NUnit - Mock Repository and test with dummy data -

I'm trying to establish a way of unit testing my service layer (& repositories) using some dummy data. I've seen examples of this before with Generic Repositories but I'm struggling to get something working whilst using a DatabaseFactory.
When I call the GetPhrase method from repository.Object I just get null back everytime.
I'm using NUnit and Moq. Any pointers on where i'm going wrong would be appreciated, or let me know if i'm better off going down a different road
e.g. Connecting to a local db for tests (SQL CE etc)
Here are the main components of the code:
public class PhraseRepository : RepositoryBase<Phrase>, IPhraseRepository
public PhraseRepository(IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory)
: base(databaseFactory)
public string GetPhrase(string phraseCode)
return this.GetMany(p => p.PhraseCode == phraseCode).First().Descript;
public interface IPhraseRepository : IRepository<Phrase>
string GetPhrase(string phraseCode);
public class CLPRiskPhraseService : ICLPRiskPhraseService
private readonly IPhraseRepository phraseRepository;
public string GetPhrase(string phraseCode)
return phraseRepository.GetPhrase(phraseCode);
public void GetPhrase()
var phrases = new FakePhraseData().GetPhrases();
phraseRepository.Setup(m => m.GetMany(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Phrase, bool>>>())).Returns(phrases);
var result = phraseRepository.Object.GetPhrase("H300");
// Assert
NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Description0", result);

Invoking phraseRepository.Object.GetPhrase("H300") in your test will always return null unless you set it up to return something different.
I think you're mistakenly thinking that this call to GetPhrase will invoke GetMany like the concrete PhraseRepository does, but you need to remember that it's just a mock of the interface IPhraseRepository. A method on a mocked object will always return the default value of the return type (in this case string) unless you use Setup to change the behavior of that method.


How to get the instance of an injected dependency, by its type using Umbraco.Core.Composing (Umbraco 8)

I need to find a way to get an instance of DataProcessingEngine without calling it's constractor.
I am trying to find a way to do so using the registered DataProcessingEngine in composition object (please see the following code). But I could not find a way to do so.
Anyone have a suggestion? Thanks in advance.
public class Composer : IUserComposer
public void Compose(Composition composition)
composition.Register<IDataProcessingEngine, DataProcessingEngine>(Lifetime.Singleton);
//DataProcessingEngine dataProcessing = compostion.Resolve<IDataProcessingEngine>()??//no resolve function exists in Umbraco.Core.Composing
public Task SaveImagesThread(IDataProcessingEngine dataProcessingEngine)//TODO - decide async
string dataTimerTime = WebConfig.SaveProductsDataTimer;
double time = GetTimeForTimer(dataTimerTime);
if (time > 0)
var aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(time);
aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(dataProcessingEngine.SaveImages);
return default;
For all of you who are looking for a way to call a function (that's defined in another class in your code, an Engine or ...) from the composer(where the app starts) and want to avoid calling this function's class' constractor. I've found another way to do so:
public class QueuePollingHandler
[RuntimeLevel(MinLevel = RuntimeLevel.Run)]
public class SubscribeToQueuePollingHandlerComponentComposer :
{ }
public class SubscribeToQueuePollingHandler : IComponent
private readonly IDataProcessingEngine _dataProcessingEngine;
public SubscribeToQueuePollingHandler(IDataProcessingEngine
_dataProcessingEngine = dataProcessingEngine;
public void SaveImagesThread(IDataProcessingEngine
And the logic explenation: You create a class (SubscribeToQueuePollingHandlerComponentComposer from the example) and define its base class to be ComponentComposer<Class_that_inherits_IComponent>.
And when you start the application you could see that it gets to the registered class' constractor (SubscribeToQueuePollingHandler constructor).
That's the way that I found to be able to call a function right when the application starts without needing to call its class constractor and actualy use dependency injection.

Bind registered name to component instance in structuremap

I am about to switch from Windsor to Structuremap for an existing project with ~100 registered components (mostly singletons).
All components inherit from a common base class that provides logging and health tracking and for this reason, contains a "Name" property used to identify component instances.
With Windsor, it was possible to set the component's Name property to the name that was used to register the component in the IOC container (We used a Facility for this).
My question: Is something like this possible with Structuremap?
(I dream of a call to c.For<IFoo>.Use<Bar>.Named("Doe") that magically results in instanceOfBar.Name = "Doe" somewhere.)
Here is what I tried:
using System;
using StructureMap;
using StructureMap.Interceptors;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
interface IServiceA { }
interface IServiceB { }
class Base
public string Name { get; set; }
class ComponentA : Base, IServiceA { }
class ComponentB : Base, IServiceB
public ComponentB(IServiceA serviceA)
this.ServiceA = serviceA;
public IServiceA ServiceA { get; private set; }
class SetNameInterceptor : TypeInterceptor
public bool MatchesType(Type type) { return true; }
public object Process(object target, IContext context)
// *** Any other way? This does not work...
string name = context.BuildStack.Current != null ? context.BuildStack.Current.Name : context.RequestedName;
((Base)target).Name = name;
return target;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Container container = new Container(c =>
c.RegisterInterceptor(new SetNameInterceptor());
var b = container.GetInstance<IServiceB>();
// both Fail:
Debug.Assert(((ComponentB)b).Name == "B");
Debug.Assert(((ComponentA)((ComponentB)b).ServiceA).Name == "A");
The above obviously does not work, I tried several variations but had no luck. The registered name of the target object does not seem to be consistently reachable via IContext.
My second best approach would be to define a new "NamedComponent(...)" extension method that resolves to Named(name).WithProperty(x => x.Name).EqualTo(name), but I wonder if this can be avoided to keep component registration as "structuremap-like" as possible?
Am I missing something?
I've never used WithProperty before but if it works the way I'd expect it should do the trick for you.
I think I would favor using EnrichWith though. Something like:
c.For<IFoo>().Use<Foo>().Named(name).EnrichWith(f => f.Name = name);
EnrichWith is a bit more explicit about what it's doing IMO, and lets you call any code on your instance before returning it to the caller. I like that this lets you do a straightforward assignment as well.
There is also a more complex handler you can use with EnrichWith that gives access to the context of the request - this would allow you to do something like this:
.EnrichWith((c, i) => {
i.Name = c.RequestedName;
return i;
This may be overkill for your situation but the contextual awareness can be pretty useful.

How to create ObjectQuery for testing EF4 'Include' method

We are using EF4 and creating test cases for DAL layer (DAL layer is having linq query). We are using TypeMock as mocking framework. For testing, we are creating Fakecontext of ObjectContext and mocking CreateObjectSet method as follows:
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fakeContext.Context.CreateObjectSet<User>)).WillReturnCollectionValuesOf(fakeUsers.AsQueryable());
The above is working fine. The issue is when we are trying to include related tables using 'Include'. We have extended the include method as follows:
public static IQueryable<T> Include<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T>> property)
var objectQuery = source as ObjectQuery<T>;
if (objectQuery != null)
var propertyPath = GetPropertyPath(property);
return objectQuery.Include(propertyPath);
return source;
So what happen is, in the above Include method the source type should be ObjectQuery<T>. But as we have mocked CreateObjectSet, source type in Include method is of Collection.Generic.List type. Kindly let us know how should we mock in the above case. Your timely help will be highly appreciable. Thanks
Object Services can be difficult to use when writing unit test. Unfortunately, there is not a good interface to mock for ObjectQuery<T> as you have found out. To handle this scenario I have created a wrapper class following the Repository pattern to encapsulate my ObjectContext and created a wrapper class to encapsulate ObjectQuery<T>:
public interface IMyObjectQuery<T> : IOrderedQueryable<T>
IMyObjectQuery<T> Include(string path);
public class MyObjectQuery<T> : IMyObjectQuery<T>
private ObjectQuery<T> _query;
public MyObjectQuery(ObjectQuery<T> query)
_query = query;
IMyObjectQuery<T> Include(string path)
//There is probably a better way to do this
//but you get the idea
return new MyObjectQuery(_query.Include(path));
//Implement IQueryable, IEnumerable...
And then it is a matter of implementing a Repository wrapper for your ObjectContext. Here is a link to get you started.
Add something like this:
public class MyRepository : IMyRespository
public IMyObjectQuery<T> CreateQuery<T>()
return new MyObjectQuery(_context.CreateQuery<T>());
This is probably not the simple solution that you were looking for, as it is not a trivial task. I think you will find that if you don't you will continue to encounter difficulty writing tests.

Unit Testing on a Repository with Generic Parameters

Let's say I have a Generic Repository class along the lines of the following:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
IObjectSet<T> source;
public Repository(IUnitOfWork transactionHandler)
source = transactionHandler.CreateObjectSet<T>();
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
return source.AsQueryable<T>();
public void Add(T entity)
//blah blah other methods
I am having trouble wrapping my mind around how (or even if?) I would unit test this.
Visual Studio generates a combo of tests that I can understand for the above implementation of GetAll
public void GetAllTest()
GetAllTestHelper<SomeExpectedType>();//expect this to pass
GetAllTestHelper<SomeUnexpectedType>();//expect this to throw exception
//catch exception - check it is expected type etc.
public void GetAllTestHelper<T>() where T : class
IUnitOfWork transactionHandler = IUnitOfWorkFactory.GetUnitOfWork();
Repository<T> target = new Repository<T>(transactionHandler);
IQueryable<T> actual = target.GetAll();
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(IQueryable<T>));
The idea being - I can prove that calling this method returns an IQueryable of type T. I can also prove that it throws an InvalidOperationException for a type that an IObjectSet cannot be generated for (also required/desired).
For the Add method I am going round in circles.
For the 'why' - why have a test - I think I want to prove that I can add a type of T to the repository and then prove it has been added to the DB.
For the 'how' - using the VS default as above, I get something along the lines of
public void AddTest()
public void AddTestHelper<T>() where T : class
IUnitOfWork transactionHandler = UnitTestHelper.GetUnitOfWork();
Repository<T> target = new Repository<T>(transactionHandler);
T entity = default(T);
target.Add(entity);//throws exception - value cannot be null
So my question is
a) how would you unit test this repository?
or possibly
b) would you test this repository?
a) how would you unit test this repository?
A mock framework such as Rhino Mocks or Moq could simplify the task of unit testing this class. It would be used to mock the IUnitOfWork interface that is passed to the constructor of the repository.
For example here's how a typical unit test of the Add method for this repository might look like using Rhino Mocks:
public void Add_Should_Use_AddObject_On_Underlying_Source()
// arrange
var uofStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IUnitOfWork>();
var objectSet = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IObjectSet<string>>();
uofStub.Stub(x => x.CreateObjectSet<string>()).Return(objectSet);
var sut = new Repository<string>(uofStub);
var entity = "foo bar";
// act
// assert
objectSet.AssertWasCalled(x => x.AddObject(entity));
As far as the automatic combo of tests generated by Visual Studio are concerned IMHO that's probably one of the most useless ever feature in VS.
b) would you test this repository?
Yes, absolutely.

How to use methods in ObjectContext class, if I use IObjectSet<T> for unit test?

I am using EF4 with POCO and trying to make it testable architecture.
So I create IObjectContext interface as follow :
public interface IObjectContext
IObjectSet<Employee> Employees { get; }
IObjectSet<Team> Teams { get; }
void Commit();
Then I changed type of properties to IObjectSet in my real ObjectContext class as follow :
public partial class HRManagementEntities : ObjectContext, IUnitOfWork
// skip some codes here...........
public IObjectSet<Employee> Employees
get { return _employees ?? (_employees = CreateObjectSet<Employee>("Employees"));
private IObjectSet<Employee> _employees;
public IObjectSet<Team> Teams
get { return _teams ?? (_teams = CreateObjectSet<Team>("Teams")); }
private IObjectSet<Team> _teams;
public void Commit()
In my service layer, consume EF like this :
public class Service
private IObjectContext ctx;
public HRService(IObjectContext ctx)
this.ctx = ctx;
public List<Team> GetAllTeams()
return ctx.Teams.ToList();
Here is my problem, How to call methods in ObjectContext for example, ApplyCurrentValues(), ExecuteStoreCommand(), and so on... ?
Do I need to implement those methods in the IObjectContext to use?
As RPM's advice, I created following extension method for ApplyCurrentValues() method, another methods could be extended in same way.
public static T UpdateModel<T>(this IObjectSet<T> iObjectSet, T currentEntity) where T : class
ObjectSet<T> objectSet = iObjectSet as ObjectSet<T>;
if (objectSet == null || currentEntity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
return objectSet.ApplyCurrentValues(currentEntity);
You need to create extension methods for the methods you need, and cast the IObjectSet to ObjectSet.
For instance, if you need to do .Include (eager loading), use this extension method:
public static IQueryable<TSource> Include<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string path)
var objectQuery = source as ObjectQuery<TSource>;
if (objectQuery != null)
return source;
You could probably do the same thing for IObjectContext, but not sure why you are even mocking this out. You should not expose the OC to outside the repository, only the repository should know about the OC.
In your example, your service is calling ctx.Teams on the entities/repository.
IMO your service should be calling ctx.Find, which would be strongly-typed (via generics) to the Teams object context. (IRepository)
A common trap is to over-mock things. Don't mock everything just for the sake of it, mock the functionality which you require for unit testing.
If you want to abstract out the Object Context then use the Unit of Work pattern.
