SPL routine is no longer valid - stored-procedures

I have a stored procedure named
When I execute this procedure using PreparedStatement, I get the following error
[Error Code: -721, SQL State: IX000] SPL routine(AAABxg) is no longer valid.
I get the same error even when I execute the procedure directly on DbVisualizer.
I tried updating the statistics on the procedure using
update statistics for procedure component_allocate
That didn't help. Still getting the same error.
Has anyone else faced this problem in informix ? How do I resolve this?

Did you check this?
"If an index was added after the statement was prepared, you must prepare the statement again and declare the cursor again. You cannot simply reopen the cursor if it was based on a prepared statement that is no longer valid."


Use of variable SET statement in stored procedures compiles but fires exception at runtime

In a Snowflake SQL-stored procedure, I would like to SET value of a variable like the following:
retValue VARCHAR;
SET retVal = '';
Everything rocks at compile time but fails at runtime with the following exception
Uncaught exception of type 'STATEMENT_ERROR' on line x at position y :
Stored procedure execution error: Unsupported statement type 'SET'.
despite documentation says this to be possible ๐Ÿคจ
Can someone gently explain to the noob of me? ๐Ÿ˜
Within a SQL stored procedure use LET instead of SET. The syntax for stored procedures (also known as Snowflake Scripting) is different from interactive SQL. The valid commands in SQL scripting are described in the Snowflake Scripting Reference

While executing simple stored procedure getting warning compiled but compilation error how to see

While executing a simple stored procedure getting a warning compiled but compilation error how to see.
Below is the query:
create procedure spgetdat
select empis empname, empadd from tb1employees;
While executing above query getting an error. Pls suggest what needs to be corrected.
Your Select statement inside the procedure is not correct. There should be into clause in the select statement inside the PL/SQL block.
It can be like below. You have to put a where condition for selection of one record or for best practice you can use cursor to fetch more then one record also.
create procedure spgetdat
v_empis tab1employees.empis%type;
v_empadd tab1employees.empadd%type;
select empis empname ,empadd into v_empis,v_empadd from tb1employees where empis = 'given name' ;
show errors;

Trapping ADO Provider cannot be found error in Delphi

I have an application written in Delphi that uses an iSeries ODBC connection.
There are some workstations where I do not want to install the iSeries software, and on these workstations, I won't be updating any of these databases anyway.
Is there a way I can trap when this error message is generated? At that point, I can just set a variable like NoUpload to true and not allow the connection on the workstation.
It appears to happen before I ever attempt to even open one of the tables - just by having the ConnectionString set when the application starts fires the message.
Thanks in advance!
You can check the existing ADO providers of the system with ADODB.GetProviderNames
Ideally, you should look for an option to check your condition without an exception being raised. So Sir Rufo's answer is a good place to start.
Another option might be to not include the Provider in the ConnectionString, but set it independently via the Provider property at run-time (most likely only after confirming that it's supported).
However, since you mentioned you're getting an exception before you even attempt to open a table, there are a few things to check (assuming you've been setting up your components at design time):
Have any data sets accidentally been left Active at design time?
Has the Connection been left active at design time?
Are there any options in the ConnectionString that could immediately trigger the error?
Failing the above you could provide a hook for application exceptions. (And really more of a last ditch effort.)
Declare a handler method using with the following signature: TExceptionEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object;. And assign it to Application.OnException. E.g.
procedure Handle(ASender: TObject; E: Exception);
if ISeriesNotInstalledError(E) then
FNoUpload := True;
NOTE: There are some important considerations in following this approach. Since you see this as a standard Use Case, you don't want to be bothering your users with messages. This is also much better than a localised exception handler (a common programming error) because if a caller routine triggers this error you don't want the caller to mistakenly run as if nothing went wrong; when quite clearly something did.

Getting Delphi 7 to play with SQL Server Compact 3.5

We have an old application that was written in Delphi 7. It is currently connected to an old Oracle Lite database that is being retired. The powers that be have chosen to move the data to a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database instead. After sepending a good amount of time moving everything over to the SQL CE database, I am now tasked with getting the Delphi application to play nice with the new databases.
The people who are supposed to be smarter than I am (my boss), tell me that I should be able to simply modify the connection and everything should be back in order. However, I have been banging my head against my monitor for two days trying to get the ADO connection in the Delphi application to work with our new SQL CE database.
A slightly simplified example of what I'm working with:
The connection is made in a global object with a TADOConnection named "adoConn":
procedure TGlobal.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
adoConn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=path\db.sdf;';
adoConn.Connected := True;
Shortly after this, a procedure is called to populate some messages. In an effort to trouble shoot the application, I've simplified the code to make a simple query and show the results in a message box. The procedure receives a parameter for the SQL string, but I'm ignoring it for now and manually inserting a simple select statement:
procedure Select(const SQL: string);
adoQuery : TADOQuery;
adoQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
adoQuery.Connection := Global.adoConn;
adoQuery.SQL.Text := 'select * from CLT_MESSAGES';
While not adoQuery.Eof do
// Here I just created a MessageDlg to output a couple of fields.
Everything compiles just fine, but when I run the application I get the following error:
"Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
I've done some additional trouble-shooting and found that the error is happening at adoQuery.ExecSQL. I've tried several different versions of the connection string and a couple different ways of trying to query the data, but it all ends up the same. I either can't connect to the database or I get that stupid "Mutliple-step" error.
I appreciate, in advance, any assistance that can be offered.
Don't use ExecSQL for queries that return recordsets.
Set either the AdoQuery.Active property to True or use AdoQuery.Open to execute a SELECT statement.
After changing your code we see the real error which is DB_E_OBJECTOPEN.
After digging deeper it seems that this is a known bug in the OLE DB provider and nvarchar fields bigger than 127 characters.
these references seem to confirm this:
SO: SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 gives "Multiple-step operation generated errors" error for simple query
ref1: http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/SQL-Server/microsoft.public.sqlserver.ce/2008-07/msg00019.html
ref2: https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?messageID=474517
ref3: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlce/thread/48815888-d4ee-42dd-b712-2168639e973c
Changing the cursor type to server side solved the 127 char issue for me :)

Simple Oracle Stored Procedure getting Invalid object error

I am trying to write a simple Oracle Stored Procedure:
v_rowCount NUMBER;
SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_rowCount FROM ex.emp;
However, when I try & run the procedure by issuing execute act.skeleton in PL/SQL Developer command window, I get the following error message:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 11:
PLS-00905: object ACT.SKELETON is invalid
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
I tried to just run the code without the create procedure statement & it runs successfully with the output being displayed. I have tried both CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE IS & CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE AS options but I still get the same error.
I am not sure if this has anything to do with authorization or visibility of the procedure when I try and execute it or what is causing the act.skeleton object to be invalid. I looked into what the error means & it seems it usually refers to compilation error in the procedure but since I can run the code sans the procedure declaration, I am guessing the declaration piece is the culprit. I just don't know enough to figure out what is causing this and I was hoping that someone will be able to shed some more light on it and point me in the right direction
Other Details:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
Don't use the DECLARE keyword in a stored procedure declaration. Remove that and it should compile.
