Made In app purchase Using with Device token or Apple ID - ios

I am implementing In-App Purchase in my app and test around the existing apps to get some ideas. But I found a scenario which I am quite confused on it.
I have installed an iOS app and purchased the particular levels. Later I uninstall this app, sign out from existing iTunes store account and sign in again with another apple id, then reinstall that app again (same app). Here i can again i need to purchase the particular levels.But my doubt is In-App purchase method we can use based on the purchase Apple ID or Device token ?
If the user can purchased with Apple ID ,then the user can login with another device they no need to purchased again but one user can purchase app and user can login to another users Devices is the one problem..!why because another users no need to purchase.
And if we set the Device token, based on the in-app purchase user can only login that device only ,they can't login another devices with same Apple ID,here it is a problem.
I am quite confused on it... so is the purchased items tied on device if we use multiple apple ids on same device?
I understand that I can restore my purchased items on different devices using same apple id. But how about multiple apple id on multiple devices? If I have 2 apple id associated on an device, I use one of them purchased item, but later I use these 2 apple id login to another device, am I still need to pay again to download items I have purchased on previous device?
Please let me know if my questions are not clear... I hope someone can give some idea on sharing purchased items against different devices and apple ids.And which one use the in-app purchase.
Any suggestions and comments are welcome. Thanks a lot.

IAPs fall into two categories - consumable, and non-consumable.
Non-consumable purchases (purchase level 10-15 of a game, upgrade to pro, etc) are synced across devices by the system, and are restored by the system. They are tied to the Apple ID.
Consumable purchases (purchase 5 gold coins) are NOT synced or restored. Your application needs to remember that the purchase has been made, and store information about that so that a backup and restore correctly restores the user's state. If the user uninstalls and then reinstalls, they have lost any previous consumable purchases (but they will retain all non-consumable purchases, and your application can query for these). You can, of course, sync all information about consumable purchases to your own server, but you would then need to have the user create an account with you. This would allow you to sync consumables between devices.
The Device ID (which you can't get, anyway) has no relevance.
See for more discussion.

If the IAPs are non-consumables (or autorenewables) they can be 'restored' by the user (i.e. the app would execute a restoreCompletedTransactions or refreshReceipt). I believe that the username/password log-in required to restoreCompletedTransactions (or refreshReceipt) must be the same username/password as the person who downloaded the app onto the device. Given that requirement, I still believe that a single 'purchaser' can share their single purchase of a non-consumable IAP on many devices.


while creating an ios app with in app purchase, i have a query

As we all know that once we purchased apple subscription plan from a device with Apple id the same will be resume on other device if have login with that same Apple id.
But here we need that every time the user will login on different device with the same Apple id or different Apple Id, we want's the to user purchase the subscription plan. e.g., If user has purchased 2 Subscriptions then he will be able to use app on two different devices So for that we created multiple subscription products.
Can someone help how we can create multiple products for same functionality So that Apple can approve it.
That would go against Apple's guidelines for allowing users to restore their in app purchases on any new or existing devices.
Users restore transactions to maintain access to content they’ve
already purchased. For example, when they upgrade to a new phone, they
don’t lose all of the items they purchased on the old phone.

Different purchases in Apple receipt

I.m testing my app with in-app purchases. For testing i'm using two devices, each logged with the same iTunes account, i've purchased (in sandbox) some products, but when i retrive the receipt and verify it with Apple server, i've noticed that the purchases are not the same, but the account is the same.
Is this the normal behaviour?
In-App-Purchases are bound to an user account, not a device.
You can't buy non-consumable products more than one time anyway.
Non-consumable products are purchased only once by a particular user. Once a non-consumable product is purchased, it is provided to all devices associated with that user’s iTunes account. Store Kit provides built-in support to restore non-consumable products on multiple devices.
Apple require that purchases be restorable on every device that is associated with a common account and that the user be allowed to reinstall the software and restore the purchase on the same device as many times as they like.
In 99.99% of cases, iTunes accounts are linked to credit card details. People therefore tend not to share them. In theory you could use the same login on more than one devices but you'd run the risk of whatever anti-fraud measures Apple have in place flagging up a potential card theft.

Is it possible to offer Apple's In App Purchases on an app that offers multiple user log-ins

We're designing an iPad app at the moment which offers in-app purchases for non-consumable items.
As the scope of the project has expanded, we want to allow the option to sign in to an account, and then sign out of that account and into another - similar to how one could on an app like the Facebook app.
My question is: is it possible to link Apple's in-app purchases to one of our system's user accounts, so that a User may sign in to a different device and access their purchases, but if another User signs in to my device, they cannot access my purchases (despite the device being signed in to my Apple ID)?
Any suggestions welcome
All completed in app purchases are tied to the Apple ID that was used at the time of the transaction. Since non-consumable in app purchases can only be purchased once, you can't use those. So, the only option would be to use consumable in app purchases and keep track of which system user account made the purchase. You need to store those purchase records on an external server somewhere though, since Apple will have no way of telling you which purchase went to which of your internal users. If you lose that purchase history your users will have to buy the item again, and probably not be very happy.

Prevent iOS in app purchase being shared between devices

I intend my app to gain access to my server after the in-app purchase is complete. This access requires real work, and data & traffic ($$).
A typical client might own anywhere up to a couple of hundred devices (and I assume on one account, for their simplicity).
Thus I only get the one payment across many, many devices interacting with the server.
I'm not trying to be stingy - but can I prevent multiple devices sharing the same purchase (in my case server access)?
Or do I implement another method for selling access?
You'll have to implement another method. Apple's guide explicitly states that:
Users can restore products that they previously purchased—for example, to bring content they’ve already paid for onto their new phone.
If the same iTunes account is associated with more than one device then Apple requires any purchases to be available on all those devices.
#Tommy is correct - regarding non-consumable IAPs. However, you could implement a non-recurring subscription in-app purchase instead and give each device a unique identifier. When the user attempts to access the server, you could see if that identifier is in your database (if the user has purchased the IAP), and determine whether or not they need to purchase a subscription. Even though you may not want a subscription-based service, you could probably make a membership for a very long period of time like 10 years (it's not required to be selected in iTunes Connect) and handle it that way. Only issue is that you need to figure out a way to give each device a unique ID that won't change.
Further to the #Tommy answer, in the February 3, 2014 version of Apple's Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X it says:
There are a handful of important guidelines to keep in mind as you design your application:
- You must make your In-App Purchase items available to all of the devices registered to a user
Users view the items they purchase as theirs to keep and permanent. Therefore be sure
purchased items are available in all instances of your app running on all the devices the user
owns, even after your app is deleted from a device, reinstalled, or downloaded to a new device.
For Non-Renewing Subscriptions, [blah, blah, blah]..
Additionally, your application must include a mechanism to deliver the purchased Non-
Renewing Subscription In App Purchase to all iOS devices owned by a single user.
Looks like there is no way to restrict items to a single device :(

How to detect if user has made any in-app purchases?

My iOS app has in-app purchases (consumable) and shows ads periodically. The idea is to remove ads after user has purchased anything. But in-app items are consumable, so after user re-installs the app, I would be unable to determine if he has purchased anything using [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];, right? And I would bomb him with ads again...
What would you suggest to find out that the user has purchased anything already?
Well when a user re-installs your app (i.e. delete it and install it again) there is no immediate way of knowing what purchases did he made. That's why Apple requires your app to provide a way to restore previous purchases so that when the user performs this operation he restores these purchases for free.
For consumable items you might need to use a server for managing the purchases such that when the app loads it checks with the server which purchases the user has made and immediately enable the relevant content.
I do not know if mandatory but "Remove Ads" IAP should be non-consumable so the user will only need to purchase it once (Otherwise I believe users will complain or just won't buy it).
Some creative ways can be found here : iPhone - in-App purchase consumable correct approach
As an improvement on the situation, you could store the fact that a purchase was made in NSUserDefaults. That won't survive if the user uninstalls and reinstalls the app, but at least it survives if the user buys a new phone and restores a backup to transfer everything to the new phone.
You could have a look at Cloud Kit as well, which would store information per AppleId. It's a bit overkill for the problem, but it means you can use Apple's servers instead of your own for free. There would be a difference that if a user installs your app on six devices, makes a consumable purchase on one device, ads will stop on all of them.
