visual issue with UITextField. Text past the length of the field doesnt show - ios

This might be kind of hard to explain in a way to easily understand.. but basically I am having an issue when first tapping into a text field. When the user starts typing text, if the text reaches the end of the textfield, rather than the view scroll with the cursor as the user continues to type, the cursor just stops at the end of the textfield, but the field continues to register inputs. if the user closes the keyboard, and re-enters the textfield then it actually works as it should, scrolling along with the new letters the user types beyond the length of the textfield.
Is this some strange setting I have on my text field? Is this a bug with iOS 8? I don't even know where to begin to look to solve this issue.


IQKeyboardManager: keep multiple fields above keyboard

I have a login form with 2 text fields. When you focus on the email field, the password field gets hidden by the keyboard. The return key does bring you to the password field, and tapping outside of a text field dismisses the keyboard, so it's not completely unusable, but it's not very intuitive either.
It would be much better if both fields were kept in view, above the keyboard. With the old version of IQKeyboardManager where was the concept of IQLayoutGuideConstraint which was maybe useful here, but that whole thing is gone now.
Any tips? This is not a tableview nor a scrollview.

How to place cursor at the end of text whenever the user touches on UITextField containing that text?

In my custom UITextField the user can place an e-mail by touching on "+" button or by writing it from keyboard. The problem is when the e-mail is added through "+" button and then, someone wants to add another e-mail, this time by writing it from keyboard, the cursor instead of being at the end of the text, highlights previously written mails, but it cannot be placed at the end of the text - which is what I would like. I hope what I wrote is understandable. Anyways, do you know a way of implementing this?
I've already tried setting keyboard time and selecting text range but it brought me no good

Drag caret between text views

I am displaying a text document using many UITextViews, one for each paragraph*. When the user drags the caret around it obviously stops when he reaches the beginning or end of a paragraph. Is there any way of letting the user drag the caret between text views as if all the text was in one text view? In a way that is allowed in the App Store?
* There is a good reason for this, at least if my proof-of-concept actually succeeds in proving the concept.
This would be a pain in the ass to implement, but going off this answer as an indicator of cursor-on-text:
how to get selected text from uitextfield in iphone?
Check the position of the cursor, and if it matches the length of text in a textfield, start a gesture listener, and if it moves down and right, change the focus to the next textview. Keep your textviews in an array for easy accessing.

How to show keyboard programmatically in Firefox OS?

I am working on a ToDo list app wherein I keep the focus on the textbox input after the user adds a ToDo item.
Now, the problem is, when the user adds some text input and hits the add button, the focus on the textbox is lost so the keyboard disappears and then the focus gets back to the textbox. So, the keyboard disappears and appears again in a short interval. As you can imagine, this is bad UX.
How do I set the keyboard to be shown explicitly when the focus is on the input button?
I fixed it by setting the focus onto the textbox first when I click the add button then do the actual adding stuff.

Voiceover not focusing on next form field

I have a long HTML form that I am trying to make accessible to Voiceover. When I click into a field, interact with it, and then click Done on the keyboard, after a short delay Voiceover is focusing on what appears to be the field most centered on the screen rather than the next element. I tried adding explicit tabindex to all the fields and this did not help. It is not always reproducable, it sometimes works as expected.
Is this expected behavior for Voiceover? Would a user not expect "Done" to take them to the next field (seems like maybe a dumb question since there is also a "Next" button, which works fine)? But as a sighted user I know the "Done" button when I am interacting with a field just means I am done with that field and want to go on to the next action, field whatever.
"Done" dismisses editing mode on VoiceOver. A VoiceOver user would not expect that tapping "done" moves the VO cursor.
