How to implement "Use one-click single sign-on" correctly in order to publish to Google Apps Marketplace -

We already have a web app that integrate with differente Google services. Right now, you can loguin using a Google account, can import a contact lists from any Google account, and can sync a Google Calendar with our Calendar in the webapp (We implemented all of this using OAuth 2 and invoking the GoogleApi with a REST Client).
We are now trying to publish this app in the GoogleApp Marketplace, but we are failing to comply with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule (
We are believing that the problem is we the way we are solving the fact that we need offline access for all the integrated users in the app. Right now, the only way we found to get the refresh tokens for them, was starting the OAuth2 process with the parameters access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force, but this forces them to enter their credentials.
We aren't using the 'Google+ Domains API', and we are starting to believe that we should. Is the use of this API mandatory for complying with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule?

Well, we finally figured it out. We had to use the Google Admin SDK in order to implement SSO. We had some troubles with the scopes, but after we polished that, everything seems to be working OK.


How do I implement Google sign-in on iOS app?

I've been tasked with adding a "Sign In with Google" button to an iOS app. For background, I'm a contract developer doing work for a customer, and I do not own the app in question.
I did a quick search for how to do this, but the only answer I could find involved "set up a project in the Google API console" followed by "add a GIDSignInButton to your layout".
I do not have access to the app owner's Google Developer account (or know if they even have one), and I certainly do not want to "set up a project" in my own Google account that is associated with a customer's app.
Furthermore, the iOS project I'm working with does not currently have any third-party library integrations (no Swift packages, no CocoaPods, no workspace file) and I strongly prefer to keep it this way.
Is it possible to do Google authentication using a standard OAuth process (i.e. open a web page, and handle the redirect after authentication completes)? I have done other OAuth integrations this way so I know how it works.
Yes, you can sign-in using OAuth without using an SDK. Here are the instructions.
You will be required to setup a project and configure it's OAuth settings. This manages how your app will appear to users and implements OAuth security controls. No way around this, so you'll want to work with your Google Cloud administrator to gain access to an existing project or create a new one.

Setting up oAuth with the Google AdWords API

I am attempting to get get a Ruby on Rails project that uses the Google AdWords API.
What I did so far, following the steps in this guide:
I created an AdWords Manager account.
I created a test account that is part of the AdWords Manager account.
I set up the Ruby client library in my Rails project.
I then attempted to set up OAuth2 authentication with the example code from the guide.
However since the guide was written (and the video version of the guide was made) it seems that the interface has changed. I am able to create a Client ID client_secrets.json-file, or a Service Account .json file. I am able to export these and read the settings from .
I added the required settings, using an OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT .json file.
Now, when attempting to connect, I get back the AdwordsAPIException AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER.
I therefore know that the actual authentication works. However, the authorization does not.
How can I turn on AdWords API support for the oAuth credentials from my google accounts? The Google Credentials Console lists many APIs that you can turn on, but the AdWords API is not in there. The AdWords guide does not mention turning on an API at all, and only tells you to create a new Credential.
What is going on here?
The Adwords API does not need to be added to your project in the Google Cloud console (it's always enabled)—as indicated by the error message, the actual problem lies in the fact that your service account does not have access to any Adwords accounts.
As a matter of fact, the only way to use service accounts to authenticate against the Adwords API is when you're also using a G Suite domain (see the corresponding documentation, section "Prerequisites".
If you have a G Suite domain, you'll need to
Enable "G Suite Domain-wide Delegation" on your service account key
Add the project ID of the Google cloud project to your G Suite domain's authorized API client list
Use your service account to impersonate any user from your G suite domain that has Adwords access
As you can see, it's quite an involved process. My recommendation (that is shared by the above article) is to use an OAuth2 installed application flow for any user that has Adwords access. This requires to store the obtained refresh token on your end, but is more flexible (and arguably safer) than a delegation-enabled service account and easier to set up.

Google OAuth2 in distributed, self-hosted packages complaining about redirect_uri

I've taken over development of a Google Analytics API dashboard for a content management platform, and upgraded the code to use OAuth2 as the older oauth was disabled recently. The authentication flow and subsequent API calls are all working fine on my localhost for development.
The problem is when trying the code from a different domain. Google wants the redirect_uri to be whitelisted through the developer console, and if it isn't there, it throws Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
As this is a self-hosted (+ open source) package, people will be able of installing on their own servers, there is no way I'll be able of adding all possible redirect_uri values to the app key in the developer console.
After a bunch of Googling and trying to understand the docs, I get the impression there are 2 possible solutions.
Instruct users to go to the Google Developer console, and to create an app key of their own, before also going through the OAuth2 flow within the distributed app to provide the code access to the data in Google Analytics.
Use a redirect_uri value of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob with an Installed App key, instructing people to copy/paste the code back into the self-hosted app after authentication.
Neither of these are really appealing as it adds a bunch of complexity for the user (though option 2 sounds mostly doable). Are there other options, or am I simply overlooking something simple?
You actually don't have any choice in this matter. You must go with nr 1. When you state this is a dashboard and web application it leads me to believe this is some kind of scripting language. This means that the client id and client secret will be displayed to your users / customers. This is against googles terms of service.
Changes to the Google APIs Terms of Service Asking developers to
make reasonable efforts to keep their private keys private and not
embed them in open source projects.
You may not release your client id and client secret to your users they are going to have to create there own. Which nicely solvers your redirect URI problem they have to make there own.
Further reading Can I really not ship open source with Client ID?

Google Apps Marketplace declare scopes multiple times?

I'm trying to build a Google Apps Marketplace App using the new APIs only available through OAuth2. We already have an app using the old APIs, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to have the same flow with OAuth2.
In our old app, the domain administrator would install the app and give it permissions. Then, we could just make requests using our app's id/secret without user interaction. (2-legged OAuth)
How would I do this with OAuth2? None of the flows described here sound like what I'm looking for.
I'm also having hard times to find out to get this new OAuth2 login up and running.
You will have to use service accounts to make requests on behalf of the user.
Documentation is here:
I did not yet manage to get the flow working without each user being prompted again, but this most likely is because I need offline access:
Google Apps Marketplace SDK + Domain-wide OAuth 2 SSO

Google Plus Over the Air installs via server-side oauth

Google released nice feature called Over-The-Air Installs. But documentation has example only for google's sign-in button.
Checked Google API PHP Client and it doesn't have anything related. Tried adding apppackagename and app_package_name to authorization url - didn't help. Another problem is that Google doesn't enable this feature for all clients.
Is it possible to use it via oauth triggered on server-side? Does Google somehow indicate that you're allowed to use this feature?
It is currently not possible to trigger Over-The-Air Installs using the server-side flow. It is recommended that you use the client-server flow as described and demonstrated in the quick-start sample apps instead of using a server-side flow.
You can direct users to install the app at the conclusion of your install by linking to your app in the play store. From the play store, the user could still install your app directly to their device, it would just not happen in the sign-in dialog.
Even hybrid client-server flow needs to implement the "sign-in button" to your page...
Don't know why Google is doing this way!
