iPhone-only app isn't iPhone only for some reason [duplicate] - ios

I have got an app developed for iPhone family only, and I used to run it on iPad to test how it will look on iPhone 4s (since it launched with iPhone 4s resolution, size, and else '2x' round button for fullscreen support). However, now when I run it on my iPad with iOS 8, Xcode ignores all build settings and runs it as for iPad. My storyboard constraints were not projected for iPad screen.
I have:
Devices option set to iPhone on General tab in project settings
Main storyboard file name and Main storyboard file name are removed from Info-plist
All App Icons and Launch Images for iPad are deleted
In Launch Screen File the option Use Size Classes set to NO, and the assets are generated for iPhone only
Is that a normal behavior? I want to use my iPad as before to test iPhone 4s resolution. I am sure that my app won't become universal because of that, but nevertheless I think this is a problem.

The use of Launch Screen File in iOS 8.0, 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 will make you universal.
This is a know bug and fixed in iOS 8.1, for you only option is to use assets catalog with a launch images.
Or you can add the device modifier in the Launch file name, like <launchNib>~iphone.nib


enabling iPad pro in xcode/simulator

I have an existing iPad project which I want to enable to be used on iPad-pro. In my "Project target" I set my "iOS Development Target" to 9.1 and made sure that in my individual app targets the same development target has been set. However when I choose iPad pro form the simulator and run the project my screen size is still set to the standard iPad size
the screen size:(0.0, 0.0, 768.0, 1024.0)
Could someone point me to what else I should be doing.
My project is a combination of objective-c and swift.
With thanks
as with every iOS device that has a specific screen size, you have to provide the right launch image or a launch storyboard to make it known to iOS that you provide the screen size.
for ipad pro:
iPad Pro launch image and App icon
iPad Pro icon and launch image

Xcode 6.1.1 Launch Images for Universal build

Faced the problem with Launch images in Xcode 6.1.1
When I set all of the images - iPhone 4s, iPhone 5/5s and iPhone 6 doesn't show up (black screen), however the resolutions for the particular device is set right, as all of the images are on their places.
I use Landscape right/left.
Funny stuff is when I'm adding them one by one, they first work.
But once I add images for iPhone 6/6+ they don't work again.
iPad works fine.
Have anyone seen any step-by-step tutorial on how to set up images?
I have my another project (portrait orientation) and it works fine when images for all devices are set up.
Sounds like Apple didn't fix this landscape-only launch images bug with their latest update to Xcode. You'll likely have to manually edit your project's info.plist file to include the UILaunchImages array. The selected answer here worked for me for the previous version of Xcode:
How do I create launch images for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus Landscape Only Apps?
More detail on why this particular bug exists (at least it did in Xcode 6.1) in the last post of this thread:
Supporting iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ with different launch/splash screen image for iPad Portrait and Landscape orientations

Why my iPhone app runs in fullscreen on iPad

I have an iPhone app which works fine on iPhone 5 and 4s, when i run it on iPad2 i am expecting it to run in small window with 2x resolution but instead it runs fullscreen messing up all the layouts, apple has rejected my app and i need a fix.
I have created this app as iPhone only and built on Xcode 6 with ios8.0 sdk,
Please help
If you set a launch screen for your app, it will be fullscreen on iPad.
In Xcode, select your app target, then select General tab, scroll to App Icons and Launch Images, checkout the Launch Screen File.
Ok so finally deleted the xib file which i was using as launch screen and used the default images instead that solved the issue for me now , app runs in 2x mode on iPad with launch screen.

iPhone app compiled with Xcode 6 on runs as Universal on iPad

I have got an app developed for iPhone family only, and I used to run it on iPad to test how it will look on iPhone 4s (since it launched with iPhone 4s resolution, size, and else '2x' round button for fullscreen support). However, now when I run it on my iPad with iOS 8, Xcode ignores all build settings and runs it as for iPad. My storyboard constraints were not projected for iPad screen.
I have:
Devices option set to iPhone on General tab in project settings
Main storyboard file name and Main storyboard file name are removed from Info-plist
All App Icons and Launch Images for iPad are deleted
In Launch Screen File the option Use Size Classes set to NO, and the assets are generated for iPhone only
Is that a normal behavior? I want to use my iPad as before to test iPhone 4s resolution. I am sure that my app won't become universal because of that, but nevertheless I think this is a problem.
The use of Launch Screen File in iOS 8.0, 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 will make you universal.
This is a know bug and fixed in iOS 8.1, for you only option is to use assets catalog with a launch images.
Or you can add the device modifier in the Launch file name, like <launchNib>~iphone.nib

Which Xcode build settings for iPhone app so it can run on ipad as well?

I have written an app intended for the iphone. Obviously it is ok if it used on the ipad in the iphone mode, but it is an iphone app.
My app got rejected by Apple, I received a mail with a screenshot named Screen_shot_0.png as attachment, that was empty with in the middle the text "My Universal App on iPad" (which you if you open in Xcode the file MainWindow_iPad.xib).
Probably the app was uploaded with the Universal setting, not sure.
I did add icons, launch images etc. for both iphone and ipad.
Now I am confused about the following settings (click on Xcode project file): I will give my settings:
Project "appname"
iOS Deployment Target: 6.1 (should I take an older one?)
Targeted Device Family: iPhone (should this be iPhone/iPad?)
Targets "appname"
Targeted Device Family: iPhone (should this be iPhone/iPad?)
Everything works on iPhone4, iPod, iPad3.
The only thing is that the launch image of the iPad is cut off a bit at the right side, which causes me to think that some iPhone splashscreen is used instead. Would this be an issue for Apple?
If you want an app written for iPhone to run on iPad in iPhone mode, then you've actually done too much.
Just write it as a an iPhone-only app, and the iPad will automatically support it in iPhone mode. iPhone mode on the iPad offers users a chance to zoom to 2x resolution, but everything is "as if" it's running on an iPhone. Be sure NOT to upload as (or set attributes to claim it is) Universal. Don't provide multiple versions of screenshots, only provide iPhone screenshots. Think of "iPhone mode" as an iPhone emulator that runs on the iPad.
Only use "Universal" if you want to package both iPhone and iPad apps (typically with separate storyboards and definitely with distinct screenshots) in a single package that can run on either device. Upload as iPhone only and it will run on iPad in iPhone mode. Good luck!
