AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth vs. SizeToFit - ios

I'm using SizeToFit because I don't have to specify the Frame property to have an adaptive size of the UIButton/UILabel. In my case it's a button on a toolbar. Now I made the following observation:
If I use AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth together with SizeToFit than the font size isn't adapted anymore. So I can
Specify a Frame and use AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth
Use SizeToFit but don't have the adjustable font size anymore
Do you also have this problem? How do you circumvent this problem? How to let the intrinsic content size drive the frame size? Or do I have to set the Frame property? The advantage of Autolayout was to not define a frime size any more ...

I think I made an error in reasoning. SizeToFit defines the size after the content (content has already a fixed size). AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth needs a frame in which it can change the font size. Both together doesn't work.

Here is a macro I've made to address this issue so that you can shrink font size to fit width AND call sizeToFit without the font size going back up post-shrink.
///Works like `adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth` but allows you to use `sizeToFit` and/or measure the new [adjusted] font size; one time adjustment, needs to be called again if `.text` changes.
#define shrinkFontSizeIfNeeded(__label) {\
UIFont *__currentFont = __label.font;\
CGFloat __originalFontSize = __currentFont.pointSize;\
CGSize __currentSize = [__label.text sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName : __currentFont}];\
while (__currentSize.width > __label.frame.size.width && __currentFont.pointSize > (__originalFontSize * __label.minimumScaleFactor)) {\
__currentFont = [__currentFont fontWithSize:__currentFont.pointSize - 1];\
__currentSize = [__label.text sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName : __currentFont}];\
__label.font = __currentFont;\


Make UILabel auto-adjust font size to screen width, but not to text length

In a very simple single screen app, I have a single-line UILabel going from left edge to right edge of the screen.
The text of the label is dynamically updated at runtime. The length of the text varies, as it contains a number in the range 0...100, and I am neither using a monospaced font nor leading zeroes.
Here is an illustration:
|<--------- Screen width --------------->|
|<----- UILabel "Some value = 0" ------->|
|<----- UILabel "Some value = 50" ------>|
|<----- UILabel "Some value = 100" ----->|
I would like the label to always use the maximum width for any device (i.e. screen size). This can be achieved by using auto-layout, suitable leading and trailing constraints, a large font size and the "auto-shrink" property for the label.
The problem is, that this approach will make the font size also vary depending on the value displayed, which is not what I want. It should only vary with the width of the screen, but not with the length of the label text.
In the example above, a large font size would be used for the value 0, a medium one for 50 and a small one for 100. I want it to adjust to the worst-case (100) and use the resulting size for any text afterwards.
Is it possible to achieve this using Interface-Builder properties and auto-layout constraints only?
I can think of ways how to calculate sizes in code, but I think there must be an easier way.
You cannot express font size as a proportion of view width in interface builder but you can do it very easily in code:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
let textSize = Constant.baseFontSize * bounds.size.width / Constant.baseViewWidth
label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: textSize)

Make responsive label font size for iphone devices

I am new to iOS Development.I am having problem with font size with phone screen size.For example Font size in iPhone 8 Plus looks fine but that text size is bigger in iPhone SE.I tried check Dynamic Type to Automatically Adjusts Font.And try to play with Autoshrink in StoryBoard.And i also tried to Add Font Variation in storyBoard.But I didnt get any good solution.Hope you understand my problem.Thanks in advance
Try this
class func dynamicFontSizeForIphone(fontSize : CGFloat) -> CGFloat
var current_Size : CGFloat = 0.0
current_Size = (UIScreen.main.bounds.width/320) //320*568 is my base
let FinalSize : CGFloat = fontSize * current_Size
return FinalSize
hope this work
You can change font size by using constraints.
1.take a label give its basic two constraint to satisfy. give one more constraint of equal.width to parent view. keep width as wide as your label text is.(a bit more than label text).
In attribute inspector there is a property name 'auto shrink' set it to 'minimum font size'
thats it.
Note: This will work fine if your Label text is constant. For changeable text there will be other approaches.

Get the intrinsic height of a custom control

How can I get the height of my custom control?
The idea is I will use it to dynamically set the height of some buttons inside the custom control. I've set the Placeholder height to 44 in the Xcode size inspector.
Working off Apple's Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift) tutorial, I am attempting to access frame.size.height and it gives a value of 1000 while the tutorial seems to suggest it should be 44.
class RatingControl: UIView {
override public var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
let buttonSize = Int(frame.size.height)
print(buttonSize) // prints 1000
let width = (buttonSize * starCount) + (spacing * (starCount - 1))
return CGSize(width: width, height: buttonSize)
You should never access frame inside intrinsicContentSize. intrinsicContentSize should return the size that perfectly fits the contents of the view, regardless of its current frame.
In your case, I think you can just use 44 for your buttonSize.
The placeholder intrinsic size is just that, placeholder, so that IB interpreter is has some value to work with and can layout the rest of the scene. But in your intrinsicContentSize getter, you implement the real size, which will be used in runtime by the AutoLayout engine. Since you return 1000 as the intrinsic content height, that's what you will see in runtime.

How to set a custom view's intrinsic content size in Swift?

I am making a vertical label to use with traditional Mongolian script. Before I was just rotating a UILabel but there were some performance issues and other complications with this. Now I am working on making a label from scratch. However, I need the vertical label to tell auto layout when its height adjusts (based on string length).
What I have read
I read the Intrinsic Content Size and Views with Intrinsic Content Size documentation. These were more about how to use it, though, and not how to define it in a custom view.
Searching for "ios intrinsic content size for a custom view" only gives me
Proper usage of intrinsicContentSize and sizeThatFits: on UIView Subclass with autolayout
in Stack Overflow. This particular question didn't even need intrinsic content size because their view was just an assembly of standard views.
What I am trying
What I am trying is my answer below. I am adding this Q&A pair so that it won't take other people as long to find the answer as it took me with the search keywords that I used.
Setting the intrinsic content size of a custom view lets auto layout know how big that view would like to be. In order to set it, you need to override intrinsicContentSize.
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
return CGSize(width: x, height: y)
Then call
Whenever your custom view's intrinsic content size changes and the frame should be updated.
Swift 3 update: Easier Auto Layout: Coding Constraints in iOS 9
Just because you have the intrinsic content size set up in your custom view doesn't mean it will work as you expect. Read the documentation for how to use it, paying special attention to Content-Hugging and Compression-Resistance.
Thanks also to this Q&A for putting me on the right track: How can I add padding to the intrinsic content size of UILabel?
Thanks also to this article and the documentation for help with invalidateIntrinsicContentSize().
Example of a "view with intrinsic height" ...
#IBDesignable class HView: UIView {
#IBInspectable var height: CGFloat = 100.0
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
return CGSize(width: 99, height: height)
// if using in, say, a vertical stack view, the width is ignored
override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
which you can set as an inspectable
Since it has an intrinsic height, it can (for example) be immediately inserted in a stack view in code:
stack?.insertArrangedSubview(HView(), at: 3)
In contrast, if it was a normal view with no intrinsic height, you'd have to add a height anchor or it would crash:
let v:UIView = HView()
v.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 100).isActive = true
stack?.insertArrangedSubview(v, at: 3)
Note that in ...
the important special case of a stack view:
you set only ONE anchor (for vertical stack view, the height; for horizontal the width)
so, setting the intrinsic height works perfectly, since:
the intrinsic height indeed means that the height anchor specifically will be set automatically if needed.
Remembering that in all normal cases of a subview, many other anchors are needed.

VirtualTreeView node height based on icon font size

I am trying to set node height based on system icon font size.
My code so far:
ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(lf));
if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lf), &lf, 0))
// This is a hack because font height itself doesn't give me correct node height - everything is too tight
int Height = VST->DefaultNodeHeight - abs(VST->Font->Height)+1;
VST->DefaultNodeHeight = abs(lf.lfHeight)+Height;
VST->Font->Name = lf.lfFaceName;
VST->Font->Height = lf.lfHeight;
The above works but I cannot get the DefaultNodeHeight right - it is not the same size as default used when font is fixed. Font height is good.
How can I retrieve the correct value from the system, or auto-size VirtualTreeView to use correct node height which would be the same as default but based on above code?
Default font height is -14, font size is 8 and node height is 18.
So in other words I need:
a) icon font size
b) appropriate DefaultNodeHeight, based on font size (in case if I use different font size, then DefaultNodeHeight is recalculated based on that particular size)
