Popover from UI Button to display Text - ios

I'm attempting to make a Popover similar to the one seen here : http://i.imgur.com/wDNOo44.png
This popover is meant to be an IBAction from the button, which in this image is titled: "Ventral Primary Ramus". I've looked around the internet for tutorials and I have mainly seen tutorials on creating popovers from the UIBarButtonItem. For this popover as you can see I need to be able to title it, as well as in then display text information about the structure who's button was pressed. Along those same lines how would I go about making sure that the window will auto-fit to the text?

There is many tutorials for this. For example:
It's really easy to present some popover, just read this.


Which control should I use to display an ActionSheet-like view at the top of the screen?

I was asked to display a list of three options for the user in a View sliding from the top to bottom. They say it should slide from the top because the action is initiated from a dropdown-like button on the navigation bar.
Most of what I found on that subject mentions the deprecated UIActionSheet class.
The "new" way using UIAlertController doesn't seem to allow us to change position of the view. At the least from what I've found.
The end result I'm trying to get can be seen on the image below,
From what I've learned about iOS programming, one method I could think to achieve that would be to create a new UIViewController and to use a custom class to control the transition. But it just seems so much. And I think it wouldn't not look like a dropdown afterall.
The other option would be to create the TableView with options and leave it on the Controller where it should be displayed, configuring its height to zero. And then Animating when necessary. I also have such a bad feeling doing it this way.
Is there a right way to do this on iOS? Does one of the options I've found seems acceptable?
Following the suggestion given by #Losiowaty on the comments, I started looking for a custom View/Control on cocoapods and ended up finding quite a few that did what I was looking.
The one I decided to use is this:

How to load another UIViewController to a UIView Example Like UITabbarController

I have a 2 UIViewController(s), I need to be able to change the views at the bottom of the Airtime and Data Plan Upon tap gesture on Airtime and Data Plan!
The yellow line will indicate the active view controller. some thing like tab bar.
Perhaps, the image attached is an android version
Could anyone provide a help on how to go about this.
I personally use a library called ICVIewPager
This is pretty simple and easy to use with examples. It should put you in the right direction without writing a lot of code.

Popup notification box

Im trying to create a popup style notification, which is shown at the top of the screen (using a basic animation). The notification is going to be a simple form with a submit button.
Im trying to figure out how to go about this, and what are the best options i have. I've found this popup library: https://www.cocoacontrols.com/controls/cqmfloatingcontroller
What are the best options for 1. creating the popup and 2. animating to popup
If this is something that you will be reusing a lot, it might be worth subclassing UIAlertView, as you can then automatically use all "popup" methods provided by it,and by customizing it's view you can get the appearance you want.

Trying to mimic the Apple iPad popover style

My sincere apologies if this question has been asked, but I really couldn't find it.
Essentially, I am trying to mimic the look of the popovers used by the built-in Apple applications. In particular, not the popovers that use a tableview list, but rather those popovers that only have buttons inside.
For example, in the Mail app, clicking the left-facing arrow on the top right of the screen, a popover is shown with four buttons: Reply, Reply All, Forward, Print.
How is this particular popup created to give that look?
I have tried making my own UIViewController with a black background and Round Rect Buttons, but it doesn't look the same. Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you.
It's a UIActionSheet. On iPad, it gets a "popover" appearance if it's not presented from within another popover.

UIDatePicker in PopoverView in iPad

I have an iPad specific application running iOS 3.2.2 which displays a settings view in a ui popover. This all renders great, but now I'm trying to get a date picker to render inside the view and not sure what the best approach is for displaying it.
Right now it has a button which toggles visibility of the date picker within the modal, but that seems very clumsy for managing dismissal compared to the normal approach of an action sheet.
I haven't been able to find a 'best practice' for this situation and was wondering if anyone's run into this before and could offer some suggestions or guidance.
pls check the solution provided in the link .. might help you .
1. Create the UIDatePicker programmatically (don’t use the IB)
2. add it to the view after the popup is shown
Note the answer here indicating that the UIPickerView must be the root view of your controller when presented in a popover. It sounds like you may be attempting to place the date picker as one of several views inside the popover. If so, you'll encounter the problem described here.
trying to fix this error: Could not find mapped image UIPickerViewFrameLeft-162-Popover.png
