Frequently Accessed Objects/Classes - ios

Within my Swift application, there are two classes that I interact with in almost 75% of the app. One is a set of settings called UserSettings, and the other is called Job. These both are stored in sqllite.
Most of the time it's just reading values already set, and on one areas it also writes. It seems strange to have to keep reinstantiating my settings and job services to communicate with my database to get back to me the same object i'm accessing across the board.
In a case like this, the options to me see to be either
constantly reading/writing to the database, or
do some sort of singleton accessed throughout the entire app.
I'm not sure how much Swift changes anything in terms of arriving at an answer to this question, but I wanted to seek the help of Stack Overflow. How do I set an object that I can access throughout the entire app? Or is it not ideal and instead I need to get it from my db every time?
Thanks so much.

I recommend you to read how core data works, I know you are managing your own store, but the architecture works fine. As a summary you can create a "context object"(this could be your singleton) who interacts with your store (sqlite) creating managed objects, you will work with this objects who are associated with the "context object", and when ever you need to save the changes, you ask the "context object" to write all the managed objects in the store.
Your managed objects need to be only a copy of the "context object" objects, so when you ask to "save" data to the "context object" you only copy back this managed objects. This will help with save multithread coding. (Your context object should work on a serialized queue).
Again this is just a summary, you should read how core data works to get a better picture.
Read this blog:
The difference is that you only need one store and one context object.


CoreData in-memory setup with MagicalRecord 3

Hello I'm using CoreData + MagicalRecord 3 to manage the data in my app. Until then everything was working fine, but then I realize in production than my app is freezing like hell !
So I started to investigate knowing about the fact that to not stuck the UI, it's better to have a main context and a background context and save stuff in background etc...
Nevertheless I have to question due to my setup. I use CoreData in-memory store system (for the best performance) and I don't care about storing the data on disk of my app, I'm fine with a volatile model that will be destroyed when the app is killed or in background for too long. I just want to be able to find my data from any view controller and without coupling.
So I have few questions :
1) If I would use 1 unique context, what would happen if I NEVER save it to the memory store ? For instance if I MR_createEntity then I retrieve this entity from the context and update it, is it updated everywhere or do I have to save it so it can be updated ? In other term was is the interest of saving for in-memory where you don't want to persist the data forever ?
2) If I use 1 unique context that I declare being background, if I display my screen before my data is finished to saved, the screen won't be able to find and display my data right ? Unless I use NSFetchResultController right ?
1) you want to save your data even with an in memory store for a couple of reasons. First, so that you can use core data properly in the case where you might change your mind and persist your data. Second, you'll likely want to access and process some data on different threads/queues. In that case, you'll have to use Core Data's data safety mechanisms for threads/queues. The store is the lowest level at which Core Data will sync data across threads (the old way). This may be less important if you use nested contexts to sync your data (the new way). But even with nested contexts, you'll need call save in order for your changes to merge across contexts. Core Data doesn't really like it when you save to a nil store.
2) You can make and use your own context for displaying data. NSFetchedResultsController does a lot of the leg work in listening for the correct notifications and making sure you're getting very specific updates for the data you asked for in the first place. NSFRC is not always necessary, but will certainly be the easiest way to start.

Core Data: Objects that might be saved or discharged

In updating an application with Core Data, a new functionality is a async process to synchronize informations between the app and the backend.
The problem is that in the app some NSManagedObject are built while doing a wizard process, at the end of the wizard the user can "save" or "discard" .
This means that the if the synchronization process is made during a wizard some objects can be saved to the persistent store with incomplete data and they "can't" be discharged (due to the save call at the the end of sync).
In the older version it wasn't an issue since the sync was a manual process.
I'm thinking about different solutions, the simplest is to delete the object if the user press cancel at the end or during the wizard, but I'm wondering if there is another better solution that can be useful in other similar cases.
I've found this question related to the issue:
How to Deal with Temporary NSManagedObject instances?
How to use Core Data models without saving them?
In the first question the suggestion is to leave the managed object context to nil while creating an NSManagedObject instance and adding its value before saving the object, but reading the comments it doesn't seems to work well, probably when your object has also some relationship with objects that have a managed object context and mine would.
Someone says also to create a child managed object context, but M. Zarra seems to not liking it ( and if you bought a Core Data book, you know that Marcus knows "something" about Core Data)
The second suggests to create an in-memory new store, but it doesn't explain how to move the object from one to another, I'm guessing a sort of copy would be fine.
Which one could be the best approach? I'm looking to a minimum refactoring and regression solution.

From UIManagedDocument to traditional Core Data stack

I created a new App using UIManagedDocument. While on my devices everything is fine, I got a lot of bad ratings, because there are problems on other devices :(
After a lot of reading and testing, I decided to go back to the traditional Core Data stack.
But what is the best way to do this with an app, that is already in the app store?
How can I build this update? What should I take care of?
I think you may be better off to determine your issues with UIManagedDocument and resolve them.
However, if you want to go to plain MOC, you only have a few things to worry about. The biggest is that the UIMD stores things in a file package, and depending on your options you may have to worry about change logs.
In the end, if you want a single sqlite file, and you want to reduce the possibility of confusion, you have a class that simply opens your UIManagedDocument, and fetches each object, then replicates it in the single sqlite file for your new MOC.
Now, you should not need a different object model, so you should not have any migration issues.
Then, just delete the file package that holds the UIManagedDocument, and only use your single file sqlite store.
Basically, on startup, you try to open the UIManagedDocument. If it opens, load every object and copy it into the new database. Then delete it.
From then, you should be good to go.
Note, however, that you may now experience some UI delays because all the database IO is happening on the main UI thread. To work around this, you may need to use a separate MOC, and coordinate changes via the normal COreData notification mechanisms. There are tons of documents, examples, and tutorials on that.
Thanks for your answer. My problem with these issues is, that I'm not
able to reproduce them. All my Devices are working fine. But I got a
lot mails, about problems like this: - duplicate entries - no data
after stoping and restarting the app - some say, that the app works
fine for some days and stops working(no new data). These are all
strange things, that don't happen on my devices. So for me the best
way is to go back to plain MOC. My DB doesn't hold many user generated
data, all the data is loaded from a webservice, so it's no problem to
delete the data and start of using a new DB. – Urkman
Duplicate entries. That one sounds like the bug related to temporary/permanent IDs. There are lots of posts about that. Here is one: Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs
Not saving. Sounds like you are not using the right API for UIManagedDocument. You need to make sure to not save the MOC directly, and either use an undo manager or call updateChangeCount: to notify UIManagedDocument that it has dirty data that you want to be saved. Again, lots of posts about that as well. Search for updateChangeCount.
However, you know your app best, and it may just be better and easier to use plain Core Data.
Remember, if you are doing lots of imports from the web, to use a separate MOC, and have your main MOC watch for DidSave notifications to update itself with the newly imported data.
UIManagedDocument is a special kind of document, an UIDocument subclass, that stores its data using Core Data Framework. So it combines the power of document architecture and core data capabilities.
You can read more about document based architecture from Document Based App Programming Guide for iOS and I recommend WWDC2011 Storing Documents in iCloud using iOS5 session video. I also recommend Stanford CS193P: iPad and iPhone App Development (Fall 2011) Lecture 13.
What is created when you call saveToURL:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: is an implementation detail of UIManagedDocument and UIDocument and you should not really worry or depend on it. However in current implementation a folder containing an sqlite database file is being created.
No. All entities will be contained in a single database file also more generally called: a persistent store. It is possible to use more than one persistent store, but those are more advanced use cases and UIManagedDocument currently uses one.
UIManagedDocument's context refers to a NSManagedObjectContext from underlying Core Data Framework. UIManagedDocument actually operates two of those in parallel to spin off IO operations to a background thread. When it comes to the nature of a context itself here's a quote from Core Data Programming Guide:
You can think of a managed object context as an intelligent scratch pad. When you fetch objects from a persistent store, you bring temporary copies onto the scratch pad where they form an object graph (or a collection of object graphs). You can then modify those objects however you like. Unless you actually save those changes, however, the persistent store remains unaltered.
But it really is a good idea to take a look at the lectures and other material I posted above to get a general picture of the technologies used and their potential value to you as a developer in different situations.

Optimal way of syncing Core Data with server-side data?

I have what I would presume is a very common situation, but as I'm new to iOS programming, I'm not sure of the optimal way to code it.
I have data on a server which can be retrieved by the iPhone app via a REST service. On the server side, the data is objects with a foreign key (an integer id number).
I'm storing the data retrieved via REST in Core Data. The managed objects have an "objId" attribute so that I can uniquely identify the managed objects in the rest of my code.
My app must always reflect the server data.
On subsequent requests made to the server:
some objects may not be returned, they have been deleted on the server - in which case I need to delete the corresponding objects from Core Data - so that I'm reflecting the state of the server correctly.
some objects have attributes which have changed, therefore the corresponding managed objects need updating with the new data.
my solution - and question to you
To get things going in my app, I made the easiest solution of deleting all objects in Core Data, then adding all new objects in, created with the latest server side data.
I don't think this is the best way to approach it :) As I progress on with my app, I now want to link up my tableview with NSFetchedResultsController, and have realised that my approach of deleting everything and re-adding is not going to work any more.
What is the tried and trusted way of syncing Core Data with server side data?
Do I need to make a fetch request for each object id I get back from the server, and then update the object with the new data?
And then go through all of the objects in core data and see which ones have not been updated, and delete those?
Is that the best way to do it? It just seems a little expensive to do a fetch for each object in Core Data, that's all.
Pseudo code is fine for any answers :)
thanks in advance!
Well, consider your download. First, you should be doing this in a background thread (if not, there are lots of SO posts that talk about how to do that).
I would suggest that you implement what makes sense first, and then, after you can get valid performance data from running Instruments, consider performance optimization. Of course, use some common sense on "easy" performance stuff (your design can take care of the big ones easily enough).
Anyway, get your data from the online resource, and then, for each object fetched, use the "unique object id" to fetch the object from core data. You know there is only one object with that ID, so you can set fetchLimit to 1 on your fetch request. You can also configure your "object id" attribute to be an INDEX in the database. This way, you get the fastest search from the underlying database, and it knows to stop looking once it finds your one object. This should be pretty snappy.
Now you have your object. Change any attributes necessary. Save, rinse, and repeat.
Furthermore, for several reasons, you may want to know when objects were last updated. I'd suggest adding a timestamp to each object that gets changed with the current time every time an object is changed. This will also help in deleting objects. Since your online database does not tell you which objects are deleted, you must have some way to know that an item is "old and no longer needed."
An easy way to do this is to remember the time you started your update. After processing all objects from the download, you now have a way to find all the objects that were deleted from the online database. Basically, any object with a "last update" timestamp before the time you began the update should be removed (since they were not added or modified in the last update). You can also index the database on this field, which will make finding those objects faster - unless your database is huge, I'd wait to see what Instruments has to say about this one though.

Best way to 'dump' a Core Data stack?

My app needs to be able to disconnect from a server and connect to another one at whim, which necessitates dumping whatever persistent store we have. Issue here is that releasing the 'main' managed object context means whatever objects in it that I have laying around fault, which causes all sorts of unexpected little issues and crashes.
Is there a better way to 'reset' my stack/managed objects littered around the program than just calling release on everything in my Core Data stack?
You need to close down you Core Data stack from the top down.
Make sure that no managed objects are retained by any object other than the managed object context e.g. make sure the objects aren't held in an array owned by a UI controller.
Save the managed object context to clean up any loose ends.
Fully release the context and nil it. The context should never be retained by more than one object e.g the app delegate, anyway.
Send removePersistentStore:error: to the persistent store coordinator.
Use standard file operations to delete the actual store file.
Changing Core Data like this on the fly is difficult because Core Data isn't just a little database hung off the side of the app. It is intended to serve as the apps entire model layer. Since Apple is really into Model-View-Controller design, then the model is the actual core of the program (hence Core Data's name.) As such, you can't really turn it on and off the way you would a mere SQL database.
You might actually want to rethink your design so that you can change servers without having to shut down your entire data model. E.g. simply delete all managed objects associated with an unused server.
If you mean you want to fault all objects so they will be fetched again from your persistent store,
[managedObjectContext reset];
