. TestNG was generating the test-output folder in the project directory as expected. Now when I run my testng tests from ANT it's generating the default report folder test-output on my Desktop (home/user/Desktop). I don't know why it is happening.
This is my build.xml file:
<project name="InitialConfigProject" default="start" basedir=".">
<!-- ========== Initialize Properties =================================== -->
<property environment="env"/>
<property file="./"/>
<property name="ws.home" value="${basedir}"/>
<property name="test.dest" value="${ws.home}/build"/>
<property name="test.src" value="${ws.home}/src"/>
<property name="browser" value="/usr/bin/google-chrome"/>
<property name="mail_body_file" value="${basedir}/email_body.txt"/>
<property name="buildID" value="IND3.2.0"/>
<property name="sendmailscript_path" value="${basedir}/"/>
<property name="mail_subject" value="Automated_test_execution_of_${buildID}"/>
<!-- ====== Set the classpath ==== -->
<target name="setClassPath" unless="test.classpath">
<path id="classpath_jars">
<fileset dir="${ws.home}/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
<pathconvert pathsep=":" property="test.classpath" refid="classpath_jars"/>
<!-- ============ Initializing other stuff =========== -->
<target name="init" depends="setClassPath">
<format property="timestamp" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm aa" />
<condition property="ANT"
<os family="windows" />
</condition> -->
<property name="build.log.dir" location="${basedir}/buildlogs" />
<mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/>
<property name="build.log.filename" value="build_${timestamp}.log"/>
<record name="${build.log.dir}/${build.log.filename}" loglevel="verbose" append="false"/>
<echo message="build logged to ${build.log.filename}"/>
<echo message="Loading TestNG.." />
<taskdef name="testng" classpath="${test.classpath}" classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask" />
<!-- cleaning the destination folders -->
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${test.dest}"/>
<!-- compiling files -->
<target name="compile" depends="init, clean" >
<delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true">
<fileset dir="${test.dest}" includes="**/*"/>
<echo message="making directory..."/>
<mkdir dir="${test.dest}"/>
<copy file="${ws.home}/" todir="${ws.home}/build" />
<copy file="${ws.home}/resources/testdata/" todir="${ws.home}/build" />
<echo message="compiling source files..."/>
<!-- run -->
<target name="run" depends="compile">
<testng outputdir="${ws.home}/test-output" classpath="${test.classpath}:${test.dest}" suitename="Praxify Sanity Suite">
<xmlfileset dir="${ws.home}" includes="testng.xml"/>
<!-- ========== Generating reports using XSLT utility ============== -->
<target name="testng-xslt-report">
<delete dir="${basedir}/testng-xslt">
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/testng-xslt">
<xslt in="${basedir}/test-output/testng-results.xml" style="${basedir}/testng-results.xsl" out="${basedir}/testng-xslt/index.html"
<param expression="${basedir}/testng-xslt/" name="testNgXslt.outputDir" />
<param expression="true" name="testNgXslt.sortTestCaseLinks" />
<param expression="FAIL,SKIP,PASS,CONF,BY_CLASS" name="testNgXslt.testDetailsFilter" />
<param expression="true" name="testNgXslt.showRuntimeTotals" />
<classpath refid="classpath_jars"></classpath>
<!-- Starting point of the execution, should be dependent on target "run".
Target sequence will be:
start (not_execute) ==> run (not_execute) ==> compile (not_execute) ==> init (execute) ==> clean (execute)
start (execute) <== testng-xslt-report (execute) <== run (execute) <== compile (execute) <==
Suitable for ANT 1.7. Currently using this ====================== -->
<target name="start" depends="run, testng-xslt-report">
<tstamp prefix="getTime">
<format property="TODAY" pattern="MM-dd-yyyyhhmmaa"/>
<echo message="sending report as mail...."/>
<property name="execution_time" value="${buildID}_${getTime.TODAY}"/>
<property name="dest_file" value="/home/xtremum/Reports/${execution_time}.zip"/>
<zip destfile="/home/xtremum/Reports/${execution_time}.zip" basedir="${basedir}/testng-xslt"/>
<property name="report_attachment_file" value="${dest_file}"/>
<exec executable="${sendmailscript_path}" newenvironment="false">
<arg value="${mail_subject}"/>
<arg value="${mail_recipient}"/>
<arg value="${report_attachment_file}"/>
<arg value="${mail_body_file}"/>
Just for the record:
1. I am using Eclipse Juno.
2. I have installed TestNG plugin on Eclipse so that I can run tests directly from eclipse by right clicking on testng.xml and going for Run.
3. I have installed ANT 1.7 on my Ubuntu machine and have set my ANT_HOME pointing to /usr/share/ant. And I looked up in Windows -> Preferences -> Ant -> Runtime -> Ant Home Entries (Default) and they seem to have references to ant 1.8.3 libraries (JARS) which are inside the Eclipse package (eclipse/plugins/). Is there anything wrong here?
4. I am running the tests via ant from eclipse and not from command line.
I am not getting any build errors. Tests are getting executed but the test-output folder is getting created on Desktop. Any help?
If you are running through the testng plugin option, the output folder would be the one you specify in Project->Properties->TestNG->OutputDirectory

ant build script don't run on windows using command line

i have written an ant script, which runs ok and generate the .jar file when i use it with eclipse.
But when i use it on command prompt on windows xp, it's shows successfull, but nothing happens. ant is properly configured and also i can run other ant scripts.
here is my build.xml file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="TaskNodeBundle" basedir=".">
<!-- Sets variables which can later be used. -->
<!-- The value of a property is accessed via ${} -->
<property name="bundlename" value="task-node-bundle" />
<property name="src.dir" location="../src" />
<property name="lib.dir" location="../lib" />
<property name="build.dir" location="/buildoutput" />
<property name="build.dest" location="build/dest" />
Create a classpath container which can be later used in the ant task
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}/">
<include name="*.jar" />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
<delete dir="${build.dest}" />
<!-- Deletes the existing build directory-->
<target name="mkdir" depends="clean">
<mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/>
<!-- Compiles the java code -->
<target name="compile" depends="mkdir">
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dest}" classpathref="classpath" />
<target name="package-bundle" depends="compile" description="Generates the bundle">
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${bundlename}.jar">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="**/**.class" />
<include name="**/**.properties"/>
<include name="/META-INF/**.*" />
<include name="/META-INF/spring/**.*" />
When you execute an ant script from the command line it will execute the first target defined in the build.xml file (in your case clean).
You can specify the target(s) to be executed on the command line
$ ant target1 target2
or define a default target in your build.xml file with the default attribute of the <project> tag:
<project name="TaskNodeBundle" basedir="." default="package-bundle">

Javadoc errors when building Ant project

I am trying to write a build.xml file for my project. When I run build.xml as an Ant project, I get the following error:
error: package org.apache.log4j does not exist
[javadoc] import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
I have imported log4j in LogAlerter.Java. Here is my build.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="LogAlerter" default="main" basedir=".">
<!-- Sets variables which can later be used. -->
<!-- The value of a property is accessed via ${} -->
<property name="src.dir" location="src" />
<property name="build.dir" location="build" />
<property name="dist.dir" location="dist" />
<property name="docs.dir" location="docs" />
<property name="libs.dir" location="lib" />
Create a classpath container which can be later used in the ant task
<path id="build.classpath">
<fileset dir="${libs.dir}">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<!-- Deletes the existing build, docs and dist directory-->
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
<delete dir="${docs.dir}" />
<delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
<!-- Creates the build, docs and dist directory-->
<target name="makedir">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${docs.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
<!-- Compiles the java code (including the usage of library for JUnit -->
<target name="compile" depends="clean, makedir" >
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}" classpathref="build.classpath" includeantruntime="false">
<!-- Creates Javadoc -->
<target name="docs" depends="compile">
<javadoc packagenames="src" sourcepath="${src.dir}" destdir="${docs.dir}">
<!-- Define which files / directory should get included, we include all -->
<packageset dir="${src.dir}" defaultexcludes="yes">
<include name="**" />
<!--Creates the deployable jar file -->
<target name="jar" depends="compile">
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}\LogAlerter.jar" basedir="${build.dir}">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="LogAlerter.Main" />
<target name="main" depends="compile, jar, docs">
<description>Main target</description>
Try adding a classpath ref to your javadoc task:
<javadoc packagenames="src"
What the warning is telling you is that you've not provided the full classpath to the javadoc task. Try adding a similar classpath ref to that in your compile task and see where that leads.
Importing is fine but make sure it is available at run time for the JavaDoc tool. log4j.jar should be present in your build.classpath.
Make use of the classpathref inside the docs target like so:
<javadoc packagenames="src" sourcepath="${src.dir}" destdir="${docs.dir}" classpathref="build.classpath">
