How to disable or turn off iOS background location capability - ios

On iOS 8, I can enable background location service with the capability set.
My app can receive location update in background mode, and when in background mode there is a blue bar on top to indicate the background location service is running.
The app is using Google MAP Service plus CLLocationManager.
Can I turn off background capability in run time?
I want to enable / disable this background location service in app's setting page.
Somehow I've tried stopUpdatingLocation, but in background the blue bar still exists.
Thank you.

Oh, I found the answer.
When an app is enabled background location service and you want to disable it at run time, you will need:
Release all CLLocationManager in your app when entering background mode.
Set your GMSMapView .myLocationEnabled to NO


Prevent Location blue bar in ios 11

As you already heard, in iOS11, an app that’s actively receiving continuous background updates will show a double-height blue bar, whenever authorization is set to While Using. It seems there is no way to remove the blue bar if the App is using background location App.
My app supports ios 9.0 and above and, I have added all the keys required in info.plist including the one below.
But seems everybody says there is no way to remove the blue bar while background location updates is working.
However I have installed UBER and somehow they managed to hide the blue bar when the app is in background, but in my app I can see blue bar when I put app in background.
Does some one knows any solution to get rid of blue bar in iOS11 when we set permission "while using the app" ?
In iOS 11, the Blue Bar will appear when an Always authorized app opts-in to displaying the blue bar while it is actively receiving Continuous Background Location updates via startUpdatingLocation()
There’s a new property on CLLocationManager that Always authorized apps can use to control the visibility of their blue bar.
#property(assign, nonatomic) BOOL showsBackgroundLocationIndicator
When-in-use authorized apps will continue showing the Blue Bar as before.
No other service will turn on the Blue Bar. When an app which makes use of any other location service receives an occasional update (for example Significant Location Change), the location arrow on the status bar will momentarily blink solid, but the Blue Bar will not appear.
According to apple , After iOS 11 update that blue bar is showing when app is running on the background. What you can do is, track user location when app is in the foreground.
Check this
Try with NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in info.plist file and use requestAlwaysAuthorization in CLLocationManager.
showsBackgroundLocationIndicator is useful for requestAlwaysAuthorization.

I want func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateToLocation to be called even after app is killed?

After my app is killed I want to relaunch the app based on the location.speed paramater, I mean to say when the device speed is>5kmph I want my app to get open and one button needs to be clicked programatically?
You can not execute part of code when you process is killed. Its as simple as that.
You can do this in android with background sevice which run even when you app gets killed because background service is different process. But iOS don't allow to create background service.
Set allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true
The default value is NO for allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates
If your app uses location in the background (without showing the blue status bar) you have to set allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to YES in addition to setting the background mode capability in Info.plist. Otherwise location updates are only delivered in foreground. The advantage is that you can now have location managers with background location updates and other location managers with only foreground location updates in the same app. You can also reset the value to NO to change the behavior.

iOS Location status message on background doesn't show

I've implemented a CLLocation like waze to get the users location on background mode, I want to show the bar like "incall" showing that I'm getting the location.
I don't know why the bar doesn't show, I have in the info.plist this
Key : NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription.
I assume you are talking about the blue "navigation" bar that appears under the status bar.
That only appears when an app is being used for navigation. An app that simply gets location in the background does not show the blue bar (or any other color bar).
If you requestAlwaysAuthorization the bar will not appear (because you could use location services at any time). The bar appears only when you requestWhenInUseAuthorization and the app asks to keep receiving location updates while in the background.
See the documentation for requestWhenInUseAuthorization (emphasis added):
If the user grants “when-in-use” authorization to your app, your app
can start most (but not all) location services while it is in the
foreground. (Apps cannot use any services that automatically relaunch
the app, such as region monitoring or the significant location change
service.) When started in the foreground, services continue to run in
the background if your app has enabled background location updates in
the Capabilities tab of your Xcode project. Attempts to start location
services while your app is running in the background will fail. The
system displays a location-services indicator in the status bar when
your app moves to the background with active location services.
This line about the "location-services indicator" is notably absent from the documentation for requestAlwaysAuthorization.

iOS8: How to display blue bar "is Using Your Location" with "requestAlwaysAuthorization"

How does an app register for location services in the background and signification change location services, i.e. using requestAlwaysAuthorization, and get the Blue Bar to warn the user that they might want to end their activity?
According to Apple documentation using requestWhenInUseAuthorization:
The system displays a location-services indicator in the status bar when your app moves to the background with active location services.
Apps cannot use any services that automatically relaunch the app, such as region monitoring or the significant location change service.
The limitation on requestWhenInUseAuthorization seems severe (cannot be relaunched if killed by the OS).
Can an app call both the Authorization methods?
Is the app supposed to forgo being relaunched by significant location change services, in order to get the Blue Bar to be seen?
Am I missing something obvious here?
(Similar question is Blue banner "Your app is using your location" is not showing after exiting my app. Other questions seem to want to get rid of the banner.)
The blue bar only show when you enable Background Location Updates and request when-in-use authorization in iOS 8.
Blue bar “is Using Your Location” appears shortly after exiting app
Sounds like location manager can't stop immediately. So the blue bar will appear until location manager stop completely. Or maybe it's just a bug .

Location services switching off in background in iOS

I have enabled background mode for location services in my app, but when I send the app to the background, it seems that the location services are switched off after a few seconds (the arrow of location services in the device's status bar disappears). I'm not programmatically stopping the location manager, and I'm using standard location service with its best accuracy.
What can I be missing?
Thanks in advance
For iOS 7 and above, When the app is on the background and not executing code. Normally, the system will move app from background mode to suspended mode automatically without any notification. When you app is in suspended mode, you can not do anything (no location update).
In order to keep the app active in the background for iOS 7 and above, you will have to know when to restart the locationManager.
I have a blog post with a detail explanation and also a complete solution uploaded to Github on how to keep the app active in the background, please check this post for more details:- Background Location Services not working in iOS 7
