iOS simulator - Xcode - ios

I have a problem here. My simulator works except the fact that it does not display the layout the way I want to. For example let's say that I put 8 buttons in a row - same size - and then start the simulator. The simulator displays only 6 buttons,not the whole image. I scaled it to 50/100 but it did not fix my error. Any help? I am new to Xcode and I can't wait to start program apps for iOS..
Thank you!

You need to learn about Auto Layout and more specifically how to set constraints for different screen sizes. Before that, try running your project on different iOS Devices (simulator) to see the effect.
There is Ray's Video Tutorial on Auto Layout and the Beginning Auto Layout blog post for iOS 7. Maybe you give the rich Apple documentation a chance: Auto Layout Guide.


How to use Safe Area Layout Guide without Autolayout?

I would like to compact my iOS app also in iPhone X. This iOS app developed using autoresizing and deployment target is iOS8.
I had chosen my viewcontroller in storyboard.Then I tried to check Use Safe Area Layout Guide but it automatically appear check mark on Autolayout.Please go through the image.I want to compact iPhone X design of my app without autolayout.How to solve this issue?
You can't use Safe Area Layout without Auto Layout
Look at this Apple Document:
safeAreaLayoutGuide is member/instance of UILayoutGuide class.
And UILayoutGuide: is a rectangular area that can interact with Auto Layout.
So, you must enable auto layout if you want to use Safe Area Insets.
I think, there is no way.
Here is more detail about Safe Area of Xcode 9
Well, I have faced same situation where my old app which was made with Auto Resize thing and need to update with make it compatible for iPhone X, so what I had done so far is to adding splash screen for iPhone X, the following image will give you an idea to how to do this.
After doing that my app now compatible with iPhone X and i have to have add some new condition where design got disrupted. You can try this. hopefully it may help you.

How to resolve Autolayout issues after updating to Xcode 8.1

I have designed user interface in storyboard in Xcode 7 its working fine when i updated Xcode 8.1 and opened the storyboard the result is below.
I don't know what apple actually doing with this, When ever new update came i struggling on this kind of issue. Can some one guide me how to resolve this?
Click on the red button that shows the problems, and see what's wrong, and fix them. Very often you just fix the frames of your views. And then you tap on the various device sizes and check if your layout works with every size.
They did make changes with new xcode 8.0, but I believe its easier then ever.
The concept is same behind only few changes.
Like before you need to do update frames, but now they make it easy so you can view a live preview of your layout without going into preview in show assistant editor.
Just click on device button and it automatically updates frames and shows you your layout.
For more information see: A Beginner’s Guide to Auto Layout with Xcode 8

Can Auto Layout work only for one particular screen?

Here is the thing: I got a task to update current iOS App, which is quite old. All UI is made in xib's or frames, there are no constraints.
I have remade one screen totally on constraints, but nothing really happened. The app still looks stretched on iPhone 6/6+.
So what should I do to make adaptive UI work?
Yeah, you can, just turn on autolayout in the inspector in the right panel:
Your app may be auto-scaled by OS system. You should add LaunchScreen for it to support iPhone 4.7, iPhone 5.5 inch

Error in setting Constraints for buttons in Xcode 7 for iPhone6

I have an issue in designing constraints for buttons that support for multiple devices..Actually I have started this Sample app to get used to storyboards where I have used XIB's till now..So please suggest me where Am i going wrong
I have taken a storyboard for iPhone with Compact width and regular height with Simulated metrics of Size a iPhone3.5 inch's as suggested in Best Simulated metrics for an iOS app which supports all the device version types?
But my design is not as expected in iPhone 6..Please see the below images and suggest me the best way
iPhone 4s
iphone 6
Am I using the correct Simulated metrics
Any Help is appreciated!
This Solved my constraints issue by adjusting view Constraints first as below:
An than With buttons, Now working fine with all device versions...

iPhone 6 App Resizing

So I recently got my iPhone 6, and I was working on a project earlier. When the new device arrived, the application looked messed up. For example, I have UIWebViews on the app, and when loaded on the iPhone 6, it just appears as if it where the iPhone 5s screen with white around.
Please help!
Xcode has an auto layout tool that allows you to add constraints to the objects that you add to your story board so that in the event of the app being displayed on a different screen size, it has the logic to intelligently place your objects and lay them out to fit the new screen size.
I'd start here:
...but there's a wealth of good tutorials and youtube videos out there showing examples of good practice.
