Cloudinary URL doesn't create Cloud url, via SASS - ruby-on-rails

So in my:
application.css.scss file I have the following line:
background-image: cloudinary-url('billie-piper-reading-book', $width: '100%');
In development environment it loads with this asset pipeline:
Which results in:
GET http://localhost:3000/assets/billie-piper-reading-book 404 (Not Found)
I would assume, that cloudinary-url should genereate something like
Any reason?
Any support will be appreciated

In order to generate a Cloudinary URL for a static image, you should first run a rake task and follow up the steps as explained in the following blog:
After the image is synced with your Cloudinary account, the following code example should work:
background-image: cloudinary-url('billie-piper-reading-book.jpg');
This will generate a URL like the following (mind the asset type):<your_cloud_name>/image/asset/billie-piper-reading-book.jpg
If you want to use an already uploaded image, you can also set the type parameter to upload:
background-image: cloudinary-url('billie-piper-reading-book.jpg', $type: 'upload');
to generate a URL like (mind the upload type):<your_cloud_name>/image/upload/billie-piper-reading-book.jpg
Also note that $width: '100%' isn't accepted in background-image. You might want to consider using background-size instead.

If you need HTTPS like me, use :
background-image: cloudinary-url('billie-piper-reading-book.jpg', $secure: true);


Attach a pdf in asset pipeline using ActionMailer Rails 4

I'm trying to attach a file to an email. The file is in assets/downloads/product.pdf
In the mailer, I have:
attachments["product.pdf"] ="product.pdf"))
I've tried:
attachments["product.pdf"] ="product.pdf"))
...and even:
attachments["product.pdf"] ="product.pdf") + ActionController::Base.helpers.compute_asset_path("product.pdf"))
I always get the same error:
EmailJob crashed!
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - //localhost:3000/assets/product.pdf
...or a variation on the theme. But even when I try using asset_url in the view or just put the url in the browser it works:
I've also tried using straight up:"app/assets/downloads/product.pdf")"downloads/product.pdf")
...which works in dev environment but not on staging server (heroku). Error is still:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - downloads/product-market-fit-storyboard.pdf
Also tried:"/downloads/product.pdf")"")
...don't work at all.
you should use syntex like is work for me may be will work for you also."#{Rails.root}/app/assets/downloads/product.pdf"), "r")
When using mailer, you shouldn't use assets pipline. Asset pipeline would be useful if you wanted to have link to a file inside your email. When rendering an email, action mailer has access to files in app directory.
Please read about attachments in action mailer guide. As you can see, you just need to pass path to a file, not url:
attachments['filename.jpg'] ='/path/to/filename.jpg')

Rails 3.1 asset urls in SCSS files do not seem to be referencing the assets correctly

I just upgraded from Rails 3.0 to Rails 3.1.
I have a foo.css.scss file that references an image (/app/assets/images/foo.png) as follows:
.foo {
background-image: image-url('foo.png');
The problem is that my foo.png file is not loaded and I see 404 errors in my logs.
The actual css entry that is generated is:
background-image: url(/images/foo.png);
which is wrong (?) because the image can be found at /assets/foo.png and not at /images/foo.png.
Note that I am still working on development mode.
Another important note. If I rename my foo.css.scss file to foo.css.erb and use:
background-image: url(<%= image_path('foo.png') %>);
it works ok, because it generates /assets/foo.png.
So, the question is why my scss precompiler does not generate the correct css?
Update: my foo.css.scss file resides:
Does that make any difference?
You may try:
.foo {
background: url("/assets/foo.png")
should work fine. Hope it helps :)
background: url(asset_path('/assets/image.png'))
I have tried various solutions. The most elegant one was the following:
.foo {
background-image: url('foo.png')
which automatically converted to url('/assets/foo.png') by the SCSS compiler.
.foo {
background-image: asset-url('sub_dir/foo.png', asset);

can caching information attached to image file names cause a 404 error?

I deployed a Rails app successfully, however, the images are not displaying. This is the 404 error that's showing in the console
GET 404 (Not Found)
Inside my application directory on my server, there's three subdirectories
current releases shared
which is a setup created by the deployment script I borrowed from Ryan Bates.
I can see the images in the images directory of the assets folder in current
current/app/assets/images$ ls
glyphicons-halflings.png glyphicons-halflings-white.png qb.png
However, in the assets folder of the shared directory (which is I'm guessing where they're being put after everything's compiled for production), the same images have some (I'm assuming) cache information attached to them, such that the image I want isn't
but rather
I'm wondering if this is what's causing the 404 error, as (I'm assuming) the code's looking for myimage.png in the shared/assets directory.
Do you know how I can deal with this problem?
contents of /shared/assets
/shared/assets$ ls
application-39c95ed7b8d86b0698b6c443563e33c7.js fontawesome-webfont-c4adb9424c8b6a6b1b9b0d2627528c4c.woff
application-39c95ed7b8d86b0698b6c443563e33c7.js.gz fontawesome-webfont-f57557847fd1897100790d9df344ded8.ttf
application-7a6376d676fb88537b9f839687ccaad3.css glyphicons-halflings-4e5b89324f1ac987ddf6835ef51f5fe9.png
application-7a6376d676fb88537b9f839687ccaad3.css.gz glyphicons-halflings-white-2fa53df59ca25ee50f59f971c0c9175d.png
application-a184171300937caf263adbc5e8582ba4.css manifest-990c8a24196fee5e9c394078c326c763.json
application-a184171300937caf263adbc5e8582ba4.css.gz myimage-0bb3f134943971c95b2abdfd30f932c7.png
fontawesome-webfont-57b442a30fcae0d4334299c521a326a2.svg twitter
code used to display images
For one image, I create a span like this
and then assign it a background image
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-image: url('/assets/qb.png');
left: 75px;
top: 300px;
For another image, I have a template like this with a class that automatically uses Twitter bootstrap to create a x to let uses click and remove a page element
<script id="blahblah_template" type="text/underscore">
<h2> The Story <i class='icon-remove'></i></h2>
It's triggering a 404 even though the image is on the server
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
you should use asset helpers provided by rails which would automagically create the right url to the image with caching build in. here is how:
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-image: url( <%= asset_path 'qb.png' %> );
left: 75px;
top: 300px;
the above will map qb.png to qb-0bb3f134943971c95b2abdfd30f932c7.png & also update the url once the caching fingerprint changes. just make sure that your stylesheet filename has .erb at the end, something like stylesheet.css.erb
see The Asset Pipeline guide for more information
For Bootstrap integration with rails asset pipeline, kindly use gem like bootstrap-sass. it will fix your issues with images

Images in Grails stylesheets dont work

I'm using Grails 2.0 and specified my css stylesheets and javascript files in the application resources file so that I can use syntax like <r:require modules="common"/>
In my resource file I have specified a css file which in turn uses in image background...
jrac {
dependsOn 'jquery-dev'
resource url: '/js/misc/jrac.js'
resource url: '/css/misc/jrac.css', bundle:'bundle_style'
.jrac_loading {
background-image: url('../../images/misc/loading.gif');
The issue is that when I run this in the browser, the parsed file changes the url to:
background-image: url('resource:/images/misc/loading.gif');
So the image doesn't work, does anyone have any ideas why?
Turns out the issue was with the lesscss plugin. If you use this plugin you must set your less output to a separate bundle, otherwise url rewriting doesn't seem to play well.

scss.erb ruby code not executing

I am trying to load a background image which is stored on Rackspace's CloudFiles in my Stylesheet file. I used Fog & CarrierWave to upload the image file and to call the file. I keep on getting this error:
Invalid CSS after "...und-image: url(": expected ")", was "<%= design.main..."
background-image: url(<%= design.main_image_url.to_s %>);
Update: I rephrase my question and I got an answer from here
What I should have ask was "How to pass an instance variable to assets?" - Which you can can't
Put the url in quotes.
url('<%= design.main_image_url.to_s %>');
