Google Sheets Spreadsheet Formatting - google-sheets

I'm using Google Sheets and I have a sheet for an eCommerce store's products.
There are columns for description, features, common uses, etc. I need to take features, common uses, etc and merge them into a new cell, and format them using html, so i can easily copy and paste them into my webpage.
I want to wrap html around these echoed values.
Any suggestions? Thanks.

I found the answer myself, in case anyone would like to know:


IMPORTRANGE cannot be used along with normal filtering system

I have a website in English that I just translated in multiple languages.
For my English website, I have a dashboard where I track the performance of all my URLs on a monthly basis. I update this list when a new article is being published. Now, every time a new articles is published in English, it will be automatically translated in other languages and a new URL will be added to my website.
I'm trying to find a way to mirror my English report for all the other languages without having to maintain the URLs list the same way I do with English.
I thought using an IMPORTRANGE from my English master file where I will grab the list of URLs would be the best solution. However, by doing this, I won't be able to use the filter in my other dashboards.
Any suggestion on how to achieve this?
I've made a sample sheet to quickly show my issue.
If you have an imported range and manually input data, you won't be able to "join" them for the sorting part inside the filter. I was asking you if source data would remain in the same order, because if it does (meaning your new data will be "aligned" row by row with your manually input sales), you can sort and filter the range via formula in another column:
With some filter:

Solved: Extract date from my Substack webpage to Google Sheets

longtime lurker, first-time poster. I usually solve my issues & upvote without needing to post, but I've been stumped all weekend!
Edit: Erik solved it:
I was looking for an answer to extract the "datePublished" or "dateModified" from a Substack article in a Google Sheet.
Goal: This will tell me when it was the last date/time I updated, for example, my PS5 restock guide, my Walmart PS5 restock guide, etc. If it's too stale, I try to add relevant information. Having it in Google Sheets makes it streamlined as there are dozens of guides.
Test Google Sheet:
I've done this before for other sites I've worked at, but there appears to be no date in the meta data on Substack :/ (I could be wrong, as I'm no expert at reading XPATH)
I do see this in the body for the linked example:
<time datetime="2022-07-29T11:52:00.000Z">Jul 29</time>
I've been trying things like this (where E17 is where I put the article URL in Google Sheets) to no effect.
=REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(E17, "//time[#datetime='datePublished']/#content"), "(.+)T")
I've been mostly working off of this StackOverflow solution, but I haven't been able to apply the same finding to Substack's formatting.
If you want to grab it directly using a Google Sheets formula, this should work for you:
To set realistic expectations, I usually can't invest this much time into working out such a solution on this forum. But I'm on vacation at the moment and filling time while my guest is otherwise occupied.
One further note: this is specific to the two sites you gave as examples. It will only work for sites where the second <div> holds this information and only where the data exists as strings exactly like those found on these two sites (including the poster's last name as "Swider").
Looking at this further, did you try simply the following?
=IMPORTXML(C2, "//time")
(assuming your URL is in C2, etc.)
This seems to work for me, given that it appears the date/time data you want is contained within the first <time> element on the web page.

How to generate a filled PDF from Google sheets data from web form?

I've been asked to create an automated way to generate filled PDF reports from google sheet data that comes from a web form. I've been looking for places to start for a while and can't find anything helpful.
Is this something that Google can even do? Or would it have to be moved to another system like O365 or a custom app with something like filemaker? Are there any 3rd party apps that can take google sheet data and put it into a custom pdf?
I'm pretty new to this and am not really sure where to begin. Do you guys have any suggestions on what to read, places to go, or how to start? Thanks!
create form:
entered data will come into the spreadsheet...
use FILTER or QUERY to shift your incoming dataset as you need
export it like pdf:

Google sheets integration with Zapier: How to create a new spreadsheet based in a model

My workflow is the following:
When a new document is collected by my system I create a row in a Google Sheets to make a list.
I need to create a new Google Sheets when each row is created. And that Google Sheets must follow a specific template.
I tried to do that with Zapier and that works perfectly for blank sheets, however I need to use a template, I have formulas inside. The template is like this by the way.
Can someone help?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
I messed around with this a little bit and I don't believe it's possible using Zapier at this time. Because of the way our integration works, we need the headers available so we can place data.
I see that there's a "Create Column" action, which you might be able to use use in conjunction with a bunch of "create row(s)" actions, but I'm not positive it would work.
Sorry I don't have better news here. ​Let me know if you've got any other questions!

How to produce a print-ready report based on Google Spreadsheet

I have a Google Spreadsheet which stores data filtered from another Spreadsheet which in turn is a sorage of Google Froms questionnaire.
I'd like to produce a print-ready report on a filtered data, retreiving certain data columns and laying it out with some titles, decorations etc.
How can I produce such a report using Google tools?
In this article it explains pretty well how to: Google Apps Script to create PDF.
It made a predefined template of a Google Docs, copyed it and replaced predefined places with the info in the current line of the Spreadsheet, then convert to PDF. If you don't have a predefined length of elements, you can append new info on the documents with the body element.
Take a look at the AutoCrat add-on or Yet Another Mail Merge add-on.
