SelectList 4 signatures vs 9, oh dear -

I have a VS Solution that contains the following ASP.NET MVC projects:
Under Company.Domain I put my models, modules and abstract classes. I have one module where I generate and return a SelectList object. This SelectList object takes several parameters of which one is GROUP. If I move this class to my Company.WebUI project (which is a ASP.NET MVC 5 web app) and I hover my mouse over the SelectList keyword I see it accepts 9 signatures. However, if I hover my mouse over the same keyword in my Company.Domain (a class based project) I see only 4 possible signatures.
SelectList requires System.Web.MVC which is imported into the class.
Weird problem.
How can I fix this under Company.Domain?
This is the line it's failing on, it's complaining "Overload resolution failed because no accessible NEW accepts this number of arguments."
AddToCache(aKey, New SelectList(GetListFromDB(SQL), "Value", "Text", "Group", Nothing, Nothing))
The question was answered by #BilalFazlani. Domain was running System.Web.Mvc version 4.0 and WebUI running 5.2.2. Updated Domain and now all works.

Check the version of MVC you have referenced in Domain project and compare it with MVC version of WebUI.
The newer version of MVC has more overloads of SelectList compared to the older version


How to find Target of ASP.NET MVC RedirectToAction?

I am a contractor working on code that has been created/changed by 5 contractors prior to me over the last 5 to 8 years. It is an ASP.NET MVC 5.2 project built on .Net Framework 4.5.2.
Microsoft doesn't seem to give me a good way to locate the target. Take this snippet of code for example in the EmployeeController.cs file:
[HttpPost, ActionName("LoginConfirmations")]
public ActionResult LoginConfirmations(Login employee)
TempData["email"] = employee.Email;
TempData["password"] = employee.Password;
return RedirectToAction("ViewEmployeeConfirmation");
I can't seem to find anything called ViewEmployeeConfirmation, EmployeeConfirmation, or ViewEmployee using a text search.
Neither the Model nor the View folders seem to have this exact route (I have been placing break points at likely spots in the code, but they are not being hit).
How do I determine where ViewEmployeeConfirmation is routing to?

what is namespace for Compare attribute MVC 4?

i need to write a registration form and need to [Compare] attribute for my Confirm Password field.
i'm using MVC 4 .
Is there this attribute in mvc 4?
if answer is yes what namespace need to use?
As of MVC4, the [Compare] attribute is potentially in two different namespaces:
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations (with Framework 4.5).
The Mvc version is IClientValidatable and all the benefits that brings - front end validation etc..
With Asp.NET Mvc 5 the System.Web.Mvc one is marked as obsolete, which may be something to bear in mind if you are going to be migrating upwards soon.
If your model mixes the two namespaces above, you can expicitly choose which one to use my using the full namespace - e.g. [System.Web.Mvc.Compare( .. )]

Data layer(Models) is MVC MEF

I made my ASP.NET MVC 5 project modular(pluggable) with MEF
In my website users come and can install new plugins, delete them or update them
I don't know what to do with my data access layer(I mean where should my models place)?
if I create a new project for my models every time a user install/delete/update a plugin that project show update and it's not good because dll is running,
what can I do?
please help me
Instead of have one class for one entity you can have for example 3 classes for all:
Type (Id, Name)
Property (TypeId, DataTypeId, Value)
PropertyValue (PropertyId, Value)
It's very flexibly approach but less fast because of number of tables and queries.
So when your customer want to add plugin you just crate new Type, add it's properties and their values.

Can you split an MVC Area across two projects?

I have an Asp.Net MVC 3 website written in VB.Net. We want to migrate to C#, the plan being to write all new code in C#, and rewriting old code as and when it's amended.
I created a new C# MVC 3 project in the solution. Within this project I am using Razor Generator to help compile the views into the resulting assembly. I reference the C# project from the VB one. The VB project runs as the main site.
This set up works 90% beautifully. However, if an Area already exists in the VB project, I can't seem to extend it in the C# project. It appears that the whole Area has to exist in either one project or the other.
Does anyone know if it is possible to serve 1 area from 2 projects?
I had to work around this by creating a route in the area registration of the VB.Net project.
The Area Registration file in the C# project needed to be removed, and the route in the VB.Net project uses a slightly different URL pattern. When creating the new route the Namespace that the C# controllers reside in need to be set. The new route also needs to be declared before the default route for the area.
It is entirely possible, and what you are doing is correct. I would surmise that your routes are not set up correctly. You will have to specify the namespaces in the routing in your VB project.
In your AreaRegistration code:
Public Overrides Sub RegisterArea(ByVal context As AreaRegistrationContext)
New With {.action = "Index", .id = UrlParameter.Optional},
New String() {"MyCompany.MyAmazingCSProject.Areas.Users.Controllers",
End Sub
Remember that VB namespaces have the added complication of root namespaces, which work differently to the Default namespace of C# projects, so if you're working with both, you need to be consistent.
A VB project with a root namespace of MyCompany.MyAmazingVBProject has this namespace in code:
Namespace Areas.Users.Controllers
which maps to MyCompany.MyAmazingVBProject.Areas.Users.Controllers, whereas the equivalent namespace in C# would have this code:
namespace MyCompany.MyAmazingCSProject.Areas.Users.Controllers { ... }

Issues During ASP.NET MVC Upgrade from Preview 5 to Beta?

What issues or refactoring did you have to do when you upgraded from ASP.NET MVC Preview 5 to the newly released Beta version?
Issue number one: Yellow screen of death.
CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Solution: I removed all references in my project and re-added them, pointing to the assemblies in program files\\ mvc beta\assemblies, but that didn't solve the problem.
I had a system.web.mvc dll in the gac (no idea how). Tried to delete it. Unable to; assembly is required by one or more applications. Had to find the assembly as described here and delete the registry entry. I was then able to remove the gac's version of system.web.mvc.
This STILL didn't fix the problem. I had to RE-ADD the references AGAIN. Now its working.
Just to be clear!!! The beta assemblies were dropped under Program Files, while an older version of System.Web.Mvc was in the GAC.
I'm about to do this myself. Here's the list of changes from the readme:
Changes Made Between CodePlex Preview 5 and Beta
Changed the default validation messages to be more end-user friendly.
Renamed CompositeViewEngine to AutoViewEngine.
Added a Url property to Controller of type UrlHelper. This makes it convenient to generate routing-based URLs from within a controller.
Added the ActionNameSelectorAttribute abstract base class, which serves as the base type for ActionNameAttribute. By inheriting from this base attribute class, you can create custom attributes that participate in action selection by name.
Added a new ReleaseView method to IViewEngine that allows custom view engines to be notified when a view is done rendering. This is useful for cleanup or for view-pooling scenarios.
Renamed the ControllerBuilder method DisposeController to ReleaseController to fit with the pattern that is established for view engines.
Removed most of the methods on the HtmlHelper class, converting them to extension methods of the HtmlHelper class instead. These methods exist in a new namespace (System.Web.Mvc.Html). If you are migrating from Preview 5, you must add the following element to the namespaces section of the Web.config file:
<add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html"/>
This makes it possible for you to completely replace our helper methods with your own.
Changed the default model binder (DefaultModelBinder) to handle complex types. The IModelBinder interface has also been changed to accept a single parameter of type ModelBindingContext.
Added a new HttpVerbs enumeration that contains the most commonly used HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD). Also added a constructor overload to AcceptVerbsAttribute that accepts the enumeration. The enumerated values can be combined. Because it is possible to respond to HTTP verbs that are not included in the enumeration, the AcceptVerbsAttribute retains the constructor that accepts an array of strings as a parameter. For example, the following snippet shows an action method that can respond to both POST and PUT requests.
[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post | HttpVerbs.Put)]
public ActionResult Update() {...
Modified the RadioButton helper method to ensure that every overload accepts a value. Because radio buttons are used to specify a choice from a set of possible values, specifying a value for a radio button is necessary.
Made modifications and fixes to the default project template. This includes moving script files to a new Scripts folder. The default template uses the ModelState class to report validation errors.
Changed action-method selection. If two action methods match a request, but only one of those has an attribute that derives from ActionMethodSelectorAttribute that matches the request, that action is invoked. In earlier releases, this scenario resulted in an exception.
For example, the following two action methods are in the same controller:
public ActionResult Edit() {
public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection form) {
In Preview 5, a POST request for the Edit action would cause an exception, because two methods match the request. In the Beta, precedence is given to the method that matches the current request via the AcceptVerb attribute. In this example, the first method will handle any non-POST requests for the Edit action.
Added an overload for the ViewDataDictionary.Eval method that accepts a format string.
Removed the ViewName property from the ViewContext class.
Added an IValueProvider interface for value providers, along with a default implementation, DefaultValueProvider. Value providers supply values that are used by the model binders when binding to a model object. The UpdateModel method of the Controller class has been updated to allow you to specify a custom value provider.
I experienced the same problem as Will and had to do similar things as him, including copying the dlls to the bin folder.
Now things are working in the internal server but are causing IIS7 to crash.
Ok, it turns out one of the major problems is that I missed the step to update the compilation assemblies in the web.config:
<add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
All i had to do was update the assemblies from
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC Beta
Also get the most recent Microsoft.Web.MVC from codeplex
to update my futures assembly too.
add in 2 lines to the web.config
This one to the <assemblies> Section:
<add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
This one to the <namespaces> section:
<add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html"/>
Then i had to update all the <%using (Html.Form()) to <%using (Html.BeginForm())
On one code file i had to add the System.Web.Mvc.Html; namespace
My stuff is based on Rob Conery's MVC Storefront, so anyone using that should be able to follow the above.
Hope it helps someone out there.
Disregard this... I'm a loser - it's Microsoft in program files... not just
Maybe this should be a second question, but I think keeping it all in one place might help.
When running the Beta installer nothing ends up changing on my PC. I don't see the folder in the Program Files folder... no assemblies are added to the GAC... even the installer gets to the last step and then hangs for around 10 minutes or so.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled a couple times now without any luck.
Anyone having a similar problem?
The problem with AutoFac has now been resolved in Revision 454 of the AutoFac code base
Im trying to find out how the new ModelBinder works, as far as I can see it's very different, but i haven't managed to find out how it works yet..
My old looked like:
public class GuestbookEntryBinder : IModelBinder
#region IModelBinder Members
public object GetValue(ControllerContext controllerContext, string modelName, Type modelType, ModelStateDictionary modelState)
if (modelType == typeof(GuestbookEntry))
return new GuestbookEntry
Name = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["name"] ?? "",
Website = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["website"] ?? "",
Message = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["message"] ?? "",
return null;
The new one looks like:
#region IModelBinder Members
public ModelBinderResult BindModel(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Any hints?
I use Autofac as my DI container. A null container exception gets thrown when trying to dispose of the container objects.
Yup, also use Autofac as DI container.
Get same issue as this guy
No idea if a fix is possible but cant continue until this is fixed ......
After struggling with this for most of the day, I figured I'd post my solution here. Maybe this is normal Visual Studio behavior but I never noticed it before...
On my existing project, I actually had to manually move the Beta files to the Bin folder. For whatever reason, just browsing to it with Add Reference wasn't working...
Html.TextBox - value now is object, not string.
So, hidden errors possible (not at compile time and even not at runtime), for example I've used this overloaded method earlier Html.TextBox(string name, object htmlAttributes). Now my attrs go into textbox value.
About the Autofac issue. There is a thread on the autofac discussion group about the need to update the controller factory to be compatible with the Beta release of the MVC framework
I hope they post a new version very very soon :-)
When I upgraded from Preview 5 to Beta I had difficulty locating the generic overloads of ActionLink. It appears that those are not included in the main release of ASP.NET MVC but are being shipping as "futures".
I found the necessary assembly (Microsoft.Web.Mvc) #
There is a breaking change in the ViewContext constructor. It has changed from:
ViewContext(ControllerContext context, string viewName, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData)
ViewContext(ControllerContext context, IView view, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData)
This broke my code because I am using MvcContrib.Services.IEmailTemplateService, which takes a ViewContext in its RenderMessage method. To get an IView from the template name, I am doing the following:
var view = ViewEngines.DefaultEngine.FindView(controllerContext, viewName, null);
Not sure if this is the best practice, but it seems to work.
This is now broken:
<%=Html.TextBox("Name", new Hash(#class => "required"))%>
In Preview 5 the above would bind the value of ViewData.Model.Name to the textbox. This still works:
But if you want to specify html attributes, you must also specify the value as follows:
<%=Html.TextBox("Name", ViewData.Model.Name, new Hash(#class => "required"))%>
Actually this is not really safe. If there is any chance ViewData.Model might be null you need to do something like this:
<%=Html.TextBox("Name", ViewData.Model == null ? null : ViewData.Model.Name, new Hash(#class => "required"))%>
This change seems counter to the Beta release notes:
" order to reduce overload
ambiguity...the value parameter was changed
from object to string for several
helper methods."
The value parameter for TextBox used to be string, and it was changed to object. So to avoid ambiguities they had to remove the one overload that I use the most. :(
IMHO, every HTML helper method should have overloads that allow binding in all cases without specifying the value. Otherwise we will end up with inconsistent view code that will confuse future devs.
If you are using Html.Form from the futures assembly (Microsoft.Web.Mvc) you might get a name collision on the FormMethod enum. For example:
Html.Form<FooController>(c => c.Bar(), FormMethod.Post, new Hash(#class => "foobar"))
This will complain that FormMethod is an ambiguous reference between Microsoft.Web.Mvc and System.Web.Mvc. This is quite sad because IMHO BeginForm does not provide a viable option due to its lack of an override that uses a lambda expression. Your only option is to use magic strings, which resist refactoring.
The best solution, it seems, is to put the following into every view that uses FormMethod:
<%# Import Namespace="FormMethod=Microsoft.Web.Mvc.FormMethod"%>
Ugh. Hopefully this is temporary. I expect that the futures assembly can be changed to use the enum from System.Web.Mvc. Or much better yet, hopefully they overload BeginForm to use expressions.
It seems that Html.Image is broken. As of preview 5 it was moved to the futures assembly. I cannot imagine why. Anyway, the error is:
Method not found: 'Void System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper..ctor(System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext)'
The best solution I can see is to replace this:
<%=Html.Image("~/Content/Images/logo.jpg") %>
with this:
<img src="<%=Html.ResolveUrl("~/Content/Images/logo_350.jpg")%>" />
What Will said above, except that in addition to deleting the assemblies from the GAC and re-adding the references I also had to run the Beta installer again (putting the right assemblies in the GAC this time, though I'm just using a file reference).
I suspect if I'd deleted the Preview 5 assemblies from the GAC (and I've no idea how they got in there either) before I ran the installer, everything might have been OK. Worth trying.
In the unlikely event that anyone else out there is as daft as me and working on Vista, you may not need to do the registry hacking above in order to delete the old assemblies - just run gacutil from an admin command prompt. Doh!
I found that updating the web.config namespaces element with the namespaces from a blank project fixed my problems. I also had to update my ModelBinders due to the interface change.
