Get iOS client to respond to SignalR request when app is backgrounded - ios

I'm quite new to xamarin iOS programming, so this might be a dumb question..
I'm making an application that should send alarms to users within a certaint range of an incident location. Sice the incidens can happen "anywhere", geofencing is not an option. I have tried using remote notifications, but I need to alert just the clients that is within range of incident, and not disturb the rest of the clients (that are too far from the incident). That means that i first have to get the current location of all users, and the notify just the ones that are within range. So i thought maybe SignalR might be a solution.
How can i get the ios application (iOS 7 and 8) to respond to a request from a SignalR hub when the application is backgrounded (as in user pressed home button on phone so that the application is no longer in the foreground). I need to be able to ask the client to send its current location back to the server when the server requests it. I might add that the client sends significant location changes back to the server, so the application is enabled for background tasks.
I have set up the hub to send a GetLocation request:
public void SendLocationRequest()
On the client in the ViewDidLoad method:
_client.OnLocationRequestReceived +=
(sender, message) => InvokeOnMainThread(() => LocRequestReceived());
and the LocReuestReceived (i have just set it up to display a local notification for now):
void LocRequestReceived()
var notification = new UILocalNotification
FireDate = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1),
AlertAction = "Get Location",
AlertBody = "Should retrieve currentLocation",
ApplicationIconBadgeNumber = 1,
SoundName = UILocalNotification.DefaultSoundName
this woks fine as long as the app is on the foreground on the phone, but nothing happens when the app is bacgrounded. (it works on the simulator when backgrounded, but that migh be a bug in the simulator see )
I quess my problem is that im calling InvokeOnMainThread(() => LocRequestReceived()), where I should perhaps call it on a background thread??
As i've said, i just started xamarin iOS development, so any input is greatly appreciated.

I ended up with a slightly different approach. I used native CFStreams to set up a persistent tcp connection instead of SignalR.
public CFReadStream readStream;
public CFWriteStream writeStream;
public void Connect()
if (readStream == null) {
CFStream.CreatePairWithSocketToHost ("SERVER_ADDRESS", "PORT", out readStream, out writeStream);
ConfigureStream (readStream);
//Added handler for streamevents
readStream.Open ();
To enable the stream to be open even if app is backgrounded, this is essential (in addition to add the necessary background modes in Info.plist):
void ConfigureStream(CFStream stream)
var nsstream = new NSStream (stream.Handle);
if (stream.GetType () == typeof(CFReadStream)) {
**nsstream [NSStream.NetworkServiceType] = NSStream.NetworkServiceTypeVoIP;**


Managing Server Side Events with a Service Worker

I am building a web app to display on my iPad to control my raspberry pi acting as an audio recorder. Part of the need is to maintain an event source open so that the server can send Server Side Events. A specific instance of the app can grab control of the recording process, but will loose control if the server sees sse link closes. This is just protection against a client disappearing and leaving the control held (control of the process does needed to be renewed at least every 5 minutes - but I don't really want to wait that long in the normal case of someone just closing the browser tab.)
Part of my need is to push the browser to the background so I can then open up the camera and record a video.
I built this app and had it almost working see (master branch).
Until I pushed the browser to the background and found IOS shut down the page and broke the sse link.
I tried restructuring to use a private web worker to manage the sse link, massing messages between the web worker and the main javascript thread - again almost working (see workers branch of above repository). But that got shutdown too!
My last thought is to use a service worker, but how to structure the app?
Clearly the service worker must act as a client to the server for the server side events. It must keep the connection open, but it also needs to keep track of multiple tabs in the browser which may or may not try and grab control of the interface, and only allow one tab to do so.
I can think of three approaches - but its difficult to see which is better. At least I have never even seen any mention of approach 2 and 3 below , but it seems to me that one of these two might actually be the simplest.
Approach 1
Move the code I have now for separate web workers into the service worker. However we will need to add to the message passing some form of ID between window and service. So I can record which tab actually grabbed control of the interface and therefore exclude other tabs from doing so (ie simulate a failed attempt to take control).
As far as I can work out MessageEvent.ports[0] could be a unique object which I could store in a Map somewhere, but I am not entirely convinced that the MessageChannel wouldn't close if the browser moved to the background.
Approach 2
have a set of phantom urls in the service worker that simulate all the different message types (and parameters) that where previously sent my the tab to its private web worker.
The fetch event provides a clientid (which I can use to difference between who actually grabbed control) and which I can use to then do Clients.get(clientid).postMessage() (or Clients.matchAll when a broadcast response is needed)
Code would be something like
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
const requestURL = new URL(event.request.url);
if (/^\/api\//.test(requestURL.pathname)) {
event.respondWith(fetch(event.request)); //all api requests are a direct pass through
} else if (/^\/service\//.test(requestURL.pathname)) {
process these like a message passing with one extra to say the client is going away.
if (urlRecognised) {
event.respondWith(new Response('OK', {status: 200}));
} else {
event.respondWith(new Response(`Unknown request ${requestURL.pathname}`, {status: 404}));
} else {
event.respondWith(async () => {
const cache = await'recorder');
const cachedResponse = await cache.match(event.request);
const networkResponsePromise = fetch(event.request);
event.waitUntil(async () => {
const networkResponse = await networkResponsePromise;
await cache.put(event.request, networkResponse.clone());
// Returned the cached response if we have one, otherwise return the network response.
return cachedResponse || networkResponsePromise;
The top of the the fetch event just passes the standard api requests made by the client straight through. I can't cache these (although I could be more sophisticated and perhaps pre reject those not supported).
The second section matches phantom urls /service/something
The last section is taken from Jake Archibald's offline cookbook and tries to use the cache, but updates the cache in the background if any of the static files have changed.
Approach 3
Similar to the approach above, in that we would have phantom urls and use the clientid as a unique marker, but actually try and simulate a server side event stream with one url.
I'm thinking the code with be more like
} else if (/^\/service\//.test(requestURL.pathname)) {
const stream = new TransformStream();
const writer = stream.writeable.getWriter();
event.respondWith(async () => {
const streamFinishedPromise = new Promise(async (resolve,reject) => {
event.waitUntil(async () => {
/* eventually close the link */
await streamFinishedPromise;
try {
while (true) writer.write(await nextMessageFromServerSideEventStream());
} catch(e) {
return new Response(stream.readable,{status:200}) //probably need eventstream headers too
I am thinking that approach 2 could be the simplest, given where I am now but I am concerned that I can see nothing when searching for how to use service workers that discusses this phantom url approach.
Can anyone comment on any of these approaches and provide guidance on how to best program the tricky bits (for instance does Approach 1 message channel close when the browser is moved to the background on an iPad, or how do you really keep a response channel open, and does that get closed when the browser moves to the background in Approach 3)
The simple truth is that none of these approaches will work. What I didn't realise when I asked the question is that a service worker is re-run by the browser when ever there is something to do and that run only lasts for the length of time of the processing of an event. Although eventWaitUntil can prolong that, the only reference to how long I can find is that the browser is still at liberty to cancel it if it appears it might never close. I can't imagine than in a period of several hours it won't get cancelled. So an Event Source will close effectively terminate its link to the server.
So my only option to achieve what I want is to have the server carry on when the Event Source closes and find some other mechanism to release resources held on behalf of the client

Workaround for missing "Web Push" on Safari for my PWA

I am developing a PWA that requires Push-Notifications. Sadly IOS/Safari does not support for now, so I think i might have to wrap a native APP around in some way.
In Android (before their "Trusted Web Activities" was a thing) you could use a WebView to basically display a headless Chrome-View in your App. Whats the equivalent in IOS and how does the interaction between push-notifications and the Webapp (the browser need to jump to a specific page) work?
One more thing I need is integration with our companys Mobile Device Management, which is Microsoft Intune. Having integrated MDMs in Android in the past i Know that this might be a major pain in the a**, so i'm considering to build the wrapper myself, for maximum flexibility. Another option would be something like Ionic, not sure now.
This may not necessarily work in your situation, but I had the exact same issue with a PWA for Safari and I solved it by just using long polling. It will allow you to get around all of the limitations with Safari and I was able to redirect and load sections within our SPA.
async function subscribe() {
let response = await fetch("/subscribe");
if (response.status == 502) {
// Status 502 is a connection timeout error,
// may happen when the connection was pending for too long,
// and the remote server or a proxy closed it
// let's reconnect
await subscribe();
} else if (response.status != 200) {
// An error - let's show it
// Reconnect in one second
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
await subscribe();
} else {
// Get and show the message
let message = await response.text();
// Call subscribe() again to get the next message
await subscribe();

Azure Push Notification Error from IOS Xcode

I feel I am the first one in the universe trying to get iOS swift working with Azure, not much help out there.
I followed this Create an iOS app
and then Add Push Notifications to your iOS App. I am supposed to be able to do a successful push notification from iPhone, but I get this error. btw: I can get my C# code to trigger in visual studio in my pc (using this tutorial), so the request seems to be working, but the response sucks. Any one knows how to fix it!!
Error registering for notifications: Optional("Error Domain=com.Microsoft.MicrosoftAzureMobile.ErrorDomain Code=-1302 \"{\"message\":\"An error has occurred.\"}\" UserInfo={com.Microsoft.MicrosoftAzureMobile.ErrorRequestKey=<NSMutableURLRequest: 0x14cebf780> { URL: http://<mysite> }, com.Microsoft.MicrosoftAzureMobile.ErrorResponseKey=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x14cec54b0> { URL: http://<mysite> } { status code: 500, headers {\n \"Content-Length\" = 36;\n \"Content-Type\" = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\";\n Date = \"Wed, 11 May 2016 21:39:39 GMT\";\n Server = \"Microsoft-IIS/8.0\";\n \"Set-Cookie\" = \"ARRAffinity=8d79cd782ff16b44f7f280b76e2bc5564d86e0d1b228227b8e0033f4bb1c4582;Path=/;Domain=<mysite>\";\n \"X-Powered-By\" = \"ASP.NET\";\n} }, NSLocalizedDescription={\"message\":\"An error has occurred.\"}}")
The only url I have is the one per the tutorial. The rest of the code is identical to the ones I mentioned in the links (I copied it character by character):
class ClientManager {
static let sharedClient = MSClient(applicationURLString: "http://<mysite>")
#Pau Senabre I am working with swift not Objective-C per my question (see my tags under question), so I don't have an .m file per your step #1. I also don't have the logErrorIfNotNil you mentioned. My method (which is generated by Azure before modifications) looks like this:
#IBAction func addItem(sender : AnyObject) {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("addItem", sender: self)
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!)
if segue.identifier == "addItem" {
let todoController = segue.destinationViewController as! ToDoItemViewController
todoController.delegate = self
#Pau Senabre My goal is to do mobile apps/services, not mobile engagement. See the difference here. btw: I had followed the azure engagement example when I started playing with it and had worked for me. But my need now is web/mobile apps. So, does what you suggested still apply for my need?
Could you please post some code? I think you may be using a wrong URL in a certain place.
Check the following link:
In section Modify your Application Delegate make sure you create a reach module and your existing Engagement initialization has all the init Values.
EngagementAgent.init("Endpoint={YOUR_APP_COLLECTION.DOMAIN};SdkKey={YOUR_SDK_KEY};AppId={YOUR_APPID}", modulesArray:[reach])
The error Code provided Error Domain=com.Microsoft.MicrosoftAzureMobile.ErrorDomain Code=-1302 matches to a bad request. If you are entering some data, make beforehand a Data Input Validation:
1 In the TodoService.m file, locate the addItem method search for the [self logErrorIfNotNil:error]; line of code. Beneath that line of code, replace the remainder of the completion block with the following code that checks to see if there was an error in the request and if that error code was –1302, indicating a bad request:
BOOL badRequest = ((error) && (error.code == -1302));
// detect text validation error from service.
if (!badRequest) // The service responded appropriately
NSUInteger index = [itemscount];
[(NSMutableArray *)itemsinsertObject:result atIndex:index];
// Let the caller know that we finished
2 Build and run; you can see in the Xcode output window that the bad request error from the service was handled:
2012-10-23 22:01:32.169 Quickstart[5932:11303] ERROR Error Domain=com.Microsoft.WindowsAzureMobileServices.ErrorDomain Code=-1302 “Text length must be under 10″ UserInfo=0x7193850 {NSLocalizedDescription=Text length must be under 10, com.Microsoft.WindowsAzureMobileServices.ErrorResponseKey=, com.Microsoft.WindowsAzureMobileServices.ErrorRequestKey=>}
3 Finally, in the TodoService.m file, locate the logErrorIfNotNil method, which handles the logging of errors to the output window. Inside the if code block, just below the line NSLog(#”ERROR %#”, error); add the following if block:
// added to display description of bad request
if (error.code == -1302){
UIAlertView *av =
[[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:#”Request Failed”
[av show];
Aditionally, review the following steps in the Azure Setup, maybe you are missing something at some point:
1 Create a Notification Hub
This creates a new notification hub and connects it to your mobile app. If you have an existing notification hub, you can choose to connect it to your Mobile App backend instead of creating a new one.
2 Register app for push notifications
Register an App ID for your app. Create an explicit App ID (not a wildcard App ID) and for Bundle ID, use the exact Bundle ID that is in your Xcode quickstart project. It is also crucial that you check the Push Notifications option.
Next, configuring push notifications. You may create either a "Development" or "Distribution" SSL certificate (remember to select the corresponding option in the Azure portal later.)
3 Configure Azure to send push notifications
In the Azure portal, click Browse All > App Services > your Mobile App backend > Settings > Mobile > Push > Apple Push Notification Services > Upload Certificate. Upload the .p12 file, selecting the correct Mode (corresponding to whether the client SSL certificate you generated earlier was Development or Distribution.)
4 Update server project to send push notifications
Replace the PostTodoItem method with the following code:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostTodoItem(TodoItem item)
TodoItem current = await InsertAsync(item);
// Get the settings for the server project.
HttpConfiguration config = this.Configuration;
MobileAppSettingsDictionary settings =
// Get the Notification Hubs credentials for the Mobile App.
string notificationHubName = settings.NotificationHubName;
string notificationHubConnection = settings
// Create a new Notification Hub client.
NotificationHubClient hub = NotificationHubClient
.CreateClientFromConnectionString(notificationHubConnection, notificationHubName);
// iOS payload
var appleNotificationPayload = "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"" + item.Text + "\"}}";
// Send the push notification and log the results.
var result = await hub.SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync(appleNotificationPayload);
// Write the success result to the logs.
catch (System.Exception ex)
// Write the failure result to the logs.
.Error(ex.Message, null, "Push.SendAsync Error");
return CreatedAtRoute("Tables", new { id = current.Id }, current);
this is the proper answer from another question I had earlier, which fixes both: Registration and Receiving push notifications. I said this in here:
I finally have been able to receive notifications last night. I went ahead and redid an entire walk-through of all apple-side installation steps using this tutorial: Sending push notifications to iOS with Azure Notification Hubs then the azure-side of things using this: Create an iOS app and Add Push Notifications to your iOS App. That took care of the registering the app of the device successfully, which I was able to verify using the note of AdrianHall in this thread. But that wasn't enough. The Azure tutorials fell short detailing the steps needed in Xcode, which I found here: [How To] Setup Remote Push Notification in iOS - Swift 2.0 Code I didn't have to setup any "push notification" in Xcode or anything like that.
I hope this detailed answer will save you many hours of digging through.

How to manage Online / Offline / Away status in background PUBNUB + IOS?

We want to implement Online/Offline using Pubnub framework in iOS but app doesn't work in background more than 10 minutes. We have tried to implement this by enable location feature and its working fine. But client does not want to enable location service for this purpose. So how we will manage to make run enable in background infinite ? (QUE 1)
And if we want to put Online/Offline/Away status in our code
Where we should show,
Online: When user open the app
Offline: When user close the app from background OR delete the app
Away: When user tap on home button and app is in background.
How we will implement this (Specially AWAY & Offline state)?(QUE 2)
Is there any other way to manage Online/Offline/Away ? (Without Pubnub ) (QUE 3)
If Yes, please describe the way.
How we will manage Online/Offline/Away using web service? When we call that web services? (QUE 4)
We are using almost 3-4 year old base code. So should we add any other parameter in plist to enable app in background for more time ? (QUE 5)
Please guide us.
With PubNub Presence, you have the best way to provide this feature in your app but due to the way iOS handles app going into background, you may or may not have opportunity to update this status (depends on how app is configured to run).
But very simply, by enabling Presence for your PubNub keys, when a client subscribes to a channel, a join event is sent to all other subscribers that are listening to presence on that channel.
When the app goes into background, if you have opportunity to do so, you can call unsubscribe on all the channels the client is subscribed to and a leave event will be sent to all the subscribers of that/those channels listening to presence events.
And if the app were to get killed or go to background where you do not have a chance to call unsubscribe, when the app is offline/disconnected for longer than the configured heartbeat period, then a timeout (equivalent to a leave event) will be sent to all subscribers listening to presence events.
The heartbeat defaults to 5 minutes but you can configure this to a lower setting like 60 seconds (or shorter for use cases that require this but never lower than 15 seconds).
If you would like your server to listen to Presence events, then you will want to use our Presence Webhooks (docs coming soon). Please see this StackOverflow thread about how to implement PubNub Presence Webhooks and how to get your PubNub keys configured to use them.
There are two scenarios:
User puts App in the background mode
User quits the App.
What you need to do is to get notified when these events occur:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Now, in that respective methods, set state using PubNub's API
// Sample dictionary
NSDictionary *dicState = #{ #"userName" : senderName, // Optional
#"status" : #"Away", // Or whatever
#"isTyping" : #FALSE // Optional
[AppDel.client setState: dicState
forUUID: senderId // current user's UUID
onChannel: KPubNubChannelName // channel name
withCompletion: ^(PNClientStateUpdateStatus *status)
NSLog(#"%#", status);
Once state is updated on PubNub, all the subscribers of that channel will be notified i.e. follwing method will be called:
- (void)client:(PubNub *)client didReceivePresenceEvent:(PNPresenceEventResult *)event
if (![])
// Presence event has been received on channel group stored in
// Presence event has been received on channel stored in
if (![ isEqualToString:#"state-change"]) {
NSLog(#"%# \"%#'ed\"\nat: %# on %# (Occupancy: %#)",,,,,;
else {
NSLog(#"%# changed state at: %# on %# to: %#",,,,;
When it gets called, you will have to update your datasource accordingly which will reflect the state update.

How to know the current state of application invoked in blackberry?

Is it possible to know the state of application invoked in blackberry? For example, if we invoke blackberry email application after sending an email, can we know if the application has closed or still running and also where the email has been sent, the subject, the content, etc.? The code may be something like this:
try {
Message message = new Message();
Address address = new Address("", "Email");
Address[] addresses = {address};
message.addRecipients(RecipientType.TO, addresses);
message.setContent("Testing email from MyTabViewDemo application");
message.setSubject("Testing Email");
Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_MESSAGES, new MessageArguments(message));
log.debug(MyApp.GUID_LOG, "Send email action done!");
} catch (Exception e) {
and how about retrieving the state of other applications like phone, sms, camera?
Thank you.
You can view the visible applications by calling
That returns an array of application descriptors. From a descriptor, you can know the names and ids.
It is possible, however, that the messaging app is always on background and cannot be closed (I'm not 100% sure here)
But you can't know if a message has ben sent or not sending the mail like that.
