Column Highchart - Lot of column - highcharts

We have column chart, but it will display very ugly when it have lot of column, we enable the scrollbar but its not working properly. Please see the below image.
Please help me on,
How to add margin between group of column.
Or any other way to display the column chart with huge amount of data.
jsFiddle :

Try something like this :
xAxis: {
min: 100
Fiddle here:

Try setting some max to xAxis that will work,
setting both min and max to the xAxis will make a pericular range of values to be hown and the chart will be scrollable now,
xAxis: {
max: 3 //3 is just a smple, just check which will work in your case
updated your fiddle here


Remove spacing between Histogram columns on date-time axis

I have a stock price chart with variance along xAxis (its a special chart). I want to plot this variance as histogram.I can draw it successfully but I can't get rid of the space between histogram columns. fiddle here (click on price series to generate histogram)
I have set
groupPadding: 0,
pointPadding: 0
but doesn't work.
I tried a simpler fiddle And this one works fine.
I can't find what is the difference.
Any help is highly appreciated.
You need to set ordinal option to false:
xAxis: {
ordinal: false
Live demo:
API Reference:

maxPointWidth causing more gaps for bars within each x point, in basic Column chart

Using HighChart, I wanted to create grouped column chart with max width, so that when there are less points on x axis the bar does not look wide.
I found some property maxPointWidth which can be applied to achieve the same. but using this there is a gap for each bar within x-point.
How to remove this gap ? I have tried pointPadding:0 as well seems this does not help
I am expecting chart something like below.
groupPadding will help.
plotOptions: {
series: {
maxPointWidth: 10

Adding same precision to the yAxis Label of HighCharts

I want to format the yAxis label and add trailing zeros after decimal. The number of precision will be decided dynamically as per the value of yAxis labels.
For Example: If there are 3 labels in yAxis with value 95.8, 95.825, and 95.85. then, it should be displayed as 95.800, 95.825, 95.850.
Actually, the requirement is to have the decimal precision dynamically. Actually sometimes, our chart shows labels as 93,94,95, in this case we don't want to add precision. The idea is to add same precision, if the chart is generating, yAxis labels like 94.25, 94.5, 94.75, then, I want the chart to show yAxis labels as 94.24, 94.50, 94.75.
For dataLabels there are some format parameters you can add to your y values.
You can add this to the plotOptions structure like this:
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '{y:.3f}' // <<< .3f is 3 decimal places out.
Here is a modified fiddle:
More details from
Sorry the example above was just for datalabels...Here is an improved example that shows, xAxis, yAxis, dataLables and toolTip with different '3 decimal place' approaches.

series is truncated after click on the series in the legend

If I am setting the rangeSelector to All, and clicking on a series in the legend. It seems like some series data gets lost or wont be displayed.
I cant figure out the problem, am I displaying too much data? I guess there wont be a problem with the json data structure (I am using the same structur as in all the demos (on the highcharts website)) - mostly it is a 2dim/3dim array.
I will attatch some screenshots of the given problem:
seems like a general highstock problem: just added to the given demo from the highstock demos ( a legend and if you select "All" and hide one of the 3 series, the other series are truncated.
legend: {
align: "right",
layout: "vertical",
enabled: true,
verticalAlign: "middle"
I am pretty sorry, but i cant provide example data, because my datasets are quite big - as I said - I am using the same datastructure like the examples on
[[[series1 timestamp, series1 value],[series1 timestamp, series1 value],[iteminformation]],[[series2 timestamp, series2 value],[iteminformation]],[[series3 timestamp, series3 value], [series3 timestamp, series3 value],[iteminformation]]]
as you can see in my jsfiddle code, I am using an array called informationarray, which provides information about the series as an array element.
[seriesname, series max value, series min value]
I just added this element at the end of every series array

Highcharts columnrange with strange height/width for columns

I'm trying to create a column chart (Highcharts) with a fixed width (range) for all the columns. I have around 300 columns, and I want to draw them actually as lines, and that's why I assign a very small range (0.001) for each of them.
The data format is basically like this: [numberId, min, max].
However, sometimes the height is shown correctly... but some other times it appears with strange height, not even the same for all the columns. I have tried many different things but I didn't manage to find the problem.
This is the jfiddle (if you resize the area for the chart you will probably see the effect). The fiddle is actually using HighStock, but this chart should be from highcharts lib.
I have screenshos but can't post them.
The code is very simple:
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'columnrange',
series: [{
data: [[1,0,0.001],......]]
There is huge difference between Highcharts and Highstock. In Highstock you have access to dataGrouping which collects data and groups when there is to many points to display on a chart.
Disable it to have working example:
dataGrouping: {
enabled: false
