Push notification missing messages - ios

I am following the tutorial from this website:
to deliver push Notification in my app.
I have successfully created the certificate and other files so far. In the server side, I couldn't pass through the Making the Connection step.
I can get my device token in console while running the app. In the tutorial it is said that, after making the connection the Terminal console should give a output as "gateway connected".
But I am not getting this message. The worst case is I am not getting any error message either. I wonder what went wrong. Even though I got some errors in making the connection first like insufficient credentials, mac verify error, I solved those. Now am neither getting any error nor the correct message.
I also add my Terminal console here
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:~ AAA$ cd Desktop/
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:Desktop AAA$ cd poservices/
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:poservices AAA$ node agent/_header.js
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:poservices AAA$ node agent/_header.js
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:poservices AAA$`
var join = require('path').join
, pfx = join(__dirname, '../_certs/pfx.p12');
* Create a new gateway agent
var apnagent = require('apnagent')
, agent = module.exports = new apnagent.Agent();
* Configure agent
.set('pfx file', pfx)
* Error Mitigation
agent.on('message:error', function (err, msg) {
switch (err.name) {
// This error occurs when Apple reports an issue parsing the message.
case 'GatewayNotificationError':
console.log('[message:error] GatewayNotificationError: %s', err.message);
// The err.code is the number that Apple reports.
// Example: 8 means the token supplied is invalid or not subscribed
// to notifications for your application.
if (err.code === 8) {
console.log(' > %s', msg.device().toString());
// In production you should flag this token as invalid and not
// send any futher messages to it until you confirm validity
// This happens when apnagent has a problem encoding the message for transfer
case 'SerializationError':
console.log('[message:error] SerializationError: %s', err.message);
// unlikely, but could occur if trying to send over a dead socket
console.log('[message:error] other error: %s', err.message);
* Make the connection
agent.connect(function (err) {
// gracefully handle auth problems
if (err && err.name === 'GatewayAuthorizationError') {
console.log('Authentication Error: %s', err.message);
// handle any other err (not likely)
else if (err) {
throw err;
// it worked!
var env = agent.enabled('sandbox')
? 'sandbox'
: 'production';
console.log('apnagent [%s] gateway connected', env);

You need to add
agent.set('passphrase', '<YOUR_PASSWORD>');
agent.set('pfx file', pfx).enable('sandbox');


Why am I getting ConnectionError (53000) signaling error with Twilio in browser?

I have a simple method for getting a new twilio voice client...
export const createTwilioDevice = (_token) => new Twilio.Device(
logLevel: 0,
answerOnBridge: true,
codecPreferences: ["opus", "pcmu"],
TwilioDevice.value = createTwilioDevice();
TwilioDevice.value.on("registered", () => {
console.info("Twilio.Device ready to make and receive calls!");
TwilioDevice.value.on("incoming", handleIncomingCall);
TwilioDevice.value.on("tokenWillExpire", handleTokenWillExpire);
TwilioDevice.value.on("error", handleCallError);
await TwilioDevice.value.register();
It was working but now I am getting
ConnectionError: ConnectionError (53000): Raised whenever a signaling connection error occurs that is not covered by a more specific error code.
What could have caused this to start happening?
I had the same err, in my case, a client forgot to settle a bill for twillio testing account)

http.Post() from a gRPC server to an http server returns EOF error on a docker-compose setup

I have a gRPC server (server) written in Go that a Python gRPC client (client) talks to. The server occasionally sends http post requests to a Go based http server (sigsvc). All of these instances run as docker instances spun up through docker-compose sharing the same docker network.
This is the section of code on server that creates and sends the http request:
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
txbytes, err := json.Marshal(tx)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to marshal transaction")
return nil, err
resp, err := http.Post(sigsvc.signerURL, "application/json; charset=utf-8", b)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("error signing transaction with signer %s", sigsvc.signerURL)
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
var signedTx types.Transaction
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&signedTx)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("couldn't decode signed transaction")
return nil, err
sigsvc.signerURL maps to something like http://signer:6666/sign which is the endpoint on the http signer service that handles the request.
signer refers to the service name listed on a docker-compose.yml specification.
This is how the handler looks like on sigsvc:
func (sv *SignerSv) handleSignTx() http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info("request received to sign transaction")
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(r, true)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprint(err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
log.Debugf("%q", dump)
if r.Body == nil {
log.Error("request body missing")
http.Error(w, "Please send a request body", 400)
log.Debugf("request body: %v", r.Body)
var tx types.Transaction
err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&tx)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to unmarshal transaction")
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
"txhash": tx.Hash().Hex(),
"nonce": tx.Nonce(),
"to": tx.To().Hex(),
"data": tx.Data(),
"gasLimit": tx.Gas(),
"gasPrice": tx.GasPrice(),
"value": tx.Value(),
}).Debug("Decoded transaction from request body")
Both the request and request body are dumped successfully by the debug logs. However, apparently the line decoding the request body to the transaction type is never executed, since no error or decoded transaction logs are logged.
On server, I keep getting the following error:
error="Post http://signer:6666/sign: EOF"
This is how the request is logged on sigsvc:
msg="\"POST /sign HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost: signer:6666\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\nContent-Length: 10708\\r\\nUser-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1\\r\\n\\r\\n{\\\"nonce\\\":\\\"0x0\\\",\\\"gasPrice\\\":\\\"0x2540be400\\\",\\\"gas\\\":\\\"0x15c285\\\",\\\"to\\\":null,\\\"value\\\":\\\"0x0\\\",\\\"input\\\":\\\"0x6080604055",\\\"v\\\":\\\"0x0\\\",\\\"r\\\":\\\"0x0\\\",\\\"s\\\":\\\"0x0\\\",\\\"hash\\\":\\\"0xab55920fb3d490fc55ccd76a29dfb380f4f8a9e5d0bda4155a3b114fca26da0a\\\"}\"
I have tried reproducing this error on similar but simplified docker setups, but I have failed at that.
I'm trying to understand the following:
If there is anything wrong with this code that is being exposed due
to a particular setup on docker?
Or, do I need to look at some docker setup specifics to debug the instances.
The problem was in the way the http handler code was logging the to field in this logrus call.
"txhash": tx.Hash().Hex(),
"nonce": tx.Nonce(),
"to": tx.To().Hex(),
"data": tx.Data(),
"gasLimit": tx.Gas(),
"gasPrice": tx.GasPrice(),
"value": tx.Value(),
}).Debug("Decoded transaction from request body")
Under specific circumstances, the tx.To() call returns nil, which implies calling tx.To().Hex() would lead to an error on account of trying to make a method call on a nil pointer. On the face of it, one would expect the log.WithFields() call to error out or panic, but instead the handler silently closes connection with the client side getting an EOF response.

PhoneGap sockets-for-cordova quit app

I have a PhoneGap application and I want to open a socket to a endpoint using sockets-for-cordova plugin:
var socket = new Socket();
function () {
// invoked after successful opening of socket
function (errorMessage) {
// invoked after unsuccessful opening of socket
After I use this function to handle messages
socket.onData = function (data) {
// received message
On Android it works well, sending and receiving message, unfortunately on iOS it simply doesn't work, not receive any message at all or it close the socket itself.
I can see "connection" message, so I guess that the socket is created.

Exception ETIMEDOUT in node.js

I write application for iOS, which uses Socket.IO. Sometimes my server JS-script falls with this error:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:983:19)
What I know is:
Script workes fine when I use only application for Android. That app uses Socket.IO for Android
Script workes fine when I use only web-client (yeap, with socket.IO)
Script startes to fall when I use iOS app.
Crash happens not always and not right away. Script falls after 5-10 minutes after connection and may crash, but may not.
So, I think the problem is in server library for socket.io, but exception fires only when iOS-client connecting.
How can I handle this exception?
There is problem was in the OAuth module on my node.js-server, which tried to check app token but had timeout to vk.com
I've edited vkapi module in my node.js server by adding "on" event for "https.get" function:
https.get(options, function(res) {
var apiResponse = new String();
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
apiResponse += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
var o = JSON.parse(apiResponse);
if (o.error) { self.emit('appServerTokenNotReady', o);
} else {
self.token = o.access_token;
https.get(options, function(res) {
var apiResponse = new String();
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
apiResponse += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
var o = JSON.parse(apiResponse);
if (o.error) { self.emit('appServerTokenNotReady', o);
} else {
self.token = o.access_token;
}).on('error', function(e) {
console.log('HTTPS error');
In general, you can handle these kinds of async errors by listening for the error event on whatever (e.g. request, connection, etc.) object.
The error event is special in that if there are currently no event handlers for it when it is emitted, the error will be thrown instead.

Error - Insufficient credentials while making the connection for push notification

I am trying to deliver push notification in my ios app and i user node.js. So I am followint the tutorial from the link: https://blog.engineyard.com/2013/developing-ios-push-notifications-nodejs.
In this tutorial they are keeping the passphrase for the private key as empty. But I am setting a password for my private key and I dont know how to include my password in the coding. I know there has been many angles of answer to this. But am not getting anything works. I tried :
.set('cert file', join(__dirname, '../_cert/apn-dev-cert.pem'))
.set('key file', join(__dirname, '../_cert/apn-dev-key.pem'))
//or this works too:
// .set('pfx file', join(__dirname, '../_cert/Certificates.p12'))
// .set('passphrase', 'your passphrase')
agent.on('message:error', function (err, msg) {
switch (err.name) {
// This error occurs when Apple reports an issue parsing the message.
case 'GatewayNotificationError':
console.log('[message:error] GatewayNotificationError: %s', err.message);
// The err.code is the number that Apple reports.
// Example: 8 means the token supplied is invalid or not subscribed
// to notifications for your application.
if (err.code === 8) {
console.log(' > %s', msg.device().toString());
// In production you should flag this token as invalid and not
// send any futher messages to it until you confirm validity
// This happens when apnagent has a problem encoding the message for transfer
case 'SerializationError':
console.log('[message:error] SerializationError: %s', err.message);
// unlikely, but could occur if trying to send over a dead socket
console.log('[message:error] other error: %s', err.message);
* Make the connection
agent.connect(function (err) {
// gracefully handle auth problems
if (err && err.name === 'GatewayAuthorizationError') {
console.log('Authentication Error: %s', err.message);
// handle any other err (not likely)
else if (err) {
throw err;
// it worked!
var env = agent.enabled('sandbox')
? 'sandbox'
: 'production';
console.log('apnagent [%s] gateway connected', env);
I also tried concatenating the certificate and the key and use it as a single file, nothing works.
