Swift switch statement for matching substrings of a String - ios

Im trying to ask for some values from a variable.
The variable is going to have the description of the weather and i want to ask for specific words in order to show different images (like a sun, rain or so)
The thing is i have code like this:
if self.descriptionWeather.description.rangeOfString("Clear") != nil
self.imageWeather.image = self.soleadoImage
if self.descriptionWeather.description.rangeOfString("rain") != nil
self.imageWeather.image = self.soleadoImage
if self.descriptionWeather.description.rangeOfString("broken clouds") != nil
self.imageWeather.image = self.nubladoImage
Because when i tried to add an "OR" condition xcode gives me some weird errors.
Is it possible to do a swich sentence with that? Or anyone knows how to do add an OR condition to the if clause?

I had a similar problem today and realized this question hasn't been updated since Swift 1! Here's how I solved it in Swift 4:
switch self.descriptionWeather.description {
case let str where str.contains("Clear"):
case let str where str.contains("rain"):
case let str where str.contains("broken clouds"):
print("broken clouds")

Swift 5 Solution
func weatherImage(for identifier: String) -> UIImage? {
switch identifier {
case _ where identifier.contains("Clear"),
_ where identifier.contains("rain"):
return self.soleadoImage
case _ where identifier.contains("broken clouds"):
return self.nubladoImage
default: return nil

You can do this with a switch statement using value binding and a where clause. But convert the string to lowercase first!
var desc = "Going to be clear and bright tomorrow"
switch desc.lowercaseString as NSString {
case let x where x.rangeOfString("clear").length != 0:
case let x where x.rangeOfString("cloudy").length != 0:
println("no match")
// prints "clear"

Swift language has two kinds of OR operators - the bitwise ones | (single vertical line), and the logical ones || (double vertical line). In this situation you need a logical OR:
if self.descriptionWeather.description.rangeOfString("Clear") != nil || self.descriptionWeather.description.rangeOfString("clear") != nil {
self.imageWeather.image = self.soleadoImage
Unlike Objective-C where you could get away with a bitwise OR in exchange for getting a slightly different run-time semantic, Swift requires a logical OR in the expression above.

If you do this a lot, you can implement a custom ~= operator that defines sub-string matching. It lends itself to this nice syntax:
switch "abcdefghi".substrings {
case "def": // calls `"def" ~= "abcdefghi".substrings`
print("Found substring: def")
case "some other potential substring":
print("Found \"some other potential substring\"")
default: print("No substring matches found")
import Foundation
public struct SubstringMatchSource {
private let wrapped: String
public init(wrapping wrapped: String) {
self.wrapped = wrapped
public func contains(_ substring: String) -> Bool {
return self.wrapped.contains(substring)
public static func ~= (substring: String, source: SubstringMatchSource) -> Bool {
return source.contains(substring)
extension String {
var substrings: SubstringMatchSource {
return SubstringMatchSource(wrapping: self)

I'd recommend using a dictionary instead, as a mapping between the substring you're searching for and the corresponding image:
func image(for weatherString: String) -> UIImage? {
let imageMapping = [
"Clear": self.soleadoImage,
"rain": self.soleadoImage,
"broken clouds": self.nubladoImage]
return imageMapping.first { weatherString.contains($0.key) }?.value
A dictionary gives you flexibility, adding new mappings is easy to do.

This link also describes overloading operator ~= which is actually used by the switch statement for matching cases to allow you to match regular expressions.


Leetcode 1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses

I need help in understanding the swift implementation to the problem below. The part I do not understand is the for loop; the if part of the loop appends the index of "(" to stack array I am not sure how the else if works to pop elements from the stack.Also with the final loop, what does it do?
*Given a string s of '(' , ')' and lowercase English characters.
Your task is to remove the minimum number of parentheses ( '(' or ')', in any positions ) so that the resulting parentheses string is valid and return any valid string.
Formally, a parentheses string is valid if and only if:
It is the empty string, contains only lowercase characters, or
It can be written as AB (A concatenated with B), where A and B are valid strings, or
It can be written as (A), where A is a valid string.*
func minRemoveToMakeValid(_ s: String) -> String {
var arraySrting = s.map({String($0)})
var stacks = [Int]()
for i in 0..<arraySrting.count{
if arraySrting[i] == "("{
else if arraySrting[i] == ")" && stacks.popLast() == nil{
arraySrting[i] = ""
for stack in stacks {
arraySrting[stack] = ""
return arraySrting.joined()
Those variable names are spelled wrong and incorrect. This is the same thing with optional characters instead of the language-agnostic solution of using empty strings.
import Algorithms // `compacted()` is better than `compactMap { $0 }`
func minRemoveToMakeValid(_ s: String) -> String {
var characters: [Character?] = Array(s)
var unmatchedOpenParenthesisIndices: [Array.Index] = []
func removeUnpairedParenthesis(at index: Array.Index) {
characters[index] = nil
for (index, character) in characters.enumerated() {
switch character {
case "(":
case ")":
switch unmatchedOpenParenthesisIndices.popLast() {
case .some:
// This `)` was paired with a previous `(`.
case nil:
// This `)` was not.
removeUnpairedParenthesis(at: index)
return .init(characters.compacted())
You can just build up characters more directly though, and unmatchedOpenParenthesisIndices can be a Set.
func minRemoveToMakeValid(_ s: String) -> String {
var characters: [Character?] = []
var unmatchedOpenParenthesisIndices: Set<Int> = []
for (index, character) in s.enumerated() {
switch character {
case "(":
case ")":
switch unmatchedOpenParenthesisIndices.popFirst() {
case .some:
// This `)` was paired with a previous `(`.
case nil:
// This `)` was not.
return .init(
characters.enumerated().compactMap {
? nil
: $0.element

SWIFT checking if a string begins with something but the second character can be anything

I'm new to using swift so I'm playing around with it and I'm trying to figure out how to check if a given string begins with the word "hello" though the second letter can be anything it doesn't have to be an E so I could type h0llo and it would still return true is what I'm looking to achieve.
This is the code I have so far however, it is jumbled all over the place from testing, so any help would be necessary at this stage for me. I am only adding the code so that you could understand more what it is im trying to achieve
func check(_ givenString: String) -> Bool {
var newString = givenString
if newString.count > 2 {
newString.remove(at: String.Index(encodedOffset: 2))
if newString.hasPrefix("hello") {
return true
} else {
return false
A reasonable solution is to check with Regular Expression
func check(_ givenString: String) -> Bool {
return givenString.range(of: "^h.llo", options: .regularExpression) != nil
The caret ^ checks for beginning of the string and the dot . represents any character.

Swift: Remove specific characters of a string only at the beginning

i was looking for an answer but haven't found one yet, so:
For example: i have a string like "#blablub" and i want to remove the # at the beginning, i can just simply remove the first char. But, if i have a string with "#####bla#blub" and i only want to remove all # only at the beginning of the first string, i have no idea how to solve that.
My goal is to get a string like this "bla#blub", otherwise it would be to easy with replaceOccourencies...
I hope you can help.
func ltrim(str: String, _ chars: Set<Character>) -> String {
if let index = str.characters.indexOf({!chars.contains($0)}) {
return str[index..<str.endIndex]
} else {
return ""
func ltrim(_ str: String, _ chars: Set<Character>) -> String {
if let index = str.characters.index(where: {!chars.contains($0)}) {
return str[index..<str.endIndex]
} else {
return ""
ltrim("#####bla#blub", ["#"]) //->"bla#blub"
var str = "###abc"
while str.hasPrefix("#") {
str.remove(at: str.startIndex)
I recently built an extension to String that will "clean" a string from the start, end, or both, and allow you to specify a set of characters which you'd like to get rid of. Note that this will not remove characters from the interior of the String, but it would be relatively straightforward to extend it to do that. (NB built using Swift 2)
enum stringPosition {
case start
case end
case all
func trimCharacters(charactersToTrim: Set<Character>, usingStringPosition: stringPosition) -> String {
// Trims any characters in the specified set from the start, end or both ends of the string
guard self != "" else { return self } // Nothing to do
var outputString : String = self
if usingStringPosition == .end || usingStringPosition == .all {
// Remove the characters from the end of the string
while outputString.characters.last != nil && charactersToTrim.contains(outputString.characters.last!) {
if usingStringPosition == .start || usingStringPosition == .all {
// Remove the characters from the start of the string
while outputString.characters.first != nil && charactersToTrim.contains(outputString.characters.first!) {
return outputString
A regex-less solution would be:
func removePrecedingPoundSigns(s: String) -> String {
for (index, char) in s.characters.enumerate() {
if char != "#" {
return s.substringFromIndex(s.startIndex.advancedBy(index))
return ""
A swift 3 extension starting from OOPer's response:
extension String {
func leftTrim(_ chars: Set<Character>) -> String {
if let index = self.characters.index(where: {!chars.contains($0)}) {
return self[index..<self.endIndex]
} else {
return ""
As Martin R already pointed out in a comment above, a regular expression is appropriate here:
myString.replacingOccurrences(of: #"^#+"#, with: "", options: .regularExpression)
You can replace the inner # with any symbol you're looking for, or you can get more complicated if you're looking for one of several characters or a group etc. The ^ indicates it's the start of the string (so you don't get matches for # symbols in the middle of the string) and the + represents "1 or more of the preceding character". (* is 0 or more but there's not much point in using that here.)
Note the outer hash symbols are to turn the string into a raw String so escaping is not needed (though I suppose there's nothing that actually needs to be escaped in this particular example).
To play around with regex I recommend: https://regexr.com/

swift text with 2 variables and different language

i would like to translate a string, which have two variables inside.
at the moment, i use for translating this code:
but how can i translate the following string?
This is a test with 100 Pictures and 50 Users
where 100 and 50 are variables.
Put this in you Localizable.strings:
"Name_In_Langauge_String_File" = "This is a test with %d Pictures and %d Users";
and in your code:
comment: ""),
In a project I was working on I noticed that we kept repeating the code to do the string formatting for the localization file. This meant you could not just use the value, you first needed to check what parameters were required. One way to avoid this problem is to use Swift enums. This method is also useful for unit testing your localizations.
Assume you have the following 3 localizations in your strings file:
"TestNoParams" = "This is a test message";
"TestOneParam" = "Hello %#";
"TestTwoParams" = "This is a test with %d Pictures and %d Users";
Now you can use the following enum, protocol and extension to reference your strings:
protocol LocalizationProtocol {
var key: String { get }
var value: String { get }
extension LocalizationProtocol {
private func localizationValue() -> String {
return NSLocalizedString(key, comment:key)
private func localizationValueWithFormat(parameters: CVarArgType...) -> String {
return String(format: localizationValue(), arguments: parameters)
enum Localizations: LocalizationProtocol {
case TestNoParams
case TestOneParam(name: String)
case TestPicturesAndUsers(pictures: Int, users: Int)
var key: String {
switch self {
case .TestNoParams: return "TestNoParams"
case .TestOneParam: return "TestOneParam"
case .TestPicturesAndUsers: return "TestTwoParams"
var value: String {
switch self {
case .TestOneParam(let name):
return localizationValueWithFormat(name)
case .TestPicturesAndUsers(let pictures, let users):
return localizationValueWithFormat(pictures, users)
return localizationValue()
Now to use it you just need to call the enums value method:
let testNoParam = Localizations.TestNoParams.value
let testOneParam = Localizations.TestOneParam(name: "users name").value
let testTwoParams = Localizations.TestPicturesAndUsers(pictures: 4, users: 500).value
The example I have shown is simplified, but you can also nest enums to provide a nice grouping for your localizations. For instance you could have your enums nested by ViewController. This is an example for a welcome message: Localizations.Main.WelcomeMessage.value

Return statement skipped in Swift

I'm trying to teach myself Swift via the Stanford iTunes U course (currently working on the calculator app), but I just ran into a super weird issue that I've never seen before and can't figure out how to solve: one of my return statements (and only the return statement itself) is being skipped during runtime.
func evaluateOps(ops: [Op]) -> (result: Double?, remainingOps: [Op]) {
if !ops.isEmpty {
var remainingOps = ops
let op = remainingOps.removeLast()
switch op {
case ...
case ...
case .BinaryOperation(_, let operation):
// check that there are 2 operands before it
if remainingOps.count == 2 {
let op1Evaluation = evaluateOps(remainingOps)
if let operand1 = op1Evaluation.result {
let op2Evaluation = evaluateOps(op1Evaluation.remainingOps)
if let operand2 = op2Evaluation.result {
let x = (operation(operand1, operand2), op2Evaluation.remainingOps)
println("results: \(x.0) remainder: \(x.1)")
return (x.0, x.1) // skipped during runtime...
else { ... }
println("returning nil")
return (nil, ops)
// troublesome method is called here...
let (result, remainder) = evaluateOps(opStack)
println("\(opStrings) = \(result) with \(remainderStrings) leftover")
Everything works so that, if I tried to calculate 5*3 for example, the console would read:
results: 15.0 remainder: []
returning nil
[5.0, ×, 3.0] = nil with [5.0, ×, 3.0] leftover
I think the problem might have something to do with the fact that, in the above code, if I tried to simply return x, I get a compile error that reads Cannot express tuple conversion '(Double, [CalculatorModel.Op])' to '(result: Double?, remainingOps: [CalculatorModel.Op])'. I also have no idea what to do with this.
In my researching the problem, I've discovered the downcasting keyword as (see altered code below), which removed the compile error when returning x rather than (x.0, x.1) but results in the same console result (except that now it says results: Optional(15.0) remainder: []):
let x = (operation(operand1, operand2) as Double?, op2Evaluation.remainingOps as [Op])
println("results: \(x.0) remainder: \(x.1)")
return x // no error but same result as return (x.0, x.1)
I've also tried sticking a println(getClassName(x.0!)) just before the return statement to make sure I even had a double, and it spit out __NSCFNumber... which I also researched, and found to be highly underdocumented (or at least not documented well enough to figure out how that's affecting me or how I can fix it!)
Although as you can see, it should be a double...
enum Op {
case Operand(Double)
case UnaryOperation(String, Double -> Double)
case BinaryOperation(String, (Double, Double) -> Double)
var description: String {
get {
switch self {
case .Operand(let operand):
return "\(operand)"
case .UnaryOperation(let symbol, _):
return "\(symbol)"
case .BinaryOperation(let symbol, _):
return "\(symbol)"
As you can see, everything's working perfectly fine as it's performing the calculation and everything...until it gets to that little troublesome area. I've searched StackOverflow and did a bit of Googling, but this seems to be a rather uncommon problem... Any help is appreciated! Let me know if you need any further information. Thanks!
getClassName(_:) is defined below (found it online somewhere...):
func getClassName(obj : AnyObject) -> String
let objectClass : AnyClass! = object_getClass(obj)
let className = objectClass.description()
return className
