Best way to store Trivia game data? - ios

I'm creating an iOS trivia game that will have between 1,000 - 10,000 questions in it. Each question will have only two possible answers, so the amount of data per question will be very small.
I'm wondering if I should use Core Data to store the questions or if I can use a large dictionary that I populate when the app loads up?
Would either of those choices work or is there a better solution I haven't considered?

The 'best' way to store these questions depends heavily on your internal data structures, memory usage and source data structures.
How do you receive the questions? If they are an XML then you might like to preserve that structure and implement an XML parser. If Excel format, export to CSV and read from that. JSON: load into an NSDictionary.
If you want to add these into Core Data or sqlite and the source questions are in a different format, you will have to write a parser and importer. Then, if you update questions you will have to create a merge policy etc.
Personally, if you can keep the original format of the data without complicating code/exceeding memory I would keep it simple and go for that - that way, you can replace the source file and it will just work.


Offline app data [duplicate]

I have created an app using ionic and cordova and now I want to remake it on iOS. I am working with iOS for the first time, and I cannot figure out how to store data.
For example: I have a form where user has to input some data, but the inputs are not in one view, there must be several views. I used to create empty array and just put everything step by step, but now i can't use same view controller on multiple views. Tried to do it with core data, but core data cannot store arrays. My object would look something like this:
var sampleArray = (
duration: 13,
dayOfTheWeek: Thursday,
personList: [
(name: Rocky,
age: 26),
(name: Ralph,
The question would be: How could I make an input form which would be on several views and where should I store the data, and later I would be able to store all the data into core data?
You can work with persistent data in several ways on iOS.
User Default
This is a tool that is used to store small amounts of information like user settings, preferences etc. Don't use it for data that will scale with application usage (e.g. like notes in notepad app). Documentation will answer all your questions about User Defaults.
You have Core Data as an out of the box solution which is build on top of the SQLite and takes some time to learn, but from my experience it's worth the effort. You are free to use pure SQLite or other database type, but it requires more code and probably custom frameworks.
Text files
You can use arbitrary XML, JSON or CSV files to store your data. Tooling is rich (e.g. NSXMLParser or SwifyJSON just to name two) and if you look on Github, you will find what you need. You can also use build in combination of NSCoder and NSKeyArchiver / NSKeyUnarchiver which are easy to grasp.
Binary files
Finally, for a local storage you can use binary files i.e. images. This is too advanced topic to cover here, but I want to share an example of Open Raster file format. It is used to save informations for drawing apps (eq. GIMP) and inside, it is basically an XML file and a bunch of images compressed to zip and named as .ora file. Creating your own specification for a hybrid format is not that hard.
Network repository
Just to not overlook other methods, you can use remote database API to store data outside of the device, but of course you need your own host and some backend skills.
I hope I didn't miss something important. I just wanted to sum up this knowledge in one place for future reference.
As the first comment says, your question is quite large.
When you say 'one form on several view', I consider it as 'one form per view'.
Keep It Simple S... ;)
(Except if you use page control for your form.)
Basically, you have three ways to store data :
NSUserDefaults :
Store data in Dictionary for later use
File :
Save data to a File (why not .csv like ?)
CoreData :
You can persist arrays as binary data in Core Data
There are numerous tutorials on these topics. site is a good one to begin...

iOS Application: Portable Data Storage of many Key/Values

What is a good way to store many key/value pair entries in a mobile (iOS) application, such that they can be easily exported/imported?
I have considered a single large JSON file - would this be too slow/large with 200,000+ entries?
I have also considered CoreData - but could the data be moved easily via, for example, email?
Think of an address book. Contacts can be easily imported/exported, what data storage model would be comparable?
Thank you.
EDIT: Examples
Notes - be able to select and view short notes in a table. Each note is < 100 characters.
Saved bookmarks - each bookmark is stored in a table.
I have considered a single large JSON file - would this be too
slow/large with 200,000+ entries?
I don't know. I can make a guess. The guess would be yes, it's both too large and too slow. However, you can always test it to find out.
I have also considered CoreData - but could the data be moved easily
via, for example, email?
That depends on how you want to share the data. You call email easy?
Core Data is a framework. You can use any type of backend you want (you can even write your own). The most common is probably SQLite.
If you use Core Data, you can keep the data files in a separate subdirectory and copy them just like any other file.
However, if you want to share data via an online service, you may want the ability to import/export JSON files.
If you are talking about synchronization, then that's a different beast entirely.
Basically, there is no single right answer. You have to assess your requirements, and then determine which solution meets your needs.
On the surface, it seems like using Core Data would be a good fit, but it depends on how you want to use the data in your application. Only you know that answer.

How to store user data iOS

I need to store data that the user can add, they can add an unlimited amount. They can either be NSStrings or UIImages. I have looked into NSUserDefaults but it seems that it is used for small amounts of data such as settings or preferences.
What would be the best/most secure way to store the users information so that when they close the app it is still in the app. The data populates a UITableView and is a NSMutableArray.
Whats the best way to do this?
There must be a dozen ways to store user data in iOS. Here are several:
Property lists: An easy way to store a graph of common data storage objects and containers. This is a good place to start if you're just learning the iOS ropes.
NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver: Provides an easy way to serialize and deserialize your objects to/from a chunk of data, which you can then write/read using NSData's methods.
NSFileHandle: Read and write data in whatever format you like using a nice Objective-C API. More generally, you should read up on the iOS file system.
UIDocument: A full-featured starting point for managing user data, including syncing with iCloud.
Keychain: Not a general purpose data storage mechanism, but if you're storing sensitive items like passwords, credit card numbers, etc., you should use the keychain API.
POSIX file API: Good old C file handles with the read and write functions you learned in college, if you went to college before Java was a thing.
SQLite: According to the web site: "SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world."
Core Data: A powerful (but also somewhat complex object graph manager. This is a good choice if you have many different pieces of related data to store.
What would be the best/most secure way to store the users information
so that when they close the app it is still in the app. The data
populates a UITableView and is a NSMutableArray.
Best is subjective -- you'll need to consider your needs and look at the various options. For many people, though, best means least painful or easiest to learn. As mentioned above, property lists may be the way to go in that case. If your array contains simple data (strings, data, dates, numbers) in standard containers (arrays or dictionaries), your file I/O can be as simple as something like this:
// writing
[myArray writeToFile:somePath atomically:YES];
// reading
myArray = [[NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:somePath] mutableCopy];
You should use Core Data. There is a very good, free beginners course online avaibable called cs193p, see here, it is also available through iTunes U. It's really worth the time to watch and easy understandable.
If you have only some array you can check plist. is verry simple and powerful.
This is a great resources: Should I use NSUserDefaults or a plist to store data?

Using a .txt file to store data in iOS?

I am making a few apps that all require pre-set data to be loaded into the app. This data does not need to be changed or altered in any way as the app progresses - it is simply the data that the app runs on (to give more detail, it is questions for a quiz app). I have elected to use .txt files to store this data, but I wanted to know if this is the best way to do this? Text files allow me to easily change the data without coding. I can also copy and paste from normal documents. Is storing data in this way a good practice, or should I try to hard-code the data/ use a p-list?
The answer to this question depends a lot on how you want to implement your code.
.TXT files might work well, but what happens to the memory requirements when you pass a certain number of questions (e.g. more than 100, or even 10?). Also, what kind of structure are you using in memory to hold the question? If it's a NSDictionary or NSArray, perhaps a .plist file might work better for you.
Raw NSData, or some proprietary format, might work best if you have a lot of non-modifiable questions and you want to try to compress the data down as much as possible (which is a consideration on the low memory / low disk space iPhones).
CoreData might come in handy if you want to store a lot of questions and answers, especially those that users are manually entering in or managing.
For something like this, I will typically use JSON files, and then use Apple's JSON parsing framework.

iPhone local storage -- Core Data, NSFileManager, ...?

I am making a simple iPhone app that will basically be an editor.
As such, I need some way to store the documents the user creates.
Since on iPhone, the concept of the filesystem is not present for the user, I searched around to see what I should use.
I found this question & answer that basically says to use Core Data, but I recently found out about NSFileManager.
My question simply is, for user-created documents, what is the best storage system to use? Traditional files by using NSFileManager? Core Data? Something else?
Personally, I would use CoreData because it will abstract away all of the file-management code for you. If you are making simple text documents then this isn't such a big deal, but if you are working with a complex document architecture (i.e., a collection a numerous objects) then it can save you a lot of effort.
If the user wants to export their document it is very easy to write a function to do so with your CoreData objects.
The only downside to CoreData is that if you are using non-standard attributes it can get a little bit tricky, but it is certainly not a deal breaker in most cases.
People create document formats without CoreData all of the time, so there are plenty of examples out there, and it will just come down to personal preference. There really isn't any generalized right answer to this - it a design decision that should be evaluated on a per-app basis.
If all of your data for displaying the file is contained in one long string (like HTML) then I would recommend that you use the file manager, since it will be easy to get a list of files in a certain directory to display to the user for opening. However, if they are not self contained (like NSAttributedString, which has many stored formatting regions along with the actual content) then you should use CoreData, as it will be easier to keep all the pieces together.
