Xcode button with size classes - ios

I am wanting to create a button that changes its size based on the device (Ex: 1:2 aspect ratio) in a Universal Storyboard. For example, the button would be much bigger on the iPad that it would on an iPhone. The problem I am running into is that it seems like I am unable to add the constraints needed to the button in order to make this happen. The problem is that the margins on each device are different which ends up not letting the aspect ratio solution work. Is this possible to do or I am going to have to do this separately for each device using different size classes instead of just the universal class that works for every device?


Choosing appropriate screen size to work with

I have got rather general question about making Adaptive Layout in iOS App.
When creating new project in Xcode you have ability to choose with which screen size you can start working:
I have noticed that if you place a square UIView on iPhone SE screen and then connect Leading, Trailing, Top and Bottom constraints - this view displays correctly on every other screen. But if you perform same actions on iPhone X, then this same shape would be corrupted on smaller screens.
So, my questions are:
Which iPhone screen size to choose, when starting making iOS app in
order not to face headaches with constraints on other screens and to
make pixel perfect UI?
If I receive design prepared for iPhone X screen, can I prepare it
firstly for iPhone SE screen and will it be displayed correctly on
bigger screens in this case?
What are screen sizes you use in your projects most frequently?
Actually there is no difference in choosing which 1 , what you need is to make your thoughts when making constraints to be generic , and that means every static width/height will appear similar in all devices , and every proportional 1 will look according to the device size , personally i like to use iphone 5 ( please forget about iphone 4 or you'll have to make the main view a scrollview because of the very small height of that device ) , also you can toggle the device to see how the constraints you set ( in the choosen 1 ) are look in the other device
You don't need to 'choose' a size. This is just a display setting and you can change it at any time to preview your layout on different devices.
You need to make your constrains in a logical way that will naturally adapt when change screen sizes.

How to use adaptive layer for universal app but different button sizes on ipad in ios8?

I'm developing iOS 8 universal app, I'm using adaptive layer to develop app, all going well.
But, I struck at iPad design, because I used equal width and height for all devices using constraints, its looking good for iPhone devices, but iPad also is showing as like iPhone design, so I need to increase button sizes, so can I use a separate constrains for iPhone and iPad buttons on single storyboard app in iOS 8 with Swift language.
One more doubt is, how to handle dynamic buttons on same storyboard application with auto layouts and constrains
Thanks in Advance.
You can select Regular width|Any Height size class and set the size and constraints for the button specific to iPad. According to Apple docs :
Views, constraints, and fonts are added from the size classes in the same way they would be chosen for display on a screen. Items from Any|Any are used unless those items are changed or uninstalled in more specific size classes. In that case, the most specific item is used. For example, in the iPhone nib, modified items in the Compact|Regular size class take precedence over items in Compact|Any. And modified items in Compact|Any take precedence over items in Any|Any.
Regular width|Any Height size class is taken in run time for iPad and Any|Any is taken for iPhone.

Using a launch screen (.xib) stops scaling

It's my understanding that apps for iOS 8 should have a storyboard file as launch screen rather than an image. I've created a really simple launch screen file that has any width and any height, and has one label of plain text reading "placeholder" and set it as my launch screen. However, when I try to run my app on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus simulators, there's black bars around the background and the buttons on the main menu are out of place. The problem doesn't seem to be present in the 5s or iPad. Most of my assets aren't optimized for the 6 and 6 Plus though, since they were created before they came out. Is that why this is happening? Or is it something else? Thanks in advance.
Edit: Apparently, putting in a launch screen stops the app from automatically scaling. Is there a way to have both a launch screen, and keep the app scaling? Or do I need to make new assets?
This is a bit of an old question, and I ended up using a launch image instead of a launch screen, but you can probably solve this by using constraints. If you set top, bottom, leading, and/or trailing constraints on an item in the view, it'll scale itself to fit those constraints (if possible). For text, it has the autoshrink property which you can change to minimum font scale (instead of fixed font size), though I'm not sure how you can scale text up. The autolayout documentation is here.
To create a launch screen from a xib file first create a new file from under “User Interface” and select the option called “Launch Screen”
Using autolayout, design the first view of you app so it scales to suit all resolutions that your app supports.
Using the new Launch Screen
Under the app setting select the newly created Launch Screen from the app options.
This is the example for using a xib file. It can also be done using storyboard as shown in Ole Begemann blog

Same button position in relation to iPhone 5/6/6+ screen resolution in Xcode 6

I'm coding a remote control with a background (designed in Photoshop) already for the iPhone 6+ with the proper resolution, which I use with an UIImageView at full size.
I disabled Autolayout/Size Classes and set the size to Inferred. Further I uploaded all relevant LaunchImages for proper scaling.
The UIImageView scales properly for all screen sizes, but the buttons I put over the background are moving.
For example:
All buttons (over 1-9, Power Off, Menu ecc.) should always stay at the same position (in releation to the selected device and screen resolution).
I can't get it, that all buttons stay over the designed photoshop elements.
Please give me a good advice, to solve this issue.
I would recommend using size classes and Autolayout. This type of thing is exactly what they are made for.
This youtube video is a great introduction to size classes and some Autolayout:

Random launch screen on iOS apps [duplicate]

I have a sponsor logo on the launch image. Is there a way to dynamically change the launch image to rotate sponsor logos?
The default image for an iphone app must be a fixed image file in your bundle. You cannot change it dynamically.
However, you can have a dynamic image that appears when the app loads after the launch image. You can set that up with animations or simply to select a random image each time.
According to Apple's HIG, Human Interface Guide, the splash screen is supposed to be used only as a placeholder to give the user the illusion the app is open while it completes it's startup process.
Apple will allow some use of the startup screen, but know they can and do have the right to reject your app solely on how you use it.
Like the previous answer stated, you could do anything you want after the initial startup screen has passed. Play a video, run an animation, or display a second view with your sponsored images.
And finally, I don't recommend doing this, but if you are determined to work something into the startup screen, you could try this.
The splash screen is hardcoded or set to 1 filename. Before your app closes, you could dynamically replace the hardcoded filename with a new file from a webservice or local storage, replacing the existing splash screen image. I haven't tried this, but it is more than likely possible. Just beware that it may not pass muster with Apple's approval process. Good luck.
As i needed different images on iPhone & iPad Splash screens, i followed below steps:
1. Add two UIImageViews
2. Set Width & Height constants for both UIImageViews as per your requirements.
3. Now select the iPhone UIImageView and set its Height Constraints Regular Regular (RR) height constant as 0.
4. Do the same for for iPad UIImageView and set its Height Regular Regular (RR) height constant as actual required height and set 0 to the Constant.
5. When you test it on iPhone the iPad ImageView will disappear and vice-versa will happen on iPad.
