What should be the proportion of positive and negative examples to make a training set result in an unskewed classifier? - machine-learning

My training data set contains 46071 examples from one class and 33606 examples from another class. Does this result in a skewed classifier?
I am using SVM but don't want to use SVM's options to deal with skewed data.

A dataset is skewed if the classification categories are not approximately equally represented (I don‘t think there is a precise value).
Yours isn‘t a highly unbalanced dataset. Anyway it could introduce bias toward majority (potentially uninteresting) class, especially using accuracy for evaluating classifiers.
Skewed training sets can be managed in various ways. Two frequently used approach are:
At the data level a form of re-sampling such as
random oversampling with replacement,
random undersampling,
directed oversampling (no new examples are created, the choice of samples to replace is informed rather than random),
directed undersampling,
oversampling with informed generation of new samples,
combinations of the above techniques.
At the algorithmic level, adjusting the costs of the various classes so as to counter the class imbalance.
Even if you don't like this approach, with SVM you can change the class weighting scheme (e.g.
How should I teach machine learning algorithm using data with big disproportion of classes? (SVM)). You could prefer this to sub-sampling as it means there is no variability in the results due to the particular sub-sample used.
It's worth noting that (from Issue on Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets):
in certain domains (e.g. fraud detection) the class imbalance is
intrinsic to the problem: there are typically very few cases of fraud
as compared to the large number of honest use of the facilities.
However, class imbalances sometimes occur in domains that do not have
an intrinsic imbalance.
This will happen when the data collection process is limited (e.g. due
to economic or privacy reasons), thus creating articial imbalances.
Conversely, in certain cases, the data abounds and it is for the
scientist to decide which examples to select and in what quantity.
In addition, there can also be an imbalance in costs of making
different errors, which could vary per case.
So it all depends on your data, really!
Further details:
Extreme rebalancing for SVMs: A case study - Bhavani Raskutt, Adam Kowalczyk
Learning from umbalanced data - Haibo He, Edwardo Garcia - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


Creating word embedings from bert and feeding them to random forest for classification

I have used bert base pretrained model with 512 dimensions to generate contextual features. Feeding those vectors to random forest classifier is providing 83 percent accuracy but in various researches i have seen that bert minimal gives 90 percent.
I have some other features too like word2vec, lexicon, TFIDF and punctuation features.
Even when i merged all the features i got 83 percent accuracy. The research paper which i am using as base paper mentioned an accuracy score of 92 percent but they have used an ensemble based approach in which they classified through bert and trained random forest on weights.
But i was willing to do some innovation thus didn't followed that approach.
My dataset is biased to positive reviews so according to me the accuracy is less as model is also biased for positive labels but still I am looking for an expert advise
Code implementation of bert
Random forest on all features independently
Random forest on all features jointly
Regarding the "no improvements despite adding more features" - some researchers believe that the BERT word embeddings already contain all the available information presented in text, so then it doesn't matter how fancy a classification head you add to it, doesn't matter if it is a linear model that uses the embeddings, or a complicated ML algorithm with a number of other features, they will not provide significant improvements in many tasks. They argue, that since BERT is a context-aware, bidirectional language model - that is trained extensively on MLM and NSP tasks, it already grasps most of the things that additional features for punctuation, word2vec and tfidf could convey. The lexicon could probably help a little in the sentiment task, if it is relevant, but the one or two extra variables, that you likely use to represent it, probably get drowned in all the other features.
Other than that, the accuracy of BERT-based models depends on the dataset used, sometimes the data is simply too diverse to obtain a perfect score, e.g. if there are some instances of observations that are very similar, but with different class labels etc. You can see in the BERT papers, that the accuracy widely depends on the task, e.g. in some tasks it is indeed 90+%, but for some tasks, e.g. Masked Language Modeling, where the model needs to choose a particular word from a vocab of over 30K words, the accuracy of 20% could be impressive in some cases. So in order to obtain a reliable comparison with bert papers, you'd need to pick a dataset that they've used and then compare.
Regarding the dataset balance, for deep learning models in general, the rule of thumb is that the training set should be more or less balanced w.r.t. the fraction of data covered by each class label. So if you have 2 labels, should be ~50-50, if 5 labels, then each should be at around 20% of training dataset, etc.
That is because most NN's work in batches, where they update the model weights based on the feedback from each batch. So if you have too many values of one class, the batch updates will be dominated by that one class, effectively worsening the quality of your training.
So, if you want to improve the accuracy of your model, balancing the dataset could be an easy fix. And if you have e.g. 5 ordered classes with differing sizes, you may consider merging some of them (e.g. reviews from 1-2 as bad, 3 as neutral, 4-5 as good) and then rebalancing, if still necessary.
(Unless it's a situation where e.g. 1 class has 80% of data, and 4 classes share the remaining 20%. In such a case you should probably consider some more advanced options, such as partitioning the algo to two parts, one predicting whether or not an instance is in class 1 (so a binary classifier), the other to distinguish between the 4 underrepresented classes. )

Destribution of classes in training set

When making a predictive model (specificly in telecommunication regarding churn), is it essential to have a 1:1 split between the classes in the training set(the actual distribution is more like 1:50)? When reading on what other people have done this seems to be the case. But they dont neccesarily state it as a requirement. What is recommended?
Your problem is frequently referred to as "Class Imbalance". Whether and how it will impact your result depends on the algorithm and the evaluation metric you use. The logistic regression algorithm, and the model accuracy, for example, can be very susceptible to this problem. Simple envelope models, and the model AUC, on the other hand, are more resilient against class imbalance. I am aware of five broad possible approaches to deal with this:
1) Up-sampling: Basically artificially increase the number of the rare class. This may be the go-to solution when you have very little data but you are confident that it is quite representative of the wider population.
2) Down-sampling: Just leave out a part of the abundant class. This is an option when you have a very large quantity of data.
3) Weighting: Telling your algorithm to give more importance to the information obtained from the rare class.
4) Bagging: Here, you are randomly sub-sampling your data and fitting "weak" learners to each subsample. Later, these weak learners are aggregated to create one final prediction.
5) Boosting: Similar to bagging, but each "weak" learner is not agnostic to the previously fitted one. Instead, they take the residuals from the latest ensemble.
There is a really nice article here that goes through these in great detail, including some worked examples in R, and another one here which focuses more on python

Predictive features with high presence in one class

I am doing a logistic regression to predict the outcome of a binary variable, say whether a journal paper gets accepted or not. The dependent variable or predictors are all the phrases used in these papers - (unigrams, bigrams, trigrams). One of these phrases has a skewed presence in the 'accepted' class. Including this phrase gives me a classifier with a very high accuracy (more than 90%), while removing this phrase results in accuracy dropping to about 70%.
My more general (naive) machine learning question is:
Is it advisable to remove such skewed features when doing classification?
Is there a method to check skewed presence for every feature and then decide whether to keep it in the model or not?
If I understand correctly you ask whether some feature should be removed because it is a good predictor (it makes your classifier works better). So the answer is short and simple - do not remove it in fact, the whole concept is to find exactly such features.
The only reason to remove such feature would be that this phenomena only occurs in the training set, and not in real data. But in such case you have wrong data - which does not represnt the underlying data density and you should gather better data or "clean" the current one so it has analogous characteristics as the "real ones".
Based on your comments, it sounds like the feature in your documents that's highly predictive of the class is a near-tautology: "paper accepted on" correlates with accepted papers because at least some of the papers in your database were scraped from already-accepted papers and have been annotated by the authors as such.
To me, this sounds like a useless feature for trying to predict whether a paper will be accepted, because (I'd imagine) you're trying to predict paper acceptance before the actual acceptance has been issued ! In such a case, none of the papers you'd like to test your algorithm with will be annotated with "paper accepted on." So, I'd remove it.
You also asked about how to determine whether a feature correlates strongly with one class. There are three things that come to mind for this problem.
First, you could just compute a basic frequency count for each feature in your dataset and compare those values across classes. This is probably not super informative, but it's easy.
Second, since you're using a log-linear model, you can train your model on your training dataset, and then rank each feature in your model by its weight in the logistic regression parameter vector. Features with high positive weight are indicative of one class, while features with large negative weight are strongly indicative of the other.
Finally, just for the sake of completeness, I'll point out that you might also want to look into feature selection. There are many ways of selecting relevant features for a machine learning algorithm, but I think one of the most intuitive from your perspective might be greedy feature elimination. In such an approach, you train a classifier using all N features in your model, and measure the accuracy on some held-out validation set. Then, train N new models, each with N-1 features, such that each model eliminates one of the N features, and measure the resulting drop in accuracy. The feature with the biggest drop was probably strongly predictive of the class, while features that have no measurable difference can probably be omitted from your final model. As larsmans points out correctly in the comments below, this doesn't scale well at all, but it can be a useful method sometimes.

data imbalance in SVM using libSVM

How should I set my gamma and Cost parameters in libSVM when I am using an imbalanced dataset that consists of 75% 'true' labels and 25% 'false' labels? I'm getting a constant error of having all the predicted labels set on 'True' due to the data imbalance.
If the issue isn't with libSVM, but with my dataset, how should I handle this imbalance from a Theoretical Machine Learning standpoint? *The number of features I'm using is between 4-10 and I have a small set of 250 data points.
Classes imbalance has nothing to do with selection of C and gamma, to deal with this issue you should use the class weighting scheme which is avaliable in for example scikit-learn package (built on libsvm)
Selection of best C and gamma is performed using grid search with cross validation. You should try vast range of values here, for C it is reasonable to choose values between 1 and 10^15 while a simple and good heuristic of gamma range values is to compute pairwise distances between all your data points and select gamma according to the percentiles of this distribution - think about putting in each point a gaussian distribution with variance equal to 1/gamma - if you select such gamma that this distribution overlaps will many points you will get very "smooth" model, while using small variance leads to the overfitting.
Imbalanced data sets can be tackled in various ways. Class balance has no effect on kernel parameters such as gamma for the RBF kernel.
The two most popular approaches are:
Use different misclassification penalties per class, this basically means changing C. Typically the smallest class gets weighed higher, a common approach is npos * wpos = nneg * wneg. LIBSVM allows you to do this using its -wX flags.
Subsample the overrepresented class to obtain an equal amount of positives and negatives and proceed with training as you traditionally would for a balanced set. Take note that you basically ignore a large chunk of data this way, which is intuitively a bad idea.
I know this has been asked some time ago, but I would like to answer it since you might find my answer useful.
As others have mentioned, you might want to consider using different weights for the minority classes or using different misclassification penalties. However, there is a more clever way of dealing with the imbalanced datasets.
You can use the SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) algorithm to generate synthesized data for the minority class. It is a simple algorithm that can deal with some imbalance datasets pretty well.
In each iteration of the algorithm, SMOTE considers two random instances of the minority class and add an artificial example of the same class somewhere in between. The algorithm keeps injecting the dataset with the samples until the two classes become balanced or some other criteria(e.g. add certain number of examples). Below you can find a picture describing what the algorithm does for a simple dataset in 2D feature space.
Associating weight with the minority class is a special case of this algorithm. When you associate weight $w_i$ with instance i, you are basically adding the extra $w_i - 1$ instances on top of the instance i!
What you need to do is to augment your initial dataset with the samples created by this algorithm, and train the SVM with this new dataset. You can also find many implementation online in different languages like Python and Matlab.
There have been other extensions of this algorithm, I can point you to more materials if you want.
To test the classifier you need to split the dataset into test and train, add synthetic instances to the train set (DO NOT ADD ANY TO THE TEST SET), train the model on the train set, and finally test it on the test set. If you consider the generated instances when you are testing you will end up with a biased(and ridiculously higher) accuracy and recall.

Optimal Feature-to-Instance Ratio in Back Propagation Neural Network

I'm trying to perform leave-one-out cross validation for modelling a particular problem using Back Propagation Neural Network. I have 8 features in my training data and 20 instances. I'm trying to make the NN learn a function in building a prediction model. Now, the problem is that the error rate is quite high in the prediction. My guess is that the number of instances in the training is less when compared to the number of features under consideration. Is this conclusion correct. Is there any optimal feature to instance ratio ?
(This topic is often phrased in the ML literature as acceptable size or shape of the data set, given that a data set is often described as an m x n matrix in which m is the number of rows (data points) and n is the number of columns (features); obvious m >> n is preferred.)
In an event, I am not aware of a general rule for an acceptable range of features-to-observations; there are probably a couple of reasons for this:
such a ratio would depend strongly on the quality of the data
(signal-to-noise ratio); and
the number of features is just one element of model complexity (e.g., interaction among the features); and model complexity is the strongest determinant of the number of data instances (data points).
So there are two sets of approaches to this problem--which, because they are opposing, both can be applied to the same model:
reduce the number of features; or
use a statistical technique to leverage the data that you do have
A couple of suggestions, one for each of the two paths above:
Eliminate "non-important" features--i.e, those features that don't contribute to the variability in your response variable. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is fast and reliable way to do this, though there are a number of other techniques which are generally subsumed under the rubric "dimension reduction."
Use Bootstrap methods instead of cross-validation. The difference in methodology seems slight but the (often substantial) improvement in reducing prediction error is well documented for multi-layer perceptrons (neural networks) (see e.g., Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R.J., The bootstrap method: Improvements on cross-validation, J. of the American Statistical Association, 92, 548-560., 1997). If you are not familiar with Bootstrap methods for splitting training and testing data, the general technique is similar to cross-validation except that instead of taking subsets of the entire data set you take subsamples. Section 7.11 of Elements is a good introduction to Bootstrap methods.
The best single source on this general topic that i have found is Chapter 7 Model Assessment and Selection from the excellent treatise Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman. This book is available free to download from the book's homepage.
