Hi I have been trying to solve this problem for the past 2 days...
I am using the aubio.framework for an app I am trying to build and I keep getting the errors below
I tried all of the solutions I have found on SO but nothing worked. The aubio.framework seems to be linked correctly and no other frameworks are linked (started a new project)
Please help me!
I just had the same problem, you have to add following frameworks:
It seems that aubio doesn't work without it.
I know that there must be a whole bunch of questions like this, but I tried everything, and nothing would work.
I'm creating a iOS app, and I use Google Ad Mob. I built my Xcode project from Unity, but when I tried to archive it in Xcode, there is this annoying error "GoogleMobileAds.h file not found"! I have the Google Mobile Ad Framework, but when I put it in the project, the error still shows! I looked up this problem, and tried to follow some of the people to fixed it, but the error still wouldn't go away.
Could anyone help please?
Here is the link to the project you can download.
Xcode project
I fixed this by going to Framework Search Paths in build settings, and putting in the GoogleMobileAd.framework!
as #SullyBully already correctly mentioned.
You have to add your folder with the Admob SDK to Framework Search Paths in Build Settings.
Additionally you have to include your GoogleMobildeAds.framework into your frameworks section in xcode (no ideas whats that called)
See screenshot 1 and 2 (I literally spent now hours because of it, hopefully this finds a soul helpful :P)
By the way it is completely neccessary just to include GoogleMobildeAds.framework.
You dont need to include the others like GoogleUtilities, or GoogleAppMeasurement etc.
After you build the the game in Unity.You also have to add google admob iOS library to your Xcode project. You can get from : [https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/download][1]
I have been trying to work on an existing Objective C project provided by client and when i try to run the project i get this error. Could anyone help me how to fix this ?
Edit : I am actually sorry, i used a different image screenshot than what my actually problem is. I have replaced my image in the question now.
I have met this question days ago, my problem was I forgot drag one of my using-frameworks into Link Binary With Libraries. maybe you should check this.
Also you should check if ImageObjCommentTableViewCell these classes which mentioned in the error log contained in the Compile Sources.
I am facing issues while importing my custom framework in to the playground. It always says 'No such module'. I have tried adding playground to workspace as well as to the project target but found no luck. In swift files it is working perfectly fine. I have even tried with cocoapods as well(other is manual approach).
I have gone through many post but none of the solution worked for me.
These are some of the links which I referred:
Issues mentioned in this post and mine are similar but solution
didn't worked.
Anyone has any idea about this :/
So, ... I went through the tutorial, using the binary steps to go through this.
I went through some answers here and that's where it gets confusing as there are even more variations on which linker flags to add and header paths, etc.
I tried these: MapBox iOS SDK within your own Xcode no help.
The project doesn't find the classes/headers.
The only project I found that works is their sample XCode project. I replicated all those dependencies, no luck.
I could put all my code into the iOS example, but it over a year old and not indicated to include the latest version 1.6.1.
I hate cocoapods as they add too much setting up into the project and if I get the same issue with other 3rd party frameworks, (there's plenty ill documented out there) how woudl I add that?
So, anyone else having those issues of the Mapbox tutorial not working and what was your solution?
I followed the instructions that came with the framework at the github repository. But I got an error when I tried to compile all stemming from the NSValue+JNWAdditions files. The example project that comes with the code is meant to run in Mac OS X and not iOS. What am I missing here when trying to use this framework for an iOS app? For giggles I removed the aforementioned files and was able to compile but got a runtime error, I guess not surprising. I'm fairly new to this stuff and just want to play with animation and springs :(
GitHub repository:
Ah. Got it. For any fellow newbs out there: I had to import UIKit into the header file of NSValue+JNWAdditions.h. This got rid of all the "Expected a type" errors! Makes sense to me now and I have no idea why this took me so long to figure out.
Womp womp