Missing recommended icon file in xcode6 - ios

I've already configured all required icons in xcode6, unfortunately when to validate in Xcode6 then encounter following error
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app
icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png
following question and answers showed that how to solve such kind of error but I have not found the point yet. Attach is my app icon and configuration.

By reading the error message, it looks like your image file is not exactly the required size for an icon. Have you checked it? Your image file must have the exact size requirement.


Setting the App Icon (Xcode 7)

I have looked around and none of the other topics I found have addressed the error I am getting with my App Icon. When I try to run my app, it gives the error:
The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content
I'm pretty sure this is because I don't have the .png file in the right place but I can't figure out where to put it. It is currently listed under the project file.
Go to Images.xcassets add in AppIcon all icons sizes as Image below.
This app Prepo can quick generate the files to help you.

ios validation: Invalid image path - missing icon file

i want to upload my first app (in swift) into apple ios store but i get some errors on validation. I've been searching for many hours (on internet) to fix it but i cannot find a solution.
Error 1:
Invalid Image Path - No Image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons'
This key is empty in info.plist. I've added all icons to a Images.xcassets (no CarPlay icon, plz see images)
Error 2:
Missing required icon file: The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone/iPod Touch exactly '120x120' pixels, in png format iOS versiona >= 7.0.
Picture 1
Picture 2
It would be great to get a little bit help. thx forward
1) you're using the Images.xcassets, you dont need the CFBundleIcon property in the info.plist anymore since the build will actually compile the values into the compiled info.plist.
2) Need to add app icon 120*120 size icon in appIcon list of Images.xcassets for second error.
i used makeappicon to create a new iconset and replaced the appiconset with the generated files. Now everything is working right. Thx all
This has been asked here: Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path. CFBundleIcons Xcode 5
iOS 8/xCode 6 answer, if you get an error AppIcon 120x120 not found, uncheck the car play icon in xcode's AppIcon set. Assuming you're not using car play of course

ERROR ITMS-9000:"Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels

ERROR ITMS-9000:"Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels in .png format for IOS versions >= 7.0."
I am getting this error when trying to upload my app to the app store. I have loaded all my icons using the image asset catalog (and even tried loading icon files without the catalog).
Also, not sure why xcode wants me to upload iPhone app icons when this is an iPad app?
Anyone have any ideas? complete stuck on this one
turns out I just rebuilt the application and created a new archive.
I think creating a NEW archive was the trick. So needed to delete the old one and create the new archive which included the correctly size app icons.
If you just correct the app icons and try to validate an the existing archive it will produce the same error.
Hope this helps anyone else who encounters this issue
Step 1 :
Choose Images.xcassets
Step 2 : Resize Icons in below pixels then drag and drop to corresponding position.

Invalid Image Path - No image found

I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to upload my project into AppStore.
frist issue
Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'icon-76'
second issue
your binary is not optimised for iPhone - 5 - new iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately following th portion of the launch image's filename. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .Iproj folder if you localise your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the 'iOS Human interface guidelines' at 'https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/mobileHIG/Iconimages/IconImages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH14_SW5' and the 'IOS App Programming Guide' at 'https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneOSProgrammingGuide/App-RelatedResources/App-RelatedResorces.html#//apple_ref.doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6-SW12
Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks.
Go to Supporting Files -> yourproject-info.plist file, under the Icon Files -> click the down arrows and cross check the icon names and bundle icon file names.
Adding the required images and Removing the unwanted ones from your project and info.plist will easily fix this issue.
If the image exists, make sure that this image is a members of target you are building.
Well I have faced the same issue and found the solution by adding the default-568h#2x.png file at the root level As show in the image
I got the same issue.I don't think you answered the question correctly.
I'm using Images.xcassets for the AppIcon. All the sizes are included. Even the one reported missing. And there is no CFBundleIcons in my Info.plist.
I even don't use Launch images in my project. Instead I'm using LaunchScreen.xib file as the launch screen.

Icon dimensions don't meet size requirements no matter what

I am trying to put my app on the market and am granted with this error everytime I try:
Ipad: icon.png: dimensions (57 x 57) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels in .png format.
I have seen the endless posts about about modifying the .plist and also Edit Project Settings -> Build -> uncheck Compress PNG Files( Icon.png file error in universal app ). I have done both of this. I have also went through apples guide for universal app Icons and followed that as well. However I noticed a difference in the .plist file I have and they have (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1686/_index.html). (Mine has a Primary Icon attribute ) Is there something I am missing or is the apple documentation our of date?
When I change the icon to 72x72 I then get the same error except it says the icon file must be 57x57. It seems like it's trying to use icon.png for both the iphone and ipad icon when It should be using icon-72.png for ipad and icon.png for iphone. Is this defined somewhere else?
First of all I'm not sure if this is a rule or if it's just common practice, but your icons should start with a capital "I". Second, your iPad icon should be 72x72 not 57x57 like the iPhone icon. And finally, you're missing your iPad retina icon "Icon-72#2x.png" 144x144px.
Full break down of icons.
Icon.png = 57x57 iPhone non retina
Icon#2x.png = 114x114 iPhone retina
Icon-72.png = 72x72 iPad non retina
Icon-72#2x.png = 144x144 iPad retina
If you make sure your icons are exactly as I've listed then you won't have any problems.
If you are still experiencing problems after making these changes then try deleting all icon images from the project, and deleting the icon keys from your .plist file.
Then re-add the images to the project by dragging them directly to their corresponding placeholder in the summary tab of Xcode's navigator.
Well, I agree with #NSPostWhenIdle, But as far as the Naming conventions he is right, if you are adding directly to the plist,
But when it is concerned with Xcode , from Xcode 4.2, when you open the target settings -> Summary
I hope that you are using Xcode later than 4.2
And when you mouse over the App Icons section, it will show the size of icons and right click there and add icons. Xcode itself fix the names for your icons according to the size of the icons which you are selecting like this
So, No matter of fighting with the naming conventions of iCons, and if you add like this, these icon names are fixed my Xcode itself and these icons are automatically added to the plist File as well.
I removed the icons from my project via the file system, renamed them as suggested by NSPostWhenIdle and sree charan. I then dragged and dropped them into the the app icon section and removed and readded the entries in the .plist via a text editor. However this still wasn't effecient enough, I thought that removing the files from the project in the file system would remove the references in the project, THIS IS NOT TRUE. I suggest to anyone that with icon problems after this to do what I previously stated and remove all icon references/files via the project and NOT the file system before re-adding.
Your icon.png is probably not exactly 57x57. in finder, right click on the icon.png, get info. If it still says 57x57, then I am not sure why its throwing that error.
I had a similar issue when my icon.png was 57x56 (which I had never checked until xcode whined).
IF these dont work, restart your Xcode and or Mac, make a clean build.
I just want to add (for others finding this question) that I recently ran into this error, but in my case it was complaining that 76x76 did not meet the requirement of 72x72, which didn't make any sense to me since our iPad app is iOS 7 only and therefore according to all official documentation only requires icons of size 76x76 and 152x152.
Icon dimensions (76 x 76) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels, in .png format.
Anyhow it turned out the person uploading the binary was using an older version of Application Loader (from Xcode 4.6) and this check was happening client-side before the upload even took place.
Submitting the same binary using the newer Application Loader from Xcode 5 had no problem!
