Creating a slide menu with a split view controller - ios

My app is a simple Master-Detail applciation, based on a Split View Controller (for the iPhone 6+). The Master View is listing the news of my Web Site, and the Detail View is showing the news, embedded in a UIWebView.
I'm trying to add a side menu (like ECSlidingViewController), but I can't find an API fully fonctionable with my app. Do you have any idea of an API compatible with StoryBoards and a Split View ?
Or maybe do you have an idea on how to make compatible ECSlidingViewController with a Split View ? I can't make it, I have a fatal error :
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[ECSlidingViewController viewControllers]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x14ee133d0'
The Storyboard of my app.
Thanks in advance.


iOS App crashes after migrating to swift3 during navigation

I have migrated my project to Swift3 and after conversion the app crashes whenever I click on any button which loads a new screen. The crash happens in the assembly code so am not able to figure out what's the issue. Control leaves the existing class then goes to assembly language and then crash just before loading the new screen.
This is the error message am getting
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[_SwiftValue pointSize]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x61000005fb00'
Crash is not happening in any specific code so its difficult identify the error. Please help me to figure this out.
You maybe have a outlet from your storyboard (label, textfield, uiButton...) that is not map anymore in your controller. You should check each component to see if you didn't delete the reference in the controller and no in the storyboard...

Why the same code goes with different result

I just pull the code of my team. But why it run well with the other simulator, and my device it always goes crash. I also use the xcode 7.2, which is the same as the other, and the code are similar, and run with the same simulator (Iphone6). But when I go to the abcViewController, it goes crash.
It says:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Storyboard (<UIStoryboard: 0x7fb5e2409200>) doesn't contain a view controller with identifier 'StepDetailViewController''
*** First throw call stack:
The problem is not the code, so I don't put it here. Anyone know why this happen?
The error message already includes what's wrong:
'Storyboard (<UIStoryboard: 0x7fb5e2409200>) doesn't contain a view controller with identifier 'StepDetailViewController'
Your storyboard file (probably Main.storyboard) has a UIViewController which doesn't have an identifier. Open the storyboard, click on the UIViewController and enter StepDetailViewController in the Storyboard ID textfield in the identity inspector on the right side of your XCode window.
You have to make sure of following things in Interface Builder:
In the Attribute inspector, make sure your project is selected in the
Module field
In the Identity section of the Attribute Inspector your
Storyboard ID should be 'StepDetailViewController'
If you are using Git, it might be a good idea to check the files are on the .gitignore file, if the above points don't help, your problem is probably in one of the added files.

NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException, UIStoryboardShowSegueTemplate

I am using storyboard in which there is UINavigationController. View controllers are popped and pushed.
The issue is , when i push a UIViewController i take the exception on iOS 7, it works fine on iOS 8.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named UIStoryboardShowSegueTemplate'
What can be the problem?
Could you please help
As i am also getting the same issue with my project. I get this resolved by rechecking all segues i defined in the app. Make sure all segues will have some action like push/pop/modal.
If not then on that controller app will crash. Please check below snapshot which you will find in your storyboard.
Refer a solution on below link.
"Could not instantiate class named UIStoryboardShowSegueTemplate" - how can I make a Storyboard happy with iOS 7 and iOS 8?

Error showing when i opening my xib file

iam using following code for opening xib when i click tableview row
ViewController *List=[[ViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"ViewController" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:List animated:YES];
and iam getting this exception
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named NSLayoutConstraint'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x245e052 0x1731d0a 0x2406a78 0x24069e9 0xbbe7d7 0xbbe9af 0xbbe6b7 0xabf36d 0x966e2c 0x9673a9 0x9675cb 0x967941 0x97947d 0x97966f 0x97993b 0x97a3df 0x97a986 0x97a5a4 0x41b08 0x93171d 0x931952 0x11b986d 0x2432966 0x2432407 0x23957c0 0x2394db4 0x2394ccb 0x391a879 0x391a93e 0x8a1a9b 0x28dd 0x2805)
terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)
This is occuring because you are using Xcode 4.5+ (or previously the beta) which uses "auto layout" by default. Auto layout is only available on iOS 6 so you will get a runtime error on previous iOS versions.
You can fix this by opening your Storyboard, opening the Utilities pane, and disabling the "Use Autolayout" checkbox in the first tab/section:
For regular non-storyboard nibs, select the top-level view to access this option.
You designed the view in IB using auto layout, but you are trying to run the code on an ios5 device or simulator?
EDIT: right, that class does not exist in iOS5! If you want this app to run in iOS5, you need to convert the xib from AutoLayout back to springs and struts. There is a checkbox in each XIB, in the right inspector view, to do this.

creating a simple Master Detail (Split View) app for iPad in Xcode 4.2

Can anyone help in creating a simple Master Detail (Split View) app for iPad in Xcode 4.2?
I managed to get this done quite easily using previous version of xcode, but in xcode4.2, similar code is giving me the error
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[UITableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated:]: row (0) beyond bounds (0) for section (0).'
* First throw call stack:
i just can't find Master Detail iPad tutorials for xcode 4.2 on the web.
I want to try learning storyboarding and the new features so reverting to a previous version is not really what i want.
Will appreciate any one's help!
On the story board, click on the tableView and change the content to:
Dynamic Prototypes
