How to run parametrized build after commit to repository? - jenkins

I have parametrized build job in Jenkins. It has configured SCM polling and the build job is started after new commit.
Parameters for this build job are location profiles defined in main pom.xml. Count of these profiles is static and persistent. So after every commit I need to build a project for the same profiles. One profile is started for one build.
It is able for manual triggering when I write profile name and start the build job. But after new commit this build job is started without parameters. So is there any way how to define list of parameters for build job - one parameter per one build.

An SCM change will trigger a related Jenkins job. Once. That's it.
When that job is triggered, and is configured with parameters, it does have default parameters.
For string parameters, it's the default value entered in configuration page (if you haven't entered one, the default is just that: none).
For single choice-style parameters, it's the top-most value.
For multi choice-style parameters, again, unless a default is provided in configuration, it's nothing.
If what you want is to trigger multiple runs of the same build for the same SCM change, then you've configured your jobs wrong.
Either create a matrix job, and configure an axis for every "profile" as you call it.
Or create multiple jobs, and chain them, so that first is triggered by SCM change, and the rest are triggered in sequence

If you only want to specify one default string that should be picked up while building using Poll SCM feature, then you should try using the following method:
Select the following options in Extended Choice Parameter:
In Simple Parameter Types section, go for Single Select in Parameter Type
Instead of Choose Source for Value, go for Choose Source for Default Value. Now enable the radio-button named Default Value. Enter whatever string you want to specify. Build will pick-up the given string as the default one.
Hopefully, it should work. At least, it works when i use Build periodically option. :)


How to re-run a build with the same parameters scheduled by cron

I know about the rebuild and replay functionality, but both of them are manually triggers. So here is our problem:
We have multiple servers which can be deployed with any branch that exists. But this deploy is manually. But we want to ensure, that at least once a day, the latest version of that branch is deployed to avoid having servers being outdated.
So what I want to do it, create a scheduler job that runs once a day and triggers a Jenkins job to rebuild the last job using the exact same parameters.
Would be great if someone has some input here :-)
You can try out the Persistent Parameter plugin and use it to define the relevant parameters inside the deploy job that you want to reuse.
This plugin enables you to set you input parameters (string, text, boolean and choice) with default values taken from the previous build - so every time you run the build with parameters manually or trigger it from another job the values that will be used are the values from the last execution.
Your caller job can still pass parameters to the deploy job during the daily execution - but for all parameters that are not passed their latest value will be used.
You can also override parameters defined as persistent as it just affects the default value.

How to send first pipe result to second one in Jenkins pipeline?

we use Jenkins as CI tools.
we want to separate login from other process.
we define a job for login, in this job we validate user and if user is valid we get user id.
at other job we need to have user id to generate result,Our problem is how we can send first job result(here:user id) to second one?
You can do this with the use of two plugins:
EnvInject Plugin
Parameterize Trigger Plugin
EnvInject allows you to inject variables into the Jenkins environment so they are available even after that build step.
Parameterize Trigger plugin allows you to pass information in this build job to another build job you want to start as parameters.
Once you've determined the username (I assume in some sort of batch or bash, you don't note the OS) you'll need to write it to a file on the system using a key=value pair. Then use EnvInject to get the value from the file into the jenkins environment. After that you'll use the parameterize trigger plugin to build the next job with parameters. This will require that you check the This build is parameterized box in the second job and that you define the appropriate parameters (perhaps with a default value that you can use to intentionally fail the build if you don't get a good value).

Jenkins - Running concurrent jobs with "circular" parameter

I'd like to run several builds concurrently in Jenkins for the same job. I run at maximum 3 builds concurrently. I want each build to run with a parameter that must be unique from a pool for parameters. For instance, pool=[1, 2, 3]: The 1st build picks "1", 2nd picks "2" and the 3rd picks "3".
I must ensure that different builds can't pick the same parameter.
After building, the parameter is available again.
How can I do it?
Alternative: How can I count the number of builds running in this project and pass it as parameter?
At first, select the checkbox button named build-concurrently-if-neccesary to ensure the same job could build concurrently. you'd better read the help-html seriously before
The isolated environments for building different jobs make that data could not be shared each other in a simple way.
Here is a solution that trigger the buildWithParameters link by jenkins rest api to control the pool in the program procedure of your own.
add a string-parameter in job's config.
post the string parameter to http://$JENKINS_SERVER_URL/job/$JOB_NAME/buildWithParameters
Maybe it's the most convenient way if no available plugin found.
I found a plugin in github and asked the author to publish it. It works well and solves my problem.
Jenkins Parameter Pool Plugin

Generic jenkins jobs

I wonder, if it is possible to create generic parametric jobs ready to copy where the only post copy action is to redefine its parameters.
During my investigation I find out that:
- I can use parameters in svn path definition
- I can define the flow of builds using *Build Flow Plugin*
However I cannot force Jenkins to use parameters inside job names definition for promotion process. Is any way to achieve that?
Since I create sometimes branches from master I would like to copy the whole configuration of jobs but only one difference most times is that in the job name definition I replace master with branch name.
Why it not possible to use a parameter as the branch name?
Then when you start to build the job, you can input the parameters based on the branch you want to build.
Or find some way to get the branch info and inject it.
For example, we have one common job, which will monitor maybe 20 projects, if any of those job was merged into git, our gerrit trigger plugin will start to work, and all of job name, and branch is got dynamically from parameters.
Hope this works for you.

Jenkins: how to embed information about the next build in a parameter default

So I need a job parameter to contain the next build number as its default value. This is mostly for information purposes to the user, so could go into the job description instead.
I've taken a look at dynamic parameters, to little avail.
Obviously, environment variables like BUILD_NUMBER are not set until the job has started building.
This is a stand alone job.
The purpose of this parameter is just to provide information to the user who is kicking off the job. The parameter will contain a path to a directory that will be created during the job execution. The name of that dir will contain the build number that created it. /Testing/myTest_job$BUILD_NUMBER
If you want to have a generic description, you can user the Description Setter Plugin.
Install the plugin
Add Build Step "Set build description" as first Build Step
Set "Description" to /Testing/myTest_job${BUILD_NUMBER} and leave "Regular expression" blank
I would suggest to use the post build step "archive artefacts". This will provide the files your job creates as i.e. download link:
