Landscape for only certain devices in iOS 8.0 - ios

With iOS 8.0 in Xcode 6, there is nowhere where I can see that you can specify for each device if you want it portrait or landscape...
I want to have all iPhones only portrait except 6 Plus which should be both portrait and landscape. And I want all iPads to be both portrait and landscape.
Is there a way to do this or even a workaround it?

To make the 6+ different than other iPhones you'll need to implement supportedInterfaceOrientations something like this:
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
if (iPadOrPhonePlus()) {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
I haven't settled on a way I like for that helper method but you can start with this:
.#define iPadOrPhonePlus() ((UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) || [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] > 2)
ignore the . before the #define SO was formatting it strangely without that.


IOS Swift App how to vary my constraints as per different iphone size like iphone 8, iphone 5 iphone SE [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
I was just wondering with how should we deal with the iPhone 5 bigger screen size.
As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates (and just doubled the pixels with the retina/non retina problem) won't work seamlessly between versions, as it happened when we got the Retina.
And will we have to design two storyboards, just like for the iPad?
I personally don't think Apple will require you to check the screen size every time you have to draw something, like many answers say. Does that happen with the iPad?
All apps will continue to work in the vertically stretched screen from what I could tell in today's presentation. They will be letterboxed or basically the extra 88 points in height would simply be black.
If you only plan to support iOS 6+, then definitely consider using Auto Layout. It removes all fixed layout handling and instead uses constraints to lay things out. Nothing will be hard-coded, and your life will become a lot simpler.
However, if you have to support older iOS's, then it really depends on your application. A majority of applications that use a standard navigation bar, and/or tab bar, could simply expand the content in the middle to use up that extra points. Set the autoresizing mask of the center content to expand in both directions.
view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
It works great out of the box for table views, however, if your app used pixel-perfect layout for displaying content, then your best bet would be to re-imagine the content so that it can accommodate varying heights.
If that's not a possibility, then the only remaining option is to have two UIs (pre iPhone 5, and iPhone 5).
If that sounds ugly, then you could go with the default letterboxed model where the extra points/pixels just show up black.
To enable your apps to work with iPhone 5, you need to add a retina version of the launcher image. It should be named Default-568h#2x.png. And it has to be retina quality - there's no backward compatibility here :)
You could also select this image from within Xcode. Go to the target, and under the Summary section, look for Launch Images. The image has to be 640x1136 pixels in size. Here's a screenshot of where to find it, if that helps.
You need to add a 640x1136 pixels PNG image (Default-568h#2x.png) as a 4 inch default splash image of your project, and it will use extra spaces (without efforts on simple table based applications, games will require more efforts).
I've created a small UIDevice category in order to deal with all screen resolutions. You can get it here, but the code is as follows:
File UIDevice+Resolutions.h:
enum {
UIDeviceResolution_Unknown = 0,
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard = 1, // iPhone 1,3,3GS Standard Display (320x480px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4 = 2, // iPhone 4,4S Retina Display 3.5" (640x960px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5 = 3, // iPhone 5 Retina Display 4" (640x1136px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard = 4, // iPad 1,2,mini Standard Display (1024x768px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina = 5 // iPad 3 Retina Display (2048x1536px)
}; typedef NSUInteger UIDeviceResolution;
#interface UIDevice (Resolutions)
- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution;
NSString *NSStringFromResolution(UIDeviceResolution resolution);
File UIDevice+Resolutions.m:
#import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h"
#implementation UIDevice (Resolutions)
- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution
UIDeviceResolution resolution = UIDeviceResolution_Unknown;
UIScreen *mainScreen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
CGFloat scale = ([mainScreen respondsToSelector:#selector(scale)] ? mainScreen.scale : 1.0f);
CGFloat pixelHeight = (CGRectGetHeight(mainScreen.bounds) * scale);
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
if (scale == 2.0f) {
if (pixelHeight == 960.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4;
else if (pixelHeight == 1136.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5;
} else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 480.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard;
} else {
if (scale == 2.0f && pixelHeight == 2048.0f) {
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina;
} else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 1024.0f) {
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard;
return resolution;
This is how you need to use this code.
1) Add the above UIDevice+Resolutions.h & UIDevice+Resolutions.m files to your project
2) Add the line #import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h" to your ViewController.m
3) Add this code to check what versions of device you are dealing with
int valueDevice = [[UIDevice currentDevice] resolution];
NSLog(#"valueDevice: %d ...", valueDevice);
if (valueDevice == 0)
//unknow device - you got me!
else if (valueDevice == 1)
//standard iphone 3GS and lower
else if (valueDevice == 2)
//iphone 4 & 4S
else if (valueDevice == 3)
//iphone 5
else if (valueDevice == 4)
//ipad 2
else if (valueDevice == 5)
//ipad 3 - retina display
I have just finished updating and sending an iOS 6.0 version of one of my Apps to the store. This version is backwards compatible with iOS 5.0, thus I kept the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method and added the new ones as listed below.
I had to do the following:
Autorotation is changing in iOS 6. In iOS 6, the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method of UIViewController is deprecated. In its place, you should use the supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow: and shouldAutorotate methods.
Thus, I added these new methods (and kept the old for iOS 5 compatibility):
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate {
return YES;
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown;
Used the view controller’s viewWillLayoutSubviews method and adjust the layout using the view’s bounds rectangle.
Modal view controllers: The willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:,
willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:, and
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: methods are no longer called on
any view controller that makes a full-screen presentation over
itself—for example, presentViewController:animated:completion:.
Then I fixed the autolayout for views that needed it.
Copied images from the simulator for startup view and views for the iTunes store into PhotoShop and exported them as png files.
The name of the default image is: Default-568h#2x.png and the size is 640×1136. It´s also allowed to supply 640×1096 for the same portrait mode (Statusbar removed). Similar sizes may also be supplied in landscape mode if your app only allows landscape orientation on the iPhone.
I have dropped backward compatibility for iOS 4. The main reason for that is because support for armv6 code has been dropped. Thus, all devices that I am able to support now (running armv7) can be upgraded to iOS 5.
I am also generation armv7s code to support the iPhone 5 and thus can
not use any third party frameworks (as Admob etc.) until they are
That was all but just remember to test the autorotation in iOS 5 and iOS 6 because of the changes in rotation.
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height > 960)
on iPhone 5 is wrong
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
#interface UIDevice (Screen)
typedef enum
iPhone = 1 << 1,
iPhoneRetina = 1 << 2,
iPhone5 = 1 << 3,
iPad = 1 << 4,
iPadRetina = 1 << 5
} DeviceType;
+ (DeviceType)deviceType;
#import "UIDevice+Screen.h"
#implementation UIDevice (Screen)
+ (DeviceType)deviceType
DeviceType thisDevice = 0;
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
thisDevice |= iPhone;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: #selector(scale)])
thisDevice |= iPhoneRetina;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
thisDevice |= iPhone5;
thisDevice |= iPad;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: #selector(scale)])
thisDevice |= iPadRetina;
return thisDevice;
This way, if you want to detect whether it is just an iPhone or iPad (regardless of screen-size), you just use:
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPhone)
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPad)
If you want to detect just the iPhone 5, you can use
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPhone5)
As opposed to Malcoms answer where you would need to check just to figure out if it's an iPhone,
if ([UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneHiRes ||
[UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneStandardRes ||
[UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneTallerHiRes)`
Neither way has a major advantage over one another, it is just a personal preference.
#Pascal's comment on the OP's question is right. By simply adding the image, it removes the black borders and the app will use the full height.
You will need to make adjustments to any CGRects by determining that the device is using the bigger display. I.e. If you need something aligned to the bottom of the screen.
I am sure there is a built in method, but I haven't seen anything and a lot is still under NDA so the method we use in our apps is quite simply a global function. Add the following to your .pch file and then its a simple if( is4InchRetina() ) { ... } call to make adjustments to your CGRects etc.
static BOOL is4InchRetina()
if (![UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden && (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.height == 548 || [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden && (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.height == 568)
return YES;
return NO;
I think you can use [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height and calculate step for your objects. when you calculate step you can set coordinates for two resolutions.
Or you can get height like above and if(iphone5) then... else if(iphone4) then... else if(ipad). Something like this.
If you use storyboards then you have to create new for new iPhone i think.
As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates won't work seamlessly between versions, as it happened when we got the Retina.
Well, they do work the same with Retina displays - it's just that 1 unit in the CoreGraphics coordinate system will correspond to 2 physical pixels, but you don't/didn't have to do anything, the logic stayed the same. (Have you actually tried to run one of your non-retina apps on a retina iPhone, ever?)
For the actual question: that's why you shouldn't use explicit CGRectMakes and co... That's why you have stuff like [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].

Forcing Portrait Orientation if iOS

I've made a puzzle game ('WordBatch', available in the App store) and thought I had forced portrait orientation but its still rotating to landscape mode, though only the iPad. In XCode I specified it as a 'Universal' App, for all devices, and checked portrait mode only in the General tab. Even in the plist file portrait is the only orientation specified. I've tried all the suggestions in StackOverflow on this subject, but to no avail. The current code I have on place is this bit in my AppDelegate:
- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
and the following is in my root view controller:
-(BOOL)shouldAutorotate {
return NO;
but it still rotates to landscape. Any help here would be great.
You can try by applying this check:
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
// The device is an iPad.
// The device is an iPhone or iPod.

How to rotate a photo on iPhone only?

I have an iPhone app I am testing on my iPhone and iPad. When running my app adhoc, the problem is that when the photo loads on my iPhone 4 during ad hoc testing, the photo loads on its side; the photo loads fine on iPad mini.
The following line of code successfully rotates the fullscreen image on iPhone, but conversely rotates the image when I test on iPad.
//successfully rotates but also over rotates on iPad
Can someone help me set up conditional statements so I can use my CGAffineTransforMakeRotation line of code only on iPad?
I have so far tried the following conditional statements but they don't work for some reason: i.e. only the iPhone if statement works and overrides the iPad if statement so the iPhone statement is carried out on both devices.
//does not successfully set the bk for iPad but does for iPhone. The iPad statement is overridden and the iPhone statement is carried out on both platforms. Any ideas?
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad){
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
This second conditional statement also doesn't work...
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 480)
// iPhone, iPod Touch
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568) {
// iPhone 5
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 667) {
// iP6
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 736) {
// iP6+
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 1024) {
// iPad
My question: does anyone have code to rotate an image on iPhone but not iPad?
If it's an iPhone app, it is always "on an iPhone". Even when running on the iPad, it is running on a virtual iPhone in emulation mode. It is impossible for it to behave differently on the different devices; it is running on just one device type, as far as it can tell.
If you don't like that, make it a Universal app. Now it runs natively on iPad and your tests will work.

Dealing with 3.5 and 4 inch screen, is there a way to see what the screen size is? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
I was just wondering with how should we deal with the iPhone 5 bigger screen size.
As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates (and just doubled the pixels with the retina/non retina problem) won't work seamlessly between versions, as it happened when we got the Retina.
And will we have to design two storyboards, just like for the iPad?
I personally don't think Apple will require you to check the screen size every time you have to draw something, like many answers say. Does that happen with the iPad?
All apps will continue to work in the vertically stretched screen from what I could tell in today's presentation. They will be letterboxed or basically the extra 88 points in height would simply be black.
If you only plan to support iOS 6+, then definitely consider using Auto Layout. It removes all fixed layout handling and instead uses constraints to lay things out. Nothing will be hard-coded, and your life will become a lot simpler.
However, if you have to support older iOS's, then it really depends on your application. A majority of applications that use a standard navigation bar, and/or tab bar, could simply expand the content in the middle to use up that extra points. Set the autoresizing mask of the center content to expand in both directions.
view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
It works great out of the box for table views, however, if your app used pixel-perfect layout for displaying content, then your best bet would be to re-imagine the content so that it can accommodate varying heights.
If that's not a possibility, then the only remaining option is to have two UIs (pre iPhone 5, and iPhone 5).
If that sounds ugly, then you could go with the default letterboxed model where the extra points/pixels just show up black.
To enable your apps to work with iPhone 5, you need to add a retina version of the launcher image. It should be named Default-568h#2x.png. And it has to be retina quality - there's no backward compatibility here :)
You could also select this image from within Xcode. Go to the target, and under the Summary section, look for Launch Images. The image has to be 640x1136 pixels in size. Here's a screenshot of where to find it, if that helps.
You need to add a 640x1136 pixels PNG image (Default-568h#2x.png) as a 4 inch default splash image of your project, and it will use extra spaces (without efforts on simple table based applications, games will require more efforts).
I've created a small UIDevice category in order to deal with all screen resolutions. You can get it here, but the code is as follows:
File UIDevice+Resolutions.h:
enum {
UIDeviceResolution_Unknown = 0,
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard = 1, // iPhone 1,3,3GS Standard Display (320x480px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4 = 2, // iPhone 4,4S Retina Display 3.5" (640x960px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5 = 3, // iPhone 5 Retina Display 4" (640x1136px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard = 4, // iPad 1,2,mini Standard Display (1024x768px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina = 5 // iPad 3 Retina Display (2048x1536px)
}; typedef NSUInteger UIDeviceResolution;
#interface UIDevice (Resolutions)
- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution;
NSString *NSStringFromResolution(UIDeviceResolution resolution);
File UIDevice+Resolutions.m:
#import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h"
#implementation UIDevice (Resolutions)
- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution
UIDeviceResolution resolution = UIDeviceResolution_Unknown;
UIScreen *mainScreen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
CGFloat scale = ([mainScreen respondsToSelector:#selector(scale)] ? mainScreen.scale : 1.0f);
CGFloat pixelHeight = (CGRectGetHeight(mainScreen.bounds) * scale);
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
if (scale == 2.0f) {
if (pixelHeight == 960.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4;
else if (pixelHeight == 1136.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5;
} else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 480.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard;
} else {
if (scale == 2.0f && pixelHeight == 2048.0f) {
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina;
} else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 1024.0f) {
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard;
return resolution;
This is how you need to use this code.
1) Add the above UIDevice+Resolutions.h & UIDevice+Resolutions.m files to your project
2) Add the line #import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h" to your ViewController.m
3) Add this code to check what versions of device you are dealing with
int valueDevice = [[UIDevice currentDevice] resolution];
NSLog(#"valueDevice: %d ...", valueDevice);
if (valueDevice == 0)
//unknow device - you got me!
else if (valueDevice == 1)
//standard iphone 3GS and lower
else if (valueDevice == 2)
//iphone 4 & 4S
else if (valueDevice == 3)
//iphone 5
else if (valueDevice == 4)
//ipad 2
else if (valueDevice == 5)
//ipad 3 - retina display
I have just finished updating and sending an iOS 6.0 version of one of my Apps to the store. This version is backwards compatible with iOS 5.0, thus I kept the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method and added the new ones as listed below.
I had to do the following:
Autorotation is changing in iOS 6. In iOS 6, the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method of UIViewController is deprecated. In its place, you should use the supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow: and shouldAutorotate methods.
Thus, I added these new methods (and kept the old for iOS 5 compatibility):
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate {
return YES;
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown;
Used the view controller’s viewWillLayoutSubviews method and adjust the layout using the view’s bounds rectangle.
Modal view controllers: The willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:,
willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:, and
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: methods are no longer called on
any view controller that makes a full-screen presentation over
itself—for example, presentViewController:animated:completion:.
Then I fixed the autolayout for views that needed it.
Copied images from the simulator for startup view and views for the iTunes store into PhotoShop and exported them as png files.
The name of the default image is: Default-568h#2x.png and the size is 640×1136. It´s also allowed to supply 640×1096 for the same portrait mode (Statusbar removed). Similar sizes may also be supplied in landscape mode if your app only allows landscape orientation on the iPhone.
I have dropped backward compatibility for iOS 4. The main reason for that is because support for armv6 code has been dropped. Thus, all devices that I am able to support now (running armv7) can be upgraded to iOS 5.
I am also generation armv7s code to support the iPhone 5 and thus can
not use any third party frameworks (as Admob etc.) until they are
That was all but just remember to test the autorotation in iOS 5 and iOS 6 because of the changes in rotation.
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height > 960)
on iPhone 5 is wrong
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
#interface UIDevice (Screen)
typedef enum
iPhone = 1 << 1,
iPhoneRetina = 1 << 2,
iPhone5 = 1 << 3,
iPad = 1 << 4,
iPadRetina = 1 << 5
} DeviceType;
+ (DeviceType)deviceType;
#import "UIDevice+Screen.h"
#implementation UIDevice (Screen)
+ (DeviceType)deviceType
DeviceType thisDevice = 0;
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
thisDevice |= iPhone;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: #selector(scale)])
thisDevice |= iPhoneRetina;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
thisDevice |= iPhone5;
thisDevice |= iPad;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: #selector(scale)])
thisDevice |= iPadRetina;
return thisDevice;
This way, if you want to detect whether it is just an iPhone or iPad (regardless of screen-size), you just use:
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPhone)
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPad)
If you want to detect just the iPhone 5, you can use
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPhone5)
As opposed to Malcoms answer where you would need to check just to figure out if it's an iPhone,
if ([UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneHiRes ||
[UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneStandardRes ||
[UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneTallerHiRes)`
Neither way has a major advantage over one another, it is just a personal preference.
#Pascal's comment on the OP's question is right. By simply adding the image, it removes the black borders and the app will use the full height.
You will need to make adjustments to any CGRects by determining that the device is using the bigger display. I.e. If you need something aligned to the bottom of the screen.
I am sure there is a built in method, but I haven't seen anything and a lot is still under NDA so the method we use in our apps is quite simply a global function. Add the following to your .pch file and then its a simple if( is4InchRetina() ) { ... } call to make adjustments to your CGRects etc.
static BOOL is4InchRetina()
if (![UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden && (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.height == 548 || [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden && (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.height == 568)
return YES;
return NO;
I think you can use [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height and calculate step for your objects. when you calculate step you can set coordinates for two resolutions.
Or you can get height like above and if(iphone5) then... else if(iphone4) then... else if(ipad). Something like this.
If you use storyboards then you have to create new for new iPhone i think.
As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates won't work seamlessly between versions, as it happened when we got the Retina.
Well, they do work the same with Retina displays - it's just that 1 unit in the CoreGraphics coordinate system will correspond to 2 physical pixels, but you don't/didn't have to do anything, the logic stayed the same. (Have you actually tried to run one of your non-retina apps on a retina iPhone, ever?)
For the actual question: that's why you shouldn't use explicit CGRectMakes and co... That's why you have stuff like [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].

How to prepare my iOS app for the new iPhone 5 size? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
I was just wondering with how should we deal with the iPhone 5 bigger screen size.
As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates (and just doubled the pixels with the retina/non retina problem) won't work seamlessly between versions, as it happened when we got the Retina.
And will we have to design two storyboards, just like for the iPad?
I personally don't think Apple will require you to check the screen size every time you have to draw something, like many answers say. Does that happen with the iPad?
All apps will continue to work in the vertically stretched screen from what I could tell in today's presentation. They will be letterboxed or basically the extra 88 points in height would simply be black.
If you only plan to support iOS 6+, then definitely consider using Auto Layout. It removes all fixed layout handling and instead uses constraints to lay things out. Nothing will be hard-coded, and your life will become a lot simpler.
However, if you have to support older iOS's, then it really depends on your application. A majority of applications that use a standard navigation bar, and/or tab bar, could simply expand the content in the middle to use up that extra points. Set the autoresizing mask of the center content to expand in both directions.
view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
It works great out of the box for table views, however, if your app used pixel-perfect layout for displaying content, then your best bet would be to re-imagine the content so that it can accommodate varying heights.
If that's not a possibility, then the only remaining option is to have two UIs (pre iPhone 5, and iPhone 5).
If that sounds ugly, then you could go with the default letterboxed model where the extra points/pixels just show up black.
To enable your apps to work with iPhone 5, you need to add a retina version of the launcher image. It should be named Default-568h#2x.png. And it has to be retina quality - there's no backward compatibility here :)
You could also select this image from within Xcode. Go to the target, and under the Summary section, look for Launch Images. The image has to be 640x1136 pixels in size. Here's a screenshot of where to find it, if that helps.
You need to add a 640x1136 pixels PNG image (Default-568h#2x.png) as a 4 inch default splash image of your project, and it will use extra spaces (without efforts on simple table based applications, games will require more efforts).
I've created a small UIDevice category in order to deal with all screen resolutions. You can get it here, but the code is as follows:
File UIDevice+Resolutions.h:
enum {
UIDeviceResolution_Unknown = 0,
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard = 1, // iPhone 1,3,3GS Standard Display (320x480px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4 = 2, // iPhone 4,4S Retina Display 3.5" (640x960px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5 = 3, // iPhone 5 Retina Display 4" (640x1136px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard = 4, // iPad 1,2,mini Standard Display (1024x768px)
UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina = 5 // iPad 3 Retina Display (2048x1536px)
}; typedef NSUInteger UIDeviceResolution;
#interface UIDevice (Resolutions)
- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution;
NSString *NSStringFromResolution(UIDeviceResolution resolution);
File UIDevice+Resolutions.m:
#import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h"
#implementation UIDevice (Resolutions)
- (UIDeviceResolution)resolution
UIDeviceResolution resolution = UIDeviceResolution_Unknown;
UIScreen *mainScreen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
CGFloat scale = ([mainScreen respondsToSelector:#selector(scale)] ? mainScreen.scale : 1.0f);
CGFloat pixelHeight = (CGRectGetHeight(mainScreen.bounds) * scale);
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone){
if (scale == 2.0f) {
if (pixelHeight == 960.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina4;
else if (pixelHeight == 1136.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneRetina5;
} else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 480.0f)
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPhoneStandard;
} else {
if (scale == 2.0f && pixelHeight == 2048.0f) {
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadRetina;
} else if (scale == 1.0f && pixelHeight == 1024.0f) {
resolution = UIDeviceResolution_iPadStandard;
return resolution;
This is how you need to use this code.
1) Add the above UIDevice+Resolutions.h & UIDevice+Resolutions.m files to your project
2) Add the line #import "UIDevice+Resolutions.h" to your ViewController.m
3) Add this code to check what versions of device you are dealing with
int valueDevice = [[UIDevice currentDevice] resolution];
NSLog(#"valueDevice: %d ...", valueDevice);
if (valueDevice == 0)
//unknow device - you got me!
else if (valueDevice == 1)
//standard iphone 3GS and lower
else if (valueDevice == 2)
//iphone 4 & 4S
else if (valueDevice == 3)
//iphone 5
else if (valueDevice == 4)
//ipad 2
else if (valueDevice == 5)
//ipad 3 - retina display
I have just finished updating and sending an iOS 6.0 version of one of my Apps to the store. This version is backwards compatible with iOS 5.0, thus I kept the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method and added the new ones as listed below.
I had to do the following:
Autorotation is changing in iOS 6. In iOS 6, the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method of UIViewController is deprecated. In its place, you should use the supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow: and shouldAutorotate methods.
Thus, I added these new methods (and kept the old for iOS 5 compatibility):
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate {
return YES;
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown;
Used the view controller’s viewWillLayoutSubviews method and adjust the layout using the view’s bounds rectangle.
Modal view controllers: The willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:,
willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:, and
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: methods are no longer called on
any view controller that makes a full-screen presentation over
itself—for example, presentViewController:animated:completion:.
Then I fixed the autolayout for views that needed it.
Copied images from the simulator for startup view and views for the iTunes store into PhotoShop and exported them as png files.
The name of the default image is: Default-568h#2x.png and the size is 640×1136. It´s also allowed to supply 640×1096 for the same portrait mode (Statusbar removed). Similar sizes may also be supplied in landscape mode if your app only allows landscape orientation on the iPhone.
I have dropped backward compatibility for iOS 4. The main reason for that is because support for armv6 code has been dropped. Thus, all devices that I am able to support now (running armv7) can be upgraded to iOS 5.
I am also generation armv7s code to support the iPhone 5 and thus can
not use any third party frameworks (as Admob etc.) until they are
That was all but just remember to test the autorotation in iOS 5 and iOS 6 because of the changes in rotation.
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height > 960)
on iPhone 5 is wrong
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
#interface UIDevice (Screen)
typedef enum
iPhone = 1 << 1,
iPhoneRetina = 1 << 2,
iPhone5 = 1 << 3,
iPad = 1 << 4,
iPadRetina = 1 << 5
} DeviceType;
+ (DeviceType)deviceType;
#import "UIDevice+Screen.h"
#implementation UIDevice (Screen)
+ (DeviceType)deviceType
DeviceType thisDevice = 0;
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
thisDevice |= iPhone;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: #selector(scale)])
thisDevice |= iPhoneRetina;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
thisDevice |= iPhone5;
thisDevice |= iPad;
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: #selector(scale)])
thisDevice |= iPadRetina;
return thisDevice;
This way, if you want to detect whether it is just an iPhone or iPad (regardless of screen-size), you just use:
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPhone)
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPad)
If you want to detect just the iPhone 5, you can use
if ([UIDevice deviceType] & iPhone5)
As opposed to Malcoms answer where you would need to check just to figure out if it's an iPhone,
if ([UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneHiRes ||
[UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneStandardRes ||
[UIDevice currentResolution] == UIDevice_iPhoneTallerHiRes)`
Neither way has a major advantage over one another, it is just a personal preference.
#Pascal's comment on the OP's question is right. By simply adding the image, it removes the black borders and the app will use the full height.
You will need to make adjustments to any CGRects by determining that the device is using the bigger display. I.e. If you need something aligned to the bottom of the screen.
I am sure there is a built in method, but I haven't seen anything and a lot is still under NDA so the method we use in our apps is quite simply a global function. Add the following to your .pch file and then its a simple if( is4InchRetina() ) { ... } call to make adjustments to your CGRects etc.
static BOOL is4InchRetina()
if (![UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden && (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.height == 548 || [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden && (int)[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.height == 568)
return YES;
return NO;
I think you can use [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height and calculate step for your objects. when you calculate step you can set coordinates for two resolutions.
Or you can get height like above and if(iphone5) then... else if(iphone4) then... else if(ipad). Something like this.
If you use storyboards then you have to create new for new iPhone i think.
As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates won't work seamlessly between versions, as it happened when we got the Retina.
Well, they do work the same with Retina displays - it's just that 1 unit in the CoreGraphics coordinate system will correspond to 2 physical pixels, but you don't/didn't have to do anything, the logic stayed the same. (Have you actually tried to run one of your non-retina apps on a retina iPhone, ever?)
For the actual question: that's why you shouldn't use explicit CGRectMakes and co... That's why you have stuff like [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].
