Let’s say I have a matrix like this with distances (in kilometers) between the homes of different people.
| | Person 1 | Person 2 | Person 3 |
| Person 1 | | | |
| Person 2 | 24 | | |
| Person 3 | 17 | 153 | |
And I have a data table like this:
| Person | Party |
| Person 1 | Party A |
| Person 2 | Party B |
| Person 3 | Party C |
I want to do multidimensional scaling (dissimilarity by distance) to visualize i) how close each person lives to another; ii) which party each person votes for (different colors for each party)
My current plot of MDS (made with SPSS) is like this (I don’t use a code line, but a menu commands in SPSS).
I want to add a different color for each person depending on which party this person votes for:
Can I do it in SPSS? How to add the data about votes in the matrix and how to show it in MDS plot?
There is quite the same problem and solution for R.
R) Create double-labeled MDS plot
But I want to do it in SPSS.
I don't believe it's possible to create a plot like the one you show directly from either of the MDS procedures currently available in SPSS Statistics, PROXSCAL or ALSCAL. I think what you'd need to do would be to save the common space coordinates to a new dataset or file, then add the Party variable to that new dataset or file, define it as Nominal in the measurement level designation in the Data Editor, and then use the Grouped Scatter option under Scatter/Dot in the chart Gallery in the Chart Builder, defining groups by the Party variable.
The PROXSCAL procedure lets you save things from the dialogs in the Output sub-dialog. The ALSCAL procedure only supports saving out of common space coordinates and other things using command syntax, specifically using the OUTFILE subcommand (you can paste the command from the dialogs, then add this subcommand).
I have created an API and I did profiling for memory usage & process time for each web service using this guide and memory profiler gem.
I created a table to keep all profiling results like this:
Request | Memory Usage(b) | Retained Memory(b) | Runtime(seconds)
Post Login | 444318 | 35649 | 1.254
Post Register | 232071 | 32673 | 0.611
Get 10 Users | 11947286 | 2670333 | 3.456
Get User By ID | 834953 | 131300 | 0.834
Note: all numbers are the average number of calling the same service 3 consecutive times.
And I read many guides and answers(like this and this) says that Garbage Collector is responsible for releasing memory and we should not explicitly interfere in memory management.
Then I just forced the Garbage Collector to start after each action (for test purpose) by adding the following filter in APIController:
after_action :dispose
def dispose
And I found that Memory usage is reduced too much (more than 70%), retained memory almost same before and runtime is reduced as well.
Request | Memory Usage(b) | Retained Memory(b) | Runtime(seconds)
Post Login | 38636 | 34628 | 1.023
Post Register | 37746 | 31522 | 0.583
Get 10 Users | 2673040 | 2669032 | 2.254
Get User By ID | 132281 | 128913 | 0.782
Is it good practice to add such filter and what are the side effects?
I thought that runtime will be more than before, but it seems less, what can be the reason?
I'm using Ruby 2.3.0 and I've used gc_tracer gem to monitor heap status because I'm afraid to have old garbage collection issues highlighted in Ruby 2.0 & 2.1
The issue is that the Ruby GC is triggered on total number of objects,
and not total amount of used memory
Then to do a stress test, I run the following:
while true
"a" * (1024 ** 2)
and result is that memory usage does not exceed the following limits (it was exceeding before and GC wont be triggered):
So now I'm pretty sure that same GC issues of 2.0 & 2.1 don't exist anymore in 2.3, but still getting the following positive results by adding above mentioned filter (after_action :dispose):
Heap memory enhanced by 5% to 10% (check this related question)
General execution time enhanced by 20% to 40% (test done using third party tool Postman which consumes my API)
I'm still looking for answers to my two questions above.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Using Google Sheets, I want to automatically number rows like so:
The key is that I want this to use built-in functions only.
I have an implementation working where child items are in separate columns (e.g. "Foo" is in column B, "Bar" is in column C, and "Baz" is in column D). However, it uses a custom JavaScript function, and the slow way that custom JavaScript functions are evaluated, combined with the dependencies, possibly combined with a slow Internet connection, means that my solution can take over one second per row (!) to calculate.
For reference, here's my custom function (that I want to abandon in favor of native code):
* Calculate the Work Breakdown Structure id for this row.
* #param {range} priorIds IDs that precede this one.
* #param {range} names The names for this row.
* #return A WBS string id (e.g. "2.1.5") or an empty string if there are no names.
* #customfunction
function WBS_ID(priorIds,names){
if (Array.isArray(names[0])) names = names[0];
if (!names.join("")) return "";
var lastId,pieces=[];
for (var i=priorIds.length;i-- && !lastId;) lastId=priorIds[i][0];
if (lastId) pieces = (lastId+"").split('.').map(function(s){ return s*1 });
for (var i=0;i<names.length;i++){
if (names[i]){
var s = pieces.concat();
pieces[i] = (pieces[i]||0) + 1;
return pieces.join(".");
For example, cell A7 would use the formula:
...to produce the result "1.3.2"
Note that in the above example blank rows are skipped during numbering. An answer that does not honor this—where the ID is calculated determinstically from the ROW())—is acceptable (and possibly even desirable).
Edit: Yes, I've tried to do this myself. I have a solution that uses three extra columns which I chose not to include in the question. I have been writing equations in Excel for at least 25 years (and Google Spreadsheets for 1 year). I have looked through the list of functions for Google Spreadsheets and none of them jumps out to me as making possible something that I didn't think of before.
When the question is a programming problem and the problem is an inability to see how to get from point A to point B, I don't know that it's useful to "show what I've done". I've considered splitting by periods. I've looked for a map equivalent function. I know how to use isblank() and counta().
Lol this is hilariously the longest (and very likely the most unnecessarily complicated way to combine formulas) but because I thought it was interesting that it does in fact work, so long as you just add a 1 in the first row then in the second row you add:
in my defense ive had a very long day at work - complicating what should be a simple thing seems to be my thing today :)
Spreadsheet built-in functions doesn't include an equivalent to JavaScript .map. The alternative is to use the spreadsheets array handling features and iteration patterns.
A "complete solution" could include the use of built-in functions to automatically transform the user input into a simple table and returning the Work Breakdown Structure number (WBS) . Some people refer to transforming the user input into a simple table as "normalization" but including this will make this post to be too long for the Stack Overflow format, so it will be focused in presenting a short formula to obtain the WBS.
It's worth to say that using formulas for doing the transformation of large data sets into a simple table as part of the continuous spreadsheet calculations, in this case, of WBS, will make the spreadsheet to slow to refresh.
Short answer
To keep the WBS formula short and simple, first transform the user input into a simple table including task name, id and parent id columns, then use a formula like the following:
First, prepare your data
Put each task in one row. Include a General task / project to be used as the parent of all the root level tasks.
Add an ID to each task.
Add a reference to the ID of the parent task for each task. Left blank for the General task / project.
After the above steps the data should look like the following:
| | A | B | C |
| 1 | Task | ID | Parent ID |
| 2 | General task | 1 | |
| 3 | Substast 1 | 2 | 1 |
| 4 | Substast 2 | 3 | 1 |
| 5 | Subsubtask 1 | 4 | 2 |
| 6 | Subsubtask 2 | 5 | 2 |
Remark: This also could help to reduce of required processing time of a custom funcion.
Second, add the below formula to D2, then fill down as needed,
The result should look like the following:
| | A | B | C | D |
| 1 | Task | ID | Parent ID | WBS |
| 2 | General task | 1 | | 1 |
| 3 | Substast 1 | 2 | 1 | 1.1 |
| 4 | Substast 2 | 3 | 1 | 1.2 |
| 5 | Subsubtask 1 | 4 | 2 | 1.1.1 |
| 6 | Subsubtask 2 | 5 | 2 | 1.1.2 |
Here's an answer that does not allow a blank line between items, and requires that you manually type "1" into the first cell (A2). This formula is applied to cell A3, with the assumption that there are at most three levels of hierarchy in columns B, C, and D.
COUNTA(B3), // If there is a value in the 1st column
INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),1)+1, // find the 1st part of the prior ID, plus 1
IF( // ...otherwise
COUNTA(C3), // If there's a value in the 2nd column
INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),1) // find the 1st part of the prior ID
& "." // add a period and
& IFERROR(INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),2),0)+1, // add the 2nd part of the prior ID (or 0), plus 1
INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),1) // ...otherwise find the 1st part of the prior ID
& "." // add a period and
& IFERROR(INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),2),1) // add the 2nd part of the prior ID or 1 and
& "." // add a period and
& IFERROR(INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),3)+1,1) // add the 3rd part of the prior ID (or 0), plus 1
) & "" // Ensure the result is a string ("1.2", not 1.2)
Without comments:
=IF(COUNTA(B3),INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),1)+1,IF(COUNTA(C3),INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),1)& "."& IFERROR(INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),2),0)+1,INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),1)& "."& IFERROR(INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),2),1)& "."& IFERROR(INDEX(SPLIT(A2,"."),3)+1,1))) & ""
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
int Byte = 128 * 1000;
char *po[Byte];
for (int i = 0; i < Byte; i++){
po[i] = (char *)calloc(1024, sizeof(char));
if (po[i] == NULL) {
printf("can not calloc.");
for (int j = 0; j < Byte; j++){
simulator retain memory then call to Free() and release memory as expected, But on real device, it is not release memory. it's retain 128MB. How do I do to release memory on real device?
The code you've posted looks fine but you may find that your method for detecting how much memory the process is using is faulty.
Typically, memory allocated from the operating system to the process is not returned to the operating system (until process exit), instead it's held by the process in a free pool in case you need it again, something like:
| process |
| (malloc) |
| ^ |
| | |
| v |
| +-----------+ | +------------------+
| | free pool |<-+--| Operating system |
| +-----------+ | +------------------+
So, if you're measuring the memory used by the process, it will rise by (about) 128M as you allocate the memory but it will not reduce when you free it.
You could test this indirectly by simply allocating the memory again to see if the process space increases or stays at the levels reached the first time.
You could also add debug statements to the code to ensure calloc and free are being called the correct number of times, and with valid pointers in the case of the latter.
I'm writing a hook to be run before the execution of every step. The hook function basically manipulates the arguments given to the step.
Here is the code I'm using (the last two lines are for testing):
/** #BeforeStep */
public function beforeStep($event) {
$step_node = $event->getStep();
$args = $step_node->getArguments();
$step_node is an instance of StepNode
$args is supposed to be an array of arguments relating to that step.
For any given step I test this on, the argument array is always empty. I also tried printing out the arguments using the AfterStep hook and the array is still empty.
Am I missing something as to how behat grabs arguments and deals with steps?
getArguments() returns an array of Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode, allowing access to table rows. For example :
Given the following users:
| name | followers |
| everzet | 147 |
| avalanche123 | 142 |
| kriswallsmith | 274 |
| fabpot | 962 |
You can try parsing the arguments from step_node.getText() but it would probably be better to use a transformation. This will allow you to process any arguments before the step is run.
One example from the Behat Mink documentation :
* #Transform /^user (.*)$/
public function castUsernameToUser($username)
return new User($username);