iOS navigation views with both "back" and "save" buttons? - ios

I am new to iOS programming and need some help on creating navigation. I have a top-level view, shown on the left. When the user presses the "Create New" button, the app should bring up the "One Journal Entry" view, shown on the right.
I currently have implemented the two views with navigation using a Navigation Controller. The problem I'm finding is that there are now two ways to navigate back: (1) Using the back button in the upper-left and (2) using the "Save" button, which saves to file. I think the back button should go back without saving, or perhaps that should be a "Cancel" button instead, in which case I should not use a Navigation Controller.
What is the standard UI approach for this type of problem?

I think you shouldn't change your views' architecture, it is pretty standard and handy with going back to previous view controller by upper-left button and going back also by save button, which IBAction can look like
-(IBAction)doSaveStuff:(UIButton *)sender
// saving stuff
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];


How to handle menu calls

I have been working on an app for a while and I designed a menu that when you press the 'menu' button in the navigation controller, it brings up the menu over top of whatever view you are currently on. When you press outside the menu it makes the menu dismiss itself and returns to just the view you were on previously. My problem is that when you press on the cells in the menu, I want it to dismiss the menu and then have the navigation controller on the super view pop to the new view (depending on which cell was pressed). Now I don't know if that is a really bad design or not. If this is possible I would love some feedback on where to get some more information on how to put that into action.
Here is an image of the menu in action running in the app:
If this design for the menu is super complicated or not practical, a push in the right direction on how to implement one would be great. Have tried finding some resources but they are mostly pre-built menu's that you implement and I am not looking to use something like that. That is why I built my own!

Use case for push versus modal segues?

Let's say, I have a scene (pushed view controller with a navigation bar), which displays some tabular data in a table view.
In the navigation bar of that scene I have a + sign, which should open a new scene, where the user can add a new item (row to a core data table).
In the table view, each row has an arrow on the right side of each cell, which opens a scene where the user can edit that particular item's details.
Should I use a push or modal segue for the +?
Should I use a push or modal segue for the arrow?
What is the "best practise"?
I understand the difference between push and modal segues, but I want to know which is better suited for the above use cases.
If you want to follow Apple's best practices, I would suggest the following :
For the "Add" functionality, use a modal segue.
For example look at the contacts app. Pressing + shows a modal view controller.
What's the logic ? for start, modal view controllers usually have a "cancel" button, as opposed to the "back" button on a pushed vc.
When the user presses "back" - he'd expect a way to come back to the vc. Usually "back" saves your data on iOS (auto-saved).
So by using a modal segue you force the user to submit the form , or cancel. The modal presentation hints that you really need to fill this screen.
For editing - push. but modal could work as well (and you could reuse the same VC).
Reasons for push :
you get a hierarchy of vc's , going back and forward while drilling down.
(you should implement) auto saving when going back (just like other iOS apps)
For adding a new entity to the core data table, on tapping the + button (I assume its a right bar bar button item on the navigation bar), use the modal segue.
The view for adding a new row for the enity has to be presented modally and once the save is completed, dismiss the modal view and reload the table view to display the newly added item.
Also for displaying the details of an entity row, use the push segue. A user expects a push action when he selects a table cell and it is the ideal way to do that.
I hope this quick summary will help you :
When you want to show a detail view of a summary view, use a navigation controller and Push Segues. If the "parent" view doesn't really relate as far as data is concerned to the "child" view, then use a modal. A good example for a modal view would be any entry view. This view doesn't really have any relationship as far as data is concerned to the "parent" view., the entry screen will just take data dat from user & will save & can go away & giving control back to parent

Tabbar not showing in ios application

i am making one iOS tabbar application in that i have put 4 different tabs and whenever i click on 1 st tab and load another view after clicking of the first tab. After that when i press back button then tabbar is not displaying .So that i want hint that how can i show that
back the tabbar when we move from one tab from another and yes how i can use consistent the tabbar in whole application can you just guys help me on this i am new to iOS development.
here i am put the screen shot ...
here first screen is this one..
when i tap the video button that are first in the view then another window open
which are as under and see the tabbar is not there...
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Looking at your screen snapshots, do I correctly assume you're attempting to transition to the "Videos" scene by touching the big "Videos" button in the center of the "Home" scene (rather than touching the tab bar button at the bottom of the screen, which I assume works fine)? If that's the case, you need to have your button tell the view controller's tab bar controller that you want to change the index of the tab bar, and it takes care of it for you. You cannot do the transition using a segue (or at least not without a custom segue, which is even more complicated than the procedure I outline below). If you're changing the view some other way (e.g. using a standard segue or using presentViewController, pushViewController programmatically, etc.), your tab bar can disappear on you.
You later said:
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Yes, that's true. You cannot use a segue from one of your big buttons to one of the tabs in your tab bar. (Or technically, if you wanted to use a segue, it would be a custom segue which would do something very much like my below code, though perhaps a tad more complicated.) So, rather than using a segue for your big button, you need to write an IBAction (connected to the big Videos button on the Home scene), that tells the tab bar to change its selection:
- (IBAction)clickedVideosButton:(id)sender
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];
A couple of comments:
My answer was predicated on the assumption that your tab bar works as expected when you tap on the buttons of the tab bar, itself. If you tap the buttons at the bottom of the screen, do you transition to your other views correctly and preserve the tab bar? If so, my answer above should solve your issues in getting the big buttons to work. If not, though, then the problem rests elsewhere and you need to show us your code that might account for that (either you're something non-standard in the UITabBarControllerDelegate methods, or your viewDidLoad of the view is doing something nonstandard).
If I understand your user interface design right, you have the tab bar at the bottom as well as the big buttons in the middle, which presumably do the same thing. That is, no offense, a curious user interface design (duplicative buttons, requiring extra tap on a button, etc.). You might want to choose to either use either big buttons (in which you can retire the tab bar, eliminate the IBAction code I've provided above, and just use a nice simple navigation controller and push segues, for example), or just use the tab bar (and lose the home screen, lose the big buttons, etc.).
You also made reference to "press back button", and I don't see any "back" button on any of your screen snapshots. Do I infer that you have a navigation controller and you're doing a pushViewController or push segue somewhere? If you're doing something with back buttons, you might need to clarify your question further.

Make an iOS "forward" button

This is kind of a tough thing to search for because of how general the words are. I would like to make a "forward" button for my app, much like the standard iOS navigation "back" button, but obviously pointing the other direction.
So my question is simple: Is there a standard way of adopting the "back" button style, and simply flipping it to make it point to the right? Or do I have to make a custom button background?
Here is a quick 'shopped screenshot of what I would like.
The back button has a set functionality, it pops the current view controller in the navigation controller and returns to the previous one. A forward button does not have a clear semantic as you can push any view controller onto your navigation controller, which is why UIKit doesn't offer it. You'll probably have to emulate it (copying and flipping the graphics), then systematically push a given view controller when the user presses it.

iOS connect my view to popup on button press

I have two xibs, one is my title screen with buttons, the other is a more specific window that should come up when one of the buttons is pressed.
This isn't switching the whole screen, just a popup window, where clicking outside of the bounds of that window will make it disappear leaving only my title screen remaining as it was visible behind this popup view. This is similar to my understanding of "modal views".
Anyway I do not quite get how to connect it to the button on my title screen. I have the views made in IB ready to go. I'm not sure if I have declared all objects to satisfaction yet.
From what I understand I think I need a UIViewController or something, but its all a pretty thick fog of information right now
insight appreciated, or links to proper noob sources would be helpful
Does your title screen have a view controller (or is your app delegate the main controller object)? You will want to add an IBAction to that object, connect the button to it, and then present your other view controller modally (or in a popover) from there.
A popover will appear in a small window with an arrow, and tapping outside will close it. A modal view controller typically slides up into place, and you have to press a cancel button to close it. This guide explains how to use a popover. Using a modal view controller is simple if you have a view controller: [myViewController presentModalViewController:nextViewController animated:YES].
