TFS Release Management - tfs

We have 9-10 applications in our project. Until now, there wasn't a defined TFS structure and no release management. We need to setup one.
We are stuck in middle of it right now with some issues about the process to be followed for every release.
This is what we have planned till now. We create a main branch which will have the current production source code.
For managing the releases, we will create a "releases" folder where we will create a separate branch for every release. All the bug fixes and developer check ins will be done on this branch.
Currently, for deployment purpose, we are deploying the developed/bug fixed code to QA. After QA validation, we copy the published code from the QA environment to the Staging Servers. After stage validation, the published code is copied to production.
Now, We are unable to figure out how/merge do we merge the release code to main line. The client's requirement is that mainline code should be the one from where we published and deployed to QA.
We were earlier planning to deploy from the release branch and merge the release branch to main once all the validation and the production move is complete.
But this means that if we incur any merging issues, the main line code could be buggy or unreliable and we could face major issues in case of any hot fixes/further releases.
Please suggest a strategy that would be suitable for my requirements.
Thanks in advance.

You should be lookin towards more of a binary release model than a source release model. If you have to merge code then everything needs retested, which can be expensive.
If you were in Git I would recommend Git Flow but since you seam to be in TFVC you should look at branch by release.
Create a branch for your current codeline, say R1. Then work on there untill R1 is code complete. Branch to R2 to continue adding new features.
R1 can now be stabalised, released, and then supported at your measure maintining one continuous branch with one continuous build creating binaries. You create a binary release pipeline in Release Management and off you go.
R2 is then where new features are added and you create a separate build and binary pipleine for you new version untill you are code complete there.


Branching strategy in DevOps

I am setting up DevOps process with TFS and wondering about branching strategy. If I have the following sample branching (image from Guidance: A Branching strategy for Scrum Teams).
I have DevOps process set up (continuous integration and continuous delivery) with continuous integration from MAIN branch (with Jenkins).
How would I handle hotfixes? If developers merge frequently into MAIN branch to verify builds, how do I get the last released code for applying a hot fix? If I were to use Release branches, I would eventually have to integrate hot fix into MAIN branch in order to kick off CI process. However, MAIN branch could contain changes beyond the release.
Please advise on this issue.
Generally a hot fix should gets out from the relevant version on the main branch.
Then need to create a dedicated branch for the hot fix, merge it with the last stable branch.
If it passes the entire QA, unit tests, system tests, etc then merge it back to main branch as the next released version.
you can have a look in the following example when using git the reference is here: git best practice. The source control is not the issue but the main idea. Read carefully the article i believe you'll be able to find what you are looking for.
There are some organization that still working with patches...
I'm not a big fun of this solution, but if this is your case than let me know, because in patches there is a little bit different solution.
It's suggested making all your branches synchronized all the time. When you want to handle hotfixes, you can create a new branch "HotFix" from main. When the hotfixes are completed, you need to merge it from HotFix to Main, and merge from Main to Release.
If you have made any changes in the Release you will need to merge back up to Main in order to finalise the changes.
A hotfix is a patch to released software. If you've got a release branch, creating a hotfix branch off of that is appropriate. After that hotfix is promoted up to Prod, you can then reverse integrate back up the chain to Main. Hotfix -> Release -> Main, and even forward integrate that up to the next sprint, if needed.
Obviously, the answer that you choose depends on your particular requirements; however, typically, you should cut a release from main, and a hot fix from the release branch. Personally, I would say that that code should not go back into the release branch, but be double fixed in a development branch.
The main reason for this is that, once you've released code, that code branch should be locked as it was at release. If you follow this, then you can always go back to a previous state of affairs. As has already been suggested, you may be halfway through changes to a hotfix when the requirement or priorities change; or when the customer reports a bug in the live code. If you maintain a separate branch, you can always access that code.
How to handle this really depends on the release and maintenance strategy or customer agreements you have.
If your release branch happens also to be a maintenance codeline (it seems like it from your description) then create feature branch from it, implement a hot-fix, test, merge back and release a "patch". Ideally you should have CI set also for the "maintenance" branch.
After this you can integrate your hot-fix with main codeline or put the issue on backlog to implement it differently for the future new release.
BTW: Some nice articles here:
If you are using Agile, then feature branches can be a good option. The only thing is it has to be combined with a ticketing tool like JIRA or AGM. For handling hotfixes in such scenarios, you can have a user story in AGM or JIRA, which upon completion will be merged onto the mainline trunk.

ALM Basic Branch Plan - Purpose of Release Branch?

The Microsoft ALM Team describe the Basic Branch Plan as needing a MAIN, DEV, and RELEASE branch.
I am working on introducing branching/merging to a new team who currently uses source control with no branches whatsoever.
I was wondering how the RELEASE branch is actually used.
Can changes be made in the DEV branch then be merged up to the MAIN branch without needing a RELEASE branch? MAIN would still be read-only. It would basically be the RELEASE branch in essence. The reason I say this is because we don't have that many changes but I want to isolate the stable code from new changes. Our concept of a "release" per say is not yet well defined. I am still working on that.
I just don't know if my team needs a RELEASE branch (considering our needs specifically).
I would appreciate some comment about the strategy of just having a MAIN and DEV branch.
Typically the release branch(es) are used for "safekeeping". Basically the same as a label.
Releases to production are usually a pretty important event, and you want to know exactly what source you released (in case you ever need to go back to it). Way back when people used to create Labels to track this, but creating Release branches is better for a couple reasons:
Labels are mutable in TFS, meaning somebody could change a label and there would be no audit trail
Branches are also mutable of course (changes can be checked in), but this can be locked down via branch specific permissions
Also if a change is made to a Release branch (which it never should be), at least you have an audit trail through history
Even though a branch looks like a heavy-weight operation creating a copy of your entire code base, in reality TFS just creates a new pointer to the same files, so the storage cost is trivial
I went the other way when I implemented TFS at a client (replaced SVN). What I did was introduce a MAIN branch and a RELEASE branch and not a DEV branch initially as that seemed very confusing to the team. It is also hard to convey the purpose of a DEV branch to an SVN familiar team initially.
The main purpose of our RELEASE branch was to preserve a historical placeholder as said in another answer. Currently we are using Git and we have a CI server that does the release process and branches to release/$version_number. I think that concept might be easier to understand and convey to your team. i.e. automatically create release branches when you actually release.

Merge/Branch Strategy

We are trying to implement the "Basic Dual Branch Plan" as described by the ALM Rangers in the latest Visual Studio TFS Branching and Merging Guide. From the guidance:
The basic branch plan with a MAIN, DEV, and RELEASE branch enables concurrent development for your next release, a stable MAIN branch for testing and a RELEASE branch for any ship blocking bug fixes. Multiple development areas are supported by creating additional development branches from MAIN. These are peers to each other and children of MAIN.
Additional releases are supported by creating release branches for each product release. Each release branch is a child of MAIN and a peer to each other (e.g. release 2.0 branch is peer to release 3.0 and both are children of MAIN). If supporting only a single release in production at a time, you may consider a single release branch, and make bug fixes directly on this branch. Once the RELEASE branch is created MAIN and the development branches can start taking changes approved for the next product release.
We are undecided as to whether we want to use a single Release branch (and label releases), or create a new release branch per release. However, there are some questions that apply either way, that don't seem to be addressed by the guidance.
My main question is: At what point in time should we create a RELEASE branch (or move tested code to the single RELEASE branch if that's the way we go)?
My first reaction was to create it only when ready to do the release, but then you have the problem of creating a deadlock for development and testing of the next sprint's work; you cannot check these changes into MAIN until the RELEASE branch has been created (if you do, it's more difficult to separate out the changes you only want to go to RELEASE).
Second idea is to create the RELEASE branch at the beginning of the sprint, and as changes pass testing in MAIN, merge them down to the current RELEASE branch. Once we reach the end of the sprint, we can lock that RELEASE branch down, and create a new one for the next sprint. This sounds like it would work, but I see no discussion of it anywhere, so I just wanted to see what people are doing.
I would give the same advice as Adarsh Shah in that 2 branches (MAIN, RELEASE) are sufficient in most cases, and using feature branches for things that you don't want to commit into MAIN immediately because it would take a while to be fully ready for testing. And by RELEASE I mean a branch per actual release.
Keep in mind though that, in theory, MAIN should in a release-ready state at any moment. This means using feature branches for a lot of small changes too and not merging things into MAIN as long as the feature is not considered ready. Now, this is something that you should experiment with and see what works best in your environment. If you find that it is too hard to keep MAIN into a release-ready state, by all means, create a separate DEV branch to commit the daily work. In my experience however, with some good guidelines, automated and manual testing you quickly can get into a flow where MAIN can be considered quite stable. I've worked in environments where we had a DEV branch which was highly unstable and a stable MAIN branch, and environments where we didn't have a DEV branch. Sometimes the DEV branch was needed, sometimes it became a burden to keep them in sync as both DEV and MAIN were fairly stable and essentially just a copy of each other.
Now, when should you create the release branch. It depends on the type of development you are doing. For small desktop projects or websites which have a fairly steady release cycle (a single release per sprint, for example) I find it easiest to create a release branch at the end of a sprint, and only pushing it to production the sprint after.
S1 - - S2 - - S3 - - S4 // Each sprint
\ R1 - \ R2 - \ R3 // Release branch created at the end of a sprint
\ P1 - \ P2 // Pushed to production at the start of the next sprint
So, at the end of S1 I create the release branch R1 from MAIN but it's not pushed to production just yet. During S2 both new features are implemented on MAIN and critical bugs are fixed on R1. If a fix on R1 is approved, it gets merged back into MAIN too, if it's required. At the end of S2, a new R2 is created, and R1 is pushed into production. I have found this approach to work quite well. You basically have a full sprint to work out the last issues in a release branch.
Of course, if a serious critical bug appears on production this bug gets priority above all else. An RXa, RXb, ... branch can then be created of the existing R-branch that's in production, implement the hot-fix and push that hot-fix into production. You can then consider whether it's needed to merge the changes from the hot-fix into your MAIN branch. Don't create a hot-fix on the MAIN branch and merge it down though, you'll find that it quickly becomes too complex because on MAIN a lot of the surrounding code might have already changed.
Here is what I would suggest:
1) Do all development on the Main branch until Code Complete. Code complete is the time when developers stop working on new features for that sprint but can fix regression bugs. Code complete can be few days before the release or up to a week based on how long is your sprint).
2) Create a new RELEASE branch from the MAIN at that point . Deploy the branch to QA/Staging environment to do a smoke test. After that point QA team will use RELEASE branch to do the testing for the release.
3) Developers can start working on the new features for next sprint at that point and start checking-in changes to MAIN branch. Any regression issues found during testing will be fixed in RELEASE branch first and then merged back to MAIN.
4) Any changes to code in RELEASE branch will then be pushed to QA/Staging for further testing.
5) One the Release is done any bug found in production will be fixed in RELEASE branch and hot-fixed to Prod and also merged back to MAIN.
No. 1 will be too late and no. 2 will be too early IMO.
I would suggest to create a new branch for every RELEASE and then get rid of old RELEASE branches periodically instead of using labels.
Also, I prefer having only 2 branches MAIN(which is also DEV) and RELEASE except any branch developers need to any specific feature/framework change etc. Under the root folder I usually create MAIN, RELEASES(all release branches) and BRANCHES(all branches specific to a feature/framework changes etc. but these are created only in special cases not always)

How can I branch my code in a way that makes testing possible without contaminating the baseline?

Using TFS, we have the following:
A main baseline
A development branch for each development effort. These get merged back to the baseline.
A release branch that is created with each release. Bug fixes are made here, released, and merged back to the baseline.
Using shelvesets, we can share code across development branches if needed without contaminating the baseline. Useful for code reviews.
When we deliver our development changes to baseline we have an automated build that kicks off and automatically places our changes on the test server.
The problem is that the business analysts can't see our changes until they're on the test server, and currently the only way to get our changes on the test server is to check them into baseline. So if the BA's find something wrong, the code is, unfortunately, already in baseline and we would have to go through the trouble of taking it back out.
Is there a way we can change our branching strategy or process to get the BA's what they want to see without contaminating our baseline?
Your branching strategy sounds exactly what we decided on at my company. I don't think the issue is with your branching strategy, I think the issue is that you have to check changes into the baseline in order to apply them to the test server.
At my company, changes aren't checked into the baseline until they are promoted and running in production. Release branches are what are deployed to the test servers... if bugs are found, or the BAs want to change something, we don't have to go through the pain of removing the changes from the baseline.
However, if you have a lot of concurrent releases, this can become a pain to merge all of the releases together before moving them to production, since you aren't merging into the baseline until later in the process. At my company, we have a very strict release schedule, and try to only have a single release working its way to production at a time. Because of this, waiting to merge the release into the baseline until the release has been promoted into production hasn't created any issues for us, or extra work so far...
How often do you do releases? Would you be able to deploy release branches onto your test servers, and have the baseline represent what is currently deployed in production?
(I'd make this a comment, but I'm still working on earning that privilege...)
I would not prefer this approach, I would suggest:
A main baseline which contains stabilized code. The code will be merged into this branch from respective release branch only after successful release.
A Release branch which gets created from Main for each release. This branch will be used to generate Release Builds and will be deployed to test environment.
A Development Branch created from Release Branch, it will be used for Development efforts and will be merged to Release when I'm ready to give my build to test.

TFS Branch-Per-Feature Strategy That Fits Multiple Environments With Independent Feature Timetables

There are several/many questions regarding TFS branching strategy, but I am haven't been able to come up with a strategy that fits with my scenario. My TFS project consists of a single solution that contains a Web Project, a Business Layer Project, and a Data Layer Project. The project is a portal of reports. Reports are largely isolated in subfolders within the project. There are however some features across the entire project such as session management. Over a given period of time, the workflow may occur as follows:
Stable snapshot of code.
Development of Report A begins.
Development of Report B begins.
The project with the inclusion of Report A needs to be pushed to our qa environment.
The project with the inclusion of Report A and Report B needs to be pushed to our qa environment.
The project with only the inclusion of Report B needs to be pushed to our prod environment.
So basically, each report is on a completely independent timetable. I need to be able to independently publish a branch of code to our different environments. Currently, we don't have branching - we just don't add a link to a new feature if the project gets published when a report isn't ready but is included in the project. Not the best scenario.
My initial go at a branching strategy was to have Main sit between the QA and prod environments, basically as just a container to merge before branching to a production branch for a production publish. Each report would be developed on a branch from main. For both our test and qa environments, a branch from main would be created and the appropriate development branch(es) would be merged into this "proposed updates" branch. This doesn't work though because I am merging development/feature branches into a branch that isn't the parent branch. I can't have Main at this level because a Report may be in development for weeks while another may be on a timetable that has it developed and pushed through the process to production in only a few days. My "proposed update" branches for test and qa need to be able to be independently created from a merging of only the appropriate dev branch(es).
My only experience with branching/merging is a main+dev pair of branches, so I'm very out of my element here. How can I setup my branching in such a way that I am able to merge features in on independent timetables without getting stuck and code being published to an environment before it is ready?
If it matters, we are on TFS 2008 right now and hope to go to TFS 2010 soon. This is an immediate need to get going on our current TFS 2008 server though.
I'm not exactly clear on everything; reading comprehension and all.
As I understand it, your current process is Dev -> Test -> QA -> Production. Devs work on code, push it to an environment where they can test on it. Once satisfied, they push it to QA, and when code passes it moves into production.
In addition, you have several "teams" (1 or more devs) that must work on separate reports, each of which must eventually be moved through the above process into Production. Teams may be working on code that is distinct from all others, or teams may find they cannot move their code forward until other teams reach stability.
If I were in charge of branching for this solution, I would recommend the following.
First, create a Production branch. This branch only contains production code. Only your QA team touches this branch.
Next, create a QA branch. This branch is also maintained solely by QA teams. They manually merge test code into this branch, run their quality assurance tests, then merge with Production. Every time they merge with Production, or test code is accepted into QA, a label is applied to the branch. If test code fails, the branch is reverted back to the prior label.
Development teams manage their own branches. They are created by branching from QA at the latest label. This assures they are working with the latest approved code. Developers work with and test on this branch. If teams have a dependency on each other, they should work on the same branch, unless it becomes clear that creating secondary branches from their shared Dev branch would be easier. Once a Dev branch meets the milestones set for the developers, QA should be informed that the branch is ready for merging with QA for testing.
Alternatively, depending on how complex development is, you might even consider uniting the QA and Production branches. Often, it is a simple matter to add a label to a branch to indicate a stable, production worthy build. It also keeps the branching strategy as simple as possible, which is always a good thing.
I think you should look at the Branching Guidance put together by the VS ALM Rangers.
This should alswer all of your questions. You are looking at quite an advanced branch plan. I also have some good practical guidance on my blog. I know that I am talking about Scrum teams, but it is basicaly Feature branching based on the Guidance.
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[I know this question is old but this may help others that come across this question]
Most "branch per feature" teams use one "main" branch and break away from the branch per environment approach. Environment releases can be handled by clearly labeling each environmental release on the MAIN branch.
The QA release is the result of merging all features/issue branches considered fully tested and ready for QA into MAIN. As bugs are found, new bug branches are branched off of MAIN, which are fixed and merged back to MAIN. When all QA releases are deemed ready for production, a PROD build is made from MAIN. In short MAIN is the one source of truth for code.
If you need to work ahead, an integration-test branch (TEST) can be used to determine what features are "production ready," but feature/issue branches should be merged to MAIN on a case-by-case basis, rather than in bulk from the TEST branch.
Hotfixes can be branched from the PROD label, then fixed, tested and merged back to MAIN for a new PROD release.
I'm going to refer you to a great video on Branch per Feature. It focuses on GIT, but the strategies do not depend on GIT and can be used just as effectively on TFS SCC:
