YouTube API v3, iOS App authentication for company YouTube account - ios

What I want to do in a nutshell:
In our app I want to be able to upload videos to our company YouTube account. Our app has 'host' users and 'guest' users. The host can upload videos for a guest. The video will be unlisted so they're not available publicly and the guest will get a message in the app telling them that a new video is available. We'll then play the video in the app using the YouTube link.
I've downloaded the google-api-objectivec-client source and integrated it in the project. I've studied the YouTube example application that comes along with it. In this example application the user logs into her own account using OAuth 2.0 which is not our use case. The app should have authorization to upload videos to our company account without bothering the user.
I've read a lot of documentation and searched the web to see if someone else has solved this but I was not able to find the right solution.
My Question:
How should our app get authorization to upload videos? Using API keys, using Google+, using a service account? If someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it!

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.


How to have my site upload and link videos in users youtube accounts

I'd like to offer users the chance to share videos of their stories on my web app.
I'd prefer to have these videos posted in their YouTube accounts unless there is a great reason to have them in my apps account. We'll need to moderate the videos with volunteers.
It seems like the simplest thing that could work is:
1) Have my Web App Link to the YouTube Phone App. Maybe email a link so the interaction goes to their phone.
2) Have users make their Video using the YouTube phone app:
3) In my web app, use YouTube OAuth to find their video and set metadata.
3) Have users copy/paste video URL back into my Web App. Maybe reply to the original email?
I'm concerned this UX is complicated. Is there a way to automate these interactions?
What's the simplest thing that could work using the available APIs?

YouTube video insert fails with 401 Unauthorized youtubeSignupRequired

I'm uploading videos to many customers using Google API v3 with PHP client lib, it works for most of them so I guess the issue is not in my code.
For the customers that fail, it always fails, so I believe the problem is with their authentication, however, for these customers I do get categories list with no problem, it's just the video upload that failed.
That made me think it's because of the scopes I used during the authentication, but I used the same scopes for all my customers, those that work and those that don't.
Any idea?
A couple of years ago, YouTube accounts changed and became integrated with Google+. After that point, all new accounts were actually Google+ accounts with a linked YouTube channel; however, YouTube accounts that were created before that changeover needed to manually log in and link their YouTube account to their Google+ account. When you try to use the YouTube API to upload a video, if they have one of these legacy accounts that they haven't manually linked, you'll get the error message that you're experiencing.
There's no API call to do the linking for them; so if your app gets that message, you'll have to redirect them to and have them link their accounts.

Vimeo Pro Video Upload Authentication

We are launching a new video streaming business and believe Vimeo Pro is the product to use. But, before purchasing we need help figuring out how to navigate the video upload authentication process through a Ruby on Rails application.
We are attempting to interact/authenticate on behalf of the user/member.
We are a multi-user site so hard coding a user access token won't work, unless it can be our access token. Can this be done?
The users are not the app owner they are site members.
We will be running a "channel" along with storage, so that the general public can view videos.
We are following the official getting started API document section “Upload API”:
What we have found is when a user uploads videos through our application, they get redirected to the Vimeo site for authentication. When the user authenticates, they are then redirected to our site with USER’s access token, and can then upload the video.
BUT, we need a solution whereby the system sends OUR permanent authentication token with the upload, so the user doesn’t have to authenticate and it’s just automatic and unseen to them.
Please help us understand the process of uploading video's directly onto Vimeo Pro servers through a Ruby on Rails application with our account’s permanent authenticatiojn token or some solution that is equivalent to this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Youtube API: nolinkedyoutubeaccount error returned from api after disconnecting it from google plus identity

Rephrasing of the question:
Using the youtube api v 3.0 with oauth, when the user is sent to login, they have more than one option: e.g. the linked youtube account and the google account. The two different logins (access tokens) have different access to the api. I need the ability to just sent the user to log in to their proper youtube account (if they have one). How can my app do this? The user currently will have no idea which option they are supposed to choose, even if the app might be able to tell which they have chosen afterwards.
original phrasing of the question:
OK, this is getting really really confusing. My youtube account uses a gmail, so I think that it is safe to say that it is linked to my google account (if such a thing linkage does exist). A couple of days ago I was on youtube, and the web site roped me into giving my youtube account its own google+ account (as far as I could tell). My gmail/google account does not have google+. Anyway, shortly thereafter I undid the linking of a google+ account to the channel. Ominously, at this point youtube indicated that this was only temporary.
And the net effect of this is: I can't use the youtube api with the youtube account. It says nolinkedyoutubeaccount .
So, the youtube api seems unusuable to me. This confusion is enough to make a person's head spin. But can anyone suggest a solution to get my account working with the api again?
Edit: I have managed to reproduce the error (more or less) with a newly opened youtube account. More here:
These blog posts should help explain what's going on
Based on what you describe, I think things are working as intended, but you do need to be careful to ensure that you select the correct channel when going through the OAuth 2 flow.

YouTube video upload API

I have completed uploading videos to YouTube from my website, that's for particular user account only (means all videos uploaded to single user account). Now I want that user come to my site enter their YouTube username and password and selected video will be upload to their account.
Till now what i have done is i have uploaded videos to my own account with my developer key. But now i want that if any user uploads video to YouTube then it uploads to his/her account. I am not able to find out the way because it may possible that they don't have developer key which is required to upload. So i need help in this.
I have seen API but I am not able to work out help for this. Anyone can help me in this?
You need to use the OAuth 2.0 API documented here: to obtain the credentials you need.
Using the credentials you create a link to Google's authorization service which your customers follow. On that page they can either allow, or deny, access to their YouTube account to your service. Assuming permission is granted, the service will redirect to the "callback" location URL you provided along with a pair of access tokens. You can then use these tokens to upload videos to YouTube and the videos will appear in the customer's account as they they had uploaded them.
It would be helpful if you could be more specific about what you are asking.
This is the youtube API for uploading videos:
