How can i mute incoming text on ios - ios

I know there is no way to read call/sms record in iOS
But i want to mute incoming text sounds with in my app. This setting seems in ringtone so there may be a solution
Let me know is it possible or not
I found another link but no answer
How can I mute incoming iPhone text messages programmatically?

Using public APIs, it is not possible.
The link you found is using private APIs, which aren't documented or guaranteed to work the way you'd expect. If you tried to release an App Store app that called a private API, it would be automatically rejected.


Set ABPerson custom ringtone

is there any way at all to modify a contact's ringtone in swift/objective-c iOS.
I've already searched for a possible solution without any luck. (PRIVATE APIs are not counted as solutions).
GRingtones is an app that is able to do what i want but no one seems to have any idea what APIs they used.

iOS App to Ping Users Like Find My iphone "Play a Sound"

I have an idea for an app and have the design created but unsure how to go about doing it programatically. The idea is simple... ping a silent phone the way "Find My Phone" can make a silent phone make a sound. The idea is to have the app read an incoming text message with a command embedded in the text from an "authorized" user.
Example: #URGENT from my wife would make my phone sound even if it was on silent but #URGENT from my friend would not cause any action because he is not "Authorized" in my app.
From what I have found online, reading text messages in iOS is prohibited unless you build your own API/SKD (BMW reads the text from the notification center for their iDrive function) which will then get rejected by the app store. Is this correct or is there a way to do this?
My questions:
Can an app trigger an event by reading text messages with embedded commands like on Android?
In iOS is there any way to make a silent phone create a sound at full volume?
I've found that this is possible for Android, but I want to see if it is possible for iOS.
Unfortunately, the answer is no.
In order:
An iOS app has no access to the text messages of the user at all, so there's no way to trigger anything that way.
Not as a notification sound, but it's possible that by using a background audio session you could play a sound on a phone that is silenced, but still has the media volume up. However, Apple might not like this (you'd be using media playback APIs for alert noises, Apple doesn't want anyone circumventing the users decision to silence the phone).

is it feasible or possible to launch ios app on a specific incoming call using core telephony or some other frameworks it feasible or possible to open/launch ios app and open a specific screen on a specific incoming call using core telephony.Something where i can register my app as observer of incoming call event.
2.if my app is already launched, is there any delegate or notification of core telephony so that i can handle it and open a specific screen.
3.can above requirement filled using notification, as i can think notification will no be able to fulfil this requirement as there may more than one apps having notification, then how ios will decide to open which ios app.
if it's not feasible then what would be alternative or creative idea close to achieve this(open an ios app specific view on incoming call/message/notification centre) behaviour.
It is not possible to achieve any of the above 3 points. According to HIG, you can not do it. Also apple has not published any of the API to do same. Its not possible with public APIs.

Mute IPhone prorammatically is legal?

I gonna start working on an app that have basic functionality to mute phone(no sound from any app, ring tone).
I searched over net and found some private api's to do what I want.
Mute iPhone programatically
But found some articles saying that Apple will not approve such kind of apps. And when I searched over store I got an app link below
This is auto silent app, that put iphone to mute state.
So now I want all my seniors to let me know whether I can do this app or not?
The application that you mentioned has the purpose of muting the phone. Someone downloading it expects it to mute the phone. That's probably why it was accepted on the store.
If your app mutes the phone, and the user didn't expect it, they could very likely miss important phone calls unexpectedly, which could be very damaging. So you would need a very, very good reason to have that functionality in your code.

is it possible to send push notification with video/audio IOS?

I am working on an application which uses apple push-notification. I implemented this feature and working fine, now client is asking about sending push-notification with Audio/video file.
Can you please tell me whether apple allows this type of notifications, if YES any suggestion to implement.
Well yes and no is the answer. You can't really include the audio/video in the push notification.
What you could do is, in the payload of the push notification, add an URL to an audio/video file. Once your user select to view the push notification you can pick up the URL and load the audio/video.
I was searching for this and found this thread. I would like to update it by saying that with iOs 10+ now images, video and audio are now supported with little limitations which are:
Devices WITH force touch support video, images and audio.
Devices WITHOUT force touch only support images.
(not sure if audio is supported too, but videos definitely are not supported)
take a look at
push notification is simply a message, and it has a very limited length (256 characters, including service, or more). It can add a number on the icon, or play sound by it name (sound should be in the folder of application) and actually show a message. You can pass additional data - number, link or resourceId, but the resources need to pass in other ways
