Updating boolean attr with ? before it is saved - ruby-on-rails

I have a Message model that has a boolean from_posting? attribute that defaults to false.
In some cases, I want to set this attr to true before the Message is saved.
def create
#message = current_user.sent_messages.build(message_params)
if params[:reply] == 'true'
#message.from_posting? = true
if #message.save
render json: #message, status: 200, serializer: MessageSerializer
render json: #message.errors, status: 400
But #message.from_posting? = true throws an unexpected = error. I can do #message.title ='something', but why can't I use attr_accessor to set the boolean value when the attr ends in a ??
I thought about saving the record and then updating from_posting? if I need to, but that just seems like an extra db write. I tried using #posting.toggle(from_posting?) but that throws an error on from_posting? as well.

I highly suggest the refactor suggested in the comments. Renaming the from_posting? field to from_posting is the correct course of action.
If a refactor is not possible, you should be able to use:
send('from_posting?=', true)
write_attribute('from_posting?', true)
#message['from_posting?'] = true
The last option is an alias of the second.
David Verhasselt has an excellent writeup of different ways for setting ActiveRecord attributes here.


Problem with selecting elements with the same params

What i do wrong? I want to return every products which pass condition:
def show
products = Product.select{|x| x[:category_id] == params[:id]}
render json: products
When i write
def show
products = Product.select{|x| x[:category_id] == 1}
render json: products
it works why the first example doesn't work?
I am pretty sure that there is mismatch in data type.
1=='1' #will be always false
1==1 #will be true
'1'=='1' #will be true as well
And also check for nil value from params[:id]
Please make sure to change as follows
def show
products = Product.select{|x| x.category_id == params[:id].to_i}
render json: products
The best solution as suggested by #Eyeslandic is to use .where as it will not check for mismatch in data type. And also you don't have to take care of nil value from params[:id].
You should really be using a where to stop sql from loading all your products.
#products = Product.where('category_is = ?', params[:id])
The being said, if you are sticking to rails restful conventions, the fact you have a param called :id that is the category_id suggests you are on the category controller. So maybe consider changing your logic to:
#category = Category.includes(:products).find(params[:id])
you can then access products via
or if your not interested in the category too much maybe
#products = Category.includes(:products).find(params[:id])&.products

How to create/update record if some variables are not set through strong params?

Some of the variables are required for a record but not included in the params. How to then create/update such a record? Would the code below be correct? I belief the new method works, but have doubts about the update method.
New record:
connect = Connect.new(update_params(connection))
connect.first_id = comp1.id
connect.second_id = comp2.id
Update existing record:
#If record exists, do this:
connect.first_id = comp1.id
connect.second_id = comp2.id
if connect.save
unless connect.update_attributes(update_connection_params(connection))
return render json: #organization, message: connect.errors.full_messages, status: :bad_request
Just write validations for these fields, on validation error(s) the record will not be saved and save will return false.
Common pattern is to render the form again, with errors, asking the user to correct
Your code for new record is correct, just check return value of save like for existing:
connect.assign_attributes update_connection_params(connection)
connect.first_id = comp1.id
connect.second_id = comp2.id
if connect.save
redirect_to somewhere_path
return render json: #organization, message: connect.errors.full_messages, status: :bad_request

Rails - Updating Boolean Attribute in a model on Create

I'm creating an app that lets users purchase items from an online store. I followed the RailsCasts episodes, and built my OrdersController like so.
def create
#order = current_cart.build_order(order_params)
#order.ip_address = request.remote_ip
if #order.save
if #order.purchase
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
flash[:notice] = "Thanks for your purchase"
redirect_to root_path
flash[:danger] = "Something was wrong"
redirect_to :back
render :action => 'new'
I recently decided to add an attribute to my items, which says whether or not they've been purchased or not. Items in the cart have not yet been purchased. I created a migration, giving all items a purchased attribute, that is a boolean.
By default, items are not purchased, so the default value is false.
class AddPurchasedToItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :items, :purchased, :boolean, :default => false
That's why I added this line of code to my Orders#Create action.
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
Here I was setting the value of purchased from false to true. However, when I load up rails console
=> false
It looks like the value still isn't being stored
As another response points out, you're using the == to assign a value, which isn't right. You need = instead.
And you have to save an item after you assign a value to it.
An example:
conditions = {email: Order.last.email} # using your conditions
item = Item.find_by(conditions)
item.purchased = true
item.save # this is what you're missing
Item.find(item.id).purchased # will be true
Another way to update is the following:
item.update_attribute(:purchased, true)
Yet another way is to call update_all on the ActiveRecord::Relation object like so:
# update all items that match conditions:
Item.where(conditions).update_all(purchased: true)
Which method you choose may depend on the scenario as update_all doesn't run the callbacks you specify in the model.
In your case however, all you're missing is the item.save line.
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
You're using a == operator to try to assign a value. Try using = instead.

How to create temporary attribute & use that in json reponse in rails active record

I am new to ROR.
I am having a controller where i am getting the search results in available_users variable..
availble_users //some active record result with id,name & address
available_users.each do |userstatus|
userstatus.class_eval do
attr_accessor :is_friend
if current_user.invitations.find_by(:friend_id => userstatus.id) //invitation is another table
userstatus.is_friend = "true"
userstatus.is_friend = "false"
render json: available_users
but when i am getting the response on ajax request it is serving the same array without including is_friend column.
here is my json response.
id: 2
name: abc
please can anyone figure me out why it is not appending this temporary attribute.
what you have will work if you pass the methods option to_json
render json: available_users.to_json(:methods => :is_friend)
Or you could do this
available_users.each do |userstatus|
if current_user.invitations.find_by(:friend_id => userstatus.id) //invitation is another table
userstatus["is_friend"] = "true"
userstatus["is_friend"] = "false"
render json: available_users
[]= is an alias for write_attribute

Not adding data to associated table

With the code below and entry is created in the venuetypes table with the correct *venue_id* and time stamps however, the type column remains as null
def new
#new1 = "gfdsgfd"
#venue = Venue.new
#venuetype = #venue.venuetypes.create(:type => "test")
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.json { render json: #venue }
Unless you've specified otherwise, rails expects a type column to be used for single table inheritance which is probably causing problems.
Also, venuetypes.create will only save the venue type if it is created successfully, as will the .save call afterwards. You have almost certainly got an error on the venue type which is causing it not to be saved. Try using .save! which will throw an error or by lookins at #venuetype.errors which will contain any error messages that have caused it not to be saved.
