How do I round a positive float up the next integer? - delphi

I need to round a positive float upwards to the nearest integer.
1.0 rounds up to 1
2.1 rounds up to 3
3.5 rounds up to 4
4.9 rounds up to 5
i.e. always round up.

Use the Ceil function from the Math unit. From the documentation:
Rounds variables up toward positive infinity.
Call Ceil (as in ceiling) to obtain the lowest integer greater than or
equal to X. The absolute value of X must be less than MaxInt. For
Ceil(-2.8) = -2
Ceil(2.8) = 3
Ceil(-1.0) = -1
I cannot tell whether or not the behaviour of Ceil meets your expectations for negative input values, because you did not specify what to do there. However, if Ceil does not meet your expectations, it is easy enough to write a function to meet your needs, by combining Abs() and Ceil()

FindField('QTY').ASFLOAT := TRUNC(FindField('QTY').ASFLOAT) + 1
Works Fine


Why multiply two double in dart result in very strange number

Can anyone explain why the result is 252.99999999999997 and not 253? What should be used instead to get 253?
double x = 2.11;
double y = 0.42;
print(((x + y) * 100)); // print 252.99999999999997
I am basically trying to convert a currency value with 2 decimal (ie £2.11) into pence/cent (ie 211p)
In short: Because many fractional double values are not precise, and adding imprecise values can give even more imprecise results. That's an inherent property of IEEE-754 floating point numbers, which is what Dart (and most other languages and the CPUs running them) are working with.
Neither of the rational numbers 2.11 and 0.42 are precisely representable as a double value. When you write 2.11 as source code, the meaning of that is the actual double values that is closest to the mathematical number 2.11.
The value of 2.11 is precisely 2.109999999999999875655021241982467472553253173828125.
The value of 0.42 is precisely 0.419999999999999984456877655247808434069156646728515625.
As you can see, both are slightly smaller than the value you intended.
Then you add those two values, which gives the precise double result 2.529999999999999804600747665972448885440826416015625. This loses a few of the last digits of the 0.42 to rounding, and since both were already smaller than 2.11 and 0.42, the result is now even more smaller than 2.53.
Finally you multiply that by 100, which gives the precise result 252.999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875.
This is different from the double value 253.0.
The double.toString method doesn't return a string of the exact value, but it does return different strings for different values, and since the value is different from 253.0, it must return a different string. It then returns a string of the shortest number which is still closer to the result than to the next adjacent double value, and that is the string you see.

Unexpected result subtracting decimals in ruby [duplicate]

Can somebody explain why multiplying by 100 here gives a less accurate result but multiplying by 10 twice gives a more accurate result?
± % sc
Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.1)
>> 129.95 * 100
>> 129.95*10
>> 129.95*10*10
If you do the calculations by hand in double-precision binary, which is limited to 53 significant bits, you'll see what's going on:
129.95 = 1.0000001111100110011001100110011001100110011001100110 x 2^7
129.95*100 = 1.1001011000010111111111111111111111111111111111111111011 x 2^13
This is 56 significant bits long, so rounded to 53 bits it's
1.1001011000010111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 2^13, which equals
Now 129.95*10 = 1.01000100110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 2^10
This is 54 significant bits long, so rounded to 53 bits it's 1.01000100111 x 2^10 = 1299.5
Now 1299.5 * 10 = 1.1001011000011 x 2^13 = 12995.
First off: you are looking at the string representation of the result, not the actual result itself. If you really want to compare the two results, you should format both results explicitly, using String#% and you should format both results the same way.
Secondly, that's just how binary floating point numbers work. They are inexact, they are finite and they are binary. All three mean that you get rounding errors, which generally look totally random, unless you happen to have memorized the entirety of IEEE754 and can recite it backwards in your sleep.
There is no floating point number exactly equal to 129.95. So your language uses a value which is close to it instead. When that value is multiplied by 100, the result is close to 12995, but it just so happens to not equal 12995. (It is also not exactly equal to 100 times the original value it used in place of 129.95.) So your interpreter prints a decimal number which is close to (but not equal to) the value of 129.95 * 100 and which shows you that it is not exactly 12995. It also just so happens that the result 129.95 * 10 is exactly equal to 1299.5. This is mostly luck.
Bottom line is, never expect equality out of any floating point arithmetic, only "closeness".

Computing UILabel height & UIFont height (for number of lines) using ceil() or roundf()?

I have this values that i've logged:
label.frame.size.height :18.000000, label.font.lineHeight: 17.895000
if i use roundf() like:
roundf(label.frame.size.height / label.font.lineHeight) // answer: 1
while with ceil()
ceil(label.frame.size.height / label.font.lineHeight) // answer: 2
but when computed manually: answer is 1.00586756
I wonder whats the best and more reliable(generally) between this two. Why is everybody using ceil() to determine the number of lines of UILabel?
In the case of number of lines each letter after the limit a line could display should be taken to next line so .005 is also significant this .005 part of the text should carry to next line. So it is better to use ceil() rather than roundf( ). In roundf( ) a value will be significant only when it is greater or equal to its half value)
The C library function ceil(x) returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.
I still dont understand why must of the people use ceil() when computing the number of line since roundf() is more accurate..
But when talking about computing for the number of line.. i look to me that 'roundf()' is indeed more accurate, but since its number of lines.. decimal values are not significant..
Computing what is the image:
54 / 17.895000 = 3.01760268
And numberOflines = 3
if we use roundf() answer would be 3 as well
while if ceil() is already 4
therefore using floor() or simply converting the result to int will do the work:
int result = (int)floor(answer);
int result = (int)answer;
About my question, i think roundf() to the work for me for computing number of lines generally..
I'm making a class that will compute the number of line base from this values, and will be used by the whole app.

Objective C ceil returns wrong value

NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(2/3));
should return 1. However, it shows:
CEIL 0.000000
Why and how to fix that problem? I use ceil([myNSArray count]/3) and it returns 0 when array count is 2.
The same rules as C apply: 2 and 3 are ints, so 2/3 is an integer divide. Integer division truncates so 2/3 produces the integer 0. That integer 0 will then be cast to a double precision float for the call to ceil, but ceil(0) is 0.
Changing the code to:
NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(2.0/3.0));
Will display the result you're expecting. Adding the decimal point causes the constants to be recognised as double precision floating point numbers (and 2.0f is how you'd type a single precision floating point number).
Maudicus' solution works because (float)2/3 casts the integer 2 to a float and C's promotion rules mean that it'll promote the denominator to floating point in order to divide a floating point number by an integer, giving a floating point result.
So, your current statement ceil([myNSArray count]/3) should be changed to either:
([myNSArray count] + 2)/3 // no floating point involved
ceil((float)[myNSArray count]/3) // arguably more explicit
2/3 evaluates to 0 unless you cast it to a float.
So, you have to be careful with your values being turned to int's before you want.
float decValue = (float) 2/3;
NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(decValue));
CEIL 1.000000
For you array example
float decValue = (float) [myNSArray count]/3;
NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(decValue));
It probably evaluates 2 and 3 as integers (as they are, obviously), evaluates the result (which is 0), and then converts it to float or double (which is also 0.00000). The easiest way to fix it is to type either 2.0f/3, 2/3.0f, or 2.0f/3.0f, (or without "f" if you wish, whatever you like more ;) ).
Hope it helps

SetRoundMode(rmUp) and rounding "round" values like 10, results in 10,0001 how come?

This code:
Results in 10,0001.
I simply don't get it.
I thought that rmUp would do something like, round 10,0001 to 11, but never 10 to 10,0001.
Can anyone explain why this happens?
SimpleRoundTo works like this:
Divide the input value by 10-x, where x is the number of decimal places to preserve in the result.
Add 0.5 to that product.
Truncate the sum.
Multiply by 10-x.
The result is a floating-point value. As with most floating-point values, the result will not be exact, even though in your case you start with an exact value. The number of decimal places specified for SimpleRoundTo is negative, so the divisor in step 1, for your example input, will ideally be 0.01. But that can't be represented exactly as a floating-point number, so when 10 / 0.01 is calculated in step 1, the result is not exactly 1000. The result in step 3 will be exactly 1000, though, so the inexactness of the division isn't important. The inexactness of the multiplication in step 4 is, though. That product won't be exact. It will be slightly higher than 10.
So SimpleRoundTo returns a slightly higher value, and since you've specified that rounding should go up, the conversion of the Extended result of SimpleRoundTo to the Currency input of CurrToStr results in exactly 10.0001.
Currency values are exact; they represent a fixed-point value, an integer scaled by four decimal places.
i'd use the Round( ) function if banker's rounding is ok. it returns an integer.
if you don't like banker's rounding you can use this:
// use this to not get "banker's rounding"
function HumanRound(X: Extended): integer;
// Rounds a number "normally": if the fractional
// part is >= 0.5 the number is rounded up (see RoundUp)
// Otherwise, if the fractional part is < 0.5, the
// number is rounded down
// RoundN(3.5) = 4 RoundN(-3.5) = -4
// RoundN(3.1) = 3 RoundN(-3.1) = -3
// Trunc() does nothing except conv to integer. needed because return type of Int() is Extended
Result := Trunc(Int(X) + Int(Frac(X) * 2));
my posting here is somewhat off-topic but still informative.
i looked into this at length since i needed to not be using banker's rounding. here are my findings. so far as i can see, this still doesn't get rid of banker's rounding
Value Meaning
rmNearest Rounds to the closest value.
rmDown Rounds toward negative infinity.
rmUp Rounds toward positive infinity.
rmTruncate Truncates the value, rounding positive numbers down and negative numbers up.
rmNearest // default
0.500 0
1.500 2
2.450 2
2.500 2
2.550 3
3.450 3
3.500 4
3.550 4
0.500 0
1.500 1
2.450 2
2.500 2
2.550 2
3.450 3
3.500 3
3.550 3
0.500 1
1.500 2
2.450 3
2.500 3
2.550 3
3.450 4
3.500 4
3.550 4
0.500 0
1.500 1
2.450 2
2.500 2
2.550 2
3.450 3
3.500 3
3.550 3
math, sysutils, clipbrd;
procedure trythis(sMode:string);
procedure tryone(d:double);
s:=s+Format('%1.3f %d%s',[d,Round(d),#13+#10]);
The return values from calculation SimpleToRound is also a Double and they can never be trusted on rounding. Truncate the value before converting it should do the work!
The Ceil() : Integer function should give you the answer you want for values > 0. If < 0 you may need to use floor() instead, depending on desired behaviour.
