game is not proper display using xcode 6 GM seed on ipad - ipad

I am trying to build and test my game on iPad mini iOS 8 using Xcode 6 GM seed all i am seeing is this half way screen. I don't know why Xcode 6 is not showing the full screen. However same code if play on Xcode 5.1.1 then it works fine on ipad and play game at X2 on iPad. I am maing iphone game but i a testing that on ipad too as ipad also can play the game.Can any body solve my issue i want to submit my app using new sdk. I found one more thing on xcode 5.1.1 it's showing surface size:640*960 and on xcode 6 it's showing 960*640 which can cause problem so kindly help me to find the solution thanks in advance.


AVSpeechSynthesizer,AVSpeechUtterance can't work on the iPhone 5s with iOS9.2.1(13D15) or iOS9.1.1

I want to make a simple TTS(TextToSpeech) on iOS with AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h and I tried to go with AVSpeechSynthesizer,AVSpeechUtterance.
However the iPhone 5s with iOS9.2.1(13D15) or iOS9.1.1 can't speech the text and without any voice. At the same time, it can work on iPhoto 6 or 6Plus with iOS9.2.1.
Who can tell me the reason about that ?(I build the App with Xcode 7.2) Thanks!

App crashes in iPhone 4 with base SDK 8.1

I simply coded an app with Xcode 6.1. I can run the app with all simulators also with devices iPhone 5S, iPhone 4S and iPad retina successfully.
But I sent the app to a friend to test who has iPhone4 and he reports that after seeing main screen, touching a button quits the app. I have no chance to debug it with iPhone4 and also there is no option to test the app in simulator of iPhone4.
Is there any build parameters that I may miss?
Thank you in advance.
I changed SKNodes to SKSpriteNodes and now code is working on IOS 7.1 also. -(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime method was giving error with SKNodes in IOS 7.1. It may be a problem of Sprite Kit scene editor came with Xcode 6.Thank you.

iOS 8.1 Simulator for iPhone 6 Plus cutting off part of view

I'm using Auto Layout/Constraints with Interface Builder in Xcode 6.1, so that my App renders correctly on all iOS devices. It works great across the iPhone 4s/5/5s/6 simulators and a real 5s, but part of the view is cut off when I run it on the iPhone 6 Plus Simulator.
To debug this, I downloaded the AlternateViews example code from Apple, and saw the exact same behavior. Then I tried to write a really simple test App, and saw the same thing again. I noticed that the iPad Air Simulator also cut off part of the view, and when I tested on a real iPad Air, the simulated/real displays did not match. I feel like there is something wrong in my dev setup (not a bug in the iOS Simulator), but I've double-checked everything and even reinstalled Xcode. Please let me know if you've seen this before, or have a recommendation on what to try next. Thanks!
AlternateViews Example on iPhone 6 Simulator:
AlternateViews Example on iPhone 6 Plus Simulator:
My SimpleTestApp on iPhone 6 Simulator:
My SimpleTestApp on iPhone 6 Plus Simulator:
My SimpleTestApp on iPad Air Simulator:
My SimpleTestApp on Real iPad Air:
I've seen this offsetting on rotation issue, starting in June 2014 when iOS 8 first went public, and I submitted to Apple a test project that showed how to reproduce it. In most cases it is possible to work around and prevent it, but my test project continued to demonstrate the issue.
A few weeks ago, however, Apple replied to my bug report, asking me to test in iOS 8.2 (available in beta as part of the Xcode 6.2 beta). The issue could no longer be reproduced!
Therefore I would suggest that what you're encountering is, at least in part, a genuine iOS bug, and that iOS 8.2 will prove to have fixed it.

COCOS2D spotlight icon not showing on iPhone 6

I have just created a new set of icons and added them to my project. While everything works in the simulator, including iPhone 6 and 6 plus.
When I run my game on my iPhone 6, the spotlight icon is still the COCOS2D icon.
Any ideas why it works in the simulator but not on the device?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Updated to the latest version of IOS 8 and this solved the problem
You need to power down your iPhone/device and restart it.
My guess would be that it only builds the cache of images when the phone starts. This may not be the case for a proper app installed from the proper app store.
I had the same issue, where my main icon worked, but the spotlight was still the empty-square from Xcode. Regardless of how many times I cleaned/rebuilt/deleted the app.

AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID causing volume does not change using physical volume control buttons on iPad

I am in urgent need of the the geeks present on this forum regarding the iOS SDK questions.I have an app in which i hav to play multiple sounds simultaneously.I started with AVAudioplayer class but i realise that it was getting hung on iPhone 3gs and older iOS versions so i moved to AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)afUrl,&soundID) from the tips of one of my friend.Now the app plays sound seamlessly on both iPhone and iPad .I have an iPhone 4S with iOS 5.1.1 and i have updated the Ipad 2 from iOS 5.1.1 to latest iOS 6.0 stable.Now the problem is that the app runs fine on iPhone but on iPad a strange issue comeing up.On iPad sound is played but the volume does not change with Physical volume change button effect.I have build the app using Xcode 4.5 GM with iOS 6.0 and have set the deployment target to iOS 5.0 .
Please help me out as i am getting crazy on this strange behavior on Ipad only ..I hope i would definitely get the perfect solution here from you guys !!
Thanks in Advance !!!!
