Ruby on Rails basic tips - ruby-on-rails

Im new at Ruby on Rails language and I really need that someone explain me some 'topics' if possible.
I've created an app and I Scaffolded it and it created in the controller lots of code but I have doubts.
One of them is:
This app is 'empty' so far. It only has a 'New Book' in the first page.
||| <%= link_to 'New Book', new_book_path %> |||
new_book_path redirects me to books_controller
def new
#book =
respond_to do |format| //-----> What means this 'format'?
format.html # new.html.erb // What really mean two options for 'format'?
format.json { render json: #book } // What means render json: #book
# new.html.erb -> has this code inside
New author
/*<%= render 'form' %>
<%= link_to 'Back', authors_path %>*/
Can someone explain me what's hapenning here?
I know that these are really silly questions but I'm not getting it.
Thanks in advance.

The best two ways to understand Rails in-depth are reading its code ( and reading Documentation ( and
So you'll find enough information to cover this topic here: or here:
But if you want short answer... listen to the story :)
The entire respond_to do ... end block is responsible for defining rules on how your app should response on different 'formats'. Rails supports a lot of different formats, i.e :html, :json, :xml (you even can define your own formats). Beside mime types it has variants: :desktop, :tablet, :phone. Obviously that with mime types you describe how you want to answer on different types of request and with variants you specify different options for various user agents.
:format variable passed into block has type ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector. They didn't call it so for nothing. It collects all different response types you specify inside block and then using headers section from http request picks an appropriate variant from that options.
Hope it was useful. But again, better check Documentation.
Rails uses MVC pattern in as its foundation ([–view–controller]). So what we've seen before was a Controller. And you can treat new.html.erb as a View for :new action for that controller.
The file itself is an html file flavored with ERB (NOT the same as Epic Rap Battles of History, but []) template engine. ERB is able to inject chunks of ruby code into your pages. <% %> enclosing tag is used just for evaluation and <%= %> for injection of the result of evaluation. So in your case with <%= render 'form' %> you inject result of #render method call into your html and with :link_to helper you create link.
IN CONCLUSION: I recommend you to start with That's an excellent tutorial for starters. You'll find answers for most of your questions and even develop your own little Twitter! (at least 2nd edition is about Twitter).

respond_to is a Rails controller method (explanation here:, which gets a block as argument. In short, block is a part of code ran within method it has been passed to.
For a block you declare variable called 'format'. Because this in just variable name so you may declare it i.e. 'f' or whatever you want.
Within the block of respond_to method, you may declare how your controller action responds for given MIME type. So, for HTML you may leave it empty, however if you want your controller to respond to JSON (MIME: application/json and you define it in the request header from the client side), then you have to tell your controller that's the response has to be in json format.


Rails: What does it actually mean to "render a template"

I've become a bit confused about the idea of "rendering" a "template" due to the way an author speaks about it in a book I'm reading.
My original understanding of "rendering a template" was that it meant that Rails is providing the content that is viewed on the screen/presented to the viewer (in the way that a partial is rendered) but the book I'm reading seems to be using the concept of "rendering a template" to also mean something else. Let me explain in context
This book (rails 3 in action) sets up a page layout using the conventional layouts/application.html.erb file, and then it "yields" to different view pages, such as views/tickets/show.html.erb which adds more content to the screen. that's all straightforward..
Within this view views/tickets/show.html.erb, there is a rendering of a partial (which is also a straightforward concept).
<div id='tags'><%= render #ticket.tags %></div>
Now within this partial there is, using ajax, a call to a "remove" method in the "tags_controller.rb" which is designed to allow authorized users to remove a "tag" from a "ticket" in our mock project management application.
<% if can?(:tag, #ticket.project) || current_user.admin? %>
<%= link_to "x", remove_ticket_tag_path(#ticket, tag),
:remote => true,
:method => :delete,
:html => { :id => "delete-#{}" } %>
<% end %>
Now here is the "remove" action in the tags controller (which disassociates the tag from the ticket in the database)...
def remove
#ticket = Ticket.find(params[:ticket_id])
if can?(:tag, #ticket.project) || current_user.admin?
#tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
#ticket.tags -= [#tag]
At the end of this remove action, the author originally included render :nothing => true , but then he revised the action because, as he says, "you’re going to get it to render a template." Here's where I get confused
The template that he gets this action to render is "remove.js.erb", which only has one line of jquery inside it, whose purpose is to remove the "tag" from the page (i.e. the tag that the user sees on the screen) now that it has been disassociated from the ticket in the database.
$('#tag-<%= %>').remove();
When I read "rendering a template" I expect the application to be inserting content into the page, but the template rendered by the "remove" action in the controller only calls a jquery function that removes one element from the page.
If a "template" is "rendered", I'm expecting another template to be removed (in order to make room for the new template), or I'm expecting content to be "rendered" in the way that a partial is rendered. Can you clarify what is actually happening when a "template" is "rendered" in the situation with the jquery in this question? Is it actually putting a new page in front of the user (I expected some sort of physical page to be rendered)
You're nearly there! Rendering a template is indeed always about producing content, but for a slightly wider description of content. It could be a chunk of html, for example an ajax call to get new items might produce some html describing the new items, but it doesn't have to be.
A template might produce javascript as it does in your second example. Personally I am trying to avoid this and instead pass JSON back to the client and let the client side js perform the required work.
Another type of rendering you might perform is to produce some JSON. APIs will often do this, but you might also do this on a normal page. For example rather than rendering some javascript to delete tag x you might render the json
{ to_delete: "tag-123"}
and then have your jQuery success callback use that payload to know which element to remove from the DOM, by having this in your application.js file
$('a.delete_tag').live('ajax:success', function(data){
var selector = '#' + data.to_delete;
(Assuming that your delete links had the class 'delete_tag')
Rendering JSON like this isn't really a template at all, since you'd usually do this via
render :json => {:to_delete => "tag-#{}"}
although I suppose you could use an erb template for this (I can't imagine why though).
My understanding is that js.erb is "rendered" by executing the javascript functions within it. Very often something like the below is done:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#element').html('<%= escape_javascript(render pages/content) %>');
There's a really succinct overview of rendering at that may help as it also goes into the details of the ActionController::Base#render method and what happens behind the scenes when you use render :nothing (for example). Render but can be used for files or inline code as well -- not just 'templates' in the traditional sense.

Don't render layout when calling from Ajax

I have a rails action called index that renders the content for my page along with the layout. When I go to the /index action with a browser it works like expected. I want to be able to also render this action by calling it with Ajax, I am doing this using the following:
<%= link_to "Back", orders_path, :id => 'back_btn', :remote => true %>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
jQuery("#back_btn").bind("ajax:complete", function(et, e){
<% end %>
When the action is called this way I would like it to render and pass the index action back, excluding the layout. How can I do this?
You should be able to add a format.js action to your controller action like so:
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: #foos }
Ideally, you would want to create a index.js.erb file that would build the contents of the page:
$('#foos_list').update("<%= escape_javascript(render(#foos)) %>");
If you're going to update the contents of a div, to basically update a whole page inside of a layout, then you're going to want to change it up a little bit. Inside of the format.js, you can do this:
format.js { render 'foos/index', :layout => false }
But if you're trying to go with an ajaxified front-end, may I recommend a framework for doing this, like Spine? It will go a long way in helping you build your site.
Also, using a framework like this will force you to separate your application per #Zepplock's second suggestion.
You can just detect if the request is an XML HTTP Request, then render a blank layout like so:
render layout: 'blank' if request.xhr?
You'll need to create a blank layout in app/views/layouts/blank.html.erb like this:
<%= yield %>
You need a way to let server know that there's a difference in request type. It can be done in several different ways:
Append a key value to the URL (for example layout=off) and change your controller logic to render data with no view. This is kind of a hack.
Make your controller return data via XML or JSON (controller will know what content type is being requested) then format it accordingly and present in browser. This is more preferred way since you have a clear separation between content types and is better suited for MVC architecture.
Create an API that will serve data. This will lead to separate auth logic, more code on client side, additional APi controller(s) on server etc. Most likely an overkill for your case

Rails, How to render a view/partial in a model

In my model I have:
after_create :push_create
I push_create I need to render a view. I'm trying to do that like so:
def push_event(event_type)
:content => render( :partial =>"feeds/feed_item", :locals => { :feed_item => self })
This angers rails as it doesn't like me rendering a view in the model but I need it there.
NoMethodError (undefined method `render' for #<WallFeed:0x1039be070>):
Suggestions? Should I render it somewhere else somehow? Or how can I render in the model to set content? Thanks
proper solution
Well, "they" are right. You really have to do the rendering in a controller -
but it's fair game to call that controller from a model! Fortunately, AbstractController
in Rails 3 makes it easier than I thought. I wound up making a simple
ActionPusher class, working just like ActionMailer. Perhaps I'll get ambitious and
make this a proper gem someday, but this should serve as a good start for anyone else in my shoes.
I got the most help from this link:
in lib/action_pusher.rb
class ActionPusher < AbstractController::Base
include AbstractController::Rendering
include AbstractController::Helpers
include AbstractController::Translation
include AbstractController::AssetPaths
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
helper ApplicationHelper
self.view_paths = "app/views"
class Pushable
def initialize(channel, pushtext)
#channel = channel
#pushtext = pushtext
def push
Pusher[#channel].trigger('rjs_push', #pushtext )
in app/pushers/users_pusher.rb. I guess the require could go somewhere more global?
require 'action_pusher'
class UsersPusher < ActionPusher
def initialize(user)
#user = user
def channel
def add_notice(notice = nil)
#notice = notice channel, render(template: 'users_pusher/add_notice')
Now in my model, I can just do this:
after_commit :push_add_notice
def push_add_notice
and then you'll want a partial, e.g. app/views/users_pusher/add_notice.js.haml, which could be as simple as:
I guess you don't really need to do it with Pushable inner class and the .push
call at the end, but I wanted to make it look like ActiveMailer. I also have a
pusher_key method on my user model, to make a channel for each user - but this
is my first day with anything like Pusher, so I can't say for sure if that's the right
strategy. There's more to be fleshed out, but this is enough for me to get started.
Good luck!
(this was my first draft answer, leaving it in because it might help someone)
I've got the general outline of a solution working. Like this, in your model:
after_create :push_new_message
def render_anywhere(partial, assigns = {})
view =, assigns)
view.extend ApplicationHelper
view.render(:partial => partial)
def push_new_message
pushstring = render_anywhere('notices/push_new_message', :message_text => self.body)
Pusher[user.pusher_key].trigger!('new_message', pushstring)
that is definitely working - the template is rendering, and gets eval()'ed on the client side successfully. I'm planning to clean it up, almost certainly move render_anywhere somewhere more general, and probably try something like this
I can see that pushes will need their own templates, calling the generally available ones, and I may try to collect them all in one place. One nice little problem is that I sometimes use controller_name in my partials, like to light up a menu item, but I'll obviously have to take a different tactic there. I'm guessing I might have to do something to get more helpers available, but I haven't gotten there yet.
Success! Hooray! This should answer your question, and mine - I'll add more detail if it seems appropriate later. Good luck!!!!
original non-answer from an hour ago left for clarity
I don't have an answer, but this timely question deserves more clarification, and I'm hoping to get closer to my answer by helping ask :)
I'm facing the same problem. To explain a little more clearly, Pusher asynchronously sends content to a connected user browser. A typical use case would be a showing the user they have a new message from another user. With Pusher, you can push a message to the receiver's browser, so they get an immediate notification if they are logged in. For a really great demo of what Pusher can do, check out
You can send any data you like, such as a JSON hash to interpret how you like it, but it would be very convenient to send RJS, just like with any other ajax call and eval() it on the client side. That way, you could (for example) render the template for your menu bar, updating it in its entirety, or just the new message count displayed to the user, using all the same partials to keep it bone-DRY. In principle, you could render the partial from the sender's controller, but that doesn't make much sense either, and there might not even be a request, it could be triggered by a cron job, for example, or some other event, like a stock price change. The sender controller just should not have to know about it - I like to keep my controllers on a starvation diet ;)
It might sound like a violation of MVC, but it's really not - and it really should be solved with something like ActionMailer, but sharing helpers and partials with the rest of the app. I know in my app, I'd like to send a Pusher event at the same time as (or instead of) an ActionMailer call. I want to render an arbitrary partial for user B based on an event from user A.
These links may point the way towards a solution:
How to render a Partial from a Model in Rails 2.3.5
The last one looks the most promising, offering up this tantalizing snippet:
def render_anywhere(partial, assigns)
view =, assigns)
ActionView::Base.helper_modules.each { |helper| view.extend helper }
view.extend ApplicationHelper
view.render(:partial => partial)
As does this link provided by another poster above.
I'll report back if I get something working
tl;dr: me too!
I just do this: 'messages/any', locals: { variable: 'value' })
Rails 5 way
In Rails 5 rendering outside a controller became pretty straightforward due to implemented render controller class method:
# render template
ApplicationController.render 'templates/name'
# render action
FooController.render :index
# render file
ApplicationController.render file: 'path'
# render inline
ApplicationController.render inline: 'erb content'
When calling render outside of a controller, one can assign instance variables via assigns option and use any other options available from within a controller:
assigns: { article: Article.take },
template: 'articles/show',
layout: false
Request environment can be tailored either through default options
ApplicationController.render inline: '<%= users_url %>'
# => ''
ApplicationController.renderer.defaults[:http_host] = ''
# => ""
ApplicationController.render inline: '<%= users_url %>'
# => ''
or explicitly by initializing a new renderer
renderer =
http_host: '',
https: true
renderer.render inline: '<%= users_url %>'
# => ''
Hope that helps.
You can use ActionView directly and render partials to string without having a controller. I find that pattern useful to create models that encapsulate some javascript generation, for instance.
html =['app/views']).render(
partial: 'test',
formats: [:html],
handlers: [:erb],
locals: { variable: 'value' }
Then, just put your _test.html.erb in you view folder and try it out!
Rails 6.0.0 compatible answer, since I ended up on this page while searching for a solution:
lookup_context =["app/views"])
renderer =
renderer.render \
template: "foo/bar",
formats: [:html],
handlers: [:erb],
locals: { user: }
I'm fairly sure the answers you seek lie within Crafting Rails Applications where Jose Valim goes into great detail about how and why you would want to render views straight from your db
Sorry I can't be of more help yet because I've just started reading it myself tonight.
You might find some help here - it's a blog post about doing this sort of thing, albeit using different methods than yours
the "proper" way to do this is to push an object in serialized form(json), and then have the view deal with it once the event is received. Perhaps you want to use Handlebars to render the object.
Edit: I originally wrote about how, despite my answer, I was going to follow your example. But I just realized there is a HUGE gotcha with your approach when it comes to push notifications.
In your problem, you are doing push notifications to one user. For me, I was broadcasting out to a set of users. So I was going to render html with a presumption of a "current_user" and all that comes with it(eg logic, permissions, etc). This is NO BUENO as each push notification will be received by a different "current user".
Therefore, really, you need to just send back the data, and let each individual view handle it.
You should call all render methods from a controller. So, in this case, you can notify the controller that the object has been created and the controller can then render the view. Also, since you can render only once, I think you can wait for all your server side operations to complete before invoking the render.
The render methods are defined on the ActiveController class and its progeny. Inherently you do not have access to it on the model, nor is it a class method so you can't use it without an instance of the controller.
I've never tried to instantiate a controller for the express purpose of simply stringifying a partial, but if you can get your hands on a controller, render_to_string seems to be the way to go.
I will chime in by saying that if you're going down this path you're taking RoR "off the Rails". This is a violation of MVC and fundamentally poor program design.This doesn't mean I think you're a bad person :P Sometimes life drives us off the rails, so to speak.
I can't speak to the details that have driven you to do this, but I'd strongly suggest you rethink your approach.
I have created a gist for this.
I needed something similar, where the models don't necessarily (or in my case, ever) get updated via a controller, so the logic can't sit there.
Created a server-push based controller:

Rails 3 rendering template missing without file ending

I have an action in my controller as below:
def show
#post = Post.find_by_setitle(params[:setitle])
if !#post
render 'error_pages/404'
respond_to do |format|
If the render error_pages/404 I get a template missing. Switching it to render error_pages/404.haml.html works fine.
Why is this?
N.B. There is no actual error_pages controller or model. Just a convenient place to keep them.
Edit: I'm using mongoid and hence don't have access to ActiveRecord. Controller base can't be looking for a particular ActiveRecord exception?
From the documentation
The render method can also use a view that’s entirely outside of your application (perhaps you’re sharing views between two Rails applications):
Rails determines that this is a file render because of the leading slash character. To be explicit, you can use the :file option (which was required on Rails 2.2 and earlier):
You need either to pass the :file option, or to start the location string with a slash. Alternatively, you could use the Rails functionality to rescue from errors, and recover from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound with a 404. See this post for details.
You should probably use render :template => 'error_pages/404'.
I think Rails is looking for a partial called _404.
Try it out 1:
render 'error_pages/404' (and name the file _404.html.erb)
Try it out 2:
render :template => 'error_pages/404' (and name the file 404.html.erb i.e. no leading underscore)

How to use partial in views with different alias MIME?

Im using 2 different sets of views for 2 different user's roles.
Im using register_alias :
Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :basic
in the controller:
class SomeController < ApplicationController
def index
# …
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb (advance)
format.basic # index.basic.erb
In some case I have to use the same code in both views, then I would use a Partial, but because of the MIME alias, I have to use 2 identical partials:
my_partial.html.erb and my_partial.basic.erb
I think there is a solution to DRY the code and use only a partial.
Do you have some solutions ?
thank you,
Old Answer:
I probably tried 50 different things until I figured out the right way of writing the partial once, but it was worth it because it's super simple:
Inside your index view, you normally do:
<%= render "my_partial" %>
This implicitly gets mapped to the partial corresponding to the Mime you requested, so it implies having two partial implementations. If you want a DRY partial, simply explicitly specify the format:
<%= render "my_partial.html" %>
As an added bonus of this observation, if your responds_to block of code is really just to switch based on the format and has no logic inside it, you can entirely remove that block of code and things still work implicitly.
Rails 3.2 update:
Rails has deprecated support for the above and support has been completely removed in the latest version of Rails. The following is the correct way as of Rails 3.2:
<%= render :partial => "my_partial", :formats => [:html] %>
