Using UIPanGestureRecognizer in conjunction with animateWithDuration block ios - ios

I'm coding an ios application and the basic View is a UIMapView.
On the UIMapView I have a UIImageView.
I want this UIImageView's initial state to animate up and down on repeat on the screen. When a user pans across the map I would like the animation to continue. However, when the user stops panning, I would like the animation to stop. The animation should continue whenever the user pans across the screen and stop again when the user stops touching the screen.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks so much!


Detect when a user interrupted UIScrollView animation

I have an app with a horizontal scrolling uiscrollview, it shows 3 subviews side by side. I am using Objective C.
When the user drags and releases, the code detects which is the closest subview and automatically scrolls to the nearest of the 3 subviews, making it fully centred.
This all works fine, except;
When the scrollview is animating an auto-centering move, the user can interrupt by just tapping it (not dragging).
This single tap halts the animation and scrollview, leaving it not centred on any of the 3 subviews.
No delegate method I have found can detect when the animation is interrupted and then continue with centering.
How can I do this?
When you start the scroll animation with setContentOffset:animated: or scrollToRectVisible:animated:, its end will be marked by UIScrollViewDelegate method scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:. If before that other delegate method is called, like scrollViewWillBeginDragging: or scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: - that means that user interrupted your animatin with drag (or a tap).
What you want to do is restart your animation when user stops dragging - in scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: or scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:
Thanks again mag_zbc!
This really helped me find the solution.
I was overcomplicating the animation, checking for the current position both after the user finished dragging as well as when the animation finished.
To solve it, I just checked the current offset in scrollViewDidEndDecelerating::
-If the final offset was one of the three correct locations (auto-offset finished uninterrupted) then do nothing.
-If the offset was not one of the correct locations (animation was interrupted), then move again.

How to tie together gestures and animation

I'm as beginner as you can get when it comes to iOS animation.
I know you can do fixed (non-gesture-controlled) animations, where you animate a property of a view over a fixed period of time. This however is entirely different than using a gesture to control the animation.
You know how you fold a sheet of 8x11 paper to put it in an envelope and mail it... you fold it in thirds. Well basically, my boss wants an interface such that 2/3rds of it is shown on the screen at a time, and the other third is slid on/off screen with a gesture. So basically, the screen would show either thirds 1 and 2, or thirds 2 and 3 depending on whether you swipe left or right.
Now this also means doing things like snapping/rubberbanding, bouncing, acceleration/deceleration, sticky. I have no clue where to even start to do something like this. I'm assuming those types of motions are not already built into any of the iOS framework and if you want snapping/rubberbanding, bouncing, acceleration/deceleration, you'd have to program that entirely from scratch.
Like how would a view know my artificial snap/bounce points are, and sticky behavior, such that you remove your finger from the screen before an arbitrary position is reached, and the view bounces back to it's previous position.
Where would you suggest I start on researching how to drive animations with gestures?
I suggest you take a look at Core Animation. You can do some really complex animations including accelerations, deceleration, bounce and others.
You could easily create a UIPanGestureRecognizer to track when someone has dragged their finger across the screen. Attach an action wasDragged to your gestureRecognizer
From the documentation:
A panning gesture is continuous. It begins (UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) when the minimum number of fingers allowed (minimumNumberOfTouches) has moved enough to be considered a pan. It changes (UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged) when a finger moves while at least the minimum number of fingers are pressed down. It ends (UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) when all fingers are lifted.
In wasDragged check what state the gestureRecognizer is in. If state is UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged, then you can adjust the size or position of your UIView so that it appears like you are dragging it out. If state is UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded, check whether the point at which the gesture ended is greater than your threshold point (e.g. halfway across the screen). If it isn't, then snap the view back using an animation, if it is then snap the view into where you want it.
Hope this makes sense.

Animated UIWebView does not respond to touches during animation

At the moment, I'm animating a UIWebView from the bottom of the screen to the top. As the UIWebView animates upwards it becomes untouchable for 50-80% of the duration time.
If I tap the UIWebviews ending destination, or model layer, the taps are registered and the Webview responds appropriately.
Why is this? And what solutions are there for tapping moving/animating UIWebViews?
To further exemplify this, I have created a side project that shows a UIWebView animating upwards. The purple squares represent touch events on the presentation layer, while the blue squares represent touch events outside of the presentation layer.
As seen in the example, UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction is set in the UViewAnimation block.
A UIWebView is complicated layout of web elements. To redraw that during animation there is simply not enough time available to entirely redraw the UIWebView, keep the controls in it available for interaction and do the animation.
However there are some settings for this inside a CALayer on what to do with its contents when animating it. I would start looking into that.

Adding transition Animation to objects in Objective C

I have a simple animation at the moment which as the user slides from left to right a box (UIView) slides in. Is it possible to add a UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition so the animation gets completed depending on how far the user has moves his/her finger across the screen, or are they only available when switching between Views.

Disable bouncing edges in UIPageView

I have a UIPageViewController which manages UINavigationControllers, which are hooked up to a UITableView. I want the user to be able to swipe between the different "table views", which currently works. When the user swipes on the first or last page, the controller moves off the screen and there is black behind it. I don't want the user to be able to swipe off the screen.
I tried using gesture recognizers to prevent pan and swipe gestures in a certain direction when the user was at the first or last page but when I returned NO in gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch: the view was still able to scroll.
In the end I am trying to emulate how "snapchat" works, I don't mind using a different method to achieve what they have I just am unsure how I would do it.
You can try setting background color on the superview to white or the color of your tableview.
I finally figured out an easy semi-fix. I decided to take a screenshot and use the clone tool to get rid of all the labels and I set it as the background image of the UIPageView. Now at least it doesn't look black, it just looks like the tableview continues off the screen.
