Tell AFJSONRequestSerializer (or other serializers) to log serialized data to console - afnetworking

I couldn't find this information in the docs.
How to I tell an AFJSONRequestSerializer (or any other serializer) to log the generated JSON to the console.

The easiest way would be to listen for either AFNetworkingTaskDidResumeNotification or AFNetworkingOperationDidStartNotification notifications, and log the request of the task or operation from that.
Alternatively, you could either add a log statement in an method overridden by an HTTP manager subclass, or even swizzle AFHTTPRequestSerialization -requestBySerializingRequest:....


NSURLSessionResponseCancel produces error?

I used NSURLConnectionobject and called its method cancel sometimes.
Now I should replace NSURLConnection -> NSURLSession. NSURLSession operates with tasks which have cancel method too.
The problem is -[NSURLConnection cancel] just stop the handling of requests but if I use -[NSURLSessionTask cancel] it produces "cancelling error". So how to properly distinguish if cancel is called manually or if a real error is occurred?
I've found 3 solutions:
subclass task/session class
create a custom property via method swizzling in task/session class
the simplest but not very beautiful way - task has string property taskDescription and documentation says that developers are free to use it as they want.
Compare the error code to NSURLErrorCancelled. This error code is generated only when your code cancels the request.

iOS: How to check if #selector has been called and then continue on the for loop?

I have the following code below that loops through an array. I need to check if the finish or fail selector has been called iterating to the next object in my dataArray.
for (id object in dataArray) {
[client setDidFinishSelector:#selector(getDataFinish:)];
[client setDidFailSelector:#selector(getDataFail:)];
[client getData:object];
In my getDataFinish method I assign values and I am trying to keep it in order. If I use the above method, the values can get out of order since the client response time can be different for each request..
I see two possible solutions, depending on what you're actually trying to do. It sounds like you're making calls to the internet, so yes you will get varied response time (or no response at all). Because of this, I would recommend using NSNotification. See this answer for more information about that.
Another option is making a flag in your code (AKA a BOOL) that you set to YES when your method has completed. Again, if you're making calls to the web I would not recommend this method as you are setting yourself up for an infinite loop if the user has no service and the BOOL never changes.
If you are still having trouble let me know and I can provide a more detailed answer.

iOS, RESTKit, How to set timeout for requests

I am new to RESTKit, and I want to set a timeout interval for some of my REST requests. This question refers to the same subject. But the answers there are not what I need.
I want to set a different timeout for different requests, and that's why I don't want to subclass RKObjectManager. I am using getObjectsAtPath:parameters:success:failure and postObject:path:parameters:success:
Is there a way to set each of those requests' timeout separately?
Not when using getObjectsAtPath:parameters:success:failure or postObject:path:parameters:success:.
You will need to call requestWithObject:method:path:parameters: instead, then edit the request to set your timeout, then call objectRequestOperationWithRequest:success:failure: to get the operation to run, then call enqueueObjectRequestOperation: to have it executed.

Can AFNetworking handle a queue of requests?

My example on iOS 6:
10 Multi-Part requests need to be sent (in order) to the server.
(so the request forms a queue)
progress should be shown.
if one request fails all following should fail
a request queue should be cancellable
Can AFNetworking help me with this? Or should I try to build something with NSOperations and run the loops myself?
If I need to pass context data between theses requests for example a transaction id produced by the first request. Are there any considerations about thread visibility I need to consider?
AFNetworking can do this. I recommend that you use AFHTTPRequestOperationManager (which itself uses NSOperation), rather than AFHTTPSessionManager. There are ways to do it with AFHTTPSessionManager, but none as elegant as with operations.
Under the hood, here's what you'd do without the manager:
You will use a request serializer to make your NSMutableURLRequest (for example, [AFHTTPRequestSerializer -multipartFormRequestWithMethod:URLString:parameters:constructingBodyWithBlock:error:]; there's a similar JSON request serializer too).
Once you have a URL Request, make the operation with [AFHTTPRequestOperation -initWithRequest:]. You should also set its completion blocks.
Finally, add your operation to [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager].operationQueue and start it.
Now that you understand how this is basically all working together, here's a simpler approach:
Subclass AFHTTPRequestOperationManager, optionally setting the requestSerializer if you don't like the default
Override (or copy with new implementation) -POST:parameters:constructingBodyWithBlock:success:failure:] - what you want to do is NOT start your operation right away.
Set the NSOperation dependency chains
start the first one

How to read the response headers every time using AFNetworking?

While using a 3rd party API, I have the requirement to cancel all traffic when a custom response header is set to a certain value. I am trying to find a nice place to do this check only once in my code (and not in every success/failure block, where it works fine). From what I understand, this could be done by overriding -(void)enqueueHTTPRequestOperation:(AFHTTPRequestOperation *)operation in my custom AFHTTPClient subclass, but when I implement it like that:
-(void)enqueueHTTPRequestOperation:(AFHTTPRequestOperation *)operation
NSLog(#"[REQUEST URL]\n%#\n", [operation.request.URL description]);
NSLog(#"[RESPONSE HEADERS]\n%#\n", [[operation.response allHeaderFields] descriptionInStringsFileFormat]);
[super enqueueHTTPRequestOperation:operation];
the response headers are nil. Can anybody help me with that?
At the moment when operations are being created and enqueued in AFHTTPClient, they will not have the response from the server--that will be assigned when the request operation is actually executed.
Although the requirement to cancel all traffic seems unorthodox (at least if outside of the conventions of HTTP), this is easy to accomplish:
In your AFHTTPClient subclass, add a BOOL property that stores if requests should be prevented, and then used in enqueueHTTPRequestOperation. Then, override HTTPRequestOperationWithRequest:success:failure: to execute the specified success block along with some logic to set the aforementioned property if the salient response is present.
