How implement longPressGestureRecognizer for subview with disabled user interaction? - ios

I need UI like this:
with 2 buttons (yellow and red) and background view (grey), which will have next behaviour:
- highlight button when i press on it;
- execute when i release on button;
- when i press and move in on button from any other view, button became highlighted (ex: press on grey rect and release on red, or press on yellow and release on red);
- support gestures for buttons (like long press and swipe)
So for solving my problem i found only next way:
I redefine for my GrayView touch methods: touchesCancelled, touchesMoved, touchesBegan, and there are i check if current touch position is belong to some rect - i execute appropriate action. But for this solution i have to make my buttons with userInteractionEnabled = false, which means they doesn't support gestures or other events anymore. So if i what to use support it, i have to implement it by myself, what i don't what to do.
So how can i solve this?

If i understand correctly, you can add the gesture recognizers to the gray view as well. And when the gesture recognizer fires find which colored view was in the touch area:
- (void)tapAction:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)recognizer{
if(recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded){
CGPoint position = [recognizer locationInView:grayView];
if(CGRectContainsPoint(redView.frame, position) {


Fire UIPanGestureRecognizer with an outside starting point

I have a layout like the image below:
The black area is a camera, the red area is just an UIView with a UIPanGestureRecognizer and the green area a UICollectionView with images.
Right now, if the user presses the red area and starts dragging all the layout is moved to top and the user is able to see more items in the collection view at once while the camera overflows the device screen. All the logic is already done.
My problem is that I want the same functionality even if the user starts dragging outside of the red area, i.e. the user starts dragging the collection view from the bottom of the device so more items are shown, but if the user reaches (crosses, moves over) the red area, then the PanGestureRecognizer should get fired. Instagram has this functionality when selecting an image from disk. Is there a way to achieve this that I am missing? I tried overriding the red view with pointInside, touchesBegan and touchesMoved, but any of those get called if the drag comes from the collection view. SwipeGesture doesn't work either. Thanks!
You could try the following:
1) Add your PanGesture (the red one) that you want activated to the collection view too:
[self.collectionView addGestureRecognizer:redPanGesture];
2) In the method that gets called when the PanGesture is activated, filter it so that the logic gets executed only when the finger is on top of the red area:
CGPoint location = [recognizer locationInView:self.redView];
if(location.y > self.redView.frame.size.height)
[(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:self.view];
3) Set your class as the PanGesture's delegate:
redPanGesture.delegate = self;
4) Implement the method below, otherwise the collection view will not scroll:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer
return YES;

UISwipeGestureRecognizer interferes with slider

I have a view in an iOS application (Obj-C) which has an image view in the centre, and immediately below that a slider.
The image view shows album artwork, and the slider can be used to adjust the now-playing track position.
There is also a pair of left and right Swipe Gesture Recognizers. These are used to skip to the next or previous tracks.
The problem is that the swipe gesture recognizers seem to over-ride the users moving the slider thumb.
In my gesture recognizer code I check that the point touched was inside the image view, but it still stops the slider from being moved. (The thumb moves, but jumps back to it's original position when you remove your finger).
This is the code I use to reject the gesture if it's not inside the image view.
- (IBAction)swipeLeftGestureAction:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *)sender {
// Get the location of the gesture.
CGPoint tapPoint = [sender locationInView:_artworkImageView];
// Make sure tap was INSIDE the artwork image frame.
if( (tapPoint.x <0)
|| (tapPoint.y < 0 )
|| (tapPoint.x > _artworkImageView.frame.size.width)
|| (tapPoint.y>_artworkImageView.frame.size.height))
NSLog(#"Swipe LEFT");
[_mediaController skipNext];
So my question is, how do I limit the gesture to work ONLY when swiped across the image view?
Try to put the code that restricts the gesture's area in gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch: and return NO in case you don't want the gesture to receive this touch. It should prevent the gesture from over taking the slider interaction.
If you're only interested in swipes that are inside the image view, then you should add the swipe gesture recognizer to the image view instead of adding it to your entire view. Then you won't need any special logic.
There is a dedicated method for checking if a point is inside a view
BOOL isPointInsideView = [_artworkImageViewpointInside:tapPoint withEvent:nil];
But I think what is happening is that if you will look at the tapPoint is that it actually outside of your imageView
And if your slider is really close to the imageView so the slider captures the movement, what you should do is check on the slider if it is intended for the slider and propagate on to the imageView if needed
Or inherit the UISlider and reduce its response rect

Xcode iOS UIView with tap gesture allowing input on subviews

So I have a homepage view that people see when they first boot up the app, it has several different options. Yesterday I added a tutorial overlay, so the first time they open the app I have a view that is 0.5 alpha black and is fullscreen over the other view, this view has white text and arrows pointing to functions on the page. I attached a tap gesture recognizer to this view and its action is to call the next tutorial screen ( 3 in total). Afterwords they all are hidden and the app acts as normal. This all works, except even though my view is full screen, with User Interaction Enabled checked and a gesture tap recognizer, the gestures / touches on the sub view still work. So if I just tap some white space on the app the tutorial and tap gesture work as expected, cycle me through the pages etc and works. However if I accidentally press a sub view button or do a gesture from the subview it will do the action (take you to a new page or w/e)
So basically as far as I can tell my view despite being on top of the other and having a tap gesture recognizer attached to the view the sub views are still getting pressed, any ideas?
Check the tap event view before doing any operation..
- (IBAction)yourTapEvent:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
UIView *piece = [gestureRecognizer view];
if(piece == (view on which you have added gesture))
//Do your necessary operation
try this it would help you to disable gesture on its subviews
- (void)tapAction:(UITapGestureRecognizer *) gestureRecognizer{
UIView *v = [gestureRecognizer view];// Guesture added view
NSArray *temp = [self.view subviews];
for (int i = 0; i<temp.count; i++) {
if([temp objectAtIndex:i]== v){
// Do your swipe tap action here

iOS 7 custom keyboard UIView touch down event delayed in bottom row

here's an odd one..
I've got a UIView xib file that looks like this:
I've connected every UIButton touchDown and touchUpInside events to two IBAction methods:
- (IBAction)touchUpInside:(id)sender
NSLog(#"touch up inside");
if (((UIButton *)sender == _enter) | ((UIButton *)sender == _back)) {
[(UIButton *)sender setBackgroundColor:_color2];
else {
[(UIButton *)sender setBackgroundColor:_color1];
- (IBAction)touchDown:(id)sender
NSLog(#"touch down");
[(UIButton *)sender setBackgroundColor:_color2];
Everything works except for the bottom-most row of UIButton's, that's the odd part:
The touch down event is fired, but the button must be held for 0.5 second for it to change background color, whereas it is instantaneous for the other buttons.
It ONLY happens for the bottom-most row of UIButton's, as I've tried to switch buttons 7, 8, 9 with buttons #back, 0, #enter like this:
I've checked in Interface Builder all the UIButton attributes are the same, and I've tried moving the UIButton's objects order around as you can see on the left side of the picture, and I'm about out of ideas already. Basically what's odd is the UIControl behavior differs based on its position on the parent view...
UPDATE: I made the parent UIView height value large enough that there is 50 free pixels below the last row and the UIButton's work fine now. The only reason I can think of now is that there is a UITabBar there 2 view controllers level underneath. Even so it doesn't make sense.
The document says:
Expect users to swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal
Control Center. If iOS determines that a touch that begins at the
bottom of the screen should reveal Control Center, it doesn’t deliver
the gesture to the currently running app. If iOS determines that the
touch should not reveal Control Center, the touch may be slightly
delayed before it reaches the app.
One solution is here:
UIButton fails to properly register touch in bottom region of iPhone screen
But, in your case, I think you should use inputView in UIResponder.
The inputView is not affected by that problem.

Cancel gesture recognizer on button action

I'm working on an iPad app. I have a view in which the user can draw with his finger. This view has a subview, which is a calculator, and which have buttons.
I would like that when the user touch a button, the superview (in which the user can draw) doesn't take into account this touch. (so the user doesn't draw when he touches the calculator)
Preferably, I would like to not change the code of the calculator view and the code of my superview. I have only access to them via properties of another class.
Is there a way to solve the problem please? I have tried exclusiveTouch, but it doesn't work.
If you have access to the button action and the drawing gesture you can simply set:
gesture.enabled = NO;
To cancel the current gesture processing and / or prevent it from starting. When you want to reenable the gesture depends on what type it is and how it's used but doing it immediately (on the next line) will probably work ok.
Try this but include UIGestureRecognizerDelegate in your header file.
This is from apple "SimpleGestureRecognizers" example-
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch
// Disallow recognition of tap gestures in the segmented control.
if ((touch.view == YourButton))
//change it to your condition
return NO;
return YES;
