Keeping temporary files after quiting WinSCP - temporary-files

I set the WinSCP temporary directory on my hard-drive, but after quitting WinSCP the files stored there get deleted.
Is it possible to prevent them from being deleted? So I can edit them or copy them later.
And if its possible, can WinSCP automatically load those files, if they are newer than the ones on the server? This is optional, but it would be good.

Is it possible to prevent them from being deleted?
Yes, the option is named Keep temporary copies of remote files in deterministic paths.
Can WinSCP automatically load those files, if they are newer than the ones on the server?
WinSCP has function Keep remote directory up to date that monitors local folder and automatically uploads any changes to the server.
If you run two instances of WinSCP, you can combine these two features, but it's quite strange setup.


How to move Active Storage data from one machine to another

Because reasons we are trying to move a system from one machine to another one. It has several files in the storage directory. I rsynced it (using -a) to a local environment to see if everything works, but turns out not all the files are available, some of them raise an exception:
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory # rb_file_s_mtime - /path/to/project/storage/as/df/asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf):
Of course I checked the routes and they exists. I've been reading a bit about how Active Storage works and I maybe the URLs are getting invalidated for some reason, but why some files work? 🧐 Why the exception mentions mtime? And more importantly, how can I do the migration smoothly?
Thanks in advance
So the problem is actually the filesystems + Active Record names 😰 You can consider this a corner case: My local machine runs macOS, while the server runs Linux, so if I had folders Vf and VF on Linux, on macOS they become one (whichever is downloaded firs). Active Storage relies on case-sensitive filenames, and that's why some of the files work fine, but others are not found

Should I delete uploaded files from the file system on my own?

I have a rails app where the user can upload files. The files get uploaded to an external cloud service by a backgroud jobs. It's vital for my app that the files won't get stored in the file system after they've been uploaded. Not right away, in general -- they must not remain in the file system.
Should I delete them on my own? Or will get deleted automatically?
Also, debugging my app, I noticied this for an attachment params:
[2] pry(#<MyController>)> my_params.tempfile.path
That file gets stored not in "/tmp" but in "/var" and that means that it won't get deleted automatically, right?
Note that I'm not using paperclip for this task.
You are right the files won't get deleted automatically.
You have to delete the file explicitly at some point in time.
It depends how you set it up. If you used Tempfile to save it then yes the files will be deleted when the object is garbage collected. If not then it probably won't be deleted.
If the files get stored on an external service it might be worth setting up ActiveStorage which allows you to directly upload to external storage providers without the file ever touching your server.

Will temporary files be saved by an NSURLSessionUploadTask

I am implementing a resumable upload protocol that uploads in the background on iOS, which means I have to use an NSURLSessionUploadTask with a file. Since it's a resumable upload protocol, the file needs to be truncated based on the data that has already been received by the server, so I need to save a new temporary file to disk that has only the bytes to be uploaded within it.
If I can create that temporary upload file in the tmp/ or /Library/Caches/, can I trust that it will be kept as long as the NSURLSession is running?
EDIT: When an upload fails, the server will be saving the bytes it has already received and communicating that to the client. The client then should only send part of the file, which is why I need to create a smaller temporary file that must not be deleted mid-upload.
Huh? You provide the entire file, and the system takes care of managing the partial upload/download, and notifies you once the transfer is complete. In the case of a download, t hands you a temporary file once the download is complete and you have to save it to a permanent location.
You should not be mucking around with partial files at all.
You don't have access to tmp or /Library/Caches/, except through the sandbox. You can get access to the caches directory with the call
NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
It's my understanding that the caches directory only gets purged on restart, or if the device gets critically low on space, but I seem to remember that the docs are vague on when, exactly, the caches directory gets cleared.
You would probably be better off saving your file to the documents directory, then deleting it once you're done with it.
The answer to your question is no. NSURLSessionUploadTask's description appears to support keeping the source file around but it's misleading:
"In iOS, when you create an upload task for a file in a background session, the system copies that file to a temporary location and streams data from there"
But it says nothing about whether it will keep the original source file in the tmp directory. Specifically for your case where your server supports uploading partial files and you need to restart them after failures. Or in the more common situation where you need to manually restart an entire failed upload, for example from a retry-able server error, or if user killed your app and then restarted it (iOS doesn't continue uploads for user killed apps).
In these cases you can't count on the file still being around if you create it in the apps tmp directory. The file system programming guide tells us this.
"Use this directory to write temporary files that do not need to persist between launches of your app. Your app should remove files from this directory when they are no longer needed; however, the system may purge this directory when your app is not running. The contents of this directory are not backed up by iTunes or iCloud."
So any tmp directory files can be deleted by iOS when your app stops running, and I can confirm I've seen this in production releases of our app. If you think you may need the source file for the upload again, you must store it in your own app directory, and manage deleting it yourself when done with it. Sorry, extra work, but I don't know of any way around it.

Is it good way to use /tmp in application for storing temporary files?

In my application, we store temporary images generated from PDF in /tmp/pdf_images folder. Is it a standard practice? Or It's not recommended to use of /tmp from application code?
Assuming you're on linux or MacOS, this directory is just there for this.
Be sure to have them automatically deleted at closing of your application.
And note that they may be purged by the OS or the user (directly or not) at any moment when your application isn't running. And generally, it's totally cleaned at reboot (and every 3 days on MacOS).

display image from file in temp uploaded directory

How can I display an image from file object? The file object holds the location of the image in temp uploaded directory.
I dont want to use any models.
Its for previewing a form having filefield
The problem with most temporary files is that they don't exist. They're in a deleted state and will disappear entirely once the file handle is closed. It's your responsibility to move copy the data out of them and into another file, database, or cache, whatever works best, in order to preserve it.
You don't need to use any models to make this work, but you will need to be able to write to a directory your web server will be able to access. Typically you can make a /uploads directory and copy the file there, removing it later on when it is no longer required.
That clean-up step is easily done by a cron job that deletes all files with an mtime of a day or so, depending on your preference.
